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Program Veterans History Project

Story Maps

Story Maps at the Library of Congress are immersive web applications that tell the incredible stories of the Library’s collections through narrative, multimedia, and interactive maps.

The presentations here provide a guided exploration of some of the diverse collection materials available online from the Veterans History Project. These story maps tell the many stories found in our collections through narrative text, multimedia, and interactive maps.

  • Story Map on Vietnam

    Sense of Place: The Vietnam War

    The diverse environments of the Vietnam War, from the perspective of American veterans
    by Justina Moloney
    The Veterans History Project (VHP) collections explored in this guide focus on common places that Vietnam War veterans experienced through the personal stories, photographs, and correspondence of seven veterans found in VHP's collections.
    Please note: There is no CSV file to accompany this Story Map.

  • Story Map on the Art of Correspondence

    The Art of Correspondence

    Envelope Art from the Veterans History Project
    by Justina Moloney
    The Veterans History Project (VHP) collections explored in this guide focus on a sometimes overlooked canvas used by veterans - the envelope. All of the collections explored in this guide feature the artistic talents of men serving in World War II.
    Please note: There is no CSV file to accompany this Story Map.

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