Article Finder — Looking for a specific article, journal or book?
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Book Title
Enter the title of the book you need. Select the best search type for your needs -- begins with, exact match, or contains. Omit beginning articles (such as "the," "los," "der"). Example: Theory of Art for A Theory of Art
Enter the ISBN (International Standard Book Number) of the book you need. The ISBN is a unique 10- or 13-digit identifier for books and book-like products. Please enter ISBNs without hyphens. Example: 0309041392 for 0-309-04139-2
Book ID
If the book you need has been assigned an identifier -- such as a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) or PMID (Pub Med ID) -- select the identifier type, then enter the identifer information. Example:DOI: 10.1787/350127644870
Enter the name (last name, first name, initials) of the author who wrote the book you need. If multiple authors wrote the book, enter the first author's name. Example: Last name: Angelou First name: Maya
Year Published
Select the year of publication for the book you need. Example: 2012
Enter volume and part information, if appropriate. Convert Roman numerals. Example: 45