Researcher Resources

  • Research Guides Reference staff and subject-matter experts at the AFC create research guides that enable discoverability and access to collection materials and resources managed by the Center. These guides offer geographic orientation to materials—such as state, country, or region–or take on a topical approach that draws on genre, cultural activity, or identity group. We strive to update guides as new collections become available, and also to…
  • Story Maps Staff at the AFC have been using the Story Map platform to create curated entry points into our online collections that are rich in context and audio-visual content. Story Maps at the Library of Congress are immersive web applications that tell the incredible stories of the Library’s collections through narrative, multimedia, and interactive maps. Preferred browsers are Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, or…
  • Finding Aids Whenever possible, AFC staff create finding aids for collections using the Encoded Archival Description (EAD) standard. These guides provide comprehensive overviews of unique Library resources. Progressively detailed descriptions of a collection's component parts summarize the overall scope of the content, convey details about the individuals and organizations involved, and list box and folder headings. Special service conditions are noted, including terms under which the…