Researcher Resources

  • Research Guides This page contains guides and pathfinders that help users navigate the rich and diverse Asian collections housed at the Library of Congress. These include research guides to collections organized by language, and sub-collections grouped by format, subject, topic, historical period or acquisition source.
  • Story Maps Create inspiring, immersive stories by combining text, interactive maps, and other multimedia content. Publish and share your story with your organization or everyone around the world.
  • E-Resources & Databases This research guide to the Library’s growing body of Asian studies electronic resources points users to hundreds of subscription databases and freely available online resources. While subscription databases are only accessible when connected to the Library free WiFi network, whether in the Asian Reading Room or elsewhere on the Library of Congress campus, freely available online resources can be accessed from anywhere. The Asian…
  • Custom Databases Bibliography databases prepared by Library of Congress Asian studies specialists offer user-friendly ways to search and find resources within certain parameters.