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Research Center Law Library of Congress


Our databases research guide describes frequently used legal research subscription databases and free online resources. While subscription databases are only accessible when onsite at the Library of Congress in Washington, DC, freely available online resources can be accessed from anywhere.

Complete list of Library's Databases and eResources

LibGuide: Law Library of Congress Databases

The Library of Congress provides access to a broad range of databases and electronic resources (eResources). We have prepared this guide for users conducting legal and legislative research, to help direct them to eResources related to their research topic. 

General Resources

These subscription legal research tools provide access to numerous primary and secondary law sources, as well as legal news, directories, and forms.

US Legislative and Statutory Resources

These resources focus on US federal and state legislative and statutory research. Researchers will find links to the US Code, the US Statutes at Large, and legislative histories, among other materials.

US Judicial Resources

These resources connect researchers to information on law deriving from US federal and state courts (case law) as well as information about locating court dockets and filings.

US Regulatory Information

These resources focus on US regulatory law, which involves regulations created by federal government agencies. Researchers will find links to the Federal Register, the Code of Federal Regulations, and other documents related to agency regulations.

Foreign, Comparative, and International Law (FCIL) Resources

These resources provide information about foreign, comparative, and international law (FCIL) research.

Legal Periodicals and Indexes

The following resources provide access to legal periodicals (e.g. law reviews and bar journals) and indexes. Most of the databases are journal indexes that may or may not provide links to full-text journal articles.

Treaty Resources

These resources can assist researchers who are looking for the text of treaties to which the US is a party, and related materials.


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