Research Center Main Reading Room

Research Consultations and Orientations to the Library of Congress

We regularly offer consultations, webinars, and orientations to the Library of Congress research process. Led by reference librarians and subject specialists, these sessions serve as an introduction for researchers using the Library of Congress collections and resources.

Research Consultations

  • typically, a one-on-one session, focused on a specific research topic, subject, or assignment
  • content covered may vary depending on the specific needs of the researcher, but can include instructions on how to use Library of Congress Subject Headings and other sources for searching accurately by subject; information on how to find research guides, finding aids, published bibliographies and topical indexes in print and automated formats; referrals to other specialized collections or reading rooms; and more
  • can take place virtually or in person

Research Orientations

  • for groups
  • an overview of the Library's reading rooms and collections
  • guidelines on how to locate and request materials in a closed-stack library
  • suggestions on how to conduct research efficiently in the Library of Congress
  • instructions on how to use Library of Congress Subject Headings and other sources for searching accurately by subject
  • information on how to find research guides, finding aids, published bibliographies and topical indexes in print and automated formats
  • an overview of electronic resources, including subscription databases and archives
  • can take place virtually or in person

To request a session for you or your group, please submit a form to provide us with some basic information and we can start the arrangements. Once your request has been submitted, we will contact you to finalize the details for your session. No arrangements should be considered final until you have been contacted by a representative from the Main Reading Room. We may need to negotiate to find a date and time that works for everyone.

Individuals requiring accommodations for any of these events should submit a request at least five business days in advance by contacting (202) 707-6362 or


Library of Congress
Thomas Jefferson Building
10 First Street, SE
Washington, DC 20540


Public Hours
Monday through Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Friday, Saturday 8:30am - 5:00pm
Closed Sundays & Federal Holidays
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