Manuscript/Mixed Material Administrative, copyright clearances for documentaries, Radio Research Project manuscript collection
Image 1 of Administrative, copyright clearances for documentaries, Radio Research Project manuscript collection American Folklife Center Radio Research Project Manuscript Collection AFC 1941005 folder 039 administrative copyright clearances for documentaries correspondence clearances
- Date: 1941-01-01
Image 2 of Administrative, copyright clearances for documentaries, Radio Research Project manuscript collection April 6th 1 9 4 1 Mr Alo Moore Austin Te s Dear kf Moore 8y father John A Lormx for whom you have kung o pir y f io Bcngr j…
- Date: 1941-01-01
Image 3 of Administrative, copyright clearances for documentaries, Radio Research Project manuscript collection I i April 26th 1 c 4 1 Mr Alec kfooro AustiI1 Texas Deal Mr W ve My father Sohn A LUnh for xholr you have ung eo many fine songs is…
- Date: 1941-01-01
Image 4 of Administrative, copyright clearances for documentaries, Radio Research Project manuscript collection April 26th l 9 4 1 Mr E A Briggs Died ina Terms Dear Ur Br is My rather John A Lomax has gust completed a s i u of t lkt…
- Date: 1941-01-01
Image 5 of Administrative, copyright clearances for documentaries, Radio Research Project manuscript collection April 26th 1 9 4 1 Mr E A Briggs Medina Texas Dear Mr Briggs My father John A Loraix has Just completed x r iri s of z lkb bout folk…
- Date: 1941-01-01
Image 6 of Administrative, copyright clearances for documentaries, Radio Research Project manuscript collection April 26th 1 9 4 1 lil 1 f ells sar d Galax Va Dear Fields Fat3 er t fi j4 t cor21eyea an educaIIonall radio progrtza on recoodf called TIE BALLAD…
- Date: 1941-01-01
Image 7 of Administrative, copyright clearances for documentaries, Radio Research Project manuscript collection Argil 6th 1 4 1 Mr Fields Ward Galax Va Dcar Field2 Father just comiatcl za edctianral radio program on records called THE BALLAD IiWiTER in the course of this he talks…
- Date: 1941-01-01
Image 8 of Administrative, copyright clearances for documentaries, Radio Research Project manuscript collection April 26th 1 9 4 1 Sailor Dad Runt Marion ri 3 Dear Sailor Dtd My father Jol n A Lomax has just complal a radio program telling about his adventuxeas collecting…
- Date: 1941-01-01
Image 9 of Administrative, copyright clearances for documentaries, Radio Research Project manuscript collection April 26th 3 g 4 Sailor Dad Hunt r1 n Va Dear Sailor Dads q father John A Lou h 4s jurt completed a radio program telling about his adventurev collecting folk…
- Date: 1941-01-01
Image 10 of Administrative, copyright clearances for documentaries, Radio Research Project manuscript collection April 26th 1 9 4 y Captain Pearl R Eye Camp Charming Roscoe Ohio Dear Captain Nye Its been a long time s nce weve had news fromYou and I wonder how…
- Date: 1941-01-01
Image 11 of Administrative, copyright clearances for documentaries, Radio Research Project manuscript collection April 26th 1 10 4 1 Captain Pearl R Nye Camp Charming Roscoe Ohio Dear Captain Nye Its been a long time eiiice weve had news from you and I wonder how…
- Date: 1941-01-01
Image 12 of Administrative, copyright clearances for documentaries, Radio Research Project manuscript collection April 26th 1 9 4 1 MrDaikire Stubaefield co McGraw H411 Publirhing Co Rashin6totz D C Dear Blaine Its beer ycari since I i ve seen you sung your sorts from one…
- Date: 1941-01-01
Image 13 of Administrative, copyright clearances for documentaries, Radio Research Project manuscript collection April 26th 1 4 4 1 MrMinP Stvbblefield co McGrawHill Publi Shim Co Washington D C ear Blaine Its been year Fince Ive peen you but I have urn your song from…
- Date: 1941-01-01
Image 14 of Administrative, copyright clearances for documentaries, Radio Research Project manuscript collection cc Miss Olney Middlebury College Middlebury Vt Helen Harkness Flanders co Smiley Manse Springfield Vt April bthp 1 4 4 1 Mr Elmer George Fast Calaiu Vt Dear Mr Georget One of…
- Date: 1941-01-01
Image 15 of Administrative, copyright clearances for documentaries, Radio Research Project manuscript collection April 25th 1 R 4 1 Mr Henry Truvillion Vlir ton Texas Dear Henry Father has juot completed a radio program on re3corde which ell about his hunt for old tuna songs…
- Date: 1941-01-01
Image 16 of Administrative, copyright clearances for documentaries, Radio Research Project manuscript collection April 26th 1 9 4 1 Mr Henry Travillion terton Tems Dear Henry Father has just completed a radio program on records which tells about his hunt for old ties songs all…
- Date: 1941-01-01
Image 17 of Administrative, copyright clearances for documentaries, Radio Research Project manuscript collection April 26th 1 9 4 1 Mrs aaby Pickens Tartt Livingston Alabama Dear Mrs Tartt As father probably told you he made a series of fifteen minute programs using our folk song…
- Date: 1941-01-01
Image 18 of Administrative, copyright clearances for documentaries, Radio Research Project manuscript collection April 26th 1 9 4 1 Mrs Ruby Pickens Tartt Living ton Alabana Dear Mr a Tar tt s As father probibly told you tie made a series of fifteen minute trogMm…
- Date: 1941-01-01
Image 21 of Administrative, copyright clearances for documentaries, Radio Research Project manuscript collection ti Sirs t This letter covers the music cues used in the documentary series This is His tory which is being sent to you by the Library of Congress Most of the…
- Date: 1941-01-01
Image 22 of Administrative, copyright clearances for documentaries, Radio Research Project manuscript collection 2 LFDFOFD AND HIS FRIEUDS cunt 3 Goodbye little Bonnie Version of a 5 traditional tune Composed by Bob Fer guson and Arty Hall published by Bob Miller Inc ASCAP 4 Country…
- Date: 1941-01-01
Image 23 of Administrative, copyright clearances for documentaries, Radio Research Project manuscript collection Date Batten Bartnn Dnrstine Osborn Inc 383 Madison Avenue New York NY Attention Mr Dear Sirs I am asking you to let me present an idea suggestion or uncopyrihted work which I…
- Date: 1941-01-01
Image 24 of Administrative, copyright clearances for documentaries, Radio Research Project manuscript collection Date SOURCE FORM This form properly filled in must accompany first draft of script SOURCES TITLE AUTHOR PUBLISHER ARE ANY CHARACTERS IN SCRIPT LIVING PERSONS NAPE ADDRESS If you have quoted from…
- Date: 1941-01-01
Image 25 of Administrative, copyright clearances for documentaries, Radio Research Project manuscript collection MC GRAWHILL PUBLISHING COMPANYINC McGRAWHILL BUILDING 330 WEST 42NO STREET NEW YORK NY WASHINGTON OFFICE NATIONAL PRESS BUILDING PAUL WOOTON WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENT Mr Alan Lomax co Radio Research Library of Congress Washington…
- Date: 1941-01-01
Image 26 of Administrative, copyright clearances for documentaries, Radio Research Project manuscript collection I hereby give you permission to use the following folk songs which you were kind enough to record for the Library of Congress Folk Song Collection some time ago in making an…
- Date: 1941-01-01
Image 27 of Administrative, copyright clearances for documentaries, Radio Research Project manuscript collection April 1941 Radio Research Project Library of Congress Washington D C Gentlemen I hereby give you permission to use the following folk songs which you were kind enough to record for the…
- Date: 1941-01-01
Image 28 of Administrative, copyright clearances for documentaries, Radio Research Project manuscript collection April 1941 Radio Rzsaarch project Licrar of Congrees Vashlln on D C Gentlemen T hereby give you permission to we the fo llowtna folk congs which you were kini enough to record…
- Date: 1941-01-01
Image 29 of Administrative, copyright clearances for documentaries, Radio Research Project manuscript collection April 1941 Radio Reseexch Project Library of Congress Washington D C Gentlemen I hereby give you permission to use the following folk sang which you eoere rind enough to record for the…
- Date: 1941-01-01
Image 30 of Administrative, copyright clearances for documentaries, Radio Research Project manuscript collection April 1941 Radio Research Project Library of Congress Washington D C Gentlemen I hereby give you permission to use the following folk songs which you were kind enough to record for the…
- Date: 1941-01-01
Image 31 of Administrative, copyright clearances for documentaries, Radio Research Project manuscript collection April 141 Radio Research Project Library o Congress Washington D C Gentlemen I hereby give you permission to use the following folk songs which you were kind enough to record for the…
- Date: 1941-01-01
Image 32 of Administrative, copyright clearances for documentaries, Radio Research Project manuscript collection April 1942 Radio Resegreh Project Library of Congress a iiington D C Gentlemen I hereby give you permission to use the following folk songs which you were kind enough to record for…
- Date: 1941-01-01
Image 33 of Administrative, copyright clearances for documentaries, Radio Research Project manuscript collection April 1941 Radio Research Project Library of Congress Washington D C Gentlemen I hereby give you permission to use the following folk song which you were kind enough to record for the…
- Date: 1941-01-01
Image 34 of Administrative, copyright clearances for documentaries, Radio Research Project manuscript collection A April t 1941 Radio Research Project Library of Congress rashington D C Gentlemen i I hereby give you permission to use the following folk song which you were kind enough to…
- Date: 1941-01-01
Image 35 of Administrative, copyright clearances for documentaries, Radio Research Project manuscript collection April 1941 Padio Recearch Project Literary of Congross lachineon D C Gent Gwen I hereby give you permission to use the following Colic song uh ch ya cwre Und eiAou h to…
- Date: 1941-01-01
Image 36 of Administrative, copyright clearances for documentaries, Radio Research Project manuscript collection A Aprii 1941 Radio Research Pro set Library of Congress Washington D C Gentlement I hereby give you permission to use the following folk song which you were kind enough to record…
- Date: 1941-01-01
Image 37 of Administrative, copyright clearances for documentaries, Radio Research Project manuscript collection April 1941 Radio Research Project Library of Congress Washington D C Gentlemen I hereby give you pe ziasion to use the follofing00 folk songswhich you sere kind enough to recordefar the Library…
- Date: 1941-01-01
Image 38 of Administrative, copyright clearances for documentaries, Radio Research Project manuscript collection April 1941 Radio Research Project Library of Congress Washington D C Gentlemen I hereby give you permission to use the following folk sonEp vfhich you were kind enough to record for the…
- Date: 1941-01-01
Image 39 of Administrative, copyright clearances for documentaries, Radio Research Project manuscript collection April 1941 Radio Research Project Library of Congress Washington D C Gentlemen 4 I hereby give you permission to use the following folk songs which you were kind enough to record for…
- Date: 1941-01-01
Image 40 of Administrative, copyright clearances for documentaries, Radio Research Project manuscript collection April 1941 Radio Research Project Library of Congress Washington D C Gentlemen I hereby give you permission to use the following folk songs which you were kind 4nouCh to record for the…
- Date: 1941-01-01