Manuscript/Mixed Material Conversation with 13 year old white male, Detroit, Michigan (Transcript)
Image 1 of Conversation with 13 year old white male, Detroit, Michigan (Transcript) Begin M19 A(2)---W95 0445.1 What do you like to talk about? IN: Hot-rodding, mostly. FW: Hot-rodding, huh? No kidding! Do you have model cars of your own? IN: Yea. FW: IN: No.…
- Contributor: Unidentified - Shuy, Roger
- Date: 1967
Image 2 of Conversation with 13 year old white male, Detroit, Michigan (Transcript) O445.11 because there never been an H.O. track opened up for racing H.O.'s on these big old lanes like that. And, uh, the 1/32 scale, well, you can go to these places…
- Contributor: Unidentified - Shuy, Roger
- Date: 1967
Image 3 of Conversation with 13 year old white male, Detroit, Michigan (Transcript) 0445.21 puck away from them. I don't know what it was. I read it. I forgot about it now. FW: Hockey's a pretty rough sport,though, isn't it? IN: Oh, yes. You hear…
- Contributor: Unidentified - Shuy, Roger
- Date: 1967
Image 4 of Conversation with 13 year old white male, Detroit, Michigan (Transcript) 0445.31 you sick because they have swimming and everything, and you just have gym and, uhm, it's after school at the same time, and, well, it's okay. We learn very much in…
- Contributor: Unidentified - Shuy, Roger
- Date: 1967
Image 5 of Conversation with 13 year old white male, Detroit, Michigan (Transcript) 0445.41 pull-over shirt, and you have your tennis shoes, and you have your ball. FW: How about, uh, I was thihking of this equipment that stays in the park. Uh, the things…
- Contributor: Unidentified - Shuy, Roger
- Date: 1967
Image 6 of Conversation with 13 year old white male, Detroit, Michigan (Transcript) 0445.51 and I topped my boyfriend off three time in the first three semesters, and he was calling me baby and everything like that. I didn't care about it because I got…
- Contributor: Unidentified - Shuy, Roger
- Date: 1967