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Robert K. Bindig Collection
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "Mail!" [10/10/1944]
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Photo Album - 23 pages
Honorable Discharge, Robert K. Bindig [3/30/1946] - 1 page
Enlisted Record and Report of Separation [3/30/1946] - 1 page
Separation Qualification Record - 2 pages
The War Years, 1943-1946 - 42 pages
Letter from Bob Bindig to Sarah Rouse [undated] - 1 page
Eight comic strips drawn by Bindig of "The Mischievous Twins Bears," or "Mischievous Twins," which appeared for eight weeks in the children's section of two newspapers published for Koreans by the US - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "I'll walk alone" [10/9/1944] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "Wow! Two a day, that's love!" [10/9/1944] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "Mail!" [10/10/1944] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "Hurrah it's mailin'" [10/10/1944] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "We moved agin!" [10/11/1944] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "Please fellas!" [10/12/1944] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "No letter today" [10/13/1944] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "Friday 13 October" [10/13/1944] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, G.I. counting his pay [10/15/1944] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, An officer behind a desk talking to a G.I. - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "Joyce Kilmer was wrong" [10/17/1944] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "Sittin' on a log / Workin' like a dog / Feelin' oh so blue" [10/18/1944] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, Artist painting the address on the envelope [10/20/1944] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, Artist polishing apples [10/21/1944] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, Artist cutting paper doll [10/23/1944] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "Sort of giving me the needle, hey Doc!" [10/24/1944] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, While the artist sleeps, a beautiful woman comes to him in a dream [10/24/1944] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, The artist combs his hair, "This is Part I" [10/30/1944] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, The artist on the rear platform of a train waves goodbye to a woman "Part II" [10/30/1944] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, G.I. wearing a gas mask teases a skunk [10/31/1944] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "Pay Day" [11/1/1944] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "A new low in the field of art" [11/3/1944] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "Why are you so happy?" [11/4/1944] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, The artist depicted as an angel, emptying the latrine - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "Snailing! Snailing! Over the bounding state!" [11/11/1944] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "Bindig, he crossed Washington" - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "Should be getting' outta Montana any day now!" [11/11/1944] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "That's it gal!" [11/12/1944] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "She's comin'! She isn't!" [11/13/1944] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "I'll find one that comes out right yet" [11/13/1944] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "School days, school days" [11/14/1944] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "School daze, school daze" [11/15/1944] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "I studied for the anatomy class" [11/20/1944] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "Inpsection" [11/20/1944] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "Dr. Einstein I presume" [11/21/1944] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "Oh we'll all go to meet her" [11/22/1944] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "I'm lonesome I guess that's all" [1/13/1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "Please sir! I'll even give you a pack of cigarettes!" [1/16/1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "We looked everywhere for a place to live." [1/17/1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "On the move again" [2/26/1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "Welcome back to Ft. Lewis, Son!" [2/26/1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "I gotta inside job" [2/27/1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "I'll walk alone" [2/28/1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "More red tape" [3/1/1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "...And Paperwork" [3/2/1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "They say a guard should keep cool--WOW!" [3/4/1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "Mail at last!" [3/5/1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "Beginning to look like rain again" [3/8/1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "Self portrait: Gold Brick" [3/9/1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "I'm not on guard" [3/10/1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "All dress in brown and going to town" [3/12/1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "I should have joined the Navy" [3/13/1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "Ft. Lewis, Washington: Bob Bindig swept here!" [3/14/1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "Glad to see you, you old bag!" [3/15/1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "This job just doesn't appeal to me!" - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "Sure and it's the wearing o' the green" - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "This is a lonely way to spend a Sunday" - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "Tonite I had a date with lot'sa girls!" - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "Spring, It's Wonderful" [3/21/1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "I dare someone to call me Gravel Gertie" [3/22/1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "At dawn's early light!" - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "Gee, you draw real good!" [3/24/1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "I dream of you" [3/26/1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "Hi ya Bud!" [3/27/1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "That there mail call is quite the thin" [3/28/1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "Gulp!" [3/30/1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "Ah! You scent such nice letters." [3/31/1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "Natural Looking Huh?" [4/6/1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "Bivouac yes! Bivouac no!" - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "Why so low, Mac?" [4/8/1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "I gotta take a furlough!" [4/9/1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "Who's excited about a furlough?" [4/10/1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "Artist admiring photo of his newborn son" [4/11/1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "Great to be back, ain't it?" [5/7/1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "Life without you is an incomplete thing" [5/8/1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "California here I come" [5/9/1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "Something wrong, Sir?" [5/12/1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "So this is a California sunshine bath!" [5/13/1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "Look it, Gal! I'm a dog gone paratropper!" [5/14/1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "I don't remember the name but the face is familiar!" [5/15/1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "Smile pretty!" [5/16/1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "Eenie, Meanie, Mynie, Moe, I wonder just where I will go!" [5/17/1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "Do you get the point, Soldier?" [5/18/1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "This is a lovely day to have a furlough!" [5/19/1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "Waiting to clear the table" [5/22/1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "Tramp, Tramp, Tramp along the Highway!" [5/23/1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "Scram! I tell you I'm going to make this hike." [5/24/1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "Eager beaver!" [5/25/1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "Oh if I had the wings of an angel" [5/26/1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing on envelope, "As you can see this scarlet fever quarantine doesn't bother me at all" [5/27/1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing and explanatory text, "After a week on the ocean" [6/1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing and explanatory text, "On the Pacific Ocean" [6/10/1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing and explanatory text, "Still on the Pacific" [6/14/1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing and explanatory text, "Way up there in the blue, I'll bet you're lonely too," Manila, Philippines [1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing, "You like my pineapples, Joe!" Manila, Philippines. [1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing, "Proper Gander!" Manila, Philippines. [1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing and explanatory text, "Huba! Huba! Joe!" Manila, Philippines. [1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing and explanatory text, "Chewing gum, Joe!" - 1 page
Collage of illustrations from veterans' letters - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing, "Buffalo Boy Makes Good," Camp Grant, IL [circa. 1943-1944] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing, "Wish I could wrap myself up like that and send me home to you!" Camp Grant, IL [circa. 1943-1944] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing, "No letters today" Camp Grant, IL. [circa. 1943-1944] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing, Artist with music notes swirling around his head, Camp Grant, IL [circa. 1943-1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing, "I've a kitten back home that likes petting, too!" Camp Grant, IL [circa. 1943-1944] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing, "The light that never failed!" Camp Grant, IL [circa. 1943-1944] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing, "It's really nothing sir!" Manila, Philippines [1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing, "Hey! You guys are reading that sign wrong!" Manila, Philippines. [1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing, "Ya got me wrong Sarg!" Manila, Philippines. [1945] - 1 page
Colored pencil drawing, The artist with a devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other. Manila, Philippines. [1945] - 1 page