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Normand Henry Carleton Collection
Envelope depicting a rabbit saying "Aw!! Happy Easter to y'all." [3/6/1944]
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Interview / Recording - Video - 00:38:49.1
Interview / Recording - Images with Text
Photo Album - 109 pages
Draft card for Normand Henry Carleton [1942] - 1 page
Notice mailed to Lora Carleton that her husband, Normand, had arrived at Fort Benning, GA [12/12/1942] - 1 page
Special orders #12, granting Officers a leave of absence [2/19/1943] - 1 page
Special Orders #12 granting Marksmanship Awards [2/19/1943] - 1 page
Furlough for Normand H. Carleton [May 13, 14 1944] - 2 pages
Change of address postcard for Normand Carleton - 2 pages
Special Orders #131 - 1 page
Special Orders #55 - 5 pages
"Tiger's tale", newspaper of the 10th Armored Division, Camp Gordon, GA [2/25/1944] - 4 pages
List of members of the 10th Armored Division - 2 pages
Roster of Headquarters and HQ Battery - 3 pages
Soldier's Individual Pay Record for Normand Carleton - 5 pages
Commendation [3/5/1945] - 1 page
Telegram informing Lora Carleton that her husband, Normand, had arrived in Le Havre [12/18/1945] - 2 pages
V-mail wishing Lora Carleton a Merry Christmas [12/26/1945] - 2 pages
Telegram informing Lora Carleton that her husband. Normand, had arrived in Camp Kilmer, NJ [1/5/1946] - 2 pages
Diary belonging to Normand H. Carleton [1945] - 67 pages
Envelope with art work [2/17/1944] - 1 page
Envelope with art work [2/20/1944] - 1 page
Envelope with art work [2/21/1944] - 1 page
Envelope with a drawing of Dagwood Bumstead [2/22/1944] - 1 page
Envelope with art work depicting the state of Connecticut [2/22/1944] - 1 page
Envelope with art work titled "Umm....Sugar Report." [2/23/1944] - 1 page
Envelope with art work [2/23/1944] - 1 page
Envelope with art work [2/29/1944] - 1 page
Envelope with art work titled "Barking up your tree" [3/2/1944] - 1 page
Envelope with art work depicting a radio announcer from a Connecticut station [3/3/1944] - 1 page
Envelope with art work depicting a soldier with his back turned to the viewer, titled "Thinking of you" [3/4/1944] - 1 page
Envelope with art work of a dopey-looking PFC saying "Hi" [3/4/1944] - 1 page
Envelope with art work depicting a large man falling down, titled "Oops!! Another one for...Mrs. Lora Carleton" [3/9/1944] - 1 page
Envelope with art work depicting a soldier writing a letter, titled "Let's see..." [3/10/1944] - 1 page
Envelope with art work depicting Dagwood Bumstead as an Army censor [3/11/1944] - 1 page
Envelope with art work depicting a mail man delivering an oversize letter to Lora Carleton [3/1944] - 1 page
Envelope with art work depicting a mail room clerk with an oversize letter, titled "How's this for size?" [3/1944] - 1 page
Envelope with art work depicting a soldier with his back to the viewer, talking on the phone, titled "I'm calling for..." - 1 page
Envelope with art work depicting a man sitting at a desk, his chin resting on his hand, titled "Here's the letter you're waiting for" [3/16/1944] - 1 page
Envelope with art work depicting Dagwood Bumstead holdwing an oversized letter, titled "He certainly misses his..." [3/21/1944] - 1 page
Envelope depicting two soldiers in a speeding jeep, titled "Hey...slow down, I don't wanna lose Lora's letter" [3/24/1944] - 1 page
Envelope depicting a sleeping soldier, titled "Dreaming of you" [3/27/1944] - 1 page
Envelope depicting two soldiers on guard duty, titled "Let's guard this extra good" [3/28/1944] - 1 page
Envelope with art work, titled "Yep...For Lora Again" [4/4/1944] - 1 page
Envelope with art work, titled "It's for you again" [4/5/1944] - 1 page
Envelope depicting a rabbit saying "Aw!! Happy Easter to y'all." [3/6/1944] - 1 page
Envelope depicting two soldiers staring at the address, titled "I sure would like to be heading there" [n.d.] - 1 page
Envelope depicting a soldier and his wife hugging and kissing, titled "The day will come" [4/27/1944] - 1 page
Sketch of Normand H. Carleton, by a Czech civilian, Franzenbad, Czechoslovakia [1945] - 1 page
V-mail with artwork, "Season's Greetings 1944-'45 From France" - 1 page
Christmas dinner menu [1942] - 1 page
Fort Benning Army pennant, with advertisement for Fokes Drug Co. - 1 page
U.S. Army Paris Guide for Leave Troops - 8 pages
Thanksgiving dinner menu, 10th Armored Division - 3 pages
Transcript of a radio broadcast [11/30/1944] - 1 page
Prescription for eyeglasses [5/16/1945] - 1 page
Photo magazine of Fort Benning, Georgia, "A Camera Trip Through Ft. Benning." - 16 pages