Manuscript/Mixed Material National Heritage Fellowship documentation, 1986-1987
Image 1 of National Heritage Fellowship documentation, 1986-1987 Date June 18 1986 To Frank Hodsoll Chairman From Bess Hawes Folk Arts Subject Attached letter from Heritage nominee Folk Arts has recently been busy notifying National Heritage Fellowship awardees of their…
- Date: 1977
Image 2 of National Heritage Fellowship documentation, 1986-1987 C November i TO Hodsoll FROM Bess LoLomaxSUBJECT Alan max thought news article from the Boston Clobe appropriate attention the National of the clippingsEndowment Ive sent a copy to Dodie for possible…
- Date: 1977
Image 3 of National Heritage Fellowship documentation, 1986-1987 THE HOSTON GLOBE TUESDAY 0 tR 2i 19Nti 29 Comics 3233 TV Radio 35 Deaths 3637 Americas folklorist For more than 50 years Alan Lomax has been lending an ear to the…
- Date: 1977
Image 4 of National Heritage Fellowship documentation, 1986-1987 Another reason fo husbands hours Bear He Loves Me He Loves Not I wonder If you have been t en more than you know You there is no other woman In yo…
- Date: 1977
Image 5 of National Heritage Fellowship documentation, 1986-1987 V 1 92286 BessDanBarry r c This obviously needs iting as the person transcribing the tape WAS Rs unfamiliar with the program and names Return to me after youve made changescorrections and…
- Date: 1977
Image 7 of National Heritage Fellowship documentation, 1986-1987 National ge Fellowships CommentsAfter Dinner National September I was riding in on the subway this evening and I began think to myself about something that happened to me a while back and…
- Date: 1977
Image 8 of National Heritage Fellowship documentation, 1986-1987 I and one day I walked into the class and it was all full of people and they were looking at me and they were so eager and so excited and I…
- Date: 1977
Image 9 of National Heritage Fellowship documentation, 1986-1987 about your own particular art form there isnt anybody else There isnt somebody at the end of the staircase that knows more 40 thane ourre the one at the end of the…
- Date: 1977
Image 10 of National Heritage Fellowship documentation, 1986-1987 is a very small part of the whole Arts Endowment but a very important part does also Mr Frank Hodsoll MR HODSOLL Thank you very much Bess that is truly a hard…
- Date: 1977
Image 11 of National Heritage Fellowship documentation, 1986-1987 National Endowment draw on your colleagues and peers around the o country who know what you do and what your colleagues Ain rder to give what Bess said she wanted you to…
- Date: 1977
Image 12 of National Heritage Fellowship documentation, 1986-1987 merit proposals and policies in the world of Folk Arts To deal with this process is t s both pleasant and at times seemingly impossible You know we start with 125 nominees…
- Date: 1977
Image 13 of National Heritage Fellowship documentation, 1986-1987 I really no substitution for ongoing interest commitment of the C people who give there days and their lives to the Folk Arts and to the Endowment So I think those of…
- Date: 1977
Image 14 of National Heritage Fellowship documentation, 1986-1987 I STUDS NIMROD Well its nice to be here I see a lot of faces here that I know especially i Fback here I learned to like him and his wife Kate…
- Date: 1977
Image 15 of National Heritage Fellowship documentation, 1986-1987 i was brought to me when I went down to pray the third time he said sleep on enemy I wrote a song about some hits to that record I before Jesus…
- Date: 1977
Image 16 of National Heritage Fellowship documentation, 1986-1987 There all here and they represent the diversity that challenges the golden arch of MacDonalds Im glad to be here tonight and I trust tArow night for a big celebration COMMENT Cant…
- Date: 1977
Image 17 of National Heritage Fellowship documentation, 1986-1987 was never without a job all that time I retired 16 years ago and have a lovely family a wife Dorothy my son and a granddaughter Marcie so its nice Im just…
- Date: 1977
Image 18 of National Heritage Fellowship documentation, 1986-1987 oldesthis first one I guess you can say his first and hers anyway Im just the first one out of the family out of them two I have ten kids of my…
- Date: 1977
Image 19 of National Heritage Fellowship documentation, 1986-1987 MORRIS youngest brother r Im one of sons also Im the baby boy Morris is the oldest one and I just come here to get him x 1 t LADY Speaking Back…
- Date: 1977
Image 20 of National Heritage Fellowship documentation, 1986-1987 He use to tell the boys he said now Nimrod hush he said if S It e yourre going to be a shevler You understand what I meant dont you be a…
- Date: 1977
Image 21 of National Heritage Fellowship documentation, 1986-1987 all the time anyhow We raised a lot of children now you have to listen real careful and this aint going to be dirty when you here what I say is true…
- Date: 1977
Image 22 of National Heritage Fellowship documentation, 1986-1987 you work all the week on the weekends they had a house somewhere and we will go and have fun but all the and songs that you wanted and you were gone…
- Date: 1977
Image 23 of National Heritage Fellowship documentation, 1986-1987 Wyatt is still recognize us and we got some people that was born and raised right there in Louisiana and they moved to Bement Texas and would you believe they dont speak…
- Date: 1977
Image 24 of National Heritage Fellowship documentation, 1986-1987 ID u o NAkQ 00 0 DANTE NIBERQUA Im pretty shy a fellow come tap me on my shoulders and said you better get up there and say something I tell you…
- Date: 1977
Image 25 of National Heritage Fellowship documentation, 1986-1987 out here nice looking lady in a business suit and about three or four thousand dollars worth of jewelry on and when she come up on the porch and knocked at the…
- Date: 1977
Image 26 of National Heritage Fellowship documentation, 1986-1987 I people I knew that knew a little bit about the flute and from there on I began to research the flute at the Smithsonian that played a big part in my…
- Date: 1977
Image 27 of National Heritage Fellowship documentation, 1986-1987 I said well I like your story about the flute and he said I read about the flute and I tried to discover today the value of it and who makes it…
- Date: 1977
Image 28 of National Heritage Fellowship documentation, 1986-1987 SONYA DOUNCHS D n W4 C1 A4 10 o 4 Im Sonya Dounchs and Im from a little town in backward Kansas way in the Northwest corner and I very honored to…
- Date: 1977
Image 29 of National Heritage Fellowship documentation, 1986-1987 Good evening Im really nervous I like to congratulate my father for receiving the Heritage Award for I also would like to thank him for all of the knowledge and common sense…
- Date: 1977
Image 30 of National Heritage Fellowship documentation, 1986-1987 i excuse me for laughing which is nobodys own fault by me not reading and writing its my fault about schools and all but I just didnt go I did I keeps…
- Date: 1977
Image 31 of National Heritage Fellowship documentation, 1986-1987 for discovering me for helping me to discover myself because a really theres a whole another side to it deciding to be a folklore you have to be inspired by some people…
- Date: 1977
Image 32 of National Heritage Fellowship documentation, 1986-1987 You know what weve been talking about is that were a country of people who care about tradition and we havent said from this platform tonight that one of the most important…
- Date: 1977
Image 33 of National Heritage Fellowship documentation, 1986-1987 Harvard dent and published one of the first books of the American cowboy songs when it wasnt stylish in the publishing books err class people in this country and he went on…
- Date: 1977
Image 34 of National Heritage Fellowship documentation, 1986-1987 dont think that many of us would be in this room if John Lomax and son E1liot and Bess hadnt struggled a great deal some of the bureaucratics some of them financial…
- Date: 1977
Image 35 of National Heritage Fellowship documentation, 1986-1987 BESS I guess theres not anything else to say except Good Night and God Bless You and well see you tomorrow evening at the beautiful concert when well see all this beautiful…
- Date: 1977
Image 36 of National Heritage Fellowship documentation, 1986-1987 nRTIonRL EnooWMEnT FOR THE ARTS Date January 2 1986 WRSHInGTOn DC 20506 A Federal agency advised by the National Council on the Arts To Frank Hodsoll From Bess Lomax Hawes Subject Agenda…
- Date: 1977
Image 37 of National Heritage Fellowship documentation, 1986-1987 National Council for theTraditional Arts 1346 Conn Ave NW 1118 Washington DC 20036 Telephone 202296 5322 Jan 2 1986 EXPENSES FOR 1985 NATIONAL HERITAGE FELLOWSHIPS CEREMONIES Sept 1216 Travel Hotel Per Diem…
- Date: 1977
Image 38 of National Heritage Fellowship documentation, 1986-1987 i May 6 1986 Mr William Feltz Educational Specialist EastWest Center 1777 Last West Road Honolulu HI 9684 Dear Bill I really do apologize for waiting so long to write you a…
- Date: 1977
Image 39 of National Heritage Fellowship documentation, 1986-1987 2 material out that I know of Ill be glad to send their announcement along when I receive it here Again my warn appreciation for your hospitality Its always a joy to…
- Date: 1977
Image 40 of National Heritage Fellowship documentation, 1986-1987 EAST WEST CENTER 1960 SILVER JU9ILEE 1 Institute of Culture and Communication 1777 EAST WEST ROAD HONOLULU HAWAII 96848 CABLE EASWESCEN TELEX 7490991 April 8 1986 Mrs Bess Lomax Hawes Director Folk…
- Date: 1977