Manuscript/Mixed Material Australia, 1990-1995
Image 1 of Australia, 1990-1995 ICTM Study on of Oceania November 1994 Circular No 32 We welcome eight new members Raymond Ammann Pat Bacon Michael Clement Margaret Gummow Philip Hayward Elizabeth Carol Zarbockaddresses ICTM World ConferenceCanberra on…
- Date: 1977
Image 2 of Australia, 1990-1995 Still u 1 On Hula Songs u o Princesses Wahi Pana appears in THE HAWAIIAN JOURNAL OF HISTORY Vol28 1994 Participation anr Collaboration appears PERFECT BEAT No News of Members Clement on…
- Date: 1977
Image 3 of Australia, 1990-1995 ICTM Study Group on Musics of Oceania 1 August 1994 Circular No 31 We welcome five new members Rodwic Fukino Edith McKinzie Faustina Rehuher Victoria Takamine and Frank York Also returning member…
- Date: 1977
Image 4 of Australia, 1990-1995 N P U ri U U co C H H ICTMSGMO Circular No 31 page 2 WOMEX World Wide Music Expo announced as of major importance for music promoters ethnomusicologists and others…
- Date: 1977
Image 5 of Australia, 1990-1995 ICTMSGMO Circular No 31 page 3 Tai reports that in Aug and Sept 1993 MABO Solomon Islands Traditional Culture Documentation Project a joint research project of Solomon Islands Natl Museum Solomon Islands…
- Date: 1977
Image 6 of Australia, 1990-1995 f Dear Bess What a wonderful article you wrote for the program for the 1994 Festival of American Folklife I do hope that as more information on the ICTM activities both the…
- Date: 1977
Image 7 of Australia, 1990-1995 ICTM Study Group on Musics of Oceania 10 March 1994 Circular No 30 ICTM 33rd World Conference 511 January 1995 Canberra Australia The Program Committee for the Canberra World Conference has approved…
- Date: 1977
Image 8 of Australia, 1990-1995 participating or wishing more information should make contact promptly Francophones should contact Colloque International Pa evi i BP 294 Taiohae Nuku Hiva Iles Marquises Polyn4sie Franaise Tel 689 920301 Fax 689 920390…
- Date: 1977
Image 9 of Australia, 1990-1995 ICTM Study Group on Musics of Oceania 26 November 1993 Circular No 29 ICTM 33rd World Conference 511 January 1995 Canberra Australia This World Conference and our Study Group meeting immediately following…
- Date: 1977
Image 10 of Australia, 1990-1995 session because we want all members to have a chance to give feedback on she above and to submit further ideasrequests to Smith for circulation Departure is anticipated for the morning of…
- Date: 1977
Image 11 of Australia, 1990-1995 ICTM Study on of Oceania 31 July 1993 welcome Circular No 28 We three new members 1 Konishi addresses 1 ICTM 1 World Conference 1 rra Australia Because the dates are earlier…
- Date: 1977
Image 12 of Australia, 1990-1995 ICTMSGMO Circular No 28 page 2 Knopoff Whats in a Tune The Relations of Clan Affiliation Performance Protocal and Musical Style in Yoingu Melodic Construction Lawrence The Effects of the Pearling Industry…
- Date: 1977
Image 13 of Australia, 1990-1995 ICTMSGMO Circular No 28 page 3 Karen Stevenson TAHITI The Festival of Pacific Arts what it means to the cultural political identity of French Polynesia William Takaku PNG PNG National Theatre social…
- Date: 1977
Image 14 of Australia, 1990-1995 ICTMSGMO Circular No 28 page 4 Michael Webb Lokal Musik Lingua Franca Song and Identity in Papua New Guinea Apwitihire Studies in Papua New Guinea Musics 3 Boroko National Research Institute 1993…
- Date: 1977
Image 15 of Australia, 1990-1995 1 1 1 1 I ICTM 33rd World Conference MSA XVI11 National Conference 511 January 1995 Canberra Australia
- Date: 1977
Image 16 of Australia, 1990-1995
- Date: 1977
Image 17 of Australia, 1990-1995 WORLD CONFERENCE OF THE ICTM THE XV111 NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE VISA 511 January 1995 Canberra School of Music Institute of the Arts Australian National University Hosted by the Musicological Society of…
- Date: 1977
- Date: 1977
Image 19 of Australia, 1990-1995 r PROGRAM COMMITTEE Professor Dieter Christensen New York Dr Linda Barwick Sydney Dr Adrienne Kaeppler Washington Professor Ricardo Timillos Honolulu Dr Stephen Wild Canberra ORGANISING COMMITTEE Dr Stephen Wild Australian Institute of…
- Date: 1977
Image 20 of Australia, 1990-1995 NMI NMI INI 101 INI NMI NMI ni NMI NMI ui NMI I01 ICI ul NMI IN 001 001 aim DETAILED PROGRAM THEMES 1 Spituality Ecology and Performance 2 New Directions in…
- Date: 1977
Image 21 of Australia, 1990-1995 1200 Lunch 1030 Morning Tea 1100 Plenary Session 2A Chair Stephen Wild Australia 7Les Hiatt Guest Speaker Australia The Rom Ceremony of the Anbarra an introduction 1330 Session 3B Chair David Hughes…
- Date: 1977
Image 22 of Australia, 1990-1995 IN Inj NMI NMI NMI IMI NMI ni ni NMI ni ni NMI ni kid 1530 Session 4B Chair Margaret J Kartomi Australia David Salisbury Australia Siamang tagogau shocked monkey towards an…
- Date: 1977
Image 23 of Australia, 1990-1995 T Session 5C Australian Musicology 3 Chair Malcolm Gillies University of Queensland Jamie C Kassler University of New South Wales Music and philosophy of mind a brief review Judith Parkinson Canberra School…
- Date: 1977
Image 24 of Australia, 1990-1995 4 FRI m NEI PI ri INI ni 101 ni NMI NMI ni NMI NMI ni Ui 1 1530 Session 8B Chair Peter Platt Australia Udo Will France Frequency performance in Australian…
- Date: 1977
Image 25 of Australia, 1990-1995 Session 9C Australian Musicology 5 Chair Helen Reeves Lawrence Charles Sturt University Albury Grace Koch Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Music of the rainforest the songs of the…
- Date: 1977
Image 26 of Australia, 1990-1995 IN INI NEI NMI NMI NMI NJ ni nI NMI ni ni min In un Wd Session 11 D Chair Adrienne Kaeppler USA Panicos Giorgoudes Cyprus Music and dance in the Cyprus…
- Date: 1977
Image 27 of Australia, 1990-1995 G S Session 13C Australian Musicology 7 Chair Michael Atherton University of Western Sydney Yvonne Kitley University of New England Coordinating Koketan contrapuntal ornamentation in Balinese gender wayang Andrew B Alter University…
- Date: 1977
Image 28 of Australia, 1990-1995 11511 INJ NJ NMI NMI NMI PEI ni ni PEI NMI Psi 151 NJ NMI psi NMI NMI psi NMI 1330 Session 15C Chair Pirkko Moisala Finland Music and gender study group…
- Date: 1977
Image 29 of Australia, 1990-1995 Session 16E Chair Erich Stockmann Germany Svanibor H Pettan Croatia Ethnomusicologist as a power holder creating a basis for the Bosnians to live together again ODariusz Kubinowski Poland National competition of traditional…
- Date: 1977
Image 30 of Australia, 1990-1995 MEEMMEft 11101 NMI Boo NMI NMI n NMI qu NMI ni 1101 gal NMI Ind NMI m NMI Session 17E Chair Catherine Falk Australia Vicky Holt Takamine USA E hula kakou Lets…
- Date: 1977
Image 31 of Australia, 1990-1995 Ir r Session 20E Chair Bonnie C Wade USA 00 11 Kenichi Tsukada Japan Fanti drumming from a phonaesthetic perspective Izaly Zemtsovsky Russia f Musical notation as a network of perception l…
- Date: 1977
Image 32 of Australia, 1990-1995 MMMMME 7 IN lot Ing NMI NMI NMI NMI NMI ni NMI ni ni NMI ni NMI NMI NMI NMI NMI Rim Session 23D Chair Lawrence Witzleben Hong Kong Wingcheong Lam Hong…
- Date: 1977
Image 33 of Australia, 1990-1995 1151 1101 ISO NEI NEI psi psi ni ni ni ni ni ni ni uI ni ni ni ui ui ABSTRACTS 1 N ALPHABETICAL ORDER OF PRESENTER o
- Date: 1977
Image 34 of Australia, 1990-1995 pal NMI NMI pal NMI ni nI ni NMI psi psi ni 101 NMI ni ni ni ui THE OMAN CENTRE FOR TRADITIONAL MUSIC THE FIRST 10 YEARS OF A NATIONAL ARCHIVES…
- Date: 1977
Image 35 of Australia, 1990-1995 NEGOTIATION OF IDENTITY OR REPRESENTATION OF ALTERITY MUSICS FROM THE MAGREB IN BARCELONA Susana Asenslo Session 4E The example I would like to present is one which asks to be considered as…
- Date: 1977
Image 36 of Australia, 1990-1995 TANGO ARGENDNO THE MUSICAL LANDSCAPE OF THE TANGO IN BUENOS AIRES BETWEEN 19031917 Maria Susana Aai Session 21C Tango Argentino is the name of a complex many faceted popular genre that joins…
- Date: 1977
Image 37 of Australia, 1990-1995 7 ITALIAN OPERA IN THE AUSTRALIAN VERNACULAR Margaret R Bakker Session 4C Italian opera has been an integral part of the repertoire of Australian amateur opera societies and professional opera companies since…
- Date: 1977
Image 38 of Australia, 1990-1995 nELD CALLS SALUTES AND MARCHES THE MILITARY MUSIC TRADITION Roland Bannister Session 15D Defence Force bands are probably the Wests most ubiquitous context dependent but least politically correct music ensembles Scarcely a…
- Date: 1977
Image 39 of Australia, 1990-1995 T ROTINESE MUSIC HISTORY AND THE ORIGIN AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE SASANDU Christopher Basile Session 15E The sasandu a tube zither with a palm leaf resonator is an important medium and symbol…
- Date: 1977
Image 40 of Australia, 1990-1995 mmom1 ACCULTURATION AND IDENTITY MUSICOCULTURAL EXPERIENCE AND INTERPRETATION AMONG URBAN IMMIGRANT POPULATIONS IN BERLIN Gabrlele Berlin Session 4E During the last three decades many western European cities have experienced the development of…
- Date: 1977