Book/Printed Material China : a country study
Image 41 of China : a country study Political confrontation over the reforms was pervasive and to many foreign observers confusing In simplistic terms the con servatives in the reform debate were members of the postMao left while the liberals…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Dolan, Ronald E. - Worden, Robert L. - Savada, Andrea Matles
- Date: 1988-01-01
Image 42 of China : a country study reformed planning system products circulated more freely and the commodity market was rapidly improved The government sought to rationalize prices revamp the wage structure and reform the financial and taxation systems The…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Dolan, Ronald E. - Worden, Robert L. - Savada, Andrea Matles
- Date: 1988-01-01
Image 43 of China : a country study enemies the Soviets to the north and west the Vietnamese to the south and the Indians to the southwest and has sought increas ingly to project itself as a regional power In…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Dolan, Ronald E. - Worden, Robert L. - Savada, Andrea Matles
- Date: 1988-01-01
Image 44 of China : a country study the party Secretariat a staff arm of the Political Bureau and its Standing Committee rather than the somewhat autonomous body it had been since 1982 By mid 1988 the Chinese Communist Party…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Dolan, Ronald E. - Worden, Robert L. - Savada, Andrea Matles
- Date: 1988-01-01
Image 45 of China : a country study and ministries of personnel labor materials transportation energy construction aeronautics and astronautics industry water resources and machine building and electronics industry were established Many of the ministries that were dissolved were con…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Dolan, Ronald E. - Worden, Robert L. - Savada, Andrea Matles
- Date: 1988-01-01
Image 46 of China : a country study that both the Dalai Lama concerned that violence and bloodshed in his homeland was out of control and the Chinese government worried about instability in a strategic border area were display ing…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Dolan, Ronald E. - Worden, Robert L. - Savada, Andrea Matles
- Date: 1988-01-01
Image 47 of China : a country study In SinoAmerican relations disputes over trade and technology transfer in 1987 were further clouded by United States concern over reported Chinese Silkworm shoretoship missile sales to Iran sales of Dongfeng3 intermediaterange missiles…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Dolan, Ronald E. - Worden, Robert L. - Savada, Andrea Matles
- Date: 1988-01-01
Image 48 of China : a country study
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Dolan, Ronald E. - Worden, Robert L. - Savada, Andrea Matles
- Date: 1988-01-01
Image 49 of China : a country study Chapter 1 Historical Setting
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Dolan, Ronald E. - Worden, Robert L. - Savada, Andrea Matles
- Date: 1988-01-01
Image 50 of China : a country study This artist s conception of a humanshaped bronze wheel pin from the West ern Zhou dynasty 1027771 B C shows not only the high level of orna mentation common for functional items…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Dolan, Ronald E. - Worden, Robert L. - Savada, Andrea Matles
- Date: 1988-01-01
Image 51 of China : a country study THE HISTORY OF CHINA as documented in ancient writ ings dates back some 3300 years Modern archaeological studies provide evidence of still more ancient origins in a culture that flourished between 2500…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Dolan, Ronald E. - Worden, Robert L. - Savada, Andrea Matles
- Date: 1988-01-01
Image 52 of China : a country study China A Country Study developed as the Chinese they left an imprint on Chinese civili zation They also heightened Chinese perceptions of threat from the north China came under alien rule for…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Dolan, Ronald E. - Worden, Robert L. - Savada, Andrea Matles
- Date: 1988-01-01
Image 53 of China : a country study Historical Setting historiography in China Their investigations ineluded not only historical study of traditional China but penetrating inquiries into modern Chinese history and the history of the Chinese Communist Party In postMao…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Dolan, Ronald E. - Worden, Robert L. - Savada, Andrea Matles
- Date: 1988-01-01
Image 54 of China : a country study China A Country Study augmented by hunting and animal husbandry Two important events of the period were the development of a writing system as revealed in archaic Chinese inscriptions found on tortoise…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Dolan, Ronald E. - Worden, Robert L. - Savada, Andrea Matles
- Date: 1988-01-01
Image 55 of China : a country study Historical Setting have been deereased as time went on The Zhou amalgam of city states became progressively centralized and established increasingly impersonal political and economic institutions These developments which probably occurred in…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Dolan, Ronald E. - Worden, Robert L. - Savada, Andrea Matles
- Date: 1988-01-01
Image 56 of China : a country study China A Country Study as advisers to one or another of the various state rulers on the methods of government war and diplomacy The body of thought that had the most enduring…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Dolan, Ronald E. - Worden, Robert L. - Savada, Andrea Matles
- Date: 1988-01-01
Image 57 of China : a country study Confucius Courtesy Library of Congress
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Dolan, Ronald E. - Worden, Robert L. - Savada, Andrea Matles
- Date: 1988-01-01
Image 58 of China : a country study China A Country Study d 233 BC and Li Si d 208 BC who maintained that human nature was ineorrigibly selfish and therefore the only way to preserve the social order was…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Dolan, Ronald E. - Worden, Robert L. - Savada, Andrea Matles
- Date: 1988-01-01
Image 59 of China : a country study Historical Setting The Imperial Era The First Imperial Period Much of what came to constitute China Proper was unified for the first time in 221 BC see fig 2 In that year…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Dolan, Ronald E. - Worden, Robert L. - Savada, Andrea Matles
- Date: 1988-01-01
Image 60 of China : a country study China A Country Study Source Bastdon information from Chiaomin Hsich Alias of China New York 1973 225 258 247 and 249 Figure 2 The Chinese Empire circa 220 BC AD 700 1580…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Dolan, Ronald E. - Worden, Robert L. - Savada, Andrea Matles
- Date: 1988-01-01
Image 61 of China : a country study Historical Setting caravan traffic are often called the silk route because the route was used to export Chinese silk to the Roman Empire Chinese armies also invaded and annexed parts of northern…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Dolan, Ronald E. - Worden, Robert L. - Savada, Andrea Matles
- Date: 1988-01-01
Image 62 of China : a country study China A Country Study dynasty in tenure and the ruthlessness of its accomplishments The Sui dynasty s early demise was attributed to the government s tyran nical demands on the people who…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Dolan, Ronald E. - Worden, Robert L. - Savada, Andrea Matles
- Date: 1988-01-01
Image 63 of China : a country study Partially excavated terracotta figures unearthed during the 1970s at the tomb of China s first emperor Shi Huangdi near XV an Chinese archaeologists discovered over 9000 warriors horses chariots and associated artifacts…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Dolan, Ronald E. - Worden, Robert L. - Savada, Andrea Matles
- Date: 1988-01-01
Image 64 of China : a country study China A Country Study Culturally the Song refined many of the developments of the previous centuries Included in these refinements were not only the Tang ideal of the universal man who combined…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Dolan, Ronald E. - Worden, Robert L. - Savada, Andrea Matles
- Date: 1988-01-01
Image 65 of China : a country study Historical Setting be found Chinese were more often employed in nonChinese regions of the empire As in other periods of alien dynastic rule of China a rich cul tural diversity developed during…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Dolan, Ronald E. - Worden, Robert L. - Savada, Andrea Matles
- Date: 1988-01-01
Image 66 of China : a country study China A Country Study The Chinese Regain Power Rivalry among the Mongol imperial heirs natural disasters and numerous peasant uprisings led to the collapse of the Yuan dynasty The Ming dynasty 13681644…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Dolan, Ronald E. - Worden, Robert L. - Savada, Andrea Matles
- Date: 1988-01-01
Image 67 of China : a country study Ming dynasty stone guardians near an inner section of the Great Wall northwest of Beijing Courtesy Robert L W or den The Great Wall at Badaling northwest of Beijing The strategic section…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Dolan, Ronald E. - Worden, Robert L. - Savada, Andrea Matles
- Date: 1988-01-01
Image 68 of China : a country study China A Country Study Chinese derivation They eontinued the Confueian court practices and temple rituals over which the emperors had traditionally presided The Manchus continued the Confucian civil service system Although Chinese…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Dolan, Ronald E. - Worden, Robert L. - Savada, Andrea Matles
- Date: 1988-01-01
Image 69 of China : a country study Historical Setting Emergence of Modern China The success of the Qing dynasty in maintaining the old order proved a liability when the empire was confronted with growing challenges from seafaring Western powers…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Dolan, Ronald E. - Worden, Robert L. - Savada, Andrea Matles
- Date: 1988-01-01
Image 70 of China : a country study China A Country Study first bilateral agreement with a European power In 1727 the Treaty of Kiakhta delimited the remainder of the eastern portion of the SinoRussian border Western diplomatie efforts to…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Dolan, Ronald E. - Worden, Robert L. - Savada, Andrea Matles
- Date: 1988-01-01
Image 71 of China : a country study Historical Setting retaliated with a punitive expedition thus initiating the first Anglo Chinese war better known as the Opium War 183942 Unpre pared for war and grossly underestimating the capabilities of the…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Dolan, Ronald E. - Worden, Robert L. - Savada, Andrea Matles
- Date: 1988-01-01
Image 72 of China : a country study China A Country Study secret societies In 1851 Hong Xiuquan and others launched an uprising in Guizhou Province Hong proclaimed the Heavenly Kingdom of Great Peace Taiping Tianguo or Taiping for short…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Dolan, Ronald E. - Worden, Robert L. - Savada, Andrea Matles
- Date: 1988-01-01
Image 73 of China : a country study Ceremonial bronze tortoise incense burner known as Pei Xi a mythological river god Hall of Supreme Harmony Forbidden City Beijing Courtesy Beijing Slide Studio diplomatic practices were adopted by the Qing and…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Dolan, Ronald E. - Worden, Robert L. - Savada, Andrea Matles
- Date: 1988-01-01
Image 74 of China : a country study China A Country Study political institutions and social theories that had fostered Western advances and innovations This weakness led to the movement s failure Modernization during this period would have been difficult…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Dolan, Ronald E. - Worden, Robert L. - Savada, Andrea Matles
- Date: 1988-01-01
Image 75 of China : a country study A Ming dynasty marble huabiao or ornamental column just inside the Tiananmen Gate in Beijing incorporates a dragon in half relief and is crested with a dragon resting in a lotus flower…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Dolan, Ronald E. - Worden, Robert L. - Savada, Andrea Matles
- Date: 1988-01-01
Image 76 of China : a country study China A Country Study would have equal duties and privileges in all treaty ports within and outside the various spheres of influence All but Russia agreed to the United States overture The…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Dolan, Ronald E. - Worden, Robert L. - Savada, Andrea Matles
- Date: 1988-01-01
Image 77 of China : a country study Historical Setting facilities and killing Chinese Christians Finally in June 1900 the Boxers besieged the foreign concessions in Beijing and Tianjin an action that provoked an allied relief expedition by the offended…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Dolan, Ronald E. - Worden, Robert L. - Savada, Andrea Matles
- Date: 1988-01-01
Image 78 of China : a country study China A Country Study the common people through regulation of the ownership of the means of production and land The republican revolution broke out on October 10 1911 in Wuchang the capital…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Dolan, Ronald E. - Worden, Robert L. - Savada, Andrea Matles
- Date: 1988-01-01
Image 79 of China : a country study A pavilion at the Yeheyuan Summer Palace Beijing Courtesy R inn Sup Shinn Shikai had to agree to autonomy for Outer Mongolia and Xizang China was still to be suzerain but it…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Dolan, Ronald E. - Worden, Robert L. - Savada, Andrea Matles
- Date: 1988-01-01
Image 80 of China : a country study China A Country Study Demands which would have made China a Japanese protectorate The Beijing government rejected some of these demands but yielded to the Japanese insistence on keeping the Shandong territory…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Dolan, Ronald E. - Worden, Robert L. - Savada, Andrea Matles
- Date: 1988-01-01