Book/Printed Material Ecuador : a country study
Image 1 of Ecuador : a country study area handbook series Ecuador a country study
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Hanratty, Dennis Michael - Weil, Thomas E.
- Date: 1991-01-01
Image 2 of Ecuador : a country study
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Hanratty, Dennis Michael - Weil, Thomas E.
- Date: 1991-01-01
Image 3 of Ecuador : a country study
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Hanratty, Dennis Michael - Weil, Thomas E.
- Date: 1991-01-01
Image 4 of Ecuador : a country study
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Hanratty, Dennis Michael - Weil, Thomas E.
- Date: 1991-01-01
Image 5 of Ecuador : a country study Ecuador a country study Federal Research Division Library of Congress Edited by Dennis M Hanratty Research Completed December 1 989
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Hanratty, Dennis Michael - Weil, Thomas E.
- Date: 1991-01-01
Image 6 of Ecuador : a country study On the cover Inca gold sun pendant Third Edition First Printing 1991 Library of Congress CataloginginPublication Data Ecuador a country study Federal Research Division Library of Congress edited by Dennis M Hanratty…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Hanratty, Dennis Michael - Weil, Thomas E.
- Date: 1991-01-01
Image 7 of Ecuador : a country study Foreword This volume is one in a continuing series of books prepared by the Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress under the Country Studies Area Handbook Program sponsored by the…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Hanratty, Dennis Michael - Weil, Thomas E.
- Date: 1991-01-01
Image 8 of Ecuador : a country study
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Hanratty, Dennis Michael - Weil, Thomas E.
- Date: 1991-01-01
Image 9 of Ecuador : a country study Acknowledgments The authors wish to acknowledge the contributions of Thomas E Weil Jan Knippers Black Howard I Blutstein David S McMorris Mildred Gill Mersereau Frederick P Munson and Kathryn E Parachini who…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Hanratty, Dennis Michael - Weil, Thomas E.
- Date: 1991-01-01
Image 10 of Ecuador : a country study
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Hanratty, Dennis Michael - Weil, Thomas E.
- Date: 1991-01-01
Image 11 of Ecuador : a country study Contents Page Foreword iii Acknowledgments v Preface xi Country Profile xiii Introduction xxi Chapter 1 Historical Setting 1 James D Rudolph PREHISPANIC ERA 4 DISCOVERY AND CONQUEST 7 SPANISH COLONIAL ERA 11…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Hanratty, Dennis Michael - Weil, Thomas E.
- Date: 1991-01-01
Image 12 of Ecuador : a country study ETHNIC GROUPS 83 Whites and Mestizos 84 Blacks 86 Sierra Indians 87 Oriente Indians 88 FAMILY AND KIN 90 RELIGION 93 SOCIAL WELFARE 96 Education 96 Health and Social Security 97 Chapter…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Hanratty, Dennis Michael - Weil, Thomas E.
- Date: 1991-01-01
Image 13 of Ecuador : a country study Chapter 4 Government and Politics 153 Rex A Hudson CONSTITUTIONAL BACKGROUND 156 GOVERNMENTAL STRUCTURE 161 The Executive 162 The Legislature 166 The Judiciary 170 Public Administration 173 Local Government 174 The Electoral…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Hanratty, Dennis Michael - Weil, Thomas E.
- Date: 1991-01-01
Image 14 of Ecuador : a country study Index 285 List of Figures 1 Administrative Divisions of Ecuador 1989 xx 2 Territory Disputed by Ecuador and Peru 32 3 Topography and Drainage 56 4 Projected Population by Age and Sex…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Hanratty, Dennis Michael - Weil, Thomas E.
- Date: 1991-01-01
Image 15 of Ecuador : a country study Preface Like the 1973 Area Handbook for Ecuador this study is an attempt to treat in a compact and objective manner the dominant social political economic and military aspects of contemporary Ecua…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Hanratty, Dennis Michael - Weil, Thomas E.
- Date: 1991-01-01
Image 16 of Ecuador : a country study
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Hanratty, Dennis Michael - Weil, Thomas E.
- Date: 1991-01-01
Image 17 of Ecuador : a country study Country Profile Country Formal Name Republic of Ecuador Republica del Ecuador Short Form Ecuador Term for Citizens Ecuadorians Capital Quito Geography Size Approximately 280000 square kilometers Topography Divided into three continental regions…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Hanratty, Dennis Michael - Weil, Thomas E.
- Date: 1991-01-01
Image 18 of Ecuador : a country study consists of coastal lowlands and mountains Sierra composed of two major chains of Andes Mountains Cordillera Occidental Western Chain and Cordillera Oriental Eastern Chain and intermontane basin or plateau between the two…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Hanratty, Dennis Michael - Weil, Thomas E.
- Date: 1991-01-01
Image 19 of Ecuador : a country study Economy Gross Domestic Product GDP US94 billion in 1989 or US940 per capita Substantial economic growth in 1970s follow ing discovery of new petroleum fields in Oriente and international price increases for…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Hanratty, Dennis Michael - Weil, Thomas E.
- Date: 1991-01-01
Image 20 of Ecuador : a country study Exchange Rate Sucre S pegged to United States dollar during 1980s but devalued numerous times during 1980s Official rate aver aged S526 US1 in 1989 Fiscal Year Calendar year Fiscal Policy Upon…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Hanratty, Dennis Michael - Weil, Thomas E.
- Date: 1991-01-01
Image 21 of Ecuador : a country study National Congress enacts legislation reforms and interprets Con stitution establishes revenues approves public treaties appoints highlevel government officials from lists submitted by president and reviews executive branch budget Judiciary is responsible for…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Hanratty, Dennis Michael - Weil, Thomas E.
- Date: 1991-01-01
Image 22 of Ecuador : a country study of fighter and fighterground attack squadrons light attack squad ron and air defense group Equipment Major ground forces armaments included French origin light tanks fourwheeled reconnaissance vehicles and ar mored personnel carriers…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Hanratty, Dennis Michael - Weil, Thomas E.
- Date: 1991-01-01
Image 23 of Ecuador : a country study
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Hanratty, Dennis Michael - Weil, Thomas E.
- Date: 1991-01-01
Image 24 of Ecuador : a country study Pacific Ocean ESMERALDAS f S COLOMBIA X Tutc n CARCHlV International boundary Provincial boundary National capital Provincial capital 100 Kilometers JMBABURA Quito 7 Nueva Loja r y PICHINCHA MANABI COTOPAXI Portoviejq J…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Hanratty, Dennis Michael - Weil, Thomas E.
- Date: 1991-01-01
Image 25 of Ecuador : a country study Introduction AS THE 1990s began deeprooted sociological geographical eco nomic and political features continued to define Ecuador Despite such postWorld War II developments as widespread migration the growth of importsubstitution see Glossary…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Hanratty, Dennis Michael - Weil, Thomas E.
- Date: 1991-01-01
Image 26 of Ecuador : a country study The huasipungo system survived in isolated pockets of the Sierra until finally being abolished by the 1964 Agrarian Reform Law This law and a successor measure in 1973 however did not affect…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Hanratty, Dennis Michael - Weil, Thomas E.
- Date: 1991-01-01
Image 27 of Ecuador : a country study On three separate occasions over the last hundred years a sin gle export product offered the prospect of a solid financial future In each case however Ecuadorian hopes were dashed by a…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Hanratty, Dennis Michael - Weil, Thomas E.
- Date: 1991-01-01
Image 28 of Ecuador : a country study in Quito Finally industrialization and public sector expansion allowed for the emergence of an urban middle class Unfortunately petroleum proved to be as illusive a treasure as the earlier golden commodities In…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Hanratty, Dennis Michael - Weil, Thomas E.
- Date: 1991-01-01
Image 29 of Ecuador : a country study ambitious and disappointing of the three Although one of the moti vations for intervention was to prevent civilian politicians from dis sipating the newfound petroleum wealth the military s principal legacy was…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Hanratty, Dennis Michael - Weil, Thomas E.
- Date: 1991-01-01
Image 30 of Ecuador : a country study
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Hanratty, Dennis Michael - Weil, Thomas E.
- Date: 1991-01-01
Image 31 of Ecuador : a country study Chapter 1 Historical Setting
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Hanratty, Dennis Michael - Weil, Thomas E.
- Date: 1991-01-01
Image 32 of Ecuador : a country study Winged god cast in gold and platinum La Tolita culture
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Hanratty, Dennis Michael - Weil, Thomas E.
- Date: 1991-01-01
Image 33 of Ecuador : a country study THROUGHOUT ITS HISTORY Ecuador has displayed a con tinuity in traditional cultural and economic patterns as well as in social and political interaction among the country s highly heter ogeneous social groupings…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Hanratty, Dennis Michael - Weil, Thomas E.
- Date: 1991-01-01
Image 34 of Ecuador : a country study Ecuador A Country Study cocoa An on again off again banana boom punctuated the de cades of the 1950s and 1960s whereas the oil boom the most pronounced as well as the…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Hanratty, Dennis Michael - Weil, Thomas E.
- Date: 1991-01-01
Image 35 of Ecuador : a country study Historical Setting languages and were often at war with one another Four cultur ally related Indian groups known as the Esmeralda the Manta the Huancavilca and the Puna occupied the coastal lowlands…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Hanratty, Dennis Michael - Weil, Thomas E.
- Date: 1991-01-01
Image 36 of Ecuador : a country study Ecuador A Country Study unchanged Traditional religious beliefs for example persisted throughout the period of Inca rule In other areas however such as agriculture land tenure and social organization Inca rule had…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Hanratty, Dennis Michael - Weil, Thomas E.
- Date: 1991-01-01
Image 37 of Ecuador : a country study Ruins of Ingapirca an Inca sun temple in Canar Province Courtesy Embassy of Ecuador Washington Discovery and Conquest The discovery and conquest of Ecuador by Spanish forces in the early sixteenth century…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Hanratty, Dennis Michael - Weil, Thomas E.
- Date: 1991-01-01
Image 38 of Ecuador : a country study Ecuador A Country Study during his exploratory voyage and traveled as far as Tumbes in the extreme north of presentday Peru in defiance of official orders to return to Panama Having thus…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Hanratty, Dennis Michael - Weil, Thomas E.
- Date: 1991-01-01
Image 39 of Ecuador : a country study Historical Setting Atahualpa from the nearby thermal baths known today as the Banos del Inca Reluctantly accompanied by several thousands of his best troops Atahualpa went to Cajamarca s central plaza where…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Hanratty, Dennis Michael - Weil, Thomas E.
- Date: 1991-01-01
Image 40 of Ecuador : a country study Ecuador A Country Study and marched inland to the Sierra Pizarro had heard of this com peting expedition some time earlier and had sent Almargo north to reinforce Benalcazar Together Pizarro s…
- Contributor: Library of Congress. Federal Research Division - Hanratty, Dennis Michael - Weil, Thomas E.
- Date: 1991-01-01