Book/Printed Material General survey of the Columbia River gateway country
Image 1 of General survey of the Columbia River gateway country 7
- Contributor: Portland Chamber of Commerce (Or.)
- Date: 1922
Image 2 of General survey of the Columbia River gateway country
- Contributor: Portland Chamber of Commerce (Or.)
- Date: 1922
Image 3 of General survey of the Columbia River gateway country t OF ComMERcE ADORESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS F OR ath saosin IN YOUR REPLY PLEASE REFER: TO: FILE ‘JANUARY 1sT, 1922 GENERAL SURVEY OF THE COLUMBIA RIVER GATEWAY COUNTRY As the name implies,…
- Contributor: Portland Chamber of Commerce (Or.)
- Date: 1922
Image 4 of General survey of the Columbia River gateway country CPt Ez. N. Law | May 16 |. af
- Contributor: Portland Chamber of Commerce (Or.)
- Date: 1922
Image 5 of General survey of the Columbia River gateway country Et. 14 Saget, 1929. TAHA “The Pacific Ocean, its shores, its islands, and the vast region beyond, will become the Chief Theatre of Human Activities and Events in the World’s Great Hereafter.”…
- Contributor: Portland Chamber of Commerce (Or.)
- Date: 1922
Image 6 of General survey of the Columbia River gateway country
- Contributor: Portland Chamber of Commerce (Or.)
- Date: 1922
Image 7 of General survey of the Columbia River gateway country — eS uD ESA Map of North America Page Introduction Map of the United States Pacific Coast-Atlantic Coast Comparisons Map of the United States Population Distribution--Import and Export Record Map of the…
- Contributor: Portland Chamber of Commerce (Or.)
- Date: 1922
Image 8 of General survey of the Columbia River gateway country a OF we aes a My pe Pye 13. > ge Fe | cs 4 ag se ere ee ~~? @ . ‘ 2 v i 4, 4
- Contributor: Portland Chamber of Commerce (Or.)
- Date: 1922
Image 9 of General survey of the Columbia River gateway country
- Contributor: Portland Chamber of Commerce (Or.)
- Date: 1922
Image 10 of General survey of the Columbia River gateway country e NOOSAYO - - ANVTLYOd UADVNVN ‘CUOMMVYO “H WVITTIIA SHIYLSNGNI JO LNANLYVdsad AODYAWWOO AO AAEWVHO GNVITLYOd 2 plive Toate Allin ait iy ye | Q feign” bit Y aww j RY billy,…
- Contributor: Portland Chamber of Commerce (Or.)
- Date: 1922
Image 11 of General survey of the Columbia River gateway country ® . INTRODUCTION Reference is first made to map on opposite page in order to show: A. The general geographical location of the great Pacific Northwest with respect to the lands bordering…
- Contributor: Portland Chamber of Commerce (Or.)
- Date: 1922
Image 12 of General survey of the Columbia River gateway country
- Contributor: Portland Chamber of Commerce (Or.)
- Date: 1922
Image 13 of General survey of the Columbia River gateway country dAMAOA = AAW ae ae GT SUG ~ EAOITIONOS q HO oH ALPE HT FC Ort HAY 3! on 7 Fae av 2 @ TEAGS DIFISAG 3 3 JA Se iW VIR:…
- Contributor: Portland Chamber of Commerce (Or.)
- Date: 1922
Image 14 of General survey of the Columbia River gateway country 80° 7o Se arte TACon WASHINGS 60 50 N Bins ie LA aut LT PoRTLAND, OREGON 4] i OMAHA, NEBRASKA AD A BY MEANS OF Stee ATLANTIC COAST COMPARISONS NEW YORK CITY,…
- Contributor: Portland Chamber of Commerce (Or.)
- Date: 1922
Image 15 of General survey of the Columbia River gateway country PACIFIC COAST-ATLANTIC COAST COMPARISONS Since the Pacific Coast is being built up largely by the people and the money of the Atlantic Coast States an effort will be made herewith to present…
- Contributor: Portland Chamber of Commerce (Or.)
- Date: 1922
Image 16 of General survey of the Columbia River gateway country SE ey
- Contributor: Portland Chamber of Commerce (Or.)
- Date: 1922
Image 17 of General survey of the Columbia River gateway country — ---s
- Contributor: Portland Chamber of Commerce (Or.)
- Date: 1922
Image 18 of General survey of the Columbia River gateway country * 6 ‘26-69 dd g/g! $21281303g5 fo nvaung uo1ruiwog 47 .peysizgnd yoog uvax vpounz ze-ee dd ge sof sa202g paztuyQ ay2 fo 1204158] 70922813015 Sajpwmisy Bhbo2,UIILIdg ‘Uuo1lDpndog ‘oze-gie ‘dd Gel wof avunwWjy…
- Contributor: Portland Chamber of Commerce (Or.)
- Date: 1922
Image 19 of General survey of the Columbia River gateway country POPULATION DISTRIBUTION--IMPORT AND EXPORT RECORD The study on the opposite page is made to show the distribu- tion of United States population over the Pacific Coast area, the Atlantic Coast area and…
- Contributor: Portland Chamber of Commerce (Or.)
- Date: 1922
Image 20 of General survey of the Columbia River gateway country at ‘Biibao. Y i SBF 8 ee
- Contributor: Portland Chamber of Commerce (Or.)
- Date: 1922
Image 21 of General survey of the Columbia River gateway country
- Contributor: Portland Chamber of Commerce (Or.)
- Date: 1922
Image 22 of General survey of the Columbia River gateway country € Noogao YaDVNVAN - + QNVILYOd & *‘duOdMVuO *H WVITTIIM SHIaLSNGNI dO LNANLYVddd AOUANWOOS AO FdEdNVHO GNVTLYOd ‘ 2 uyudS SAMIWI@b NOSONL OL akV1NVvO LO YHVANCOUVER GNV1ILYOg 40 PHIMON AMOLINYZL 30VYL SENTOD…
- Contributor: Portland Chamber of Commerce (Or.)
- Date: 1922
Image 23 of General survey of the Columbia River gateway country POPULATION DISTRIBUTION OF THE PACIFIC COAST According to the United States Census for 1920 the population of the Pacific Coast States is about 7,600,000. Oregon, Washington, Tdaho and Montana total 0,120,785 people,…
- Contributor: Portland Chamber of Commerce (Or.)
- Date: 1922
Image 24 of General survey of the Columbia River gateway country oe Ss Sod ee is Z ot apes st 4 ai ie, ities : van bi fe mane oO
- Contributor: Portland Chamber of Commerce (Or.)
- Date: 1922
Image 25 of General survey of the Columbia River gateway country og : <8 meee a 24
- Contributor: Portland Chamber of Commerce (Or.)
- Date: 1922
- Contributor: Portland Chamber of Commerce (Or.)
- Date: 1922
Image 27 of General survey of the Columbia River gateway country TRADE TERRITORY ANALYSIS Based on the population distribution as shown by preceding map, page 7, trade territory divisions have been worked out on map opposite. The entire area west of the Rocky…
- Contributor: Portland Chamber of Commerce (Or.)
- Date: 1922
Image 28 of General survey of the Columbia River gateway country
- Contributor: Portland Chamber of Commerce (Or.)
- Date: 1922
Image 29 of General survey of the Columbia River gateway country
- Contributor: Portland Chamber of Commerce (Or.)
- Date: 1922
Image 30 of General survey of the Columbia River gateway country be CANADA 7 ; ELEY: 5202 fz. & ELEV-176! | Pee pane rage £. a. \ SHELBY ¢ ELEY: 3670 Sporane/, — SGis 32\$= 27#t= Mo BS ans: ns sr Se: RY…
- Contributor: Portland Chamber of Commerce (Or.)
- Date: 1922
Image 31 of General survey of the Columbia River gateway country we RAILROADS OF THE PACIFIC COAST Reference is made to map on opposite page, which shows the Pacific Coast States West of the Rocky Mountains with trans-continental rail lines. The principal sags…
- Contributor: Portland Chamber of Commerce (Or.)
- Date: 1922
Image 32 of General survey of the Columbia River gateway country nD, <e wt eek Peet,
- Contributor: Portland Chamber of Commerce (Or.)
- Date: 1922
Image 33 of General survey of the Columbia River gateway country bili bielcaaeton
- Contributor: Portland Chamber of Commerce (Or.)
- Date: 1922
Image 34 of General survey of the Columbia River gateway country NOOd¥O - - £ONVITLYOd e UADVNVA ‘GUOdMVUO °“H WVITIIM SHIALSNGNI AO LNANLaVdsad x AOYANWOD JO YAGWVHO GNVILYOd % | OOdIXaW OL VOVNYD | eae 1svoQ olalovd , SNIVLNNOW ANDOY C sen e…
- Contributor: Portland Chamber of Commerce (Or.)
- Date: 1922
Image 35 of General survey of the Columbia River gateway country 1O PACIFIC COAST RAILROAD PROFILES In order to give a proper presentation of the rail- road situation, the chart on opposite page has been pre- pared, showing approximate railroad profiles from the…
- Contributor: Portland Chamber of Commerce (Or.)
- Date: 1922
Image 36 of General survey of the Columbia River gateway country
- Contributor: Portland Chamber of Commerce (Or.)
- Date: 1922
Image 37 of General survey of the Columbia River gateway country ®
- Contributor: Portland Chamber of Commerce (Or.)
- Date: 1922
Image 38 of General survey of the Columbia River gateway country *‘NOS3u0 “ONY 7LHOd % uby ‘GQuOAMYW UD *H ‘aM a ) SBINLSNGN) 4O LNAaWLUVvasa SDUANWOD29° SSGDNVHD ANWIULYOd ann 9 Se se ; ey, git \ & ff t= \ aS f =…
- Contributor: Portland Chamber of Commerce (Or.)
- Date: 1922
Image 39 of General survey of the Columbia River gateway country THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST The three Northwestern states of Oregon, Washington and Idaho are shown opposite. The principal rail line connections are indicated as well as most of the important cities and towns.…
- Contributor: Portland Chamber of Commerce (Or.)
- Date: 1922
Image 40 of General survey of the Columbia River gateway country
- Contributor: Portland Chamber of Commerce (Or.)
- Date: 1922