Book/Printed Material Central America; describing each of the states of Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica; Their natural features, products, population, and remarkable capacity for colonization...
Image 1 of Central America; describing each of the states of Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, and … t
- Contributor: Baily, John
- Date: 1850-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 2 of Central America; describing each of the states of Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, and … 17
- Contributor: Baily, John
- Date: 1850-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 3 of Central America; describing each of the states of Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, and …
- Contributor: Baily, John
- Date: 1850-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 4 of Central America; describing each of the states of Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, and …
- Contributor: Baily, John
- Date: 1850-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 5 of Central America; describing each of the states of Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, and …
- Contributor: Baily, John
- Date: 1850-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 6 of Central America; describing each of the states of Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, and …
- Contributor: Baily, John
- Date: 1850-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 7 of Central America; describing each of the states of Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, and …
- Contributor: Baily, John
- Date: 1850-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 8 of Central America; describing each of the states of Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, and …
- Contributor: Baily, John
- Date: 1850-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 9 of Central America; describing each of the states of Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, and …
- Contributor: Baily, John
- Date: 1850-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 10 of Central America; describing each of the states of Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, and …
- Contributor: Baily, John
- Date: 1850-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
- Contributor: Baily, John
- Date: 1850-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 12 of Central America; describing each of the states of Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, and …
- Contributor: Baily, John
- Date: 1850-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 13 of Central America; describing each of the states of Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, and … CONTENTS BoundariesInhabitantsProductsRivers STATE OF NICARAGUA 113 Extent Departments General Features Cli mate Cities Roads Soil Products Inter oceanic Routes Proposed Line for Ship Canal Lake of Nicaragua The San Juan River Rapids…
- Contributor: Baily, John
- Date: 1850-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 14 of Central America; describing each of the states of Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, and … THE VIEWS PA GE PLAINS OF ALOTENAGO AND ESQUINTLA BETWEEN THE VOLCANOES DE AGUA AND DE FUEGO Frontispiece 56 This view was taken from a height overlooking the plains of Duenas towards…
- Contributor: Baily, John
- Date: 1850-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 15 of Central America; describing each of the states of Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, and … PREFATORY REMARKS IT is now a little more than a quarter of a century since the name of CENTRAL AMERICA has become known to Europe It previously formed one of the sections…
- Contributor: Baily, John
- Date: 1850-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 16 of Central America; describing each of the states of Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, and … Vi PREFATORY REMARKS nor indeed has it even yet been visited by travellers of name acquirements and patience enough fairly to do it justice after a careful investigation Nor has it remained…
- Contributor: Baily, John
- Date: 1850-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 17 of Central America; describing each of the states of Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, and … PREFATORY REMARKS vii much censure the want of talented men to guide the newly adopted system illiberality of opinion in those who stood most prominent narrowminded prejudices in religious matters that ought…
- Contributor: Baily, John
- Date: 1850-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 18 of Central America; describing each of the states of Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, and … viii PREFATORY REMARKS be derived the actual state of the country the vast capabilities it presents the great improvements that could be introduced and the extent to which these might be carried…
- Contributor: Baily, John
- Date: 1850-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 19 of Central America; describing each of the states of Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, and … PREFATORY REMARKS 1X fortune of Central America a misfortune if not always inseparable from often arising out of a change of customs long radicated by patient submission to an unquestioned authority but…
- Contributor: Baily, John
- Date: 1850-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 20 of Central America; describing each of the states of Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, and … X PREFATORY REMARKS possessions through fear or apathy nothing has been restored nothing useful undertaken It would be ex traneous to the present purpose to investigate how these evils have sprung up…
- Contributor: Baily, John
- Date: 1850-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 21 of Central America; describing each of the states of Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, and … PREFATORY REMARKS Xi The different States seem at length to have acquired through experience and disasters the best of all instruc tors a conviction that civil broils long continued can bring forth…
- Contributor: Baily, John
- Date: 1850-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 22 of Central America; describing each of the states of Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, and … Xii PREFATORY REMARKS territory which he has drawn He believes there will be found in them a fair exposition of the actual cha racter of the country and the many valuable resources…
- Contributor: Baily, John
- Date: 1850-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 23 of Central America; describing each of the states of Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, and … THE STATES OF CENTRAL AMERICA WHEN the modern States of Central America formed a part of the vast Colonial dominions of the Crown of Spain it was sometimes distinguished as the Kingdom…
- Contributor: Baily, John
- Date: 1850-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 24 of Central America; describing each of the states of Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, and … 2 CENTRAL AMERICA years under the conquerors the main object in view being no more than to give a concise geographical description of it as accurately as available data will permit and…
- Contributor: Baily, John
- Date: 1850-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 25 of Central America; describing each of the states of Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, and … BOUNDARIES AND SEA PORTS 3 be found to contain in round numbers very close upon 15700 square geographical leagues of land including the Mosquito shore and the English settlement of Belize On…
- Contributor: Baily, John
- Date: 1850-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 26 of Central America; describing each of the states of Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, and … 4 CENTRAL ANIERICA little difficulty during the greater part of the year The others are unexceptionably good The Government of Honduras having recently opened San Lorenzo near La Union inthe Bay of…
- Contributor: Baily, John
- Date: 1850-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 27 of Central America; describing each of the states of Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, and … MOUNTAINS RIVERS 5 As branches from the main range diverge in many directions the superficies presents an incessant alterna tion of mountain and valley so that large plains are nowhere met with…
- Contributor: Baily, John
- Date: 1850-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 28 of Central America; describing each of the states of Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, and … CENTRAL AMERICA through a track of country not much known and occupied by Indians of the Mosquito tribes and the San Juan de Nicaragua all on the Atlantic coast Of these rivers…
- Contributor: Baily, John
- Date: 1850-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 29 of Central America; describing each of the states of Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, and … 7 Climate and Seasons Although Central America occupies nearly the middle space between the Equator and the Tropic of Cancer con sequently lying within the Torrid Zone the temperature may be said…
- Contributor: Baily, John
- Date: 1850-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 30 of Central America; describing each of the states of Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, and … 8 CENTRAL AAIERICA where endemic and intermittent fevers are not unfrequent The Pacific coast is exposed to a temperature equally high or nearly so but is much more salubrious and seldom visited…
- Contributor: Baily, John
- Date: 1850-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 31 of Central America; describing each of the states of Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, and … PRODUCTIONS AND AGRICULTURE 9 present day numerous convulsions have been described by historians and commented upon with more or less ex aggeration but as it forms no part of the purpose of…
- Contributor: Baily, John
- Date: 1850-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 32 of Central America; describing each of the states of Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, and … 10 CENTRAL AMERICA many millions of inhabitants This is not a picture too highly coloured yet it must not hence be inferred that the country actually is in a position to reap…
- Contributor: Baily, John
- Date: 1850-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 33 of Central America; describing each of the states of Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, and … PRODUCTIONS AND AGRICULTURE 11 are capable of great exertions are persevering and patient of fatigue but those good qualities are not seconded by a judicious application of their physical powers But the…
- Contributor: Baily, John
- Date: 1850-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 34 of Central America; describing each of the states of Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, and … 4110111Mray 12 CENTRAL AMERICA the produce of it is neither so great as it ought to be nor is the quality so good as it could easily be made while great waste…
- Contributor: Baily, John
- Date: 1850-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 35 of Central America; describing each of the states of Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, and … PRODUCTIONS AND AGRICULTURE 13 successful in other regions shall have acquired practically knowledge for themselves and be willing to impart it by example and instruction to the humble and less favoured classes…
- Contributor: Baily, John
- Date: 1850-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 36 of Central America; describing each of the states of Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, and … 14 CENTRAL AMERICA cellent in quality and grown in each State a branch of industry capable of great extension is only attended to so far as to supply the home demand Coffee…
- Contributor: Baily, John
- Date: 1850-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 37 of Central America; describing each of the states of Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, and … PRODUCTIONS AND AGRICULTURE 15 fleece there would be in a few years a large supply beyond what could be employed at home consequently an exportable material of no mean value might be…
- Contributor: Baily, John
- Date: 1850-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 38 of Central America; describing each of the states of Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, and … 16 CENTRAL AMERICA mentioning a trial that proved so encouraging in one instance as to be worthy of imitation in others In the year 1839 a gentleman native of Guatemala who had…
- Contributor: Baily, John
- Date: 1850-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 39 of Central America; describing each of the states of Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, and … PRODUCTIONS AND AGRICULTURE 17 f Ii f le ty at to st as Ty rt in he to of ed 71y no in the ent Lis covered from books or supplied by…
- Contributor: Baily, John
- Date: 1850-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 40 of Central America; describing each of the states of Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, and … 18 CENTRAL AMERICA remark may be added namely that in this favourably temperate climate the moms multicaulis throws out its leaves all the year without interruption and as a con sequence of…
- Contributor: Baily, John
- Date: 1850-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page