Book/Printed Material The destiny of America.
Image 1 of The destiny of America.
- Contributor: Seward, William H. (William Henry)
- Date: 1853-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 2 of The destiny of America.
- Contributor: Seward, William H. (William Henry)
- Date: 1853-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
- Contributor: Seward, William H. (William Henry)
- Date: 1853-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 4 of The destiny of America.
- Contributor: Seward, William H. (William Henry)
- Date: 1853-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 5 of The destiny of America. THE DESTINY OF AMERICA This scene is new to me a stranger in Ohio and it must be in a degree surprising even to yourselves On these banks of the Scioto where…
- Contributor: Seward, William H. (William Henry)
- Date: 1853-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 6 of The destiny of America. If the Future which you seek consists in this that these thirty one States shall continue to exist for a period as long as human foresight is allowed to anticipate after coming…
- Contributor: Seward, William H. (William Henry)
- Date: 1853-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 7 of The destiny of America. THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 5 and that the public energies instead of being relaxed are gaining new vigor Is the Nation to become suddenly weary and so to waver and fall off…
- Contributor: Seward, William H. (William Henry)
- Date: 1853-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 8 of The destiny of America. nent Canada has great resources and begins to give signs of a national spirit But Canada is not yet independent of Great Bri tain And she will be quite too weak to…
- Contributor: Seward, William H. (William Henry)
- Date: 1853-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 9 of The destiny of America. THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 7 enough to do in replacing in Ireland the population that Island has yielded to us in subjecting Africa in extending her mercan tile dominion in Asia and…
- Contributor: Seward, William H. (William Henry)
- Date: 1853-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 10 of The destiny of America. jects of merely selfish advantage and enjoyment but for the per formance of duty which duty consists in elevating themselves and all mankind as high as possible in knowledge and virtue that…
- Contributor: Seward, William H. (William Henry)
- Date: 1853-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 11 of The destiny of America. THE DESTINY OP AMEKICA 9 Christian Church existed at this time the whole world must have fallen a prey to mere brute force The Christian Church alone possessed a moral power It…
- Contributor: Seward, William H. (William Henry)
- Date: 1853-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 12 of The destiny of America. 10 for the rights of the Human Race and an object of delight to the manes of its founders Happy said Washington when announcing the treaty of peace to the army thrice…
- Contributor: Seward, William H. (William Henry)
- Date: 1853-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 13 of The destiny of America. THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 11 sarily have a common interest in the promulgation and mainte nance of these principles because it is equally in the nature of men to be content with…
- Contributor: Seward, William H. (William Henry)
- Date: 1853-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 14 of The destiny of America. happiness for a season here and to deserve and so to secure more perfect liberty and happiness somewhere in a future world and since they all substantially agree that these temporal and…
- Contributor: Seward, William H. (William Henry)
- Date: 1853-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 15 of The destiny of America. THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 13 human passion the nations of modern Europe could never have gathered from among its ashes the philosophy the arts and the religion which were imperishable and have…
- Contributor: Seward, William H. (William Henry)
- Date: 1853-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 16 of The destiny of America. Those who employ that force seek to perpetuate their power and they do this most effectually by dividing classes and castes races and nations and arraying them for mutual injury or destruction…
- Contributor: Seward, William H. (William Henry)
- Date: 1853-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 17 of The destiny of America. THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 15 so they hesitate to allow full activity to the principles thus ac knowledged through fear of disturbing the harmony of society and the peace of the world…
- Contributor: Seward, William H. (William Henry)
- Date: 1853-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 18 of The destiny of America. cally was the worship of the state itself The Senate elected gods for Rome and these were expected to reward that distin guishing partiality by showing peculiar and discriminating favor to the…
- Contributor: Seward, William H. (William Henry)
- Date: 1853-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 19 of The destiny of America. THE DESTINY OE AMERICA 17 and they even kept the forms of its administration a profound mystery sealed against the knowledge of those for whose safety and welfare the laws existed The…
- Contributor: Seward, William H. (William Henry)
- Date: 1853-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 20 of The destiny of America. Ik 18 SPEECH OE WILLIAM H SEWARD and more debased and yet throughout all her long career did Rome never establish one public charity nor has history preserved any memorable instances of…
- Contributor: Seward, William H. (William Henry)
- Date: 1853-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 21 of The destiny of America. THE DESTINY OE AMERICA 19 in manufacturing towns and commercial cities We then were poor and lived in constant apprehension of domestic disorder and of foreign danger and we were at the…
- Contributor: Seward, William H. (William Henry)
- Date: 1853-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 22 of The destiny of America. I am not one of those who think that the temper of the nation has become already unsettled Accidents favoring the indulgence of that passion have been met with a degree of…
- Contributor: Seward, William H. (William Henry)
- Date: 1853-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 23 of The destiny of America. THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 21 ago was altogether ephemeral and scarcely formed an element of moral or political influence It is now marked with our own national principles and sentiments and exerts…
- Contributor: Seward, William H. (William Henry)
- Date: 1853-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 24 of The destiny of America. 22 greater amount of prosperity and happiness than under any form of constitution was ever before or elsewhere vouchsafed to any portion of mankind Nevertheless this review proves only that the measure…
- Contributor: Seward, William H. (William Henry)
- Date: 1853-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 25 of The destiny of America. THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 23 that we are fulfilling these purposes if we shall fail to produce hereafter benefactors of our race equal to Fulton and Franklin and Adams and even Washington…
- Contributor: Seward, William H. (William Henry)
- Date: 1853-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 26 of The destiny of America. I think that we are accustomed to excuse the national demoral ization which has produced these results on the ground that the practice of a sterner virtue might have disturbed the harmony…
- Contributor: Seward, William H. (William Henry)
- Date: 1853-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 27 of The destiny of America. THE DESTINY OP AMERICA 25 further and broadly onward the great work of the renewal of the civilization of the world and its emancipation from superstition and despotism But the desk also…
- Contributor: Seward, William H. (William Henry)
- Date: 1853-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 28 of The destiny of America. 26 speech op William h sewaed aie always religious superstitions upholding intellectual slavery I in some of its forms that all these superstitions stand upon pre scription and that they can only…
- Contributor: Seward, William H. (William Henry)
- Date: 1853-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 29 of The destiny of America.
- Contributor: Seward, William H. (William Henry)
- Date: 1853-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 30 of The destiny of America.
- Contributor: Seward, William H. (William Henry)
- Date: 1853-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 31 of The destiny of America.
- Contributor: Seward, William H. (William Henry)
- Date: 1853-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 32 of The destiny of America.
- Contributor: Seward, William H. (William Henry)
- Date: 1853-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 33 of The destiny of America.
- Contributor: Seward, William H. (William Henry)
- Date: 1853-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 34 of The destiny of America.
- Contributor: Seward, William H. (William Henry)
- Date: 1853-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page