Book/Printed Material In memoriam. Services in commemoration of the late Bvt. Col. Timothy Lubey, (past department commander,)
Image 1 of In memoriam. Services in commemoration of the late Bvt. Col. Timothy Lubey, (past … Soldier rest thy warfare oer Sleep the Sleep that knows not breaking Dream of battled fields no more Days of danger nights of waking In MFITION11111 SERVICES IN COMMEMORATION OF THE LATE…
- Contributor: Joseph Meredith Toner Collection (Library of Congress) - Grand Army of the Republic. Department of the Potomac
- Date: 1878-01-01
Image 2 of In memoriam. Services in commemoration of the late Bvt. Col. Timothy Lubey, (past … heaoquarters Department of the Potomac Graml Army of the Republic ASSISTANT ADJUTANT GENERALS OFFICE WASHINGTON D C December 20 1877 GENERAL ORDER No W It devolves upon the Commander the sad duty…
- Contributor: Joseph Meredith Toner Collection (Library of Congress) - Grand Army of the Republic. Department of the Potomac
- Date: 1878-01-01
Image 3 of In memoriam. Services in commemoration of the late Bvt. Col. Timothy Lubey, (past … Order Di EXCVCi5C5 VOLUNTARY BY PROF CARL RICHPER DEPARTMENT COMMANDER Adjutant General for what purpose is this Encampment called ADJUTANT GENERAL To pay our tribute of respect to the memory of our…
- Contributor: Joseph Meredith Toner Collection (Library of Congress) - Grand Army of the Republic. Department of the Potomac
- Date: 1878-01-01
Image 4 of In memoriam. Services in commemoration of the late Bvt. Col. Timothy Lubey, (past … He was an active and useful member of the G A R until he died Decem ber in 1877 embracing a period of over eleven years The drummer then beat three rolls…
- Contributor: Joseph Meredith Toner Collection (Library of Congress) - Grand Army of the Republic. Department of the Potomac
- Date: 1878-01-01
Image 5 of In memoriam. Services in commemoration of the late Bvt. Col. Timothy Lubey, (past … In the morning it is green and groweth up but in the evening it is cut down dried up and withered For we consume away in thy displeasure and are afraid at…
- Contributor: Joseph Meredith Toner Collection (Library of Congress) - Grand Army of the Republic. Department of the Potomac
- Date: 1878-01-01
Image 6 of In memoriam. Services in commemoration of the late Bvt. Col. Timothy Lubey, (past … HYMN For the occasion by the Chaplain Rev Geo Taylor Air Hebron Halt Comrades hear that solemn knell Deaths muffled drum we know it well No arms can put that foe to…
- Contributor: Joseph Meredith Toner Collection (Library of Congress) - Grand Army of the Republic. Department of the Potomac
- Date: 1878-01-01
Image 7 of In memoriam. Services in commemoration of the late Bvt. Col. Timothy Lubey, (past … The comrades then formed a square inclosing the altar the officers in front the Chaplain at the altar PRAYER BY CHAPLAIN TAYLOR Chant Hear Father WAHINGTON OCTETTB CLUB I Hear Father hear…
- Contributor: Joseph Meredith Toner Collection (Library of Congress) - Grand Army of the Republic. Department of the Potomac
- Date: 1878-01-01
Image 8 of In memoriam. Services in commemoration of the late Bvt. Col. Timothy Lubey, (past … t Reading from the Scriptures 15th Chapter Corinthians BY THE DEPARTMENT CHAPLAIN Moreover brethren I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you which also ye have received and wherein…
- Contributor: Joseph Meredith Toner Collection (Library of Congress) - Grand Army of the Republic. Department of the Potomac
- Date: 1878-01-01
Image 9 of In memoriam. Services in commemoration of the late Bvt. Col. Timothy Lubey, (past … t The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death For he hath put all things under his feet But when he saith All things are put under him it is manifest…
- Contributor: Joseph Meredith Toner Collection (Library of Congress) - Grand Army of the Republic. Department of the Potomac
- Date: 1878-01-01
Image 10 of In memoriam. Services in commemoration of the late Bvt. Col. Timothy Lubey, (past … Now this I say brethren that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God neither doth corruption inherit incorruption Behold I show you a mystery We shall not all sleep but…
- Contributor: Joseph Meredith Toner Collection (Library of Congress) - Grand Army of the Republic. Department of the Potomac
- Date: 1878-01-01
Image 11 of In memoriam. Services in commemoration of the late Bvt. Col. Timothy Lubey, (past … Irving has beautifully said The love that survives the tomb is one of the noblest attributes of the human soul If it has its woes it has likewise its delights and when…
- Contributor: Joseph Meredith Toner Collection (Library of Congress) - Grand Army of the Republic. Department of the Potomac
- Date: 1878-01-01
Image 12 of In memoriam. Services in commemoration of the late Bvt. Col. Timothy Lubey, (past … fraternity of feeling which binds us together as an organization that char ity which suffereth long and is kind and that loyalty which all good citizens recognize as due to the service…
- Contributor: Joseph Meredith Toner Collection (Library of Congress) - Grand Army of the Republic. Department of the Potomac
- Date: 1878-01-01
Image 13 of In memoriam. Services in commemoration of the late Bvt. Col. Timothy Lubey, (past … t 4 constant day andnight under circumstances the most trying and hazard ous The result of his marked efficiency and zeal was expressed by the commanding General when in June 5864 Captain…
- Contributor: Joseph Meredith Toner Collection (Library of Congress) - Grand Army of the Republic. Department of the Potomac
- Date: 1878-01-01
Image 14 of In memoriam. Services in commemoration of the late Bvt. Col. Timothy Lubey, (past … We are thoroughly awake to his conscientiousness as a citizen his integ rity and efficiency as a public officer his sincerity as a friend and his devo tion as a husband but…
- Contributor: Joseph Meredith Toner Collection (Library of Congress) - Grand Army of the Republic. Department of the Potomac
- Date: 1878-01-01
Image 15 of In memoriam. Services in commemoration of the late Bvt. Col. Timothy Lubey, (past … been in vain and gazing upon the old flag as it waves over our arsenals and forts to day in the sincerity of our hearts we ask that in proportion as we…
- Contributor: Joseph Meredith Toner Collection (Library of Congress) - Grand Army of the Republic. Department of the Potomac
- Date: 1878-01-01
Image 16 of In memoriam. Services in commemoration of the late Bvt. Col. Timothy Lubey, (past … 41itS411116411211110111111111110116601111kihib his charitable acts done to be seen of men he did not ostentatiously make a parade of his gifts he observed the command let not thy right hand know what thy…
- Contributor: Joseph Meredith Toner Collection (Library of Congress) - Grand Army of the Republic. Department of the Potomac
- Date: 1878-01-01
Image 17 of In memoriam. Services in commemoration of the late Bvt. Col. Timothy Lubey, (past … sellor and a guide and hereafter as we gather around our camp fire we shall realize more keenly the void created in our ranks and feel more deeply the loss we have…
- Contributor: Joseph Meredith Toner Collection (Library of Congress) - Grand Army of the Republic. Department of the Potomac
- Date: 1878-01-01
Image 18 of In memoriam. Services in commemoration of the late Bvt. Col. Timothy Lubey, (past … DEPT COM Junior Vice Department Commander how should comrades of the Grand Army live Jordon VICE DEPT COM Having on the whole armor of God that they may be able to withstand…
- Contributor: Joseph Meredith Toner Collection (Library of Congress) - Grand Army of the Republic. Department of the Potomac
- Date: 1878-01-01
Image 19 of In memoriam. Services in commemoration of the late Bvt. Col. Timothy Lubey, (past … Prof CARL RICHTER Organi8t lOctette ttlub I L PARKHURST FRED S NEWNIAN First Tenor DR FRANK T HUME W E MORGAN Second Tenor E J WHIPPLE THOS H JANVIER First Bass L…
- Contributor: Joseph Meredith Toner Collection (Library of Congress) - Grand Army of the Republic. Department of the Potomac
- Date: 1878-01-01
Image 20 of In memoriam. Services in commemoration of the late Bvt. Col. Timothy Lubey, (past …
- Contributor: Joseph Meredith Toner Collection (Library of Congress) - Grand Army of the Republic. Department of the Potomac
- Date: 1878-01-01