Book/Printed Material A report upon the military and hydrographical chart of the extremity of Cape Cod: inlcuding the townships of Provincetown and Truro with their seacoast and ship harbor: projected from surveys executed during portions of the years 1833, 1834, and 1835, under the direction of James D. Graham, Major U.S. Corps of Topographical Engineers.
Image 1 of A report upon the military and hydrographical chart of the extremity of Cape … boaaiii 1111 019 f A REPORT UPON THE 074zTy MILITARY AND HYDROGRAPHICAL CHART OF TIM EXTREMITY OF CAPE COD INCLUDING THE TOWNSHIPS OF PROVINCETOWN AND TRURO WITH THEIR S EACOASTS AND SHIP…
- Contributor: Graham, J. D. (James Duncan) - United States. Topographical Bureau
- Date: 1838-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 2 of A report upon the military and hydrographical chart of the extremity of Cape …
- Contributor: Graham, J. D. (James Duncan) - United States. Topographical Bureau
- Date: 1838-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 3 of A report upon the military and hydrographical chart of the extremity of Cape …
- Contributor: Graham, J. D. (James Duncan) - United States. Topographical Bureau
- Date: 1838-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 4 of A report upon the military and hydrographical chart of the extremity of Cape …
- Contributor: Graham, J. D. (James Duncan) - United States. Topographical Bureau
- Date: 1838-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
- Contributor: Graham, J. D. (James Duncan) - United States. Topographical Bureau
- Date: 1838-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 6 of A report upon the military and hydrographical chart of the extremity of Cape … CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES IN THE HOUSE or REPRESENTATIVES January 19 1838 Mr REED from the Committee on Naval Affairs reported the following resolution which was read and agreed to by…
- Contributor: Graham, J. D. (James Duncan) - United States. Topographical Bureau
- Date: 1838-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 7 of A report upon the military and hydrographical chart of the extremity of Cape … REPORT DEPARTMENT OF WAR January 17 1838 SIR Herewith I have the honor to transmit a communication from the officer in charge of the To pographical Bureau accompanied by the chart of…
- Contributor: Graham, J. D. (James Duncan) - United States. Topographical Bureau
- Date: 1838-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 8 of A report upon the military and hydrographical chart of the extremity of Cape … 4 the common vertex of two or more separate trian gles all the angles of which had been measured with the thepdolite and no point which was not thus verified was again…
- Contributor: Graham, J. D. (James Duncan) - United States. Topographical Bureau
- Date: 1838-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 9 of A report upon the military and hydrographical chart of the extremity of Cape … 5 dicated by an excellent chronometer whose rate was ascertained by frequent astronomical observa tions The individuals charged with the registers of the tides kept their watches constantly regulated by the chronometer…
- Contributor: Graham, J. D. (James Duncan) - United States. Topographical Bureau
- Date: 1838-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 10 of A report upon the military and hydrographical chart of the extremity of Cape … 6 TOLE Q 4 REMPITe1012710N showinglhe flow of the tides at RACE POigT Ci to115 MAgiicktrst1116 as decked YrOm 135 reen tered high tides and 123 registered low tides measured by a…
- Contributor: Graham, J. D. (James Duncan) - United States. Topographical Bureau
- Date: 1838-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 11 of A report upon the military and hydrographical chart of the extremity of Cape … rive muuk aid in regulating their distance from the shere by obaerviug frequently the uaXure and color of the sand at bottom as well as the depth This will appear by reference…
- Contributor: Graham, J. D. (James Duncan) - United States. Topographical Bureau
- Date: 1838-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 12 of A report upon the military and hydrographical chart of the extremity of Cape … 8 ding tvirctiora many of our Squthern ports to the north of Europe and it must always be an linter tant rendezvous for any naval force destined to cruise upon this part…
- Contributor: Graham, J. D. (James Duncan) - United States. Topographical Bureau
- Date: 1838-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 13 of A report upon the military and hydrographical chart of the extremity of Cape … TABLES ACCOMPANYING THE REPORT
- Contributor: Graham, J. D. (James Duncan) - United States. Topographical Bureau
- Date: 1838-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 14 of A report upon the military and hydrographical chart of the extremity of Cape … TAB REGISTER OF THE TIDES at High and Lour Water at PROV1NCE7OWN ilARBOR3 CAPE COD MASSACEUSETTS under HIGH WATER DATE 1833 Mean solar time civil account July 1 44 2 CC 3…
- Contributor: Graham, J. D. (James Duncan) - United States. Topographical Bureau
- Date: 1838-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 15 of A report upon the military and hydrographical chart of the extremity of Cape … LE A the direction of Captain JAnns D GRAHAM United States Topographical Engineers for the month of JULY 1833 LOW WATER DATE 1833 Mean solar time civil account July 1 44 2…
- Contributor: Graham, J. D. (James Duncan) - United States. Topographical Bureau
- Date: 1838-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 16 of A report upon the military and hydrographical chart of the extremity of Cape … TAB REGISTER OF TILE TIDES at High and Low Water at PROVINCETOWN HARBOR CAPE COD MASSACHUSETTS under HIGH WATER DATE 1833 August 1 CC 2 cc 3 CC 4 5 7 CC…
- Contributor: Graham, J. D. (James Duncan) - United States. Topographical Bureau
- Date: 1838-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 17 of A report upon the military and hydrographical chart of the extremity of Cape … 7 2 1 11 a G 3 LE B the direction of Captain JAMES B GRAHAM United States Topographical Engineers for the month of AUGUST 1833 LOW WATER REMARKS DATE Height of…
- Contributor: Graham, J. D. (James Duncan) - United States. Topographical Bureau
- Date: 1838-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 18 of A report upon the military and hydrographical chart of the extremity of Cape … TAB REGISTER OF THE TIDES at High and Low Water at PROTINCETOWN HARBOR CAPE COD MASSACHUSETTS under HIGH WATER DATE Height of tide in feet and deci mats WIND Tide stood in…
- Contributor: Graham, J. D. (James Duncan) - United States. Topographical Bureau
- Date: 1838-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 19 of A report upon the military and hydrographical chart of the extremity of Cape … LE C the direction of Captain JAMES II GRAHAM United States Topographical Engineers for the month of SEPTEMBER 1833 LOW WATER C DATE 133 Mean solar time civil account Sept 1 2…
- Contributor: Graham, J. D. (James Duncan) - United States. Topographical Bureau
- Date: 1838-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 20 of A report upon the military and hydrographical chart of the extremity of Cape … TAB REGISTER OF THE TIDES at High and LOW Water at PROVNCETOWN RA11130117 CAPE COD MASSACHUSETTS under HIGH WATER REMARKS DATE ai 4 Iv t I 3 a 4 a Iwo eCli…
- Contributor: Graham, J. D. (James Duncan) - United States. Topographical Bureau
- Date: 1838-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 21 of A report upon the military and hydrographical chart of the extremity of Cape … h m Oct 1 630 a m 645 p m 720 a m 732 p m 7 742 a m 817 p m 835 a m 910 p m 915 a m…
- Contributor: Graham, J. D. (James Duncan) - United States. Topographical Bureau
- Date: 1838-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 22 of A report upon the military and hydrographical chart of the extremity of Cape … 23 842 a m 855 p m 24 925 a m 952 p m 25 42_1020 a m 1030 p m 26 1040 a m 1055 p m 27 1110 a m…
- Contributor: Graham, J. D. (James Duncan) - United States. Topographical Bureau
- Date: 1838-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 23 of A report upon the military and hydrographical chart of the extremity of Cape … LE E h m 1710 a m 755 p m 2 815 a m 845 p m 845 a m 950 p m 950 a m 1040 p m 5 11 2…
- Contributor: Graham, J. D. (James Duncan) - United States. Topographical Bureau
- Date: 1838-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 24 of A report upon the military and hydrographical chart of the extremity of Cape … TAB REGISTER OF THE TIDES at High and Lolls Water at PROVINCETOWN HARBOR CAPE COD MASSACHUSETTS under _ HIGH WATER REMARKS DATE Height of tide in feet and deci mals WIND WEATHER…
- Contributor: Graham, J. D. (James Duncan) - United States. Topographical Bureau
- Date: 1838-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 25 of A report upon the military and hydrographical chart of the extremity of Cape … min to 756 a m 821 p m 2 840 a m 913 p m 3 932 a m 1020 p m 4 q 1037 a 1117 p m 5 1142 a…
- Contributor: Graham, J. D. (James Duncan) - United States. Topographical Bureau
- Date: 1838-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 26 of A report upon the military and hydrographical chart of the extremity of Cape … TAB REGISTER OF THE TIDES at High and Low Water at PROVINCETOWN HARBOR CAPE COD MASSACHUSETTS under _ HIGH WATER Height of tide in feet and deci mals I Tide stood in…
- Contributor: Graham, J. D. (James Duncan) - United States. Topographical Bureau
- Date: 1838-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 27 of A report upon the military and hydrographical chart of the extremity of Cape … LE G the direction of Captain JAMES D GRAKAN United States Topographical Engineers for the month of JANUARY 1834 _ LOW WATER DATE Height of tide in feet and deci mals WIND…
- Contributor: Graham, J. D. (James Duncan) - United States. Topographical Bureau
- Date: 1838-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 28 of A report upon the military and hydrographical chart of the extremity of Cape … TAB h mm Feb 1 510 a m 4t 542 p m 2 625 a m 647 p m 725 a m 755 p m 4 J4 820 a m 853 p…
- Contributor: Graham, J. D. (James Duncan) - United States. Topographical Bureau
- Date: 1838-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 29 of A report upon the military and hydrographical chart of the extremity of Cape … LE H direction of Captain JAMES D GRAIIAM U S Topographical Engineers from FEBRIARY 1st to MARCH 2d 1834 LOW WATER REMARKS DATE Height of tide in feet and deci mals WIND…
- Contributor: Graham, J. D. (James Duncan) - United States. Topographical Bureau
- Date: 1838-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 30 of A report upon the military and hydrographical chart of the extremity of Cape … TAP REGISTER OF THE TIDES at High and Low Water at Long Point light house PROVINCETOWN HARBOR CAPE COD ofAUGUST to the 21st of HIGH WATER DATE 1834 Mean solar time civil…
- Contributor: Graham, J. D. (James Duncan) - United States. Topographical Bureau
- Date: 1838-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 31 of A report upon the military and hydrographical chart of the extremity of Cape … LE I M tSSACHUSETTS under the direction of Major JAMES D GRAHAM United States Topographical Engineers from the 26th SEPTEMBER 1834 LOW WATER DATE 1834 Mean solar time civil account h m…
- Contributor: Graham, J. D. (James Duncan) - United States. Topographical Bureau
- Date: 1838-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 32 of A report upon the military and hydrographical chart of the extremity of Cape … TAD REGISTER OF THE TIDES at High and Low Water at PROTINCETOWN HARBOR CAPE COD MASSACHUSETTS under HIGH WATER DATE 1835 Mean solar time civil account WIND Course Strength WEATHER REMARKS SEA…
- Contributor: Graham, J. D. (James Duncan) - United States. Topographical Bureau
- Date: 1838-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 33 of A report upon the military and hydrographical chart of the extremity of Cape … LE K h m May 28 553 a m 339 6 8 p 111 439 633 a m 329 616 p m 469 710 a m 334 721 p m 442 748…
- Contributor: Graham, J. D. (James Duncan) - United States. Topographical Bureau
- Date: 1838-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 34 of A report upon the military and hydrographical chart of the extremity of Cape … TAR REGISTER OF THE TIDES at High and Low Water at PROVINCETOWN HARBOR CAPE COD MAssAcnusETTs under HIGH WATER REMARKS DATE Height of tide in feet and deci mals WIND WEATHER I…
- Contributor: Graham, J. D. (James Duncan) - United States. Topographical Bureau
- Date: 1838-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 35 of A report upon the military and hydrographical chart of the extremity of Cape … LE L the direction of Major JAMES 1 GRAII tiM United States Topographical Engineers from the 1st to the 27th JULY 1835 LOW WATER DATE 5 4 8 WIND 4 0 6…
- Contributor: Graham, J. D. (James Duncan) - United States. Topographical Bureau
- Date: 1838-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 36 of A report upon the military and hydrographical chart of the extremity of Cape … TAB REGISTER OF THE TIDES at High and Low Water at RACE POINT CAPE COD MASSACHUSETTS under the HIGH WATER DATE 1833 7111414443 Mean solar time avil account WIND Course Strength WEATHER…
- Contributor: Graham, J. D. (James Duncan) - United States. Topographical Bureau
- Date: 1838-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 37 of A report upon the military and hydrographical chart of the extremity of Cape … LE IL direction of Captain J 0 GRAHAM United states Topographical Engineers from the 11th to the 31st MIGUST 1833 LOW WATER REMARKS DATE 5 6 a a po t I u…
- Contributor: Graham, J. D. (James Duncan) - United States. Topographical Bureau
- Date: 1838-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 38 of A report upon the military and hydrographical chart of the extremity of Cape … TAB BEGI9711011 OP MB TIRES a high and Lore Witter at RAcE POtNT CAPE COD MASOACHVBETTS under the di HIGH WATER DATE 1833 Mean solar time civil account Sept 1 CC 4…
- Contributor: Graham, J. D. (James Duncan) - United States. Topographical Bureau
- Date: 1838-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 39 of A report upon the military and hydrographical chart of the extremity of Cape … LE N recation of Captain JA116311 B GRAHAM United States Topographical linginsers for the month of SEPTEMBER1633 LOW WATER REMARKS DATE Height of tide in feet and deci mals WIND WEATHER SEA…
- Contributor: Graham, J. D. (James Duncan) - United States. Topographical Bureau
- Date: 1838-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 40 of A report upon the military and hydrographical chart of the extremity of Cape … TAB REGISTER OF THE TIDES at High and Low Water at RACE POINT CAPE COD MASSACHUSETTS under the diret HIGH WATER 1834 Sept 3 I 4 GC 5 CC 6 cc 7…
- Contributor: Graham, J. D. (James Duncan) - United States. Topographical Bureau
- Date: 1838-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page