Book/Printed Material China,
- Contributor: Great Britain. Foreign Office. Historical Section - Campbell, C. W. (Charles William)
- Date: 1920-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 2 of China,
- Contributor: Great Britain. Foreign Office. Historical Section - Campbell, C. W. (Charles William)
- Date: 1920-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 3 of China,
- Contributor: Great Britain. Foreign Office. Historical Section - Campbell, C. W. (Charles William)
- Date: 1920-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 4 of China,
- Contributor: Great Britain. Foreign Office. Historical Section - Campbell, C. W. (Charles William)
- Date: 1920-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 5 of China,
- Contributor: Great Britain. Foreign Office. Historical Section - Campbell, C. W. (Charles William)
- Date: 1920-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 6 of China,
- Contributor: Great Britain. Foreign Office. Historical Section - Campbell, C. W. (Charles William)
- Date: 1920-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 7 of China, T2 handbooks prepared under HR direction of the HISTORICAL SECTION OF THE FOREIGN OFFICENo 67 CHINA TV 7 BY CHARLES WILLIAM CAMPBELL CMG Late Chinese Secretary British Legation Peking LONDON PUBLISHED BY…
- Contributor: Great Britain. Foreign Office. Historical Section - Campbell, C. W. (Charles William)
- Date: 1920-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 8 of China, 7 e 1 r
- Contributor: Great Britain. Foreign Office. Historical Section - Campbell, C. W. (Charles William)
- Date: 1920-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 9 of China, Editorial Note r 5 In the spring of 1917 the Foreign Office in connection with the preparation which they were making for the work of the Peace Conference established a special section…
- Contributor: Great Britain. Foreign Office. Historical Section - Campbell, C. W. (Charles William)
- Date: 1920-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 10 of China, It must be understood that although the series of volumes was prepared under the authority and is now issued with the sanction of the Foreign Office that Office is not to be…
- Contributor: Great Britain. Foreign Office. Historical Section - Campbell, C. W. (Charles William)
- Date: 1920-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 11 of China, No 071 Ohina TABLE OF CONTENTS I POLITICAL HISTORY Chronological Summary IFROM EARLY TIMES TO THE ESTABLISH MENT OF THE REPUBLIC i Beginnings of European Intercourse Chinese Exclusiveness Embassies of Macartney and…
- Contributor: Great Britain. Foreign Office. Historical Section - Campbell, C. W. (Charles William)
- Date: 1920-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 12 of China, TABLE OF CONTENTS no e PAGE Chefoo Agreement 1876 22 Reconquest of Kashgar 23 Kuldja and the Treaty of Petersburg 1881 24 Korea and Chinese Suzerainty 25 Loochoo Suzerainty 27 France and…
- Contributor: Great Britain. Foreign Office. Historical Section - Campbell, C. W. (Charles William)
- Date: 1920-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 13 of China, TABLE OF CONIENTS f m ChinaJ PAGE e From the Final Protocol 1901 to the end of Kuanghsiis reign 1908 53 Return of the Court 53 AngloJapanese Alliance 1902 54 AngloChinese Commercial…
- Contributor: Great Britain. Foreign Office. Historical Section - Campbell, C. W. (Charles William)
- Date: 1920-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 14 of China, TABLE OF CONTENTS No 67 Yuan Shihkai elected President 1913 New Council of Government President rules without Parliament Condition of Central and South China 6 Foreign affairs during the founding of the…
- Contributor: Great Britain. Foreign Office. Historical Section - Campbell, C. W. (Charles William)
- Date: 1920-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 15 of China, TABLE OF CONTENTS OhinaJ II SOCIAL AND POLITICAL CONDITIONS 1 Religious Ancestor worship Confucianism Taoism Buddhism Mohammedanism Christianity 2 Political Social Order Machinery of Government Public Examinations Checks on official power The…
- Contributor: Great Britain. Foreign Office. Historical Section - Campbell, C. W. (Charles William)
- Date: 1920-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 16 of China,
- Contributor: Great Britain. Foreign Office. Historical Section - Campbell, C. W. (Charles William)
- Date: 1920-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 17 of China, No 671 China J CHINA I POLITICAL HISTORY Chronological Summary 1517 Portuguese arrive at Canton 1624 Dutch establish themselves in Formosa 1637 English first appear at Canton 1689 Treaty of Nertchinsk between…
- Contributor: Great Britain. Foreign Office. Historical Section - Campbell, C. W. (Charles William)
- Date: 1920-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 18 of China, 2 HISTORY Noj 67 1895 Treaty of Shimonoseki with Japan Retrocession of Liaotung by Japan Convention with France rectifying Tonkin frontier 1896 1 rancoBritish Declaration relating to Yunnan and Szechwan 1897 Seizure…
- Contributor: Great Britain. Foreign Office. Historical Section - Campbell, C. W. (Charles William)
- Date: 1920-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 19 of China, China EUROPEAN INTERCOURSE 3 1014 Capture of Kiaochow RussoMongol Railway and Telegraph Agreements 1915 SinoJapanese Treaties SinoRussianMongol Treaty of Kiakhta SinoRussian Agreement relating to the Barukh country Yuan Shihkai accepts the throne…
- Contributor: Great Britain. Foreign Office. Historical Section - Campbell, C. W. (Charles William)
- Date: 1920-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 20 of China, 4 HISTOKY No 67 than nominal control His grandson Chienlung 17351795 extended the dominion to Ili invaded Burma Cochin China and Nepaul which were forced to pay tribute and strengthened the Chinese…
- Contributor: Great Britain. Foreign Office. Historical Section - Campbell, C. W. (Charles William)
- Date: 1920-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 21 of China, China CHINESE EXCLUSIVENESS 5 to Fuhsi the first historical Emperor who flourished in the years 28522738 bc However critically we may regard those traditions authentic vestiges with characteristic ornamentation and hieroglyphic inscrip…
- Contributor: Great Britain. Foreign Office. Historical Section - Campbell, C. W. (Charles William)
- Date: 1920-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 22 of China, 6 HISTORY No 67 to enter into relations with the Chinese Court in the European manner Lord Macartney was sent to Peking in 1793 at the head of an imposing Mission He…
- Contributor: Great Britain. Foreign Office. Historical Section - Campbell, C. W. (Charles William)
- Date: 1920-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 23 of China, China ABOLITION OF E I COS MONOPOLY 7 nationals had been dependent on the goodwill of the Chinese who had no real conception of the strength of the European Powers and had…
- Contributor: Great Britain. Foreign Office. Historical Section - Campbell, C. W. (Charles William)
- Date: 1920-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 24 of China, 8 HISTORY No 67 The Opium TradeWhile the grievances of the European Committees were many and serious the Chinese on the other hand had their grounds of com plaint Amongst these the…
- Contributor: Great Britain. Foreign Office. Historical Section - Campbell, C. W. (Charles William)
- Date: 1920-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 25 of China, FIRST CHINA WAR 9 were given up to the Chinese authorities and by them destroyed At the same time Elliot withdrew the British from Canton to Macao and forbade British ships to…
- Contributor: Great Britain. Foreign Office. Historical Section - Campbell, C. W. (Charles William)
- Date: 1920-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 26 of China, 10 HISTORY No 67 turned to the Yangtse Chinkiang was stormed and Nanking being threatened the Peking Government proposed terms of peace and treaty signed by Sir Henry Pottinger on August 29…
- Contributor: Great Britain. Foreign Office. Historical Section - Campbell, C. W. (Charles William)
- Date: 1920-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 27 of China, CANTONESE HOSTILITY 11 China of the monopolies previously enjoyed they set to work systematically to obstruct or evade the execution of the new obligations The right of entry into the city secured…
- Contributor: Great Britain. Foreign Office. Historical Section - Campbell, C. W. (Charles William)
- Date: 1920-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 28 of China, 12 HISTORY No 67 hatred rebels swarmed northward in 1852 through Hunan and captured Wuchang and Hanyang In 1853 Hung occupied Nanking and proclaimed the Taiping dynasty and himself as Tien Wang…
- Contributor: Great Britain. Foreign Office. Historical Section - Campbell, C. W. (Charles William)
- Date: 1920-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 29 of China, china THE ARROW RUPTURE OF 1859 13 murder of a French missionary Pere Chapdelaine the French Government now took an active part in the reprisals By December 1857 an adequate force was…
- Contributor: Great Britain. Foreign Office. Historical Section - Campbell, C. W. (Charles William)
- Date: 1920-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 30 of China, 14 HISTORY fNo 07 off and the march of the armies was resumed At Yangtsun communications were received from new plenipotentiaries headed by Prince Yi who September id again accepted the allied…
- Contributor: Great Britain. Foreign Office. Historical Section - Campbell, C. W. (Charles William)
- Date: 1920-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 31 of China, China RUSSIA ANI CHINA 16891860 15 foreigners Monopolies of the Canton coliong 1 type were abolished and freedom of contract was guaran teed Each treaty had a mostfavourednation clause In 1858 indemnities…
- Contributor: Great Britain. Foreign Office. Historical Section - Campbell, C. W. (Charles William)
- Date: 1920-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 32 of China, 16 HISTORY No 37 from the reign of Yungcheng to that of Hsienfeng a period of over 130 years This treaty of 1727 with two more conventions of 1768 and 1792 regulated…
- Contributor: Great Britain. Foreign Office. Historical Section - Campbell, C. W. (Charles William)
- Date: 1920-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 33 of China, China REIGN OF TUNGCHIH 186175 17 there joined the British French and American envoys in pressing for free intercourse When the allies went north he accompanied them and was the first to…
- Contributor: Great Britain. Foreign Office. Historical Section - Campbell, C. W. (Charles William)
- Date: 1920-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 34 of China, 18 HISTORY No 07 Suppression of Taiping and Nienfei Rebellions During the Arrow War the Taipings had recovered breath Two new and capable leaders in flicted defeats on the Imperialists raised the…
- Contributor: Great Britain. Foreign Office. Historical Section - Campbell, C. W. (Charles William)
- Date: 1920-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 35 of China, ALCOCK CONVENTION 19 ChinaJ southwest in 1856 and was known as the Panthay rebellion The Panthays under Tu Wenhsiu or Sultan Suleiman held sway in West Yunnan with Talifu as their capital…
- Contributor: Great Britain. Foreign Office. Historical Section - Campbell, C. W. (Charles William)
- Date: 1920-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 36 of China, 20 HISTORY No 67 The Tientsin Massacre 1870An incident of im portance affecting foreign relations in this reign was the antiforeign riot known as the Tientsin Massacre in 1870 It arose through…
- Contributor: Great Britain. Foreign Office. Historical Section - Campbell, C. W. (Charles William)
- Date: 1920-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 37 of China, China REIGN OF KUANGHSU 18751908 21 generation in accordance with the State rules of ancestor worship and this departure from dynastic usage manifestly in the interest of Tzuhsis own family and to…
- Contributor: Great Britain. Foreign Office. Historical Section - Campbell, C. W. (Charles William)
- Date: 1920-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 38 of China, 22 HISTORY No 67 the enquiry some savages were produced as the culprits and it was clear that the evidence was concocted The British officers protested and withdrew The trial proceeded the…
- Contributor: Great Britain. Foreign Office. Historical Section - Campbell, C. W. (Charles William)
- Date: 1920-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 39 of China, owna RECONQUEST OF KASHGAR 23 and six callingstations were established on the Yangtse The agreement contained other clauses relating to trade matters which the British mercantile community objected to especially one debarring…
- Contributor: Great Britain. Foreign Office. Historical Section - Campbell, C. W. (Charles William)
- Date: 1920-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 40 of China, 24 HISTORY No 67 dominion in Kashgaria A foreign loan of 1600000 the first of its kind was raised to finance the expedition which attained its purpose after a two years campaign…
- Contributor: Great Britain. Foreign Office. Historical Section - Campbell, C. W. (Charles William)
- Date: 1920-01-01
- Resource: - 1 page