Book/Printed Material The 302nd field artillery, United States army.
Image 1 of The 302nd field artillery, United States army.
- Contributor: United States. Army. 302d Field Artillery
- Date: 1919
Image 2 of The 302nd field artillery, United States army. Class j l^a Book COKRIGHT DEPOSfE
- Contributor: United States. Army. 302d Field Artillery
- Date: 1919
Image 3 of The 302nd field artillery, United States army.
- Contributor: United States. Army. 302d Field Artillery
- Date: 1919
Image 4 of The 302nd field artillery, United States army.
- Contributor: United States. Army. 302d Field Artillery
- Date: 1919
Image 5 of The 302nd field artillery, United States army.
- Contributor: United States. Army. 302d Field Artillery
- Date: 1919
Image 6 of The 302nd field artillery, United States army. BRIGADIER GENERAL DANIEL F. CRAIG Commissioned Colonel Aug. 17, 1917. Commanding Regiment from Sept. 4, 1917 to Oct. 15, 191S. Brigadier General Oct. 15, 1 9 1 Si, assigned to command the…
- Contributor: United States. Army. 302d Field Artillery
- Date: 1919
Image 7 of The 302nd field artillery, United States army. 302 nd Field Artillery United States Army 3o2 nd Field Artillery Association Josi iM Lane, Secretary 144 Lexington Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts
- Contributor: United States. Army. 302d Field Artillery
- Date: 1919
Image 8 of The 302nd field artillery, United States army. stv \o« w Copyright 1919 BY THE 302nd Field Artillery Association ©CI.A530785
- Contributor: United States. Army. 302d Field Artillery
- Date: 1919
Image 9 of The 302nd field artillery, United States army. To Brigadier General DANIEL F. CRAIG Commander of the Regiment from the time of its organization, September 5, 191 until his promotion to Briga- dier General October 15, 19 18.
- Contributor: United States. Army. 302d Field Artillery
- Date: 1919
Image 10 of The 302nd field artillery, United States army.
- Contributor: United States. Army. 302d Field Artillery
- Date: 1919
Image 11 of The 302nd field artillery, United States army. INTRODUCTION This book is the result of a desire throughout the regiment for a memento of the Great War and of the comradeship enjoyed in the service by the members of the…
- Contributor: United States. Army. 302d Field Artillery
- Date: 1919
Image 12 of The 302nd field artillery, United States army.
- Contributor: United States. Army. 302d Field Artillery
- Date: 1919
Image 13 of The 302nd field artillery, United States army.
- Contributor: United States. Army. 302d Field Artillery
- Date: 1919
Image 14 of The 302nd field artillery, United States army. COLONEL WILLIAM P. PLATT West Point. Commissioned Colonel Oct. 26, 1918. Commanding Regiment since Nov. 6, 1918. Address: Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.
- Contributor: United States. Army. 302d Field Artillery
- Date: 1919
Image 15 of The 302nd field artillery, United States army. MAJOR ROBERT A. DOYLE Commissioned Major Dec. 31, 191 Assigned to Regiment Oct. II, 1918. Commanding 2nd Battalion from Oct. 13, 191S to Feb. z8, [919. Address: Little Rock, Arkansas. MAJOR MORRIS…
- Contributor: United States. Army. 302d Field Artillery
- Date: 1919
Image 16 of The 302nd field artillery, United States army. CAPTAIN HARCOURT AMORY, JR. Commissioned Captain Aug. 15, 191 7. Battalion Adjutant 3d Battalion. Commanding 3d Battalion. Address: 293 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. CAPTAIN SAMUEL W. ATKINS Commissioned Captain at Plattsburg Training…
- Contributor: United States. Army. 302d Field Artillery
- Date: 1919
Image 17 of The 302nd field artillery, United States army. :i CAPTAIN HOWARD T. BYLES Commissioned Captain at Plattsburg Training Camp Aug. i 1917. Commanding Battery C to March 3, 1919. Address: Central illage, Conn. CAPTAIN WILLIAM H. CLAFLIN, JR. Commissioned Captain…
- Contributor: United States. Army. 302d Field Artillery
- Date: 1919
Image 18 of The 302nd field artillery, United States army. Il CAPTAIN BURGESS A. EDWARDS Commissioned Captain at Plattsburg Training Camp Aug. 15, 1917. Commanding Battery B. Address: 87 Milk St., Boston, Mass. CAPTAIN CALEB L. ETHERIDGE, ORD. Commissioned 1st Lieut. Sept.…
- Contributor: United States. Army. 302d Field Artillery
- Date: 1919
Image 19 of The 302nd field artillery, United States army. fc# in ikd LIEUT. ROBERT H. ATKINSON Commissioned 2nd Lieut. August I, i /i^- J Regiment September 25, 1918. Dutj with Supply Company. Address: 1 195 Lincoln Street, Portland, Oregon. :nd…
- Contributor: United States. Army. 302d Field Artillery
- Date: 1919
Image 20 of The 302nd field artillery, United States army. 2nd LIEUT. LLOYD G. del CASTILLO Commissioned 2nd Lieut. July 4, 191 8. Duty with Headquarters Company, Band Leader. Address: 324 Franklin Street, Cambridge, Mass. -^r ist LIEUT. CHAPLAIN CURTIS \V. CHENO-…
- Contributor: United States. Army. 302d Field Artillery
- Date: 1919
Image 21 of The 302nd field artillery, United States army. ist LIELT. GORDON Cl RTIS tst LIEUT. WILLIAM H. FLYNN, c. Commissioned 1st Lieut. Nov. ly, [917. Duty with Commissioned 1st Lieut. June I917. Duty with Battery D. Address: Wellesley Farms, Mass.…
- Contributor: United States. Army. 302d Field Artillery
- Date: 1919
Image 22 of The 302nd field artillery, United States army. 2nd LIEUT. WALLACE A. HOWES Commissioned 2nd Lieut. August 15, 1917. Duty with Battery A. Address: 74 Maple Street, Florence, Mass. 2nd LIEUT. ROY M. HUNTER Commissioned 2nd Lieut. Aug. 1, 1918.…
- Contributor: United States. Army. 302d Field Artillery
- Date: 1919
Image 23 of The 302nd field artillery, United States army. i»i LIEUT. HENRY P. KIDDER Commissioned ist Lieut. August i [917. Duty with Headquarters Company. Address: Southboro, Mass. ist LIEUT. HUGH KN OWLTON Commissioned 2nd Lieut. Aug. 15, ly 17. ist Lieut.…
- Contributor: United States. Army. 302d Field Artillery
- Date: 1919
Image 24 of The 302nd field artillery, United States army. ist LIEUT. GUY D. McKINNEY Commissioned 1st Lieut. Nov. 27, 1917. Duty with Battery A to Feb. 28, 1919. Address: 1602 Fourth Ave. North, Fort Dodge, Iowa. ist LIEUT. RICHARD J. METZGER…
- Contributor: United States. Army. 302d Field Artillery
- Date: 1919
Image 25 of The 302nd field artillery, United States army. 2nd LIEUT. JOSEPH M. NEVILLE Commissioned Second Lieutenant August 15 Duty with Battery C. Address: Simsbury, [917. Conn. ist LIEUT. JOSIAH C. PALMER, JR. Commissioned 2nd Lieut. Aug. 15, 1917. 1st Lieut.…
- Contributor: United States. Army. 302d Field Artillery
- Date: 1919
Image 26 of The 302nd field artillery, United States army. ist LIEUT. PRESTON B. PORTER Commissioned ist Lieut. November 27, 1 9 1 7. Duty with Supply Company. Address: 489 Linwood Ave., Buffalo, New York. ist LIF.L T. JOHN M. RAYMOND, JR.…
- Contributor: United States. Army. 302d Field Artillery
- Date: 1919
Image 27 of The 302nd field artillery, United States army. :xd LIEUT. EDWARD VAN V. SANDS ;xd LIEUT. PAIL B. SESSIONS Commissioned 2nd Lieut August 15, 1917. Duty Commissioned 2nd Lieut. August 15, 1917. Duty with with Battery A. Address: 101 East…
- Contributor: United States. Army. 302d Field Artillery
- Date: 1919
Image 28 of The 302nd field artillery, United States army. ■HK isr LIEUT. CLAYTON J. SMITH Commissioned 2nd Lieut. Aug. 15, 1917. 1st Lieut. Dec. 31, 1917. Duty with Headquarters Company. Address: 115 Jefferson Street, Stamford, Connecticut. f/t h J -0 2nd…
- Contributor: United States. Army. 302d Field Artillery
- Date: 1919
Image 29 of The 302nd field artillery, United States army. ,^j- :si LIEUT. WILLIAM D. SWAN JR. 2ND LIELT. WILLIAM F. SIMPSON Commissioned ;nd Lieut. Aug. I, 1918. Joined Regi- Commissioned 2nd Lieut. Aug. 15, [917. Duty with mem Oct. 3, [918.…
- Contributor: United States. Army. 302d Field Artillery
- Date: 1919
Image 30 of The 302nd field artillery, United States army. ist LIEUT. DONALD C. WATSON Commissioned ist Lieut. Nov. 27, 1917. Joined Regiment Aug. 20, 191 8. Duty with Battery B. Address: Hinckley Road, Milton, Mass. ist LIEUT. HAROLD O. WELLMAN Commissioned…
- Contributor: United States. Army. 302d Field Artillery
- Date: 1919
Image 31 of The 302nd field artillery, United States army. .Jwi-r zno LIEUT. ROWES B. WILCOX Commissioned 2nd Lieut. Aug. I, 19 iS. Joined Regi- ment Sept. 25, 1918. Duty with Supply Company. Address: 71 Main St., Stonington, Connecticut. ist LIEIT. WILLIAM…
- Contributor: United States. Army. 302d Field Artillery
- Date: 1919
Image 32 of The 302nd field artillery, United States army.
- Contributor: United States. Army. 302d Field Artillery
- Date: 1919
Image 33 of The 302nd field artillery, United States army. ymfr S/nc Story of mt Regiment
- Contributor: United States. Army. 302d Field Artillery
- Date: 1919
Image 34 of The 302nd field artillery, United States army. The Colors
- Contributor: United States. Army. 302d Field Artillery
- Date: 1919
Image 35 of The 302nd field artillery, United States army. Hilt Story of tht ft? 302 nd FIELD ARTILLERY United States Army OX September 3, iq Ti the 302nd Field Artillery became a unit of the United States Army. To establish its…
- Contributor: United States. Army. 302d Field Artillery
- Date: 1919
Image 36 of The 302nd field artillery, United States army. 32 THE STORY OF THE 302ND FIELD ARTILLERV sites for divisional cantonments were selected at various strategic points throughout the country, and the machinery set in motion that brought forth a finished…
- Contributor: United States. Army. 302d Field Artillery
- Date: 1919
Image 37 of The 302nd field artillery, United States army. THE STORY OF THE 302ND FIELD ARTILLERY ^3 Field Artillery became segregated in the 2nd Battery under the com- mand of Lieutenant Beare. During those two months the candidates were crammed with…
- Contributor: United States. Army. 302d Field Artillery
- Date: 1919
Image 38 of The 302nd field artillery, United States army. 34 THE STORY OF THE 302XD FIELD ARTILLERY September 6th brought forth great speculations. What would the men be like? Would there be any men with previous military train- ing? What would…
- Contributor: United States. Army. 302d Field Artillery
- Date: 1919
Image 39 of The 302nd field artillery, United States army. THE STORY OF THE 302ND FIELD ARTILLERY 35 while Lieutenant Maclnnis, also mounted, brought up in the rear. The straggling line ot men stretched tar out ot sight strangers in a strange…
- Contributor: United States. Army. 302d Field Artillery
- Date: 1919
Image 40 of The 302nd field artillery, United States army. 36 THE STORY OF THE 302ND FIELD ARTILLERY while those from Connecticut made up the Second Battalion. This system was adhered to as much as circumstances would allow. The remaining days in…
- Contributor: United States. Army. 302d Field Artillery
- Date: 1919