Book/Printed Material Address at the Music hall, Cincinnati, Ohio,
Image 1 of Address at the Music hall, Cincinnati, Ohio, E415 C4H6
- Contributor: Hoadly, George
- Date: 1887
Image 2 of Address at the Music hall, Cincinnati, Ohio, ^0* X^ ■t. V\ .C^ •c.
- Contributor: Hoadly, George
- Date: 1887
Image 3 of Address at the Music hall, Cincinnati, Ohio, p TO ^tnilXt^ 41. 4. V ^0^ //;r^ A^ *tC r. ^b v^
- Contributor: Hoadly, George
- Date: 1887
Image 4 of Address at the Music hall, Cincinnati, Ohio,
- Contributor: Hoadly, George
- Date: 1887
Image 5 of Address at the Music hall, Cincinnati, Ohio,
- Contributor: Hoadly, George
- Date: 1887
Image 6 of Address at the Music hall, Cincinnati, Ohio,
- Contributor: Hoadly, George
- Date: 1887
Image 7 of Address at the Music hall, Cincinnati, Ohio,
- Contributor: Hoadly, George
- Date: 1887
Image 8 of Address at the Music hall, Cincinnati, Ohio,
- Contributor: Hoadly, George
- Date: 1887
Image 9 of Address at the Music hall, Cincinnati, Ohio,
- Contributor: Hoadly, George
- Date: 1887
Image 10 of Address at the Music hall, Cincinnati, Ohio,
- Contributor: Hoadly, George
- Date: 1887
- Contributor: Hoadly, George
- Date: 1887
Image 12 of Address at the Music hall, Cincinnati, Ohio,
- Contributor: Hoadly, George
- Date: 1887
Image 13 of Address at the Music hall, Cincinnati, Ohio, ADDRESS. Ladies and Gentlemen: We to-day lay to rest the earthly casket in -which found ex- pression and took form the high thoughts and loving emotions of one who was very dear…
- Contributor: Hoadly, George
- Date: 1887
Image 14 of Address at the Music hall, Cincinnati, Ohio, partner, friend, only in words of sorrow, or of eulogy, as his loving disciple. Sixty years ago Salmon P. Chase left Dartmouth College, and, after a brief interval spent at Washington in…
- Contributor: Hoadly, George
- Date: 1887
Image 15 of Address at the Music hall, Cincinnati, Ohio, him for the time from social intercourse and pleasures. This does not account for his isolation. He was a candidate that autumn for Congress, but received only five hundred votes. Cincinnati, which…
- Contributor: Hoadly, George
- Date: 1887
Image 16 of Address at the Music hall, Cincinnati, Ohio, 6 And Chase was no recluse, no book-worm, no merely philo- sophic, speculative Abolitionist, He was an active, aggressive politician. He believed in work and in methods believed in parties, committees, machinery,…
- Contributor: Hoadly, George
- Date: 1887
Image 17 of Address at the Music hall, Cincinnati, Ohio, no hostile foot could ever pass, set to guard the sacred asylum of liberty. Whatever might have been argued of the body of the Constitution, to his mind it was clear that…
- Contributor: Hoadly, George
- Date: 1887
Image 18 of Address at the Music hall, Cincinnati, Ohio, 8 terests of liberty. Another Senator from Ohio was once de- scribed as having the quickest eye in the United States to see that there was no seal on the mittimus which…
- Contributor: Hoadly, George
- Date: 1887
Image 19 of Address at the Music hall, Cincinnati, Ohio, sense of the people, helping thus to recruit the army of work- ers led by Chase, and Seward, and Sumner. But Garrison and Phillips neither scared nor hurt the South they only…
- Contributor: Hoadly, George
- Date: 1887
Image 20 of Address at the Music hall, Cincinnati, Ohio, 10 Mr. Calhoun, which, after all, is mere historical fact, that the Constitution ^vas made by States proposed by States, ratified by States taking effect, it is true, upon people as avcII…
- Contributor: Hoadly, George
- Date: 1887
Image 21 of Address at the Music hall, Cincinnati, Ohio, 11 with others added, with this work consummated, Avas the su- preme effort of his days. For this he bore obloquy, and passed many years of darkness. By this, Oh thank God…
- Contributor: Hoadly, George
- Date: 1887
Image 22 of Address at the Music hall, Cincinnati, Ohio, 12 they in the main obscure persons, started a political party to check the growth of slavery. This, too, Avhen their future allies were yet grinding in tlie bondage of Whig or…
- Contributor: Hoadly, George
- Date: 1887
Image 23 of Address at the Music hall, Cincinnati, Ohio, 13 spirit of their divine lineage —their madness has become and is to-day hxw, the fountain and source of untold blessino-g; has brought liberty to the slave, chastity to his family, happi-…
- Contributor: Hoadly, George
- Date: 1887
Image 24 of Address at the Music hall, Cincinnati, Ohio, 14 tlicm. A gulf wide enough, indeed. In tliis faith thereafter he lived in this faith he died. To him the liherty of the individual was the one thing politically needful all…
- Contributor: Hoadly, George
- Date: 1887
Image 25 of Address at the Music hall, Cincinnati, Ohio, 15 could not foresee his gi-eat future. What made him content to be the best hated man in Cincinnati, to bear opprobrium, to stand (as he once did) by the side of…
- Contributor: Hoadly, George
- Date: 1887
Image 26 of Address at the Music hall, Cincinnati, Ohio, 16 not the author of a machine set in motion and then abandoned, but his companion and guide, ready to draw near Avhen sought in prayer, in meditation, in self-sacrifice, in good…
- Contributor: Hoadly, George
- Date: 1887
Image 27 of Address at the Music hall, Cincinnati, Ohio, 17 composure or act with undue haste. I sat by liis side when the west wing of his residence on tlie Lower River road fell to the ground a mass of ruins.…
- Contributor: Hoadly, George
- Date: 1887
Image 28 of Address at the Music hall, Cincinnati, Ohio, 18 S3^mpfithy Avitli tlic proposed resistance to tliis division, and I know that long before he fancied tliere was a ])ossibility that the Free Soil party couhl secure tlie bahmce of power…
- Contributor: Hoadly, George
- Date: 1887
Image 29 of Address at the Music hall, Cincinnati, Ohio, 19 a high triumph not half so much over Henr}^ B. Payne and the Democracy as Avithin the Republican party, which by this time embraced nearly all his old antagnonists. In 1857…
- Contributor: Hoadly, George
- Date: 1887
Image 30 of Address at the Music hall, Cincinnati, Ohio, 20 or by the failure of this paper to serve the purposes of a safe currency. In his judicial service he was most fortunate In this that it fell to the lot…
- Contributor: Hoadly, George
- Date: 1887
Image 31 of Address at the Music hall, Cincinnati, Ohio, 21 railroads, emancipated slaves, handed over the reins of gov- ernment to satraps and hirelings, said the South, and here Avas a new and greater disaster than all else the ancient land-…
- Contributor: Hoadly, George
- Date: 1887
Image 32 of Address at the Music hall, Cincinnati, Ohio, 22 ■with the Avar; it attended the l)lnck man and assisted his com- plete enfranchisement. Ey his hist will, a relatively large proportion of a small estate, the sum of ^10,000, Avas…
- Contributor: Hoadly, George
- Date: 1887
Image 33 of Address at the Music hall, Cincinnati, Ohio, 23 and to himself all sides and every view of the question. The res])onsibilitY rested on him, f(n- his jjersonal friends, thus chosen, held the power to adopt or defeat the ratification.…
- Contributor: Hoadly, George
- Date: 1887
Image 34 of Address at the Music hall, Cincinnati, Ohio, 24 ostentation of the living. The names they bear will in a score or two of years be forgotten. Around the frieze of one of the great halls in the Ducal Palace…
- Contributor: Hoadly, George
- Date: 1887
Image 35 of Address at the Music hall, Cincinnati, Ohio,
- Contributor: Hoadly, George
- Date: 1887
Image 36 of Address at the Music hall, Cincinnati, Ohio,
- Contributor: Hoadly, George
- Date: 1887
Image 38 of Address at the Music hall, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1 79
- Contributor: Hoadly, George
- Date: 1887
Image 39 of Address at the Music hall, Cincinnati, Ohio,
- Contributor: Hoadly, George
- Date: 1887
Image 40 of Address at the Music hall, Cincinnati, Ohio,
- Contributor: Hoadly, George
- Date: 1887