Book/Printed Material Address delivered on the day of the national fast, May 14, 1841, at a united meeting of the religious societies in Andover
Image 1 of Address delivered on the day of the national fast, May 14, 1841, at … ^ici res5 oT» the Jjay oF HatioTiai Fast, May 14, I8AI -B r
- Contributor: Edwards, B. B. (Bela Bates)
- Date: 1841
Image 2 of Address delivered on the day of the national fast, May 14, 1841, at … Class Book__
- Contributor: Edwards, B. B. (Bela Bates)
- Date: 1841
Image 3 of Address delivered on the day of the national fast, May 14, 1841, at …
- Contributor: Edwards, B. B. (Bela Bates)
- Date: 1841
Image 4 of Address delivered on the day of the national fast, May 14, 1841, at …
- Contributor: Edwards, B. B. (Bela Bates)
- Date: 1841
Image 5 of Address delivered on the day of the national fast, May 14, 1841, at … d
- Contributor: Edwards, B. B. (Bela Bates)
- Date: 1841
Image 6 of Address delivered on the day of the national fast, May 14, 1841, at …
- Contributor: Edwards, B. B. (Bela Bates)
- Date: 1841
- Contributor: Edwards, B. B. (Bela Bates)
- Date: 1841
Image 8 of Address delivered on the day of the national fast, May 14, 1841, at … Ando-cer, May 14, 1841. Rev. B. B. Edwards Dear Sir, The undersigned, ministers of tlie several denominations of Christians in this town, having to-day, with tlieir people, listened, with great pleasure, to…
- Contributor: Edwards, B. B. (Bela Bates)
- Date: 1841
Image 9 of Address delivered on the day of the national fast, May 14, 1841, at … ADDRESS. The event whicli has called us together on this occasion, is commonly spoken of as unexpected. That the President of the United States should die, immediately upon his ele- vation to…
- Contributor: Edwards, B. B. (Bela Bates)
- Date: 1841
Image 10 of Address delivered on the day of the national fast, May 14, 1841, at … We read, last week, in the public papers, of a family that had come into the possession of about all which is commonly regarded as desirable. A joyous household shared in the…
- Contributor: Edwards, B. B. (Bela Bates)
- Date: 1841
Image 11 of Address delivered on the day of the national fast, May 14, 1841, at … soon gaze on tlie Eternal City. He did embark, but it was upon that great ocean from wliich no voyager returns. These, however, it may be said, were individuals in private life.…
- Contributor: Edwards, B. B. (Bela Bates)
- Date: 1841
Image 12 of Address delivered on the day of the national fast, May 14, 1841, at … 6 nation was extinct, and we sliut up the remaining history in despair. Coming down to modern times, we find that the best king that France ever had, Henry the Fourth, the…
- Contributor: Edwards, B. B. (Bela Bates)
- Date: 1841
Image 13 of Address delivered on the day of the national fast, May 14, 1841, at … saw that choice justified by his virtues, she more than once repeated, tliat she was the happiest woman in the kingdom. Just eigliteen months after her marriage, her bonnet and cloak were…
- Contributor: Edwards, B. B. (Bela Bates)
- Date: 1841
Image 14 of Address delivered on the day of the national fast, May 14, 1841, at … 8 our loss, and to create a more thorougii conviction, tliat but poor justice was done to him while living, even by his more immediate friends. We are aware, that there may…
- Contributor: Edwards, B. B. (Bela Bates)
- Date: 1841
Image 15 of Address delivered on the day of the national fast, May 14, 1841, at … 9 tous event. It may be that his personal influence was in- dispensable in order to cany through some one of those promi- nent measures, on which, in the opinion of memy.…
- Contributor: Edwards, B. B. (Bela Bates)
- Date: 1841
Image 16 of Address delivered on the day of the national fast, May 14, 1841, at … 10 has survived him so well understood their peculiar circum- stances none would have administered so effectually to their relief. For many years, he stood up their unflinching guard- ian, when they…
- Contributor: Edwards, B. B. (Bela Bates)
- Date: 1841
Image 17 of Address delivered on the day of the national fast, May 14, 1841, at … 11 the watch-fires of Tippecanoe. Ahnost the whole of his adult life, from the time when he received an ensign s commission from Washington, was spent in the most laborious practical duties,…
- Contributor: Edwards, B. B. (Bela Bates)
- Date: 1841
Image 18 of Address delivered on the day of the national fast, May 14, 1841, at … 12 one case, it is stated, that an individual recovered .f 80,000 for property vi^hich liis ancestors had designed to ahenate, but for which they gave no sufficient title. In circumstances almost…
- Contributor: Edwards, B. B. (Bela Bates)
- Date: 1841
Image 19 of Address delivered on the day of the national fast, May 14, 1841, at … 13 in office and out of office, retiring from public life, and a can- didate for its honors. These qualities were not, however, isolated and dispropor- tionate. If President Harrison had the…
- Contributor: Edwards, B. B. (Bela Bates)
- Date: 1841
Image 20 of Address delivered on the day of the national fast, May 14, 1841, at … 14 putting a charitable construction upon the conduct of others. In his protracted, pubhc career, he must have met with many temptations to indulge in exasperated passion and bitter ani- mosity. Even…
- Contributor: Edwards, B. B. (Bela Bates)
- Date: 1841
Image 21 of Address delivered on the day of the national fast, May 14, 1841, at … 15 can be set before an afflicted people. It shows what are the honest convictions of men. We are not content with vague generahties. In the case of one so much beloved,…
- Contributor: Edwards, B. B. (Bela Bates)
- Date: 1841
Image 22 of Address delivered on the day of the national fast, May 14, 1841, at … 16 the Winthrops, tiie Trumbulls, the Belchers, the Boudinots, the Witherspoons, were coming once more. The high- est man in the nation was not ashamed to have it known, that he bowed…
- Contributor: Edwards, B. B. (Bela Bates)
- Date: 1841
Image 23 of Address delivered on the day of the national fast, May 14, 1841, at … 17 the intelligence of the great calamity which has befallen our country first reached us, amusements lost their power to charm secular business stood still. Tears came unbidden. It was felt that…
- Contributor: Edwards, B. B. (Bela Bates)
- Date: 1841
Image 24 of Address delivered on the day of the national fast, May 14, 1841, at … 18 called into requisition in the invention of abusive epithets, in distorting the plainest facts, in tearing open character, and then pouring into the wounds the venom of asps. He is apt…
- Contributor: Edwards, B. B. (Bela Bates)
- Date: 1841
Image 25 of Address delivered on the day of the national fast, May 14, 1841, at … 19 which is unavoidable and that which is criminal Our rulers are not omnipresent. They must often, and necessarily, de- cide on imperfect information. If they waited for exact knowledge in every…
- Contributor: Edwards, B. B. (Bela Bates)
- Date: 1841
Image 26 of Address delivered on the day of the national fast, May 14, 1841, at … 20 how adroit he can be in tlie use of opprobrious terms. Be it ours, so far as we can, to correct this crying national ofience, to rise superior to the miserable…
- Contributor: Edwards, B. B. (Bela Bates)
- Date: 1841
Image 27 of Address delivered on the day of the national fast, May 14, 1841, at … 21 erting an influence on the course of education adopted by our youth. This impatience of labor, this reluctance to pursue the hon- orable and toilsome way for the acquisition of wealth,…
- Contributor: Edwards, B. B. (Bela Bates)
- Date: 1841
Image 28 of Address delivered on the day of the national fast, May 14, 1841, at … 22 It is obvious, that something was necessary to stop tliis in- sinuating and fatal vice. It was fast corrupting the vitals of our prosperity, disgracing our character and institutions in the…
- Contributor: Edwards, B. B. (Bela Bates)
- Date: 1841
Image 29 of Address delivered on the day of the national fast, May 14, 1841, at … 23 Aiitlior of our freedom is honored when we speak disparag- ingly, or contemptuously, of our political institutions, as though he could protect us just as well in some other way, by…
- Contributor: Edwards, B. B. (Bela Bates)
- Date: 1841
Image 30 of Address delivered on the day of the national fast, May 14, 1841, at … 24 reading the journals of their secret dehberations, with their repeatedly-expressed consciousness of the solemnity of their work that the well-being of a continent, to use their favo- rite term, was suspended…
- Contributor: Edwards, B. B. (Bela Bates)
- Date: 1841
Image 31 of Address delivered on the day of the national fast, May 14, 1841, at … 25 which could be termed a riot, a fellow-citizen to preside over them, whom most of them had never seen, and who resided hundreds or thousands of miles from them and then,…
- Contributor: Edwards, B. B. (Bela Bates)
- Date: 1841
Image 32 of Address delivered on the day of the national fast, May 14, 1841, at … 26 liereditary monarchs. Tliis noiseless and admirable working of our system must, we should suppose, exert some influence in Europe in favor of republican and representative govern- ments. We are aware, that…
- Contributor: Edwards, B. B. (Bela Bates)
- Date: 1841
Image 33 of Address delivered on the day of the national fast, May 14, 1841, at … 27 briers of the wilderness. But we suppose that the Russian emperor is not always to rule over a nation of rein-deer or of wolves. A despotic government is as good as…
- Contributor: Edwards, B. B. (Bela Bates)
- Date: 1841
Image 34 of Address delivered on the day of the national fast, May 14, 1841, at … 28 What sovereign in Europe was ever honored as Washington is now, and as he will be till the republic which he founded shall cease to exist V. One lesson, we migiit…
- Contributor: Edwards, B. B. (Bela Bates)
- Date: 1841
Image 35 of Address delivered on the day of the national fast, May 14, 1841, at … 29 than she deserved. Demons could hardly merit a heavier in- fliction. But men forgot the age of Louis XIV. and the night when the great bell of St. Bartholomew tolled. So…
- Contributor: Edwards, B. B. (Bela Bates)
- Date: 1841
Image 36 of Address delivered on the day of the national fast, May 14, 1841, at … 30 who enlargeth the nations, and straiteneth them again. In the sad event which we this day mourn, is there not some other agency than the course of nature, or the ministry…
- Contributor: Edwards, B. B. (Bela Bates)
- Date: 1841
Image 37 of Address delivered on the day of the national fast, May 14, 1841, at …
- Contributor: Edwards, B. B. (Bela Bates)
- Date: 1841
Image 38 of Address delivered on the day of the national fast, May 14, 1841, at …
- Contributor: Edwards, B. B. (Bela Bates)
- Date: 1841
Image 39 of Address delivered on the day of the national fast, May 14, 1841, at …
- Contributor: Edwards, B. B. (Bela Bates)
- Date: 1841
Image 40 of Address delivered on the day of the national fast, May 14, 1841, at …
- Contributor: Edwards, B. B. (Bela Bates)
- Date: 1841