Book/Printed Material The admiral's little companion,
Image 1 of The admiral's little companion,
- Contributor: Gould, Elizabeth Lincoln
- Date: 1912
Image 2 of The admiral's little companion,
- Contributor: Gould, Elizabeth Lincoln
- Date: 1912
Image 3 of The admiral's little companion, 4 I i t w
- Contributor: Gould, Elizabeth Lincoln
- Date: 1912
Image 4 of The admiral's little companion, I 1* y I t 1 1 0
- Contributor: Gould, Elizabeth Lincoln
- Date: 1912
Image 5 of The admiral's little companion, t i f i «k ■i I
- Contributor: Gould, Elizabeth Lincoln
- Date: 1912
Image 6 of The admiral's little companion,
- Contributor: Gould, Elizabeth Lincoln
- Date: 1912
Image 7 of The admiral's little companion, aT Tf At ]S r TE,* QT ^-Vi. St f 4 T VI J -jw ■c-.,., Vf.. J as m 2 vi r,. 5p jX4 Tr* !i’ 53 Vj V A “v.*,…
- Contributor: Gould, Elizabeth Lincoln
- Date: 1912
Image 8 of The admiral's little companion, M t IT ISN’T A DREAM
- Contributor: Gould, Elizabeth Lincoln
- Date: 1912
Image 9 of The admiral's little companion,
- Contributor: Gould, Elizabeth Lincoln
- Date: 1912
Image 10 of The admiral's little companion, COPYEIGHT 1912 BY THE PENN PUBUSHNG COMPANY 5tCI.A3;i0349
- Contributor: Gould, Elizabeth Lincoln
- Date: 1912
Image 11 of The admiral's little companion, Introduction The Admiral’s Granddaughter told the story of one autumn at Beaumont Corners when Nancy Beau- mont almost parted from her dearest treasure, for love of her brother and the Admiral. In…
- Contributor: Gould, Elizabeth Lincoln
- Date: 1912
Image 12 of The admiral's little companion,
- Contributor: Gould, Elizabeth Lincoln
- Date: 1912
Image 13 of The admiral's little companion, Contents 1 In the Beaumont Garden 9 II. Desdemona 21 III. Tact and Tea 33 IV. Summer Plans 45 V. A Delightful Surprise 54 VI. Camp Wind-Away 63 VII. An Old Story…
- Contributor: Gould, Elizabeth Lincoln
- Date: 1912
Image 14 of The admiral's little companion,
- Contributor: Gould, Elizabeth Lincoln
- Date: 1912
Image 15 of The admiral's little companion, Illustrations It Isn t a Dream He Will Like the Things You Do Paint It Just As You See It She Blew Her Whistle Everything Is Ready PAGE Frontispiece 51 102 161…
- Contributor: Gould, Elizabeth Lincoln
- Date: 1912
Image 17 of The admiral's little companion, The Admiral’s Little Companion CHAPTEE I IN THE BEAUMONT GAEDEN Eed, an’ pink, an’ gold, an’ white red, an’ pink, an’ gold, an’ white,” chanted Aunt Sylvia. If dey don’ look handsome,…
- Contributor: Gould, Elizabeth Lincoln
- Date: 1912
Image 18 of The admiral's little companion, lo The Admiral s Tittle Companion with pink, and now held them up to the sun, looking at them with critical eyes. Seems almost ’s if the pink aidge was a teeny…
- Contributor: Gould, Elizabeth Lincoln
- Date: 1912
Image 19 of The admiral's little companion, In the Beaumont Garden ii the bee came out from the rose cup and swung off, humming, to another bush. “What’s larkspur?” came in a boy’s voice, and there was the sound…
- Contributor: Gould, Elizabeth Lincoln
- Date: 1912
Image 20 of The admiral's little companion, 12 The Admiral s Tittle Companion mind my saying that I can’t talk educated all at once.” Oh, no, he wouldn’t mind one bit,” laughed Nancy. Only, he’s keeping a list of…
- Contributor: Gould, Elizabeth Lincoln
- Date: 1912
Image 21 of The admiral's little companion, In the Beaumont Garden »3 Dat’s de way a boy feel, honey,” said Aunt Sylvia, looking with approval at the big-eyed, thin-cheeked, little Irish lad whose head was thrown back as he…
- Contributor: Gould, Elizabeth Lincoln
- Date: 1912
Image 22 of The admiral's little companion, 14 T/ie Admiral s L,ittle Companion hospital with a broken arm and cut head as a conse- quence. The Admiral’s gratitude and his recognition of unusual qualities in the boy had led…
- Contributor: Gould, Elizabeth Lincoln
- Date: 1912
Image 23 of The admiral's little companion, In the Beaumont Garden 15 plants grows, front o’ dem, whar dat little pindlin’ rose died away asked Aunt Sylvia after a moment’s reflection. ’Pears to me like dat would be a…
- Contributor: Gould, Elizabeth Lincoln
- Date: 1912
Image 24 of The admiral's little companion, i6 The Admiral s Tittle Companion of Patrick very well, though it’s a good name, all the same.” Oh, of course it is,” said Nancy quickly. It’s a fine name, only the…
- Contributor: Gould, Elizabeth Lincoln
- Date: 1912
Image 25 of The admiral's little companion, In the Beaumont Garden 17 path, to the place where Aunt Sylvia sat in her rocking- chair with the two children beside her. Betty tried very hard to keep back her smiles,…
- Contributor: Gould, Elizabeth Lincoln
- Date: 1912
Image 26 of The admiral's little companion, i8 The Admiral s Tittle Companion ’members de gen’ral motions. I spec’ some clay she’ll make a firs’-rate lady’s maid if she don’ get biggety notions an’ I reckon I can keep…
- Contributor: Gould, Elizabeth Lincoln
- Date: 1912
Image 27 of The admiral's little companion, In the Beaumont Garden 19 Nancy, I keep thinking I’ll wake up and find it’s all gone I do, honest and true Aunt Sylvia began to hum, loudly, turning her face away…
- Contributor: Gould, Elizabeth Lincoln
- Date: 1912
Image 28 of The admiral's little companion, 20 The Admiral s Tittle Companion see I’m sorry for ’em. I never wanted anybody to be sorry for me,” and the chin of little Patrick Glenn Donovan took on its most…
- Contributor: Gould, Elizabeth Lincoln
- Date: 1912
Image 29 of The admiral's little companion, CHAPTER II DESDEMONA About three-quarters of a mile from the big house at Beaumont Corners there stood a great oak tree which spread its branches far out over the road, so high…
- Contributor: Gould, Elizabeth Lincoln
- Date: 1912
Image 30 of The admiral's little companion, 22 The Admiral s Tittle Companion the camp-stool, seated herself, and began to work on the half -finished sketch which stood on the easel. I wish I could just slap some knowledge…
- Contributor: Gould, Elizabeth Lincoln
- Date: 1912
Image 31 of The admiral's little companion, Desdemona 23 cried Desdemona Macdonald, “and tell me whether I’ve really made those shadows look like shadows or whether they just look like dabs of mud, the way they have every time…
- Contributor: Gould, Elizabeth Lincoln
- Date: 1912
Image 32 of The admiral's little companion, 24 The Admiral s Little Companion piece of work. No one could possibly mistake those for anything but shadows. I begin to respect myself a little bit as a teacher, and to…
- Contributor: Gould, Elizabeth Lincoln
- Date: 1912
Image 33 of The admiral's little companion, Desdemona 25 noon we’ll all take a holiday and go to Beaumont Comers.” Desdemona gave a little shriek of joy, and clasped her easel, picture and box of crayons to her heart,…
- Contributor: Gould, Elizabeth Lincoln
- Date: 1912
Image 34 of The admiral's little companion, 26 The Admiral s Tittle Companion which wound across a field. The field changed to a gently-rising slope, and at its highest point there was a long, brown, green-roofed bungalow. Three months…
- Contributor: Gould, Elizabeth Lincoln
- Date: 1912
Image 35 of The admiral's little companion, Desdemona 27 It looks perfectly entrancing, just the way it did the very first minute I set my eyes on it,” said Desde- mona fervently. Oh, Mr. Sigourney, for pity’s sake, look…
- Contributor: Gould, Elizabeth Lincoln
- Date: 1912
Image 36 of The admiral's little companion, 28 The Admiral s Little Companion Oh, thank you breathed Desdemona gratefully. ‘‘You have the most comfortable ways I wish you’d look at my sketch, please, Mrs. Sigourney, and tell me if…
- Contributor: Gould, Elizabeth Lincoln
- Date: 1912
Image 37 of The admiral's little companion, Desdemona 29 swollen eyelids, and I’m planning that we’ll go to Beaumont Corners to spend the afternoon, we three.” Desdemona’s standing in her class at school had been so high that it…
- Contributor: Gould, Elizabeth Lincoln
- Date: 1912
Image 38 of The admiral's little companion, 30 The Admiral s Tittle Companion flower or bush, her companions exchanged glances of amusement over her head. Desdemona happened to look up from her inspection of a laurel blossom in time…
- Contributor: Gould, Elizabeth Lincoln
- Date: 1912
Image 39 of The admiral's little companion, Desdemona 3 when I’m with her. Should you mind walking slowly just a minute while I scrub these off with this large leaf I think I can do them nicely, and then…
- Contributor: Gould, Elizabeth Lincoln
- Date: 1912
Image 40 of The admiral's little companion, 32 The Admiral s Tittle Companion her purpose, though Desdemona was able to put only one point of it inside her belt to accomplish the desired result. I’ll pin it,” she said…
- Contributor: Gould, Elizabeth Lincoln
- Date: 1912