Book/Printed Material The Alasko-Canadian frontier,
Image 1 of The Alasko-Canadian frontier,
- Contributor: Balch, Thomas Willing
- Date: 1902
Image 2 of The Alasko-Canadian frontier, Class Book. F(f(Z GoRyii^htK COHVIIICHT DEPOSrr.
- Contributor: Balch, Thomas Willing
- Date: 1902
Image 3 of The Alasko-Canadian frontier,
- Contributor: Balch, Thomas Willing
- Date: 1902
Image 4 of The Alasko-Canadian frontier,
- Contributor: Balch, Thomas Willing
- Date: 1902
Image 5 of The Alasko-Canadian frontier,
- Contributor: Balch, Thomas Willing
- Date: 1902
Image 6 of The Alasko-Canadian frontier, Itepared in the Office qf the U. S. CoaM aud Oeodelic Survey. Treasury Department. United States and ENOUsn Boundary Claims. MAP No. 1.
- Contributor: Balch, Thomas Willing
- Date: 1902
Image 7 of The Alasko-Canadian frontier, THE ALASKO-CANADIAN FRONTIER
- Contributor: Balch, Thomas Willing
- Date: 1902
Image 8 of The Alasko-Canadian frontier,
- Contributor: Balch, Thomas Willing
- Date: 1902
Image 9 of The Alasko-Canadian frontier, THE AL ASKO-C ANA DI AN FRONTIER Thiis we wish to retain, and the English Companies wish to acquire. Counl Nesselrode. BY THOMAS WILLING BALCH A. B. (Habvakd) Member of the Philadelphia…
- Contributor: Balch, Thomas Willing
- Date: 1902
Image 10 of The Alasko-Canadian frontier, r .-S7 BZ5 ir*«T t*i r (joKr a Copyright, 1902, by THOMAS WILLING BALCH v^
- Contributor: Balch, Thomas Willing
- Date: 1902
Image 11 of The Alasko-Canadian frontier, THE ALASKO-CANADIAN FRONTIER At the end of May, 1898, the United States and Great Britain agreed to appoint an Anglo-American Joint High Commission to consider and arrange upon a basis more favorable…
- Contributor: Balch, Thomas Willing
- Date: 1902
Image 12 of The Alasko-Canadian frontier, I THE ALASKO-CANADIAN FRONTIER. boundary of Alaska should run from the extremity of Prince of Wales Island at fifty-four degrees forty minutes, along the estuary marked on recent maps as Pearse Canal,…
- Contributor: Balch, Thomas Willing
- Date: 1902
Image 13 of The Alasko-Canadian frontier, THE ALASKO-CANADIAN FRONTIER. 3 hundred and thirty-first and the one hundred and thirty-third degree of west longitude (Meridian of Greenwich), the said line shall ascend to the north along the channel called…
- Contributor: Balch, Thomas Willing
- Date: 1902
Image 14 of The Alasko-Canadian frontier, 4 THE ALASKO-CANADIAN FRONTIER. Possessions and the line of coast which is to be- long to Russia, as above mentioned, shall be formed by a line parallel to the windings [shmo^iies] of…
- Contributor: Balch, Thomas Willing
- Date: 1902
Image 15 of The Alasko-Canadian frontier, THE ALASKO-CANADIAN FRONTIER. 5 The negotiations that resulted in the treaty of 1825 were originated by an Ukase issued in 1821 by the Emperor Alexander the First, in which, in addi- tion…
- Contributor: Balch, Thomas Willing
- Date: 1902
Image 16 of The Alasko-Canadian frontier, 6 THE ALASKO-CANADIAN FRONTIER. that under those two Articles, first Russia and later after the cession of Russian America or Alaska in 1867 to the American Union the United States were entitled…
- Contributor: Balch, Thomas Willing
- Date: 1902
Image 17 of The Alasko-Canadian frontier, THE ALASKO-CANADIAN FRONTIER. 7 to shut off England from access to the sea at all points north of the Portland Canal. Sir Charles Bagot, on behalf of England, fought strenuously to keep…
- Contributor: Balch, Thomas Willing
- Date: 1902
Image 18 of The Alasko-Canadian frontier, Prepared in the Office of Ihe U. S. COatt and Qeodetie Survey. Treasury Department. Sir C. Baoot s Three Pr^^ed Boundaries, 1824. MAP --No. 2.
- Contributor: Balch, Thomas Willing
- Date: 1902
Image 19 of The Alasko-Canadian frontier, THE ALASKO-CANADIAN FRONTIER. 9 over all the a7ises and small bays that lie between the fifty-sixth degree and the fifty-fourth degree forty minutes of latitude that owing to the prox- imity of…
- Contributor: Balch, Thomas Willing
- Date: 1902
Image 20 of The Alasko-Canadian frontier, 10 THE ALASKO-CANADIAN FRONTIER. Sir Charles Bagot then brought forward a third boundary line that, passing up Duke of Clarence Sound and then running from west to east along tlie strait separating…
- Contributor: Balch, Thomas Willing
- Date: 1902
Image 21 of The Alasko-Canadian frontier, THE ALASKO-CANADIAN FRONTIER, 11 point up to the Arctic Ocean we would fix the limits of the respective possessions according to the line of the one hundred and fortieth degree of longitude…
- Contributor: Balch, Thomas Willing
- Date: 1902
Image 22 of The Alasko-Canadian frontier, 12 THE ALASKO-CANADIAN FRONTIER. and to prevent the Hudson s Bay Company from having access to the sea and forming posts and settle- ments upon the coast line opposite to the Russian…
- Contributor: Balch, Thomas Willing
- Date: 1902
Image 23 of The Alasko-Canadian frontier, THE ALASKO-CANADIAN FRONTIER. 13 port of Novo-Archangelsk to British commerce. Neither were they willing to grant to the subjects of England the right forever to navigate and trade along the coast of…
- Contributor: Balch, Thomas Willing
- Date: 1902
Image 24 of The Alasko-Canadian frontier, 14 THE ALASKO-CANADIAN FRONTIER. George Canning, towards the end of his instruc- tions to Stratford Canning, showed what was the chief motive of England in the pending negotia- tions with Russia. He…
- Contributor: Balch, Thomas Willing
- Date: 1902
Image 25 of The Alasko-Canadian frontier, THE ALASKO-CANADIAN FRONTIER. 15 SO as to insure to Russia an unbroken lisihe from the Portland Canal up to Mount Saint Elias. And on this last point, England, after a long and…
- Contributor: Balch, Thomas Willing
- Date: 1902
Image 26 of The Alasko-Canadian frontier, 16 THE ALASKO-CANADIAN FRONTIER. Thus a review of the negotiations that culminated in the Anglo-Muscovite treaty of 1825 shows clearly that the negotiators of that treaty intended to include within the Russian…
- Contributor: Balch, Thomas Willing
- Date: 1902
Image 27 of The Alasko-Canadian frontier, THE ALASKO-CANADIAN FRONTIER, 17 Barthel, Anach. ch. 76. Webster defines sinuosity to mean 1. The quality of being sinuous, or bend- ing in and out. 2. A series of bends and turns…
- Contributor: Balch, Thomas Willing
- Date: 1902
Image 28 of The Alasko-Canadian frontier, ■•s- O. f-Tf... ^v. y-^ ^-V/ ,W r i i^ e: V ilA« «t/ «l«V lales T il^y J. .b^.. Imperial Russian Map: Drehsk par M. de Kritsenstern Contre-Amiral pUBLift par ordrk…
- Contributor: Balch, Thomas Willing
- Date: 1902
Image 29 of The Alasko-Canadian frontier, THE ALASKO-CANADIAN FRONTIER. 19 America became known, A. Brue, one of the lead- ing French cartographers, published at Paris a map entitled Carte de I Am^rique Septentrionale Re- digee par A. Brue,…
- Contributor: Balch, Thomas Willing
- Date: 1902
Image 30 of The Alasko-Canadian frontier, Cahtk Ghnickalk m: i,a iute N. W. {sic) de i. A.mkhiqie, prepaiied AT St. Petersduro in 1829, by Functionary I iadisciieff AU DfipOr TOPOORAPHIQCK militairk. MAP No. 4.
- Contributor: Balch, Thomas Willing
- Date: 1902
Image 31 of The Alasko-Canadian frontier, THE ALASKO-CANADIAN FRONTIEE. 21 G^ographique de I Empire de Russie, etc., that was prepared by Functionary PiadischefF. On this map, Piadischeff drew the Eusso-British frontier from Mount Saint Elias down to the…
- Contributor: Balch, Thomas Willing
- Date: 1902
Image 32 of The Alasko-Canadian frontier, ^•i ^^i Canadian Mai- of 1831: Cdmi ilkd by Jixskpii Bouchette, Jk., Deputy Suuveyok General of the Pkovince of Loweb Canada. MAP No. 5. 4
- Contributor: Balch, Thomas Willing
- Date: 1902
Image 33 of The Alasko-Canadian frontier, THE ALASKO-CANADIAN FRONTIER. 23 to His Most Excellent Majesty King Will- iam IVth compiled from the latest and most approved astronomical observations, authori- ities, and recent surveys. It reaffirmed the bound- ary…
- Contributor: Balch, Thomas Willing
- Date: 1902
Image 34 of The Alasko-Canadian frontier, 5Iai in Narrative of a Journey Round the World, BY Sir George Simi-son, London, 1847. MAP No. 6.
- Contributor: Balch, Thomas Willing
- Date: 1902
Image 35 of The Alasko-Canadian frontier, THE ALASKO-CANADIAN FRONTIER. 25 extended far enough inland to include all the sinuosities of the coast so as to exclude, accord- ing to the United States claims, the British terri- tory altogether…
- Contributor: Balch, Thomas Willing
- Date: 1902
Image 36 of The Alasko-Canadian frontier, l~-5 wm^^ 1 ^p^^ ^^^H |H^^H| ■p ^^^^^^^^H i. pi K^ Mr flirluik X ■Y vV 1 J (1 /-•/in V 1 4 1 1 5 1 Map of the Hidson s…
- Contributor: Balch, Thomas Willing
- Date: 1902
Image 37 of The Alasko-Canadian frontier, THE ALASKO-CANADIAN FRONTIEE. 27 sessions all the fiords and estuaries along the coast and thus cutting off the British territory entirely from all access to tide water above fifty-four degrees forty minutes.…
- Contributor: Balch, Thomas Willing
- Date: 1902
Image 38 of The Alasko-Canadian frontier, 28 THE ALASKO-CANADIAN IKONTIEH. the wall map (1897) of the United States by Edward Stanford,-^ an important map maker of London to-day, give to Alaska the limits always claimed since 1825 b^…
- Contributor: Balch, Thomas Willing
- Date: 1902
Image 39 of The Alasko-Canadian frontier, THE ALASKO-CANADIAN FRONTIER. 29 land Canal in marking the Russo-Canadian bound- ary and in Brue s maps of 1833 and 1839 the divi- sional line is given as it was marked on…
- Contributor: Balch, Thomas Willing
- Date: 1902
Image 40 of The Alasko-Canadian frontier, I I T 1 r ^r iisii Admikai.ty Ciiakt, Publish icD June, 1s77, inuku the Siteuixtendence of C.mtain F. J. Evans, R. N., HvDROGRAriiGB, and Corrected to Ai-kil, 1898. MAP No.…
- Contributor: Balch, Thomas Willing
- Date: 1902