Book/Printed Material Amherst in the great civil conflict of 1861-65.
Image 1 of Amherst in the great civil conflict of 1861-65. AMHERST i IN TFjE L Great CiViLCoNFLicf BOYLSTON
- Contributor: Boylston, Edward Dudley
- Date: 1894
Image 2 of Amherst in the great civil conflict of 1861-65. aass_L4__i V X i
- Contributor: Boylston, Edward Dudley
- Date: 1894
Image 3 of Amherst in the great civil conflict of 1861-65.
- Contributor: Boylston, Edward Dudley
- Date: 1894
Image 4 of Amherst in the great civil conflict of 1861-65.
- Contributor: Boylston, Edward Dudley
- Date: 1894
Image 5 of Amherst in the great civil conflict of 1861-65.
- Contributor: Boylston, Edward Dudley
- Date: 1894
Image 6 of Amherst in the great civil conflict of 1861-65.
- Contributor: Boylston, Edward Dudley
- Date: 1894
Image 7 of Amherst in the great civil conflict of 1861-65.
- Contributor: Boylston, Edward Dudley
- Date: 1894
Image 8 of Amherst in the great civil conflict of 1861-65. ^iiiiiwiwif
- Contributor: Boylston, Edward Dudley
- Date: 1894
Image 9 of Amherst in the great civil conflict of 1861-65. AMHERST IN THK GREAT CIVIL CONFLICT 1 1861-65. COMPILED BY EDWARD D. BOYLSTON. K. D. 150YLST0X, I KINTER, AMHERST, N. II. 1803.
- Contributor: Boylston, Edward Dudley
- Date: 1894
Image 10 of Amherst in the great civil conflict of 1861-65. tm imos It mw^t h^. in e0eiA ed ^0)
- Contributor: Boylston, Edward Dudley
- Date: 1894
Image 11 of Amherst in the great civil conflict of 1861-65. PREFACE No duty is more patent or potent than that of a careful preservation of records of a public nature and the binding potency of the obligation is onl}^ measured by the…
- Contributor: Boylston, Edward Dudley
- Date: 1894
Image 12 of Amherst in the great civil conflict of 1861-65. C oU MHlA CoLiiMHiA through trials untold, Thou art clothed in new beauty, as the furnace-trifd ,uokl Cemented in blood the best of the Land K Tluribus Unum, the Union shall stand.…
- Contributor: Boylston, Edward Dudley
- Date: 1894
Image 13 of Amherst in the great civil conflict of 1861-65. It is no part of the design of this work to i-eoord the history of the Kebelliou, l)ut only the part whicli the town, and those who represented it, acted in the…
- Contributor: Boylston, Edward Dudley
- Date: 1894
Image 14 of Amherst in the great civil conflict of 1861-65. 5 AMHKKST IN HIE WAH— 18()l-()5. that THE Union must bk prkservkd. cost what it may. This feelini;- was well embodied in the startling, prophetic expression of the brave and devoted General…
- Contributor: Boylston, Edward Dudley
- Date: 1894
Image 15 of Amherst in the great civil conflict of 1861-65. AMHEKST TN THE AVAR— 1861-Hr). 7 Prayer having been offered by the Rev. J. (i. J)avis, pat- riotio and eloquent speeches were made in response to calls. bv E. S. Cuttei P.…
- Contributor: Boylston, Edward Dudley
- Date: 1894
Image 16 of Amherst in the great civil conflict of 1861-65. S AMHEHST IN TIIK WAl{-_ls(;i-(;r,. duty it shall be to raise the luouey, and pr()\i(le t oi- tiie su]^- j)Oi t of the families of au\ of our citi/.: ;is w iio…
- Contributor: Boylston, Edward Dudley
- Date: 1894
Image 17 of Amherst in the great civil conflict of 1861-65. CITIZENS WAR COMMITTEE See page 8.
- Contributor: Boylston, Edward Dudley
- Date: 1894
Image 18 of Amherst in the great civil conflict of 1861-65.
- Contributor: Boylston, Edward Dudley
- Date: 1894
Image 19 of Amherst in the great civil conflict of 1861-65.
- Contributor: Boylston, Edward Dudley
- Date: 1894
Image 20 of Amherst in the great civil conflict of 1861-65.
- Contributor: Boylston, Edward Dudley
- Date: 1894
Image 21 of Amherst in the great civil conflict of 1861-65. AMHERST IN THE WAR— Isiil-r;. o lace, from wlioiii and the citizens they received marked at- tentions. On their way they were escorted to a Dagnerrian saloon by the writer, and an…
- Contributor: Boylston, Edward Dudley
- Date: 1894
Image 22 of Amherst in the great civil conflict of 1861-65. H) AMHERST IN THE WAR— Tsfn-f;:;. of tlutst* at Concord are Geoi-ge Vose and the two Manning V)roMiers from Chestnut Hills, those at Milfoid, the youn- men who enlisted at the nieetinL;-.…
- Contributor: Boylston, Edward Dudley
- Date: 1894
Image 23 of Amherst in the great civil conflict of 1861-65. AM 11 El {ST IX TllK WAK—lSfil-r,: 11 ii. Meinl)ei-. may lie expelleil hy vote of tlie Coiii|);my to which tliey V)eloiig. 7. These lules immv be altereil by a two-.liirds vote…
- Contributor: Boylston, Edward Dudley
- Date: 1894
Image 24 of Amherst in the great civil conflict of 1861-65. 12 A M H E R ST I X T 1 1 K W A R 1 s()I-().5. ley Ddoge, as Chainiiaii, and E. D. Boylstoii. for Secretary. Voted, that in ntaking…
- Contributor: Boylston, Edward Dudley
- Date: 1894
Image 25 of Amherst in the great civil conflict of 1861-65. AMHERST IN THE WAK— Ls()l-{J(). 18 ^c. for soldiers, ^Monday, at 7 p. in., at vvliich time the ma- terials ordered will he ready. Adj d. to that time. J rue record,…
- Contributor: Boylston, Edward Dudley
- Date: 1894
Image 26 of Amherst in the great civil conflict of 1861-65. 14 AMHERST IX TIIK WAR— iSdl-Cf). to M;iv 2 Perley Dod^i^e an I K. 1). Hoylstoii advanced to the Treasurer of the conmiittee each ^100 additional to the previous advaiicejuent. True record,…
- Contributor: Boylston, Edward Dudley
- Date: 1894
Image 27 of Amherst in the great civil conflict of 1861-65. AMHERST IX THE VV AH— lS(;l-(i5. Ifi thronged iiieetiug was held at the Baptist church, Milford, the exercises of which were designed as a farewell to the company. The exercises were, the…
- Contributor: Boylston, Edward Dudley
- Date: 1894
Image 28 of Amherst in the great civil conflict of 1861-65. 10 AMHERST IX THE WAR— 18()l-!io. The Company, escort and Band dnied together at the Pearl-st. oiise, Nashua, the Company leaving for Concord at one o clock, reaching Portsmouth same evening. On…
- Contributor: Boylston, Edward Dudley
- Date: 1894
Image 29 of Amherst in the great civil conflict of 1861-65. AMIIKKST IX TIIK WA II isiil 17 ous iiieeliiii;-, and ])lac e(l itself 8(iuai ely dii a war footiiin l v ])!l^tin4 the whole matter of pi ovidiiii; foi- its Soldiers, and…
- Contributor: Boylston, Edward Dudley
- Date: 1894
Image 30 of Amherst in the great civil conflict of 1861-65. 1^ A.MIIEIJST IX THE W A U— 1801 -(if). \vp can do oiir readers do hetter sei vice, we give them to-day the noble Declaiatioii of our Fathers, l)\ which T^ibevty was…
- Contributor: Boylston, Edward Dudley
- Date: 1894
Image 31 of Amherst in the great civil conflict of 1861-65. r AMIIEKST IX rilE WAR-lS(n-().-). 19 Tlie call for :]00,00() three-years men. in July, roused the land to a teri ible conviction of the greatness of the striii;- .gle, and enlistment \vent…
- Contributor: Boylston, Edward Dudley
- Date: 1894
Image 32 of Amherst in the great civil conflict of 1861-65. 20 AMIIKHST r\ TIIK H—lsiil-iU!. I iif (ihhict ill its isj^iie of N()\eiiil)ei 1. iiiadc tlif lollciw- iii!4 ;iiiii()iiiic(Mii Mit, that cast a sadness over all iit^arts illK Kilts r VICTIM. It…
- Contributor: Boylston, Edward Dudley
- Date: 1894
Image 33 of Amherst in the great civil conflict of 1861-65. a:mhkijs r ix tiik wak— isci-.-), -ji •national C hurcli in this jtlacv, and liis decease has east a e|) sadness over the entire cii cle of his acciuaintauce. Al- thougl) not…
- Contributor: Boylston, Edward Dudley
- Date: 1894
Image 34 of Amherst in the great civil conflict of 1861-65. •2? AMHEUST IX THE WAK-lst5.- And the boys, themselves, alike presumiugly, had |)lan- ned for a good ^iiiie,with Oysters at 1 p. m., l•estlill,^ at 2, Jimipiii^- at 8, Ruiiniug at 4,…
- Contributor: Boylston, Edward Dudley
- Date: 1894
Image 35 of Amherst in the great civil conflict of 1861-65. AMIIEKST IX THE WAU— isci-f;:,. 1)8 Dec. lo, the boys of Co T. repoi ted thi oiig]i the oh uK^t: At last the lono- looked-for box has come, and riglit wel- c(^nie…
- Contributor: Boylston, Edward Dudley
- Date: 1894
Image 36 of Amherst in the great civil conflict of 1861-65. 24 AMITKKST TX TIFK WaH— lS(n-(i5. \\()Jnv OF THE LAIUKS. Thus iniicli for the doings of tlie men of old Anihei st in the initial year of the war. and war s…
- Contributor: Boylston, Edward Dudley
- Date: 1894
Image 37 of Amherst in the great civil conflict of 1861-65. A]\IHERST IX THE WAR-ISO. -O.-). 25 her office l)y giving notice to the Secretary. In such case, the re- maining officers shall fill such vacancies. II. Any article of this Constitution (excepting…
- Contributor: Boylston, Edward Dudley
- Date: 1894
Image 38 of Amherst in the great civil conflict of 1861-65. 20 AM H K H ST 1 N TI I K W A II —1 8(1 M. And now tor the lessons ot tliis closing year, sad and (jtli- ervvise, as then…
- Contributor: Boylston, Edward Dudley
- Date: 1894
Image 39 of Amherst in the great civil conflict of 1861-65. Thp: opening of 18H2 gave but inadequate portent of what it would reveal of carnage, gloom and sorrow that was to mark and mar its progress and its close. Yet. while thus…
- Contributor: Boylston, Edward Dudley
- Date: 1894
Image 40 of Amherst in the great civil conflict of 1861-65. 28 AMHP:RST IX THE AVAR-lSOl-fJo. ally received, and busily and handsomely entertained re- turning seasonably and safely, the third sled-ride. It is hard excelling the Ladies of old Amherst in patriotism, le-…
- Contributor: Boylston, Edward Dudley
- Date: 1894