Book/Printed Material The ancestry of the American dollar and the origin of the dollar sign;
Image 1 of The ancestry of the American dollar and the origin of the dollar sign; The Ancestry of the American Dollar Presented by The First National Bank of Boston
- Contributor: First National Bank of Boston
- Date: 1913
Image 2 of The ancestry of the American dollar and the origin of the dollar sign;
- Contributor: First National Bank of Boston
- Date: 1913
Image 3 of The ancestry of the American dollar and the origin of the dollar sign; 3 r^jeXjucx^^c \jU VolvJy, THE ANCESTRY OF THE AMERICAN DOLLAR and the origin of the Dollar Sign COMPLIMENTS OF the first national bank OF BOS TON Copyright, 1013, Walker-Longfellow Co., Boston
- Contributor: First National Bank of Boston
- Date: 1913
Image 4 of The ancestry of the American dollar and the origin of the dollar sign; THE ANCESTRY OF was a person of much impor¬ tance, and there he operated a private mint in which he struck coins of such uniform goodness as to weight and fineness that…
- Contributor: First National Bank of Boston
- Date: 1913
Image 5 of The ancestry of the American dollar and the origin of the dollar sign; THE AMERICAN DOLLAR in a thal or dale by one Schlick, and the second, that they were issued in the Thai of St. Joachim. These names were too lengthy and cumbersome when…
- Contributor: First National Bank of Boston
- Date: 1913
Image 6 of The ancestry of the American dollar and the origin of the dollar sign; THE ANCESTRY OF Variations of the word thaler made their appearance in other European languages as apprecia¬ tion of the new coinage grew, and it was not many years before Spain issued…
- Contributor: First National Bank of Boston
- Date: 1913
Image 7 of The ancestry of the American dollar and the origin of the dollar sign; THE AMERICAN DOLLAR After the conquest of Mexico and of Peru, Spanish-American mints were established in the dif¬ ferent colonies throughout the Spanish possessions, and such quantities of Spanish dollars were coined…
- Contributor: First National Bank of Boston
- Date: 1913
Image 8 of The ancestry of the American dollar and the origin of the dollar sign; THE ANCESTRY OF almost unrivalled consideration as a model for the new monetary unit. Thomas Jefferson, speaking on this subject at that time, re¬ ferred to the dollar of Spain as “a…
- Contributor: First National Bank of Boston
- Date: 1913
Image 9 of The ancestry of the American dollar and the origin of the dollar sign; THE AMERICAN DOLLAR tem of shillings, pence, farthings, et cetera under which their reck¬ oning formerly had been done, and instituted the decimal sub¬ division into dimes (at first written dismes), cents…
- Contributor: First National Bank of Boston
- Date: 1913
Image 10 of The ancestry of the American dollar and the origin of the dollar sign; THE ANCESTRY OP could be said that the new dec¬ imal system was in complete possession of the field. But when its use finally became gen¬ eral its advantage was clearly apparent.…
- Contributor: First National Bank of Boston
- Date: 1913
Image 11 of The ancestry of the American dollar and the origin of the dollar sign; THE AMERICAN DOLLAR valued at $1.03j, the peso of Venezuela at $0.96|, the gold peso of Cuba at $0.92^; New¬ foundland has a dollar worth about $1.01j. In the rix-daler of Holland,…
- Contributor: First National Bank of Boston
- Date: 1913
Image 12 of The ancestry of the American dollar and the origin of the dollar sign; ANCESTRY OF AMERICAN DOLLAR the United States will furnish the monetary standard for the entire Western hemisphere. American dollars have per¬ formed such good service in rais¬ ing these United States to…
- Contributor: First National Bank of Boston
- Date: 1913
Image 13 of The ancestry of the American dollar and the origin of the dollar sign; THE ORIGIN OF THE DOLLAR SIGN For many years curiosity has been aroused from time to time concerning the origin of this little mark whose magic can give to nameless numbers the…
- Contributor: First National Bank of Boston
- Date: 1913
Image 14 of The ancestry of the American dollar and the origin of the dollar sign; THE ORIGIN OF ity and executive ability our present monetary system and Treasury Department came into existence, were too busy doing things to spend much time in recording explanations of how and…
- Contributor: First National Bank of Boston
- Date: 1913
Image 15 of The ancestry of the American dollar and the origin of the dollar sign; THE DOLLAR SIGN perficial suggestions have been made regarding the source from which we received it, and some competent persons have consid¬ ered the matter seriously and painstakingly and have contrib¬ uted…
- Contributor: First National Bank of Boston
- Date: 1913
Image 16 of The ancestry of the American dollar and the origin of the dollar sign; TIIE ORIGIN OF was the immediate predecessor of the American dollar, and also that the two coins were in com¬ mon use by our people at the same time. This has led…
- Contributor: First National Bank of Boston
- Date: 1913
Image 17 of The ancestry of the American dollar and the origin of the dollar sign; THE DOLLAR SIGN isli dollar of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. These pillars, in a conventionalized form, were much employed in Spanish decoration, as their posi¬ tion (one on Spanish soil and…
- Contributor: First National Bank of Boston
- Date: 1913
Image 18 of The ancestry of the American dollar and the origin of the dollar sign; THE ORIGIN OF m ish coast the expression “ne plus ultra in the supposition that there was “no more beyond.” When America was discovered and the precious metal pillaged from the unfortunate…
- Contributor: First National Bank of Boston
- Date: 1913
Image 19 of The ancestry of the American dollar and the origin of the dollar sign; THE DOLLAR SIGN ist in which this design is copied, it becomes necessary to reject it. But the true answer to this problem seems to be found in letters and business papers…
- Contributor: First National Bank of Boston
- Date: 1913
Image 20 of The ancestry of the American dollar and the origin of the dollar sign; THE ORIGIN OF actually commenced, the dollar sign was made sparingly. In colonial days, and even far into the nineteenth century, it was common both in writing and printing to use the…
- Contributor: First National Bank of Boston
- Date: 1913
Image 21 of The ancestry of the American dollar and the origin of the dollar sign; THE DOLLAR SIGN is why we place it there to¬ day. In Argentina it is customary to write the dollar sign as well as the peso sign at the right of the…
- Contributor: First National Bank of Boston
- Date: 1913
Image 22 of The ancestry of the American dollar and the origin of the dollar sign; ORIGIN OF THE DOLLAR SIGN page the sign “P. S.” formed by one stroke of the pen and also a dollar sign was brought to light by Professor Cajori in the Wis¬…
- Contributor: First National Bank of Boston
- Date: 1913
Image 23 of The ancestry of the American dollar and the origin of the dollar sign; THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BOSTON DIRECTORS CALVIN AUSTIN President Eastern Steamship Corporation EDWARD E. BLODGETT Blodgett, Jones, Burnham Bingham ROLAND W. BOYDEN Ropes, Gray Gorham, Attorneys CHARLES F. BROOKER President American…
- Contributor: First National Bank of Boston
- Date: 1913
Image 24 of The ancestry of the American dollar and the origin of the dollar sign; The first national bank OF BOSTON DIRECTORS Continued JOHN R. MACOMBER N. W. Harris Co. HERBERT W. MASON 5. D. Warren Co. FREDERIC C. McDUFFIE Treasurer York Manufacturing Co. and Everett Mills…
- Contributor: First National Bank of Boston
- Date: 1913
Image 25 of The ancestry of the American dollar and the origin of the dollar sign; THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BOSTON DANIEL G. WING President GEO. G. McCAUSLAND Vice-President CLIFTON H. DWINNELL Vice-President DOWNIE D. MUIR Vice-President BERNARD W. TRAFFORD Vice-President PALMER E. PRESBREY Vice-President FRANCIS A.…
- Contributor: First National Bank of Boston
- Date: 1913
Image 26 of The ancestry of the American dollar and the origin of the dollar sign; Condensed Statement of the Condition of the first National bank OF BOSTON Federal, Franklin and Congress Streets As made to the Comptroller under date of August 9th, 1913 RESOURCES Notes Discounted United…
- Contributor: First National Bank of Boston
- Date: 1913
Image 27 of The ancestry of the American dollar and the origin of the dollar sign; GROWTH The steady, consistent growth in deposits made by this bank during the past eight years—without con¬ solidations— is evidence that its ser¬ vice is appreciated. DEPOSITS 1905 38 000,000 1907 45…
- Contributor: First National Bank of Boston
- Date: 1913
Image 28 of The ancestry of the American dollar and the origin of the dollar sign;
- Contributor: First National Bank of Boston
- Date: 1913
Image 29 of The ancestry of the American dollar and the origin of the dollar sign;
- Contributor: First National Bank of Boston
- Date: 1913
Image 30 of The ancestry of the American dollar and the origin of the dollar sign; *10 V 12 191 V
- Contributor: First National Bank of Boston
- Date: 1913