Book/Printed Material Assessment of influence exerted on military operations by other than military considerations
Image 1 of Assessment of influence exerted on military operations by other than military considerations
- Contributor: Center of Military History - Rosson, William B. (William Bradford)
- Date: 1993
Image 2 of Assessment of influence exerted on military operations by other than military considerations v-o* y ov r 8 n ^4V* 0 K r r, v __ _ v» f-\ ^xy/x^ o ^v v o* yy °o, v /\o V v 0* jPV rA (XAn o…
- Contributor: Center of Military History - Rosson, William B. (William Bradford)
- Date: 1993
Image 3 of Assessment of influence exerted on military operations by other than military considerations
- Contributor: Center of Military History - Rosson, William B. (William Bradford)
- Date: 1993
Image 4 of Assessment of influence exerted on military operations by other than military considerations
- Contributor: Center of Military History - Rosson, William B. (William Bradford)
- Date: 1993
Image 5 of Assessment of influence exerted on military operations by other than military considerations ASSESSMENT OF INFLUENCE EXERTED ON MILITARY OPERATIONS BY OTHER THAN MILITARY CONSIDERATIONS I GENERAL W.B. ROSSON Commander in Chief United States Army, Pacific
- Contributor: Center of Military History - Rosson, William B. (William Bradford)
- Date: 1993
Image 6 of Assessment of influence exerted on military operations by other than military considerations J7S9b S
- Contributor: Center of Military History - Rosson, William B. (William Bradford)
- Date: 1993
Image 7 of Assessment of influence exerted on military operations by other than military considerations REPLY TO ATTENTION OF THE CENTER OF MILITARY HISTORY WASHINGTON, DC 20005-3402 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY 7 DAMH-ZC Z o7 /?f 3 22 April 1993 MEMORANDUM FOR SEE DISTRIBUTION SUBJECT: Manuscript 1.…
- Contributor: Center of Military History - Rosson, William B. (William Bradford)
- Date: 1993
Image 8 of Assessment of influence exerted on military operations by other than military considerations Cc c
- Contributor: Center of Military History - Rosson, William B. (William Bradford)
- Date: 1993
Image 9 of Assessment of influence exerted on military operations by other than military considerations UNCLASSIFIED PREFACE (U) In a letter to the author dated 9 November 1970, the Chief of Staff, United States Army stated: M .1 have been concerned about a serious deficiency in the…
- Contributor: Center of Military History - Rosson, William B. (William Bradford)
- Date: 1993
Image 10 of Assessment of influence exerted on military operations by other than military considerations UNCLASSIFIED DRAFT and the effect of the conditions imposed upon the participants, to include prior proposals for similar operations. The account should also describe the effects on United States and allied forces…
- Contributor: Center of Military History - Rosson, William B. (William Bradford)
- Date: 1993
Image 11 of Assessment of influence exerted on military operations by other than military considerations UNCLASSIFIED DRAFT (U) As a final point, it is to be stressed that the assessment contained herein is selective in scope, relies extensively on the author s experience and judgment, and is…
- Contributor: Center of Military History - Rosson, William B. (William Bradford)
- Date: 1993
Image 12 of Assessment of influence exerted on military operations by other than military considerations UNCLASSIFIED TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Title Page.i Preface.ii Table of Contents.. List of Illustrations.xi CHAPTER I. RULES OF ENGAGEMENT.1-1 F^urpose.1-1 Approach.1-1 Background.1-2 ROE, 1961-1965 1-4 Summary.1-17 ROE, 1965-1971. 1-19 Summary.1-42 Border Areas…
- Contributor: Center of Military History - Rosson, William B. (William Bradford)
- Date: 1993
Image 13 of Assessment of influence exerted on military operations by other than military considerations UNCLASSIFIED DRAFT Pag CHAPTER II. FREE WORLD MILITARY ASSISTANCE FORCES II-l Purpose. Approach. Political Considerations-More Flags H -2 Command-Control Constraints.II -5 US Economic Support to Free World Contributing Countries.11-14 Conclusions. U-17 Footnotes..…
- Contributor: Center of Military History - Rosson, William B. (William Bradford)
- Date: 1993
Image 14 of Assessment of influence exerted on military operations by other than military considerations CHAPTER UNCLASSIFIED Background. -c. Political Military Considerations. IV-3 Pre-Tet 1968 IV-6 Tet 1968 IV 7 The Significance of Tet.. IV-10 Post Tet 1968 IV-14 Propaganda Efforts. IV-14 Conclusions.IV-16 Footnotes.IV-19 Appendix.IV-22 Source List…
- Contributor: Center of Military History - Rosson, William B. (William Bradford)
- Date: 1993
Image 15 of Assessment of influence exerted on military operations by other than military considerations UNCLASSIFIED DRAFT Page CHAPTER VI. PRIOR PROPOSALS FOR AND THE LIMITED INCURSION INTO CAMBODIA VI-1 Purpose.VI-1 Approach. VI-1 Period Prior to Major US Buildup 1963-1965 .VI-3 US Buildup.VI-8 Tet Offensive to Incursion.…
- Contributor: Center of Military History - Rosson, William B. (William Bradford)
- Date: 1993
Image 16 of Assessment of influence exerted on military operations by other than military considerations UNCLASSIFIED DRAFT Page ICRC Efforts. VII-6 NVN and VC Attitudes. VII-8 Release of Prisoners by the Adversaries. VII-13 PW Recovery Efforts. VII-16 Conclusions. VII-19 Footnotes. VII-20 CHAPTER VIII. REDUCTION OF UNITED STATES…
- Contributor: Center of Military History - Rosson, William B. (William Bradford)
- Date: 1993
Image 17 of Assessment of influence exerted on military operations by other than military considerations UNCLASSIFIED DRAFT Page CHAPTER IX. SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS. IX-1 Rules of Engagement. IX-1 Free World Military Assistance Forces IX-2 The Buddhist Uprising in 1966. IX-3 Effect of Truces on United States and…
- Contributor: Center of Military History - Rosson, William B. (William Bradford)
- Date: 1993
- Contributor: Center of Military History - Rosson, William B. (William Bradford)
- Date: 1993
Image 19 of Assessment of influence exerted on military operations by other than military considerations UNCLASSIFIED DRAFT CHAPTER I RULES OF ENGAGEMENT (U) PURPOSE (U) This chapter examines the effect of nonmilitary considera¬ tions on rules of engagement (ROE) applicable to the war in South¬ east Asia…
- Contributor: Center of Military History - Rosson, William B. (William Bradford)
- Date: 1993
Image 20 of Assessment of influence exerted on military operations by other than military considerations UNCLASSIFIED DRAFT BACKGROUND (U) ROE are directives issued by a US military authority that delineate the circumstances and limitations under which US forces will engage other forces. (U) The US observes and…
- Contributor: Center of Military History - Rosson, William B. (William Bradford)
- Date: 1993
Image 21 of Assessment of influence exerted on military operations by other than military considerations accords. The US added it would view any renewal of aggression with 4 grave concern, as a serious threat to international peace and security. (S-NOFORN) ROE in a counterinsurgency environment are neces¬…
- Contributor: Center of Military History - Rosson, William B. (William Bradford)
- Date: 1993
Image 22 of Assessment of influence exerted on military operations by other than military considerations T liBitfORCLAS Restrictions on operations in border areas; REGRADED IS CRCER SEC 9 BY TAG E2 Restrictions applicable to the DMZ; and Restrictions on surface and air-delivered fires %84 0624-f Ny (TS)…
- Contributor: Center of Military History - Rosson, William B. (William Bradford)
- Date: 1993
Image 23 of Assessment of influence exerted on military operations by other than military considerations subject to the laws of warfare and US initiated ROE. Accordingly, the mission of advising and training RVNAF made it necessary to place severe operational restrictions upon US personnel and operations. Advisors…
- Contributor: Center of Military History - Rosson, William B. (William Bradford)
- Date: 1993
Image 24 of Assessment of influence exerted on military operations by other than military considerations Aircraft were of the same type (T-28) as flown by the VNAF, to include VNAF markings; and The purpose of the combat mission was to train the VNAF to perform all missions…
- Contributor: Center of Military History - Rosson, William B. (William Bradford)
- Date: 1993
Image 25 of Assessment of influence exerted on military operations by other than military considerations VNAF ROE addressed only the overflying of borders of neighbor! countries. 11 (TS) On 16 February 1963, the JCS commented to CINCPAO, a COMUSMACV that the MACV directive was more restrictive with…
- Contributor: Center of Military History - Rosson, William B. (William Bradford)
- Date: 1993
Image 26 of Assessment of influence exerted on military operations by other than military considerations Special Handling Required not releasable to foreign on flashes that appeared to be VC positions. Immediately following the air strike the VC withdrew. The Commander of the 34th Tactical Qroup commended his…
- Contributor: Center of Military History - Rosson, William B. (William Bradford)
- Date: 1993
Image 27 of Assessment of influence exerted on military operations by other than military considerations personnel for eventual replacement of US pilots. The ultimate objective was stated to be elimination of the requirement for FARM GATE air¬ craft. US helicopters would continue to transport RVNAF personnel into…
- Contributor: Center of Military History - Rosson, William B. (William Bradford)
- Date: 1993
Image 28 of Assessment of influence exerted on military operations by other than military considerations TOP SECRET DRAFT .r,- O 4 108 US and Vietnamese personnel wounded. These incidents caused COMUSMACV, the US Ambassador to the RVN, CINCPAC and the JCS to recommend immediate US reprisal strikes.…
- Contributor: Center of Military History - Rosson, William B. (William Bradford)
- Date: 1993
Image 29 of Assessment of influence exerted on military operations by other than military considerations r*- vj. b r 4 j t, a tuv provide additional justification for further relaxations in relation to FARM GATE. 21 (C) The crux of the problem concerning ROE for fixed-wing air¬…
- Contributor: Center of Military History - Rosson, William B. (William Bradford)
- Date: 1993
Image 30 of Assessment of influence exerted on military operations by other than military considerations Herbicide Operations (U) Use of herbicides for defoliation and crop destruction prior to 1965 called for positive controls because of world-wide sensitivity to the use of chemicals in war and need to…
- Contributor: Center of Military History - Rosson, William B. (William Bradford)
- Date: 1993
Image 31 of Assessment of influence exerted on military operations by other than military considerations HKGRET DRAFT m: r-.r. V (S) In July 1961, the Chief, Military Assistance Advisory Group, Vietnam (CHMAAGV) suggested that herbicides might be used to: Improve visibility along communications routes; and Deny the…
- Contributor: Center of Military History - Rosson, William B. (William Bradford)
- Date: 1993
Image 32 of Assessment of influence exerted on military operations by other than military considerations rrgnrr vwftCl DRAFT -t-- r r the US senior advisor to each ARVN division was authorized to initiate 28 hand-spray defoliation operations. By the summer of 1964, defolia¬ tion had become a…
- Contributor: Center of Military History - Rosson, William B. (William Bradford)
- Date: 1993
Image 33 of Assessment of influence exerted on military operations by other than military considerations SECRET DRAFT TY7^ L \S fcV4*«‘ L—“ The following guidelines applied: Operations to be implemented only where the stage of crop growth would give reasonable prospects of success; Targets to be selected…
- Contributor: Center of Military History - Rosson, William B. (William Bradford)
- Date: 1993
Image 34 of Assessment of influence exerted on military operations by other than military considerations are intermingled with native inhabitants and latter cannot escape. Also should be limited to areas where VC do not have nearby alter¬ native sources of food or areas in which there is…
- Contributor: Center of Military History - Rosson, William B. (William Bradford)
- Date: 1993
Image 35 of Assessment of influence exerted on military operations by other than military considerations Riot Control Agents (RCA) SffltfJ DRAFT u .ir* rs re (S) Another politically sensitive subject affecting ROE was RVNAF 36 use of riot control munitions in combat operations. US policy stipulated that…
- Contributor: Center of Military History - Rosson, William B. (William Bradford)
- Date: 1993
Image 36 of Assessment of influence exerted on military operations by other than military considerations DRAFT u L X w their use, controls on herbicides were rigid from the outset. (S) Effects of ROE on military operations: FARM GATE was hampered by the initial requirement that VNAF…
- Contributor: Center of Military History - Rosson, William B. (William Bradford)
- Date: 1993
Image 37 of Assessment of influence exerted on military operations by other than military considerations UNCLASSIFIED DRAFT ROE, 1965 1971 (U) As 1965 began, assessment of the situation in RVN indicated that: Authority and effectiveness of the GVN had declined steadily through 1964 as noted in Chapter…
- Contributor: Center of Military History - Rosson, William B. (William Bradford)
- Date: 1993
Image 38 of Assessment of influence exerted on military operations by other than military considerations Air Operations (TS) On 26 January 1965, citing the fact that VNAF could not respond to the increasing requirements for air strikes, COMUSMACV requested emergency authority to employ USAF jet aircraft within…
- Contributor: Center of Military History - Rosson, William B. (William Bradford)
- Date: 1993
Image 39 of Assessment of influence exerted on military operations by other than military considerations Group Mobile 100 in 1954), trapped two ARVN companies and their US advisors. B-57 s attacked the ambushing force while helicopters extracted the beleaguered friendly units. The enemy lost 150 killed. Following…
- Contributor: Center of Military History - Rosson, William B. (William Bradford)
- Date: 1993
Image 40 of Assessment of influence exerted on military operations by other than military considerations DRAFT instructions took cognizance of religious monuments and public places having historical value. Of primary concern to COMUSMACV in these particulars was adoption of measures to minimize to the highest possible degree…
- Contributor: Center of Military History - Rosson, William B. (William Bradford)
- Date: 1993