Book/Printed Material The bearings of modern commerce on the progress of modern missions;
Image 1 of The bearings of modern commerce on the progress of modern missions; BV 2075 .S83 Copy 0^ ANNUAL SERMON THE BOARD OF MISSIONS, 1839. BY JOHN S. STONE, D. D. RT.CTOK OF ST, PAUL S CHURCH, BOSTON
- Contributor: Stone, John S. (John Seely)
- Date: 1839
Image 2 of The bearings of modern commerce on the progress of modern missions;
- Contributor: Stone, John S. (John Seely)
- Date: 1839
- Contributor: Stone, John S. (John Seely)
- Date: 1839
Image 4 of The bearings of modern commerce on the progress of modern missions; *l»
- Contributor: Stone, John S. (John Seely)
- Date: 1839
Image 5 of The bearings of modern commerce on the progress of modern missions; PREFATORY NOTE In the delivery of the following Sermon, several para- graphs were omitted on account of its more than ordinary length and, in preparing it for the press, a few short…
- Contributor: Stone, John S. (John Seely)
- Date: 1839
Image 6 of The bearings of modern commerce on the progress of modern missions; Should there be any points in the Sermon, to which the reader is not prepared at once to assent, it is hoped he will find satisfactory illustrations in the notes, which have…
- Contributor: Stone, John S. (John Seely)
- Date: 1839
Image 7 of The bearings of modern commerce on the progress of modern missions; SERMON ISAIAH lx. 9. FIRST, TO BRING THY SONS FROM FAR, THEIR SILVER AND THEIR GOLD WITH THEM, UNTO THE NAME OF THE LORD THY GOD, AND TO THE HOLY ONE OF…
- Contributor: Stone, John S. (John Seely)
- Date: 1839
Image 8 of The bearings of modern commerce on the progress of modern missions; gion, could spread beyond the boundaries of the land of their birth. All other agencies, not purely spiritual, are, when left to themselves, local. Commerce has the only created arm that can…
- Contributor: Stone, John S. (John Seely)
- Date: 1839
Image 9 of The bearings of modern commerce on the progress of modern missions; to so broad a system, but because from the beginning, the system has been actuated by one spirit because the whole body of the great business world has but one soul and…
- Contributor: Stone, John S. (John Seely)
- Date: 1839
Image 10 of The bearings of modern commerce on the progress of modern missions; has opened, almost numberless blessings have been spread over the world. Walls of separation have been broken down nations have been brought closer together and the bonds of one universal brotherhood have…
- Contributor: Stone, John S. (John Seely)
- Date: 1839
Image 11 of The bearings of modern commerce on the progress of modern missions; monarch thus pretending to convey to each a right to all the countries within their assigned limits, which they might discover, not already occupied by any Christian nation. And who were the…
- Contributor: Stone, John S. (John Seely)
- Date: 1839
Image 12 of The bearings of modern commerce on the progress of modern missions; 10 deceit and treachery, roused the simple natives of the West Indies to resistance, it opened on them those baying mouths of death, its musketry and its cannon, and drove wars of…
- Contributor: Stone, John S. (John Seely)
- Date: 1839
Image 13 of The bearings of modern commerce on the progress of modern missions; 11 which are naturally communicated by the contact of depraved lust with unsuspecting innocence, it opened the very prisons and poor-houses of the old world, and vomited forth upon the new, colonies…
- Contributor: Stone, John S. (John Seely)
- Date: 1839
Image 14 of The bearings of modern commerce on the progress of modern missions; 12 decently attired, and moderately restrained; but which, when it goes abroad, and stands in sight of the gold and the diamond mine, in sight of the rice-field, and the cane- brake,…
- Contributor: Stone, John S. (John Seely)
- Date: 1839
Image 15 of The bearings of modern commerce on the progress of modern missions; 13 rivals in Canada, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Madagascar, Mauritius, Guiana, some of the West India Islands, and parts of the East Indian and African Coasts of those scenes, amidst which the Dutch…
- Contributor: Stone, John S. (John Seely)
- Date: 1839
Image 16 of The bearings of modern commerce on the progress of modern missions; 14 earth during the whole 4000 years of ante-christian bar- barism This commercial spirit has had a wider field on which to act, and more powerful enginery to put in ac- tion…
- Contributor: Stone, John S. (John Seely)
- Date: 1839
Image 17 of The bearings of modern commerce on the progress of modern missions; 15 When Commerce, with her newly invented mariner s com- pass in her hand, went forth to the discovery of a new world, peopled with before unknown races of men, simple and…
- Contributor: Stone, John S. (John Seely)
- Date: 1839
Image 18 of The bearings of modern commerce on the progress of modern missions; 16 And even where this power has not exterminated, it has wrought evils of a perhaps darker character. It has actually rendered the living savage more savage, and the living heathen more…
- Contributor: Stone, John S. (John Seely)
- Date: 1839
Image 19 of The bearings of modern commerce on the progress of modern missions; 17 turning the miserable heathen from his idols, and in cleans- ing; them from their pollutions, modern commerce, with its heart still lusting for gold, and fearful of losing its prey, rushes…
- Contributor: Stone, John S. (John Seely)
- Date: 1839
Image 20 of The bearings of modern commerce on the progress of modern missions; 18 freely as if they were the greatest blessings that Europe had to bestow. They are the restless and triumphant apostles of misery and destruction and such are their achievements, that it…
- Contributor: Stone, John S. (John Seely)
- Date: 1839
Image 21 of The bearings of modern commerce on the progress of modern missions; 19 the true spirit of love, and peace, and simple confidence in God, they wrought wonders of mercy among the untaught children of the new world. The Jesuit became the Indian s…
- Contributor: Stone, John S. (John Seely)
- Date: 1839
Image 22 of The bearings of modern commerce on the progress of modern missions; 20 their own country to their oppressors, were allowed to choose a new spot in the wilderness, and there, almost without agricultural implements, to try, under the direction of the faithful, sympathising…
- Contributor: Stone, John S. (John Seely)
- Date: 1839
Image 23 of The bearings of modern commerce on the progress of modern missions; 21 race, abandoned to witchcraft, drunkenness, licentiousness, and all the consequences which arise from the unchecked growth of such vices. But the missionary came. Patient and heavenly in his spirit, he followed…
- Contributor: Stone, John S. (John Seely)
- Date: 1839
Image 24 of The bearings of modern commerce on the progress of modern missions; 22 onward impulses and vigorous actings of all-conquering Christianity. The success of missions, under all past dis- couragements, is an hundred fold more than enough to justify all past expenditure, whether of…
- Contributor: Stone, John S. (John Seely)
- Date: 1839
Image 25 of The bearings of modern commerce on the progress of modern missions; 23 yet to receive, at least in great part, its fulfilment. The isles have long waited for God s law without fully receiving it and the ships of Tarshish have been long…
- Contributor: Stone, John S. (John Seely)
- Date: 1839
Image 26 of The bearings of modern commerce on the progress of modern missions; 24 shall permanently amass the wealth of the earth into the coffers of a few, while it leaves the innumerable many poor, oppressed, broken in heart and hopeless of good? This were…
- Contributor: Stone, John S. (John Seely)
- Date: 1839
Image 27 of The bearings of modern commerce on the progress of modern missions; 25 tian nations stirred and wrought up, internally, with deep, steadily growing and resistless efforts to disseminate the spi- rit and the principles of peace to wipe out the blot of slave-…
- Contributor: Stone, John S. (John Seely)
- Date: 1839
Image 28 of The bearings of modern commerce on the progress of modern missions; 26 that power, which has been crashing and debasing the hun- dred millions of British India Why, as a still further con- sequence, have we seen at least the shadowing forth of…
- Contributor: Stone, John S. (John Seely)
- Date: 1839
Image 29 of The bearings of modern commerce on the progress of modern missions; 27 between our Christian boasts and professions, and our un- christian practices and influences, has been made too appal- lingly apparent ever to be forgotten. Investigation will go forward light will increase…
- Contributor: Stone, John S. (John Seely)
- Date: 1839
Image 30 of The bearings of modern commerce on the progress of modern missions; 28 while they leave still smiling and flourishing realms behind, will go, not to canker in the heart, and corrupt the character of elder domains, not to lie heaped in the hands…
- Contributor: Stone, John S. (John Seely)
- Date: 1839
Image 31 of The bearings of modern commerce on the progress of modern missions; 29 facts, it is now but the simple dictate of common justice, that ice, the whole mass surnamed Christian, should repent of our works, cleanse our hearts from avarice and worldli- ness,…
- Contributor: Stone, John S. (John Seely)
- Date: 1839
Image 32 of The bearings of modern commerce on the progress of modern missions; 30 into the lands which they visit. And she should make her- self heard, however silently, yet powerfully, in the ear of governments that they may become ashamed of the atroci- ties,…
- Contributor: Stone, John S. (John Seely)
- Date: 1839
Image 33 of The bearings of modern commerce on the progress of modern missions; 31 the measures, which that spirit dictates, will, even at home, shut it out from quickening, life-sustaining influences. It will die. It will become a reservoir for the refuse of a once…
- Contributor: Stone, John S. (John Seely)
- Date: 1839
Image 34 of The bearings of modern commerce on the progress of modern missions; 32 find its pedigree. Because men did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, and to all the awful consequences of their sin.…
- Contributor: Stone, John S. (John Seely)
- Date: 1839
Image 35 of The bearings of modern commerce on the progress of modern missions; APPENDIX Note A. In adverting to the transition of commerce from trie direction of Papal to that of Protestant governments, the writer is, of course, aware of the fact, that Protestant colonists…
- Contributor: Stone, John S. (John Seely)
- Date: 1839
Image 36 of The bearings of modern commerce on the progress of modern missions; 34 more honest plea of the right of conquest the ancient doctrine of the strong which they began to perceive was not quite so much in esteem as formerly. Had they said…
- Contributor: Stone, John S. (John Seely)
- Date: 1839
Image 37 of The bearings of modern commerce on the progress of modern missions; 35 as the embarrassment increased, the claims of the company became proportionably pressing. In the technical phraseology of money lenders, the screw was then turned, till there was no longer any enduring…
- Contributor: Stone, John S. (John Seely)
- Date: 1839
Image 38 of The bearings of modern commerce on the progress of modern missions; 36 every British subject who was not belonging to the company, and therefore interested in its operations, was rigidly excluded from the country, and none could, therefore, complain of the evil deeds…
- Contributor: Stone, John S. (John Seely)
- Date: 1839
Image 39 of The bearings of modern commerce on the progress of modern missions; 37 seek the conversion of the natives, but in reality seeking only their gold and their silver, their diamonds and their spicery; Protestants never made any such professions, never pretended to colonize…
- Contributor: Stone, John S. (John Seely)
- Date: 1839
Image 40 of The bearings of modern commerce on the progress of modern missions; 38 as to engage in this business, is amazing. A smuggler in Canton is no more honorable than a smuggler on any other coast; in some respects less so. There is less…
- Contributor: Stone, John S. (John Seely)
- Date: 1839