Book/Printed Material Belgian life in town and country,
Image 1 of Belgian life in town and country,
- Contributor: Boulger, Demetrius Charles
- Date: 1904
Image 2 of Belgian life in town and country, o V .^^^0, .^W^^% v^ (y o, s V v;s» A JJ ■*^_ C- .^^1 -o__ 0-
- Contributor: Boulger, Demetrius Charles
- Date: 1904
Image 3 of Belgian life in town and country, I^P 4 O v- ^v™^,./ ivy r-^^^ s
- Contributor: Boulger, Demetrius Charles
- Date: 1904
Image 4 of Belgian life in town and country,
- Contributor: Boulger, Demetrius Charles
- Date: 1904
Image 5 of Belgian life in town and country,
- Contributor: Boulger, Demetrius Charles
- Date: 1904
Image 6 of Belgian life in town and country,
- Contributor: Boulger, Demetrius Charles
- Date: 1904
Image 7 of Belgian life in town and country,
- Contributor: Boulger, Demetrius Charles
- Date: 1904
Image 8 of Belgian life in town and country, OUR EUROPEAN NEIGHBOURS French Life German Life Russian Life Dutch Life Swiss Life Spanish Life Italian Life Danish Life Austro Hungarian Life Turkish Life Belgian Life
- Contributor: Boulger, Demetrius Charles
- Date: 1904
- Contributor: Boulger, Demetrius Charles
- Date: 1904
Image 10 of Belgian life in town and country,
- Contributor: Boulger, Demetrius Charles
- Date: 1904
Image 11 of Belgian life in town and country,
- Contributor: Boulger, Demetrius Charles
- Date: 1904
Image 12 of Belgian life in town and country,
- Contributor: Boulger, Demetrius Charles
- Date: 1904
Image 13 of Belgian life in town and country, BELGIAN LIFE IN TOWN AND COUNTRY a By Demetrius C. Boulger ILLUSTRATED G. P. PUTNAM S SONS NEW YORK AND LONDON ^be Iknickerbockcc iprees 1904
- Contributor: Boulger, Demetrius Charles
- Date: 1904
Image 14 of Belgian life in town and country, LIBRARY of CONGRESS Two Copies Received JUN 4 1904 Copyright Entry CCASS A XXo. N^. COPY B Copyright, 1904 BY G. P. PUTNAM S SONS Published, May, 1904 Ube IRnicftcrbocftcr Press, Wew…
- Contributor: Boulger, Demetrius Charles
- Date: 1904
Image 15 of Belgian life in town and country, CONTENTS CHAPTER I PAGE The Two Races oe Bei^gium i CHAPTER II The Modern Constitution 17 CHAPTEPv III The LEGISI.ATURE AND THE Eeectorate 33 CHAPTEPv IV The Court and Society 48 CHAPTER…
- Contributor: Boulger, Demetrius Charles
- Date: 1904
Image 16 of Belgian life in town and country, vi Contents PAGE CHAPTER VIII Thk Manufacturing Centres .108 CHAPTER IX Country Life in Bei^gium 127 CHAPTER X The Dead Cities of Fi.anders .142 CHAPTER XI Education and Rewgious Aspects .155 CHAPTER…
- Contributor: Boulger, Demetrius Charles
- Date: 1904
Image 17 of Belgian life in town and country, Contents vii PAGE CHAPTER XVII Some Poptjlar Types— Men 249 CHAPTER XVII r Some Popui,ar Types— Women .262 CHAPTER XIX Seaport and Saii^or Life 277 CHAPTER XX The Army and Miutary Life…
- Contributor: Boulger, Demetrius Charles
- Date: 1904
Image 18 of Belgian life in town and country,
- Contributor: Boulger, Demetrius Charles
- Date: 1904
Image 19 of Belgian life in town and country, ILLUSTRATIONS The Pai^ace oe the Nation, Brussei^s Frontispiece The PAI.ACE OF the King, Brussei^s 20 The Pai^ace oe France, Brussei^ 40 The PAI.ACE OF F1.ANDERS, BRUSSE13 58 A Street Scene in Brussei^s…
- Contributor: Boulger, Demetrius Charles
- Date: 1904
Image 20 of Belgian life in town and country, X Illustrations PAGE The Cathedrai, at Anvers 236 View oe Dinant and the Vali^ey oe The Meuse 238 The Chateau oe Wai^zin at DinanT 240 A M11.KWOMAN OE Brussei^ 266 The Beach…
- Contributor: Boulger, Demetrius Charles
- Date: 1904
Image 21 of Belgian life in town and country, BELGIAN LIFE IN TOWN AND COUNTRY
- Contributor: Boulger, Demetrius Charles
- Date: 1904
Image 22 of Belgian life in town and country,
- Contributor: Boulger, Demetrius Charles
- Date: 1904
Image 23 of Belgian life in town and country, BELGIAN LIFE IN TOWN AND COUNTRY CHAPTER I THK TWO RACES OF BKI GIUM THE most striking fact in the national life of modern Belgium is that two distinct races, in blood…
- Contributor: Boulger, Demetrius Charles
- Date: 1904
Image 24 of Belgian life in town and country, Belgian Life political destiny under foreign and native rulers during more than four hundred and fifty years has removed many natural causes of friction between them, and has created some definite belief…
- Contributor: Boulger, Demetrius Charles
- Date: 1904
Image 25 of Belgian life in town and country, The Two Races of Belgium 3 spread, while the other contracted. Such has not been the case. The Flemings still speak Flemish, the great majority of the Walloons French, while the Walloons…
- Contributor: Boulger, Demetrius Charles
- Date: 1904
Image 26 of Belgian life in town and country, 4* Belgian Life supersession of the Flemish language by French must now be pronounced chimerical. The French propaganda had every chance in its favour, and a fair field between 1831 and 1855,…
- Contributor: Boulger, Demetrius Charles
- Date: 1904
Image 27 of Belgian life in town and country, The Two Races of Belgium 5 the Flemings from the Germans. When the Germans became interested in the Netherlands at the end of the fifteenth century, through the marriage of the Archduke…
- Contributor: Boulger, Demetrius Charles
- Date: 1904
Image 28 of Belgian life in town and country, 6 Belgian Life language to-day, the vehicle for the thoughts of the people in large districts, such as Liege and the Ardennes, this race has shown scarcely less te- nacity in preserving…
- Contributor: Boulger, Demetrius Charles
- Date: 1904
Image 29 of Belgian life in town and country, The Two Races of Belgium 7 direction of the movement in the hands of the Walloons of Brussels and Liege. On the success of the movement for national liberation, it was only…
- Contributor: Boulger, Demetrius Charles
- Date: 1904
Image 30 of Belgian life in town and country, 8 Belgian Life The establishment of the modern kingdom of Belgium in 1831 was followed then by that of French in the Chambers, the courts of law, and the colleges as the…
- Contributor: Boulger, Demetrius Charles
- Date: 1904
Image 31 of Belgian life in town and country, The Two Races of Belgium 9 posals that it suppressed the report, and kept it secret. Its purport only leaked out gradually with the lapse of years. The Flemish movement began at…
- Contributor: Boulger, Demetrius Charles
- Date: 1904
Image 32 of Belgian life in town and country, lo Belgian Life The efforts of Conscience were well seconded by those of the poet Ledeganck, whose ballads were sung or recited from one end of Flanders to the other. There were…
- Contributor: Boulger, Demetrius Charles
- Date: 1904
Image 33 of Belgian life in town and country, The Two Races of Belgium 1 1 Flanders, brought before one of the courts at Brussels, refused to plead in French, and his atti- tude was supported and imitated by his counsel.…
- Contributor: Boulger, Demetrius Charles
- Date: 1904
Image 34 of Belgian life in town and country, 12 Belgian Life may be said to have been made complete. Ostra- cised after 1830, the Flemish language has gained in the last forty years a position of equality with French as…
- Contributor: Boulger, Demetrius Charles
- Date: 1904
Image 35 of Belgian life in town and country, The Two Races of Belgium 13 by the stipulation that proficiency in the two tongues is requisite for public employment; but there are still nearly six millions of people in Bel- gium…
- Contributor: Boulger, Demetrius Charles
- Date: 1904
Image 36 of Belgian life in town and country, 14 Belgian Life is not attached to the Roman Catholic faith. This religious unanimity makes for the stability of Belgium, because it effectually separates the Flemings from the Dutch, who are practically…
- Contributor: Boulger, Demetrius Charles
- Date: 1904
Image 37 of Belgian life in town and country, The Two Races of Belgium 15 religious horizon. With them it is a question of the Roman Catholic Church or no church at all. The Walloons are the chief supporters and pro-…
- Contributor: Boulger, Demetrius Charles
- Date: 1904
Image 38 of Belgian life in town and country, i6 Belgian Life ings have done good work. They may claim that much of the present prosperity of the country has been due in a special degree to their efforts. They are…
- Contributor: Boulger, Demetrius Charles
- Date: 1904
Image 39 of Belgian life in town and country, CHAPTER II THK MODERN CONSTITUTION BELGIUM, one is frequently reminded when writing of the great past of the Belgian races, dates only from 1830. The application of the same arbitrary rule to…
- Contributor: Boulger, Demetrius Charles
- Date: 1904
Image 40 of Belgian life in town and country, 1 8 Belgian Life a systematic attempt to change the language of half his Southern subjects, and the religion of them all. These innovations, and the steps pre- liminary to them, were…
- Contributor: Boulger, Demetrius Charles
- Date: 1904