Book/Printed Material Biographical sketches of distinguished American naval heroes in the war of the revolution, between the American Republic and the Kingdom of Great Britain; comprising sketches of Com. Nicholas Biddle, Com. John Paul Jones, Com. Edward Preble, and Com. Alexander Murray. With incidental allusions to other distinguished characters ...
Image 1 of Biographical sketches of distinguished American naval heroes in the war of the revolution, …
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam) - Jefferson, Thomas - Adams, John
- Date: 1823
Image 2 of Biographical sketches of distinguished American naval heroes in the war of the revolution, … Class U./37_i. Ronlc W/^
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam) - Jefferson, Thomas - Adams, John
- Date: 1823
Image 3 of Biographical sketches of distinguished American naval heroes in the war of the revolution, …
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam) - Jefferson, Thomas - Adams, John
- Date: 1823
Image 4 of Biographical sketches of distinguished American naval heroes in the war of the revolution, …
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam) - Jefferson, Thomas - Adams, John
- Date: 1823
Image 5 of Biographical sketches of distinguished American naval heroes in the war of the revolution, …
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam) - Jefferson, Thomas - Adams, John
- Date: 1823
Image 6 of Biographical sketches of distinguished American naval heroes in the war of the revolution, … ,KXANB¥.B. MFK-IIAT ESQ. cf the UnitC isf 6f:a.ici lfa.vy.
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam) - Jefferson, Thomas - Adams, John
- Date: 1823
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam) - Jefferson, Thomas - Adams, John
- Date: 1823
Image 8 of Biographical sketches of distinguished American naval heroes in the war of the revolution, … DISTRICT OF CONNECTICUT, ss. r g BE IT REMEMBERED, That on the fifth day of Septem= ber, in the forty-eighth year of the independence of the United States of America, Silas Andrus,…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam) - Jefferson, Thomas - Adams, John
- Date: 1823
Image 9 of Biographical sketches of distinguished American naval heroes in the war of the revolution, … PREFATORY NOTICE FROM THE WRITER TO THE READER. THE following volume was commenced in consequence of perusing the well known Letter of the venerable States- man, John Adams, to the well known…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam) - Jefferson, Thomas - Adams, John
- Date: 1823
Image 10 of Biographical sketches of distinguished American naval heroes in the war of the revolution, … IV PREFACE. the Old Congress, the Acts of which were authenticated by the signature of a man whose name and truth are sy- nonymous Charles Thomson. Before commencing the volume, I made…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam) - Jefferson, Thomas - Adams, John
- Date: 1823
Image 11 of Biographical sketches of distinguished American naval heroes in the war of the revolution, … PREFACIE. V ments of the matchless Naval Heroes,^ who then dared, with means apparently wholly inefficient, to assail the vaunting Queen of the ocean, as Britain then called and still calls herself,…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam) - Jefferson, Thomas - Adams, John
- Date: 1823
Image 12 of Biographical sketches of distinguished American naval heroes in the war of the revolution, … VI PREFACE. whose names I should feel proud in mentioning here, were I not inhibited by injunctions of concealment. I have listened with rapture and attention to the oral narrations of a…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam) - Jefferson, Thomas - Adams, John
- Date: 1823
Image 13 of Biographical sketches of distinguished American naval heroes in the war of the revolution, … PREFACE. VII and in the very throat of death upon the coast of Britain and her colonies which dared not resist her, dies away in the roaring of the surges that once…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam) - Jefferson, Thomas - Adams, John
- Date: 1823
Image 14 of Biographical sketches of distinguished American naval heroes in the war of the revolution, … Vlll PREFACE. Illustrious Dead from oblivion, and to incorporate their Fame with the archives of the Republic. The Introduction to thfese Sketches will be useless to the well versed historian but was…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam) - Jefferson, Thomas - Adams, John
- Date: 1823
Image 15 of Biographical sketches of distinguished American naval heroes in the war of the revolution, … TO HON. SMITH THOMPSON, SECRETARY OF THE NAVY.* sir- Avoiding the fulsome eulogy which character- ises the dedications of mercenary writers, who bask in the rays of Royal Favour catch the unmeaning…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam) - Jefferson, Thomas - Adams, John
- Date: 1823
Image 16 of Biographical sketches of distinguished American naval heroes in the war of the revolution, … X UEDICATION. knew you best next, by the government of the whole Republic which knew and appreciated your merits. The voice of your countrymen declares, that while you de- rive honour from…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam) - Jefferson, Thomas - Adams, John
- Date: 1823
Image 17 of Biographical sketches of distinguished American naval heroes in the war of the revolution, … CONTENTS. PAGE. I INTRODUCTION, .13 Biographical Sketch of Com. Nicholas Biddle, 37 Biogiaphical Sketch of Com. John Paul Jones, 75 Biographical Sketch of Com. Edward Preble, 144 Biographical Sketch of Com. Alexander…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam) - Jefferson, Thomas - Adams, John
- Date: 1823
Image 18 of Biographical sketches of distinguished American naval heroes in the war of the revolution, … ERRATA. From the rapiility with which this volume was forced through the Eress. the following errors, amongst others probably undiscovered, ave occurred more justly imputable to the Author than to the Printer…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam) - Jefferson, Thomas - Adams, John
- Date: 1823
Image 19 of Biographical sketches of distinguished American naval heroes in the war of the revolution, … iiri*m#Bw^ta^ii. ADDRESSED TO THE ATTENTION OF THE YOUNGER CLASS OF READERS. Memories of the ancient colonists of America, and heroes of the Ar- my and Navy of the Revolution. They were always…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam) - Jefferson, Thomas - Adams, John
- Date: 1823
Image 20 of Biographical sketches of distinguished American naval heroes in the war of the revolution, … 14 JNTHUDb\;i IUi\. science and literature, the language and the aria of civili- zation are heard and enjoyed, where yelling savages and howling beasts poured forth horrid harmony, and the arrow and…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam) - Jefferson, Thomas - Adams, John
- Date: 1823
Image 21 of Biographical sketches of distinguished American naval heroes in the war of the revolution, … INTRODUCTION. 15 our unrivalled ancestors. Let the free and high-minded people who inhabit that portion of the Western World which lies north of the Isthmus of Darien, contrast their situation with that…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam) - Jefferson, Thomas - Adams, John
- Date: 1823
Image 22 of Biographical sketches of distinguished American naval heroes in the war of the revolution, … 16 INTRODUCTION. created. They neither originated from royal favour, nor were fostered by princely munificence. They were not acquired by the resistless arm of a potent monarch, but by the purchases of…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam) - Jefferson, Thomas - Adams, John
- Date: 1823
Image 23 of Biographical sketches of distinguished American naval heroes in the war of the revolution, … INTRODUCTION. 17 yrn potentates, grown up to considerable importance. The British monarchy then began to think that their trans-atlan- tic possessions were worth defending. The king began to profess the most fatherly…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam) - Jefferson, Thomas - Adams, John
- Date: 1823
Image 24 of Biographical sketches of distinguished American naval heroes in the war of the revolution, … 18 INTRODUCTION. In May 1756, war was formally declared by Britain against France and in June fol lowing, by France against Britain. Another host of British officers arrived from Eu- rope, amongst…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam) - Jefferson, Thomas - Adams, John
- Date: 1823
Image 25 of Biographical sketches of distinguished American naval heroes in the war of the revolution, … INTRODUCTION. 19 mind the first of orators, the greatest of statesmen, and the noblest of men, William Pitt, a name which strikes all human titles dead and which needed not the ennobling…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam) - Jefferson, Thomas - Adams, John
- Date: 1823
Image 26 of Biographical sketches of distinguished American naval heroes in the war of the revolution, … 20 INTRODUCTION. shock of electricity upon a morbid system, it infused life and vigour. A single paragraph will suffice for the remaining part of this introduction, so far as it relates to…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam) - Jefferson, Thomas - Adams, John
- Date: 1823
Image 27 of Biographical sketches of distinguished American naval heroes in the war of the revolution, … INTRODUCTION. 21 Neither the deleterious effects of the chmate, nor agony in the black hole of Calcutta, could restrain these relentless marauders, from accomplishing their diabolical work. As soon may we expect…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam) - Jefferson, Thomas - Adams, John
- Date: 1823
Image 28 of Biographical sketches of distinguished American naval heroes in the war of the revolution, … 22 INTRODUCTION. That wonderful statesman, William Pitt,* \a3 woi« down by incessant service in the cause of his king and country. But although his majestic frame was tottering to its fail, his…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam) - Jefferson, Thomas - Adams, John
- Date: 1823
Image 29 of Biographical sketches of distinguished American naval heroes in the war of the revolution, … INTRODUCTION. 23 is subjugated vassals, but as descendants of English free- men. He warned king, lords, and commons to beware how they moved in regard to America. His solemn mo- nitions were…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam) - Jefferson, Thomas - Adams, John
- Date: 1823
Image 30 of Biographical sketches of distinguished American naval heroes in the war of the revolution, … 24 INTRODUCTION. from the tomb.* The then young and manly Charle? Jam^s Fox, the eloquent Burke, and the unyielding Barre, formed a trio of greatness ia favour of America. But that wrong-headed…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam) - Jefferson, Thomas - Adams, John
- Date: 1823
Image 31 of Biographical sketches of distinguished American naval heroes in the war of the revolution, … INTRODUCTION. 25 follow, wherever he lead. Their measures would remind one of the familiar adage Quem Deus, perdere vult, prius dementat. The parliament imposed a tax upon tea, so that the very…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam) - Jefferson, Thomas - Adams, John
- Date: 1823
Image 32 of Biographical sketches of distinguished American naval heroes in the war of the revolution, … 26 INTRODUCTION, ornament upon American buildings should remind the pos- sessor of British power. If the PaHiament of Britian could impose taxes upon the colonies without their consent, the King of Britain,…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam) - Jefferson, Thomas - Adams, John
- Date: 1823
Image 33 of Biographical sketches of distinguished American naval heroes in the war of the revolution, … INTRODUCTION, 27 them. It would require a Muse ofiire, to ascend the highest heaven of invention to pen a suitable eulogy up- on these Sampsons of the western wofld. Thej taught the…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam) - Jefferson, Thomas - Adams, John
- Date: 1823
Image 34 of Biographical sketches of distinguished American naval heroes in the war of the revolution, … 28 INTRODUCTION. ter s dupes, could meet drily by dumb legislation, and the physical power of voting. Said Fox to the minister, In your infatuated conauct, resolutions and concession, evtr misplaced, have…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam) - Jefferson, Thomas - Adams, John
- Date: 1823
Image 35 of Biographical sketches of distinguished American naval heroes in the war of the revolution, … INTROUUCTIOJ^. 29 tiaine. The impassioned eloquence of the Adamses, Han- cock, Otis, ic. in Fanueil Hall, in Massachusetts, dsmess of difficulties, or suffer us to be carried back in chains to that…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam) - Jefferson, Thomas - Adams, John
- Date: 1823
Image 36 of Biographical sketches of distinguished American naval heroes in the war of the revolution, … 30 INTRODUCTION. reverberated along the shores of the Atlantic, until it reach- ed the House of Burgesses in Virginia, where the ma- jestic spirits of Patrjck Henrv, and Richard Henry Lee, poured…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam) - Jefferson, Thomas - Adams, John
- Date: 1823
Image 37 of Biographical sketches of distinguished American naval heroes in the war of the revolution, … INTRODUCTION. 31 from the Atlantic to the Mississippi— from the Canadas to the Floridas. In the wide range of history, no parallel example of uni- ty of sentiment, and unity of action…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam) - Jefferson, Thomas - Adams, John
- Date: 1823
Image 38 of Biographical sketches of distinguished American naval heroes in the war of the revolution, … 32 INTRODUCTION. of the rising Republic, who are now to be introdueed to the attention, and it is hoped, to the admiration of the rea- der. They were the energetic, the daring,…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam) - Jefferson, Thomas - Adams, John
- Date: 1823
Image 39 of Biographical sketches of distinguished American naval heroes in the war of the revolution, … INTRODUCTION. 33 valuable gem. Merchantmen were suddenly converted into privateers, and British commerce, of immense value, and transport ships, with army and navy stores, were rap- idly brought into American ports. The…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam) - Jefferson, Thomas - Adams, John
- Date: 1823
Image 40 of Biographical sketches of distinguished American naval heroes in the war of the revolution, … J4 INTRODUCTIOV. Continental marine force in 1776, was less than four 74 at this time (1823). This diminutive force, with the aid of State ships and privateers, was illy calculated to face…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam) - Jefferson, Thomas - Adams, John
- Date: 1823