Book/Printed Material Blue hen's chickens' cook book;
Image 1 of Blue hen's chickens' cook book; =: | ‘Che Blue Hens Chickens Cook Book
- Contributor: Milford New Century Club, Milford, Del
- Date: 1921
Image 2 of Blue hen's chickens' cook book; 1 VERY merchant nas a a success y business is built by making a friend of the | customer. A disgruntled customer, or, one with a “chip on the shoulder” against a…
- Contributor: Milford New Century Club, Milford, Del
- Date: 1921
- Contributor: Milford New Century Club, Milford, Del
- Date: 1921
Image 4 of Blue hen's chickens' cook book; © cia656016 ee | | DEC 29 |90) at
- Contributor: Milford New Century Club, Milford, Del
- Date: 1921
Image 5 of Blue hen's chickens' cook book; Introduction and Chesapeake Bays and is composed of the Eastern Shore of Maryland, Delaware, and a little bit of Vir- ginia, has for two hundred years been famous the world over for…
- Contributor: Milford New Century Club, Milford, Del
- Date: 1921
Image 6 of Blue hen's chickens' cook book; Soups Fine old Bouillon made of stock meat, Superior Consomme delicate to eat, Mock Turtle thinks he is head of the heap, But the old fashioned Vegetable Soup is hard to beat.
- Contributor: Milford New Century Club, Milford, Del
- Date: 1921
Image 7 of Blue hen's chickens' cook book; SOUPS 5 SOUP STOCK Take the liquor after boiling fresh meat, also the bones, cracked that the marrow may be extracted, also any meat left over. Boil these all together with water…
- Contributor: Milford New Century Club, Milford, Del
- Date: 1921
Image 8 of Blue hen's chickens' cook book; 6 SOUPS BOUILLON Bouillon is made from meat stock. Put stock on when cooking ; add a bay leaf, clove, onion, potato, allspice, pepper, salt and Worcestershire sauce; season to taste. When…
- Contributor: Milford New Century Club, Milford, Del
- Date: 1921
Image 9 of Blue hen's chickens' cook book; SOUPS 7 TOMATO SOUP One quart of tomatoes; stew in one pint of water and pinch of soda. Cook on back of stove for an hour; strain through sieve, return to the…
- Contributor: Milford New Century Club, Milford, Del
- Date: 1921
Image 10 of Blue hen's chickens' cook book; 8 SOUPS TOMATO SOUP One quart of canned tomatoes, one quart of water, one quart of milk, one small onion, two tablespoonfuls of butter, one teaspoonful of red pepper, one teaspoonful of…
- Contributor: Milford New Century Club, Milford, Del
- Date: 1921
Image 11 of Blue hen's chickens' cook book; Fish TO COOK A HUSBAND A good many husbands are utterly spoiled by mismanagement. Some women go about it as if their husbands were bladders, and pro- ceed to blow them up.…
- Contributor: Milford New Century Club, Milford, Del
- Date: 1921
Image 12 of Blue hen's chickens' cook book; 10 FISH FISH FOR CHOWDER Cod and halibut (mixed), halibut, haddock, eels, little neck clams, long clams, round clams, oysters. FISH BEST BROILED Salmon, cod, red snapper, halibut, sword fish, haddock, black…
- Contributor: Milford New Century Club, Milford, Del
- Date: 1921
Image 13 of Blue hen's chickens' cook book; FISH 11 é DEVILED TROUT, OR WEAK FISH Two cupfuls of cold boiled fish, four hard boiled eggs chopped fine; thicken one-half pint of milk with one table- spoonful of flour mixed…
- Contributor: Milford New Century Club, Milford, Del
- Date: 1921
Image 14 of Blue hen's chickens' cook book; 12 FISH BAKED SHAD Stuff with bread crumbs, salt, butter, pepper, parsley ; mix with beaten yolk of egg; fill the fish; sew it up or fasten with a string around it.…
- Contributor: Milford New Century Club, Milford, Del
- Date: 1921
Image 15 of Blue hen's chickens' cook book; FISH 13 - TERRAPIN Put the terrapins into a pot of boiling water where they must remain until they are quite dead. Divest them of their outer skin and toe nails; after…
- Contributor: Milford New Century Club, Milford, Del
- Date: 1921
Image 16 of Blue hen's chickens' cook book; 14 FISH SALMON LOAF One ean of salmon picked fine, one-half cupful bread crumbs, two eggs, one cupful of milk, one teaspoonful of salt. Free the salmon from skin and bone; cook…
- Contributor: Milford New Century Club, Milford, Del
- Date: 1921
Image 17 of Blue hen's chickens' cook book; FISH 15 ~ PUREE OF CLAMS Twenty-five clams, one tablespoonful of butter, one pint of cream or milk, one cupful of cold water, two tablespoon- fuls of flour, one-quarter cupful of bread…
- Contributor: Milford New Century Club, Milford, Del
- Date: 1921
Image 18 of Blue hen's chickens' cook book; 16 FISH OYSTER COCKTAILS To six oysters add two drops of tabasco sauce, a table- spoonful of lemon juice, teaspoonful of onion juice, a fourth of a teaspoonful of salt and four…
- Contributor: Milford New Century Club, Milford, Del
- Date: 1921
Image 19 of Blue hen's chickens' cook book; FISH ive) ~ WHITE SAUCE Mix in a bowl three heaping teaspoonfuls of flour, with a pat of butter; add a little water and thin with milk or cream; put in dish…
- Contributor: Milford New Century Club, Milford, Del
- Date: 1921
Image 20 of Blue hen's chickens' cook book; es a hearty rves a fow dese es a y ” i sera ‘ € CoO 1 with h - Who
- Contributor: Milford New Century Club, Milford, Del
- Date: 1921
Image 21 of Blue hen's chickens' cook book; MEATS 19 BROILED STEAK AND OYSTER SAUCE Take a nice large steak and broil it nicely; have your dish hot to put it on. Take one pint of small oysters, strain the…
- Contributor: Milford New Century Club, Milford, Del
- Date: 1921
Image 22 of Blue hen's chickens' cook book; 20 MEATS HAM CAKES One cupful of cold chopped ham, add two cupfuls of bread crumbs, two eggs, pepper and salt, and milk enough to soften quite wet. Drop by the tablespoonful…
- Contributor: Milford New Century Club, Milford, Del
- Date: 1921
Image 23 of Blue hen's chickens' cook book; MEATS 21 ~ GIBLET GRAVY Take liver, gizzard, heart and neck of turkey; boil un- til tender; then cut all very fine. Add chopped onion, sea- son with pepper and salt. Then…
- Contributor: Milford New Century Club, Milford, Del
- Date: 1921
Image 24 of Blue hen's chickens' cook book; 22 MEATS TOMATO SAUCE FOR HAMBURG STEAK One can of tomatoes, small piece of lard size of small egg, Worcestershire sauce, parsley, onion, pepper and salt to taste, with a dash of…
- Contributor: Milford New Century Club, Milford, Del
- Date: 1921
Image 25 of Blue hen's chickens' cook book; Vegetables “The man who has nothing to boast of but his 1l- lustrious ancestry, is like a potato. The only good be- longing to him 1s underground.” —Overbury
- Contributor: Milford New Century Club, Milford, Del
- Date: 1921
Image 26 of Blue hen's chickens' cook book; 24 VEGETABLES VEGETABLES The value of green food as a preservative of health can- not be overestimated. Nature provides her own remedies and many of her common vegetables are medicinal. For years…
- Contributor: Milford New Century Club, Milford, Del
- Date: 1921
Image 27 of Blue hen's chickens' cook book; VEGETABLES 25 FRENCH FRIED POTATOES Peel potatoes and cut in eight lengthwise strips, or slice very thin. Throw into iced water for an hour; drain; pat dry between the folds of a…
- Contributor: Milford New Century Club, Milford, Del
- Date: 1921
Image 28 of Blue hen's chickens' cook book; 26 VEGETABLES SCALLOPED POTATOES WITH TOMATOES, NO. 2 Pare potatoes, slice thin and cover bottom of earthen dish, season with salt, pepper and plenty of butter. Then cover with a layer of…
- Contributor: Milford New Century Club, Milford, Del
- Date: 1921
Image 29 of Blue hen's chickens' cook book; VEGETABLES 27 ~ GLAZED SWEET POTATOES Boil the potatoes until nearly but not quite done; re- © move from water and scrape the skins from them; cut in half (lengthwise) ; lay…
- Contributor: Milford New Century Club, Milford, Del
- Date: 1921
Image 30 of Blue hen's chickens' cook book; 28 VEGETABLES ASPARAGUS ON TOAST, NO. 1 After removing the tough part, lay the tender stalk of the asparagus into boiling water slightly salted. Cook slow- ly until tender; lift carefully, and…
- Contributor: Milford New Century Club, Milford, Del
- Date: 1921
Image 31 of Blue hen's chickens' cook book; VEGETABLES 29 STEWED CELERY WITH CREAM SAUCE Stew the celery, strain off water, pour over it cream sauce as follows: Cream sauce, stir together over the fire one tablespoonful each of butter…
- Contributor: Milford New Century Club, Milford, Del
- Date: 1921
Image 32 of Blue hen's chickens' cook book; 30 VEGETABLES GREENS Boil beet tops, turnip tops, spinach, cabbage sprouts, dandelion and lamb’s quarter, in salted water until they are tender; drain in a colander, pressing hard. Serve them, garnished with…
- Contributor: Milford New Century Club, Milford, Del
- Date: 1921
Image 33 of Blue hen's chickens' cook book; VEGETABLES 31 ; LIMA BEANS Put a pint of beans in just enough boiling salted water to cover them, boil till tender; then drain off the water; add a cupful of cream,…
- Contributor: Milford New Century Club, Milford, Del
- Date: 1921
Image 34 of Blue hen's chickens' cook book; 32 VEGETABLES STEAMED CORN Prepare the.corn as for boiling. Place it in the kettle and pour a little hot water over it; cover the kettle tightly and stand it where it will…
- Contributor: Milford New Century Club, Milford, Del
- Date: 1921
Image 35 of Blue hen's chickens' cook book; VEGETABLES 33 BAKED MACARONI One-quarter pound of macaroni, one-quarter pound of grated cheese, one-half cupful of cream, one tablespoonful each of butter, salt and pepper. Break macaroni in small pieces, put into…
- Contributor: Milford New Century Club, Milford, Del
- Date: 1921
Image 36 of Blue hen's chickens' cook book; Bread “When the man earns the bread by the sweat of his brow, the woman should be willing to perspire a little in the baking.”
- Contributor: Milford New Century Club, Milford, Del
- Date: 1921
Image 37 of Blue hen's chickens' cook book; BREAD 35 YEAST Six large potatoes, one cupful of hops, one cupful of flour. Boil the hops in one quart of water; pour the water from the hops over the potatoes (that…
- Contributor: Milford New Century Club, Milford, Del
- Date: 1921
Image 38 of Blue hen's chickens' cook book; 36 BREAD CORNMEAL CAKES To one cupful of sifted meal add a lump of butter, pour over it one cupful of boiling water, when cool add two well beaten eggs, one cupful…
- Contributor: Milford New Century Club, Milford, Del
- Date: 1921
Image 39 of Blue hen's chickens' cook book; BREAD 37 ~ BREAD MUFFINS One pint stale bread crumbs, one pint of milk, one and one-half cupfuls sifted flour, two eggs, one teaspoonful melt- ed butter, two teaspoonfuls baking powder; cover…
- Contributor: Milford New Century Club, Milford, Del
- Date: 1921
Image 40 of Blue hen's chickens' cook book; 38 BREAD CINNAMON BUNS OR RUSKS One-half pint of milk, one-half pint of water, one cake Vienna yeast dissolved in the water, one cupful of sugar, one-half cupful of butter, one teaspoonful…
- Contributor: Milford New Century Club, Milford, Del
- Date: 1921