Book/Printed Material Book of recipes,
Image 1 of Book of recipes, BREWSTER BOOK OF RECIPES
- Contributor: Detroit. Brewster Congregational Church. Woman's Association
- Date: 1921
Image 2 of Book of recipes, Copyright N° COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT:
- Contributor: Detroit. Brewster Congregational Church. Woman's Association
- Date: 1921
Image 3 of Book of recipes,
- Contributor: Detroit. Brewster Congregational Church. Woman's Association
- Date: 1921
Image 4 of Book of recipes, Ne : 7 uy f ay.
- Contributor: Detroit. Brewster Congregational Church. Woman's Association
- Date: 1921
Image 5 of Book of recipes, BOOK OF RECIPES Bax EE: Woman's Assuciation OF Mrefuster Congregational Church and their friends DETROIT, MICHIGAN SECOND EDITION Copyright 1921
- Contributor: Detroit. Brewster Congregational Church. Woman's Association
- Date: 1921
Image 6 of Book of recipes, Some women are loved Because of good looks, But everyone loves The woman who cooks. Now, the secret of being An excellent cook Lies in the possession Of a reliable book. The…
- Contributor: Detroit. Brewster Congregational Church. Woman's Association
- Date: 1921
Image 7 of Book of recipes, Brefoster Congregational Church Warren and Trumbull Ages. Detroit, Michigan
- Contributor: Detroit. Brewster Congregational Church. Woman's Association
- Date: 1921
Image 8 of Book of recipes, Home is Sweeter if You Own Your Own Build of Wood, it will be artistic, comfortable and enduring. Our Complete Service of Lumber and Mill-Work will help you. W. also specialize in…
- Contributor: Detroit. Brewster Congregational Church. Woman's Association
- Date: 1921
Image 9 of Book of recipes, Hirst Course Dishes - Of all that in the waters dwell, Give me an oyster on the shell. —M. K. C. » OYSTERS ON HALF SHELL. For each person take 6 opened…
- Contributor: Detroit. Brewster Congregational Church. Woman's Association
- Date: 1921
Image 10 of Book of recipes, 6 FIRST COURSE DISHES MINT SAUCE FOR MELON. Two cups water, 1 cup sugar, boil 15 minutes. Chill. Just before serving add % cup chopped mint leaves. Pour over watermelon or cantaloupe,…
- Contributor: Detroit. Brewster Congregational Church. Woman's Association
- Date: 1921
Image 11 of Book of recipes, FIRST COURSE DISHES. 7 SARDINE CANAPES. Spread circular pieces of bread with sardines mixed with butter, seasoned with Worcestershire sauce and_ paprika. Place in center of each a stuffed olive. Garnish with…
- Contributor: Detroit. Brewster Congregational Church. Woman's Association
- Date: 1921
Image 12 of Book of recipes, Charles “(p), 1S & C2 nupamny Diamond Merchants & Jewelers 1532 Washineton Boulevard THOMAS BROTHERS SUBDIVISION SPECIALISTS Also Departments Handling REAL ESTATE—LOANS — INSURANCE 412 Farewell Bldg. Cherry 4394 “NOT SOMETHING FOR…
- Contributor: Detroit. Brewster Congregational Church. Woman's Association
- Date: 1921
Image 13 of Book of recipes, Sips Let company come in a regular troop, We'll put on the kettle and make more soup. —M. K. C. - POTATO SOUP. 5 medium size potatoes 2 onions. 1 stalk celery…
- Contributor: Detroit. Brewster Congregational Church. Woman's Association
- Date: 1921
Image 14 of Book of recipes, 10 SOUPS CORN SOUP. Split the grains of 1 dozen ears of corn and scrape from the cob; boil cobs for 10 minutes in sufficient water to cover them and strain. Of…
- Contributor: Detroit. Brewster Congregational Church. Woman's Association
- Date: 1921
Image 15 of Book of recipes, SOUPS 11 FRENCH TOMATO SOUP. Take 1 quart of tomatoes, or 3 quarts of raw ones and place in an earthen vessel. Cut into this one small onion, boil 2 hours and…
- Contributor: Detroit. Brewster Congregational Church. Woman's Association
- Date: 1921
Image 16 of Book of recipes, SOUPS TO BE SERVED WITH SOUP. Croutons: ‘Cut stale bread in 14° ineh' slices; cut off crusts, butter and cut in % inch cubes and brown in oven. Split crackers and spread…
- Contributor: Detroit. Brewster Congregational Church. Woman's Association
- Date: 1921
Image 17 of Book of recipes, Fish You may fish in any water Be it river, sea, or lake; But it makes a heap of difference How you broil, or fry or bake.: —M. K. C. ¥ BAKED…
- Contributor: Detroit. Brewster Congregational Church. Woman's Association
- Date: 1921
Image 18 of Book of recipes, Eastman Kodaks Parker Fountain Pens Gilbert’s Chocolates Lowney’s Chocolates Eaton Cranes Fine Stationery Trade at the Busy Corner C. A. WEAVER PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST PHONE 5101 Trumbull Ave. Glendale 6766 Corner Putnam {…
- Contributor: Detroit. Brewster Congregational Church. Woman's Association
- Date: 1921
Image 19 of Book of recipes, FISH 15 Hollondaise Sauce. One-half cup butter, yolks of 2 eggs, 1% tablespoons lemon juice, 4 teaspoon salt, % cup boiling water, a little cayenne. Cream butter, add the yolks one at…
- Contributor: Detroit. Brewster Congregational Church. Woman's Association
- Date: 1921
Image 20 of Book of recipes, 16 FISH SALMON LOAF. One small can of salmon (not juice), 4 tablespoons melt- ed butter, 4 eggs well beaten, 4 cup fine bread crumbs, pep- per and salt. Add bread crumbs…
- Contributor: Detroit. Brewster Congregational Church. Woman's Association
- Date: 1921
Image 21 of Book of recipes, FISH 7 SALMON CHOPS. One can of salmon, 1 shredded wheat biscuit, 2 table- spoons of white sauce. Pick salmon in pieces, roll shredded wheat biscuit fine, add white sauce, make in…
- Contributor: Detroit. Brewster Congregational Church. Woman's Association
- Date: 1921
Image 22 of Book of recipes, 18 FISH CODFISH BALLS. t cup salt codfish % tablespoon butter 2 heaping cups potate Pepper. 1 egg Pick fish in small pieces, dice raw potato, put both to cook in cold…
- Contributor: Detroit. Brewster Congregational Church. Woman's Association
- Date: 1921
Image 23 of Book of recipes, Oysters ry CREAMED OYSTERS. Make a rich cream sauce with 1 pint milk, 2 tablespoons butter, 2 tablespoons flour, 1 saltspoon salt and a little red pepper. Put the butter in a…
- Contributor: Detroit. Brewster Congregational Church. Woman's Association
- Date: 1921
Image 24 of Book of recipes, 20 The Sane Way of Cooking f you have never used an Electric Fireless Cooker you can hardly appreciate what deli- cious baked goods and roasts it makes. Being entirely auto- matic…
- Contributor: Detroit. Brewster Congregational Church. Woman's Association
- Date: 1921
Image 25 of Book of recipes, Meats and Jloultry ¥ Come gather ’round, my merry men, And come ye ladies, all; The meats are on the table In the spacious banquet hall. There are many lesser dishes, Small…
- Contributor: Detroit. Brewster Congregational Church. Woman's Association
- Date: 1921
Image 26 of Book of recipes, 22 MEATS AND POULTRY BEEF LOAF. Two and % lbs. emeipictd beef; 14 lb. chopped pork; % loaf bread; % cup milk; 2 eggs; 1 ai stalk celery ; 1 onion, salt…
- Contributor: Detroit. Brewster Congregational Church. Woman's Association
- Date: 1921
Image 27 of Book of recipes, MEATS AND POULTRY 23 A TASTY MEAT DISH. Partly fry a steak in a deep trying pan. (The cheaper cuts may be used this way.) Slice 1 onion, | or 2 tomatoes,…
- Contributor: Detroit. Brewster Congregational Church. Woman's Association
- Date: 1921
Image 28 of Book of recipes, 24 MEATS AND POULTRY IRISH STEW WITH DUMPLINGS. Cut 1% Ibs: beet or mutton (or both)min cubes; try out suet in frying pan and saute meat, which has been dredged in flour,…
- Contributor: Detroit. Brewster Congregational Church. Woman's Association
- Date: 1921
Image 29 of Book of recipes, PIONEER LAUNDRY Co. Exclusive Family Service MCGRAW & LOVETT JOHN KALBFLEISCH, President Walnut 5483 Photographic Portraiture Modern light manipulation with artistic? taste—— moderately priced. ESPECIALLY OF CHILDREN The C. V. Holsbeke Co.…
- Contributor: Detroit. Brewster Congregational Church. Woman's Association
- Date: 1921
Image 30 of Book of recipes, 26 MEATS AND POULTRY DELICIOUS VEAL. Take a veal steak about 1 inch thick, cut in pieces just large enough for one service. If parts seem stringy, fasten together with toothpicks. Dip…
- Contributor: Detroit. Brewster Congregational Church. Woman's Association
- Date: 1921
Image 31 of Book of recipes, MEATS AND POULTRY 27 JELLIED TONGUE AND VEAL. Soak a pickled ox tongue in water for 12 hours, then boil until tender. Remove the skin and cut off all root and tip.…
- Contributor: Detroit. Brewster Congregational Church. Woman's Association
- Date: 1921
Image 32 of Book of recipes, 28 MEATS AND POULTRY Mix dry ingredients thoroughly with bread crumbs. Blend the peanut butter and onion with the cheese and mix with bread crumbs. Form into flat cakes, dust with bread…
- Contributor: Detroit. Brewster Congregational Church. Woman's Association
- Date: 1921
Image 33 of Book of recipes, MEATS AND POULTRY 29 HAM AND VEAL ROAST. Two slites of ham and 1 of veal. Put veal between ham and fasten together with skewers. Put a piece of butter on top…
- Contributor: Detroit. Brewster Congregational Church. Woman's Association
- Date: 1921
Image 34 of Book of recipes, 30 MEATS AND POULTRY KIDNEYS WITH NOODLES. Clean kidney and boil in salt water, changing water several times. When tender, dice and fry in pan of butter, little onion, pinch of caraway…
- Contributor: Detroit. Brewster Congregational Church. Woman's Association
- Date: 1921
Image 35 of Book of recipes, The Purest amd Freshest Milk in the City *“Save The Babies” BY USING CLEAN MILK CLARIFIED from and HEALTHY COWS PASTEURIZED AT THE RISDON CREAMERY WALNUT 1793 6527 LINWOOD AVE. Dennen’s Book…
- Contributor: Detroit. Brewster Congregational Church. Woman's Association
- Date: 1921
Image 36 of Book of recipes, 32 MEATS AND POULTRY CREAMED CHICKEN. Two level tablespoons flour, 3 level tablespoons butter, ™% teaspoon salt, 4% saltspoon pepper, 1 cup milk, 1% cups of cooked chicken, 2 hard boiled eggs.…
- Contributor: Detroit. Brewster Congregational Church. Woman's Association
- Date: 1921
Image 37 of Book of recipes, MEATS AND POULTRY 33 MARYLAND CHICKEN. Prepare a spring chicken as for frying. Djip each piece in egg and cracker crumbs, lay in a double roaster. Pour Y% cup boiling water over…
- Contributor: Detroit. Brewster Congregational Church. Woman's Association
- Date: 1921
Image 38 of Book of recipes, 34 MEATS AND POULTRY ROAST TURKEY. Select turkey weighing from 12 to 14 lbs. Thoroughly clean it, removing oil-bag, all glands and pipes in neck and extra leaves of fat. Singe and…
- Contributor: Detroit. Brewster Congregational Church. Woman's Association
- Date: 1921
Image 39 of Book of recipes, MEATS AND POULTRY 35 MOCK CHICKEN LEGS. One pound veal steak cut thick; pound; cut in narrow, eight inch strips. Stick sharp end of meat skewer through one end and wrap around…
- Contributor: Detroit. Brewster Congregational Church. Woman's Association
- Date: 1921
Image 40 of Book of recipes, We're Proud Ors Dh AM NED NE Onde Aa ey It’s not a Word—lIt’s a Habit ONE TASTE And you too will be enthusiastic HAM BACON Choicest Cuts BEEF— PORK — LAMB—VEAL…
- Contributor: Detroit. Brewster Congregational Church. Woman's Association
- Date: 1921