Book/Printed Material The borrowings,
- Contributor: Harding, Adelaide May
- Date: 1921
Image 2 of The borrowings, m4 4 _ Apron for Hemstitching, ; Pi j poe s , 4 rs 4 é ay ae yard % i E * it aa, Mi : For ae Y at :…
- Contributor: Harding, Adelaide May
- Date: 1921
Image 3 of The borrowings, Che Borrowings By , ADELAIDE M* HARDING R. D. No: 1 NortTH OLMSTEAD, OHIO Price, One Dollar Copyrighted 1921 by Adelaide M. Harding North Olmstead, Ohio >
- Contributor: Harding, Adelaide May
- Date: 1921
Image 4 of The borrowings, a Be) aes 2 THE BORROWINGS uv The Hart Piano Co. 322 Broad Street PIANOS, MUSIC ROLLS, PLAYER PIANOS, 'TALK- ING MACHINES AND RECORDS Good Terms Courteous Treatment RUSSELL B. HILLIER Our…
- Contributor: Harding, Adelaide May
- Date: 1921
Image 5 of The borrowings, GR. No 3, 192). CAKES oe | DEVIL’S FOOD CAKE \4 cup butter, 2 cups brown sugar, 14 cup sour milk, 12 cup hot water, | teaspoon soda, '%4 cup molasses, 2…
- Contributor: Harding, Adelaide May
- Date: 1921
Image 6 of The borrowings, + | CAKES CHEAP DEVIL’S FOOD CAKE 1 cup sugar, butter size of an egg, | egg, 14 cup sour milk, | teaspoon soda, | teaspoon baking powder, 2 squares of chocolate…
- Contributor: Harding, Adelaide May
- Date: 1921
Image 7 of The borrowings, CAKES 5 FRUIT CAKE | cup butter, | cup brown sugar, 2 eggs, | cup molasses, | cup sour milk, | teaspoon soda, | Ib. flour, | lb. currants, 11/2 Ibs. chopped…
- Contributor: Harding, Adelaide May
- Date: 1921
Image 8 of The borrowings, 6 CAKES PORK CAKE | Ib. fat pork, 1 lb. seeded raisins, | lb. seeded dates, | |b. currants, 1 Ib. figs, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, | teaspoon ground cloves, 2 cups molasses,…
- Contributor: Harding, Adelaide May
- Date: 1921
Image 9 of The borrowings, CAKES 7 MARBLE CAKE Light Part.—1 cup sugar, 1/2 cup butter, 1/2 cup sweet milk, white of 3 eggs, 2 cups flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder. Flavor to taste. Dark Part: 1%…
- Contributor: Harding, Adelaide May
- Date: 1921
Image 10 of The borrowings, 10 CAKES BANANA CAKE Cream together | cup sugar, butter size of egg, 1 cup milk, 1 egg and white of another, 2 teaspoonsful baking powder sifted in 1 cup flour, then…
- Contributor: Harding, Adelaide May
- Date: 1921
Image 11 of The borrowings, CAKES 1] GOLD CAKE 2 cups flour, yolks of 4 eggs, | cup sugar, '% cup butter, 1 cup sweet milk, 14 teaspoon soda, | teaspoon cream tartar, flavor to suit taste.…
- Contributor: Harding, Adelaide May
- Date: 1921
Image 12 of The borrowings, 12 CAKES 'PLAIN CAKE 14° cup butter, | cup sugar, 2 eggs, 2 cups flour, Yj or 34 cup milk; 214 teaspoons baking powder, !/7 teaspoon vanilla: - Cream butter and add…
- Contributor: Harding, Adelaide May
- Date: 1921
Image 13 of The borrowings, CAKES 13 BROWNIE CAKES ‘Cream together 147 cupful of butter and -1 cupful of sugar. Add 14 cupful of cocoa, the yolks of 3 eggs, and 14% cupful of milk or water.…
- Contributor: Harding, Adelaide May
- Date: 1921
Image 14 of The borrowings, 14 CAKES SHORT CAKE 2 cups flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder, 2 tablespoons butter, a pinch of salt, | egg, | cup sweet milk, 14 cup sugar. Rub flour, baking powder, salt…
- Contributor: Harding, Adelaide May
- Date: 1921
Image 15 of The borrowings, CAKES es be. SPONGE CAKE 4 eggs, 134 cup sugar, 2 cups of flour, 2 teaspoonsful baking powder, 34 cup of boiling water. Beat your eggs five minutes, sift your sugar 3…
- Contributor: Harding, Adelaide May
- Date: 1921
Image 16 of The borrowings, 16 CAKES: ANGEL FOOD - | cup granulated sugar, | cup flour, 3 teaspoons baking -pow- der; 1 cup scalded milk, whites of 2 eggs. Sift fiour, baking powder and ‘sugar, four…
- Contributor: Harding, Adelaide May
- Date: 1921
Image 18 of The borrowings,
- Contributor: Harding, Adelaide May
- Date: 1921
Image 19 of The borrowings, CAKES, 17 The Elyria Belting and Machinery Company Corner Williams and Buckeye Streets Elyria, O. Leather, canvas and rubber belting; threshers’ endless belts. Michelin and Mason tires and tubes. New and used…
- Contributor: Harding, Adelaide May
- Date: 1921
Image 20 of The borrowings, 18 CAKES John Lersch & Company WE OCCUPY SIX FLOORS DRY GOODS, CARPETS AND CLOAKS Largest and Lightest Store in Lorain County Elyria, Ohio Largest Assortment and the Lowest Prices Always Guaranteed…
- Contributor: Harding, Adelaide May
- Date: 1921
Image 21 of The borrowings, LEMON JELLY FILLING Grate the rind of two lemons, add juice of same, | cup of sugar, | egg, 14 cup of water, | teaspoon butter, | tablespoon of cornstarch. Mix with…
- Contributor: Harding, Adelaide May
- Date: 1921
Image 22 of The borrowings, 20 | FROSTINGS SHOES of QUALITY NO RENT °° SICH {OU Alia LOWER PRICES HOME OF BETTER SHOES FOR LESS MONEY — SLATER’S — Bell Phone 90-W Home Phone 291 | 156…
- Contributor: Harding, Adelaide May
- Date: 1921
Image 23 of The borrowings, f H y y 5 \ { ) % z ~ A r £, A > i 4 : Z PY m ’ " abd oak ~ > Soybean « i ,…
- Contributor: Harding, Adelaide May
- Date: 1921
Image 24 of The borrowings, ps4 FROSTINGS Motor Hearse Invalid Car —~ Limousines Karl L. Taylor FUNERAL DIRECTOR Prompt Invalid Service Day or Night Phone 2100 102 Cleveland Street Elyria, Ohio Trade at the Elyria Dry Goods…
- Contributor: Harding, Adelaide May
- Date: 1921
Image 25 of The borrowings, COOKIES & FILLED COOKIES 1 cup sugar, 14 cup melted lard, two-thirds cup milk, 2 teaspoon soda, | teaspoon baking powder, pinch of salt, add flavoring if desired. Filling: 1 cup chopped…
- Contributor: Harding, Adelaide May
- Date: 1921
Image 26 of The borrowings, Dae: COOKIES LEMON CRACKER iil 214 pints granulated sugar, | pint lard, 2 eggs. Pound up and dissolve 5c worth of baking ammonia in one; pint cold sweet milk, add 3 teaspoons…
- Contributor: Harding, Adelaide May
- Date: 1921
Image 27 of The borrowings, COOKIES 755) OATMEAL COOKIES 3 cups of oatmeal, 2 cups of brown sugar, 21/7 cups of flour, 1 teaspoonful soda, | teaspoonful cinnamon, | cup raisins, mix dry, then add | cup…
- Contributor: Harding, Adelaide May
- Date: 1921
Image 28 of The borrowings, 26 COOKIES DROP COOKIES 1 cup sugar, 14 cup butter, two-thirds cup sour milk, 2 cups flour, 2 eggs, 2 teaspoons baking powder, | cup raisins, currants or nuts. —Mrs. W. O.…
- Contributor: Harding, Adelaide May
- Date: 1921
Image 29 of The borrowings, COOKIES Zi “FIG BARS” FILLING 4 |b. figs, chopped, 3 !cups sugar, one-third cup boiling water, | tablespoon lemon juice. Mix ingredients in order given. and cook in a double boiler until…
- Contributor: Harding, Adelaide May
- Date: 1921
Image 30 of The borrowings, 28 COOKIES GINGER COOKIES 2 cups light molasses, | cup brown sugar, | cup lard, | cup sweet milk, | teaspoon nutmeg, ginger, and cinnamon, 8 tea- spoons soda, pinch of salt,…
- Contributor: Harding, Adelaide May
- Date: 1921
Image 31 of The borrowings,
- Contributor: Harding, Adelaide May
- Date: 1921
Image 32 of The borrowings,
- Contributor: Harding, Adelaide May
- Date: 1921
Image 33 of The borrowings, COOKIES Zo The Simpson Motor Co. Broad and Bridge Street Bell and Home Phones Elyria, Ohio FOR OLD LINE LEGAL RESERVE LIFE INSURANCE SEE H. W. Merriman or B. H. Coon Phones…
- Contributor: Harding, Adelaide May
- Date: 1921
Image 34 of The borrowings, 30 COOKIES A Modern Hardware Store We don’t stop with nails and bolts—but show a wonderful assortment of House Furnishings, Sporting Goods, Vacuum Cleaners, Victrolas and Records, Automobile Tires, etc. Phone your…
- Contributor: Harding, Adelaide May
- Date: 1921
Image 35 of The borrowings, e PIES x DATE PIE : 1 Ib. dates, 3 eggs, 1 pt. milk, | heaping tablespoon sugar. Stone dates, make custard and pour over. Makes two pies. ethos ane —Mirs. Myron…
- Contributor: Harding, Adelaide May
- Date: 1921
Image 36 of The borrowings, WE PIES CHOCOLATE PIE 2 cups milk, 2 tablespoons cornstarch, yolks of 2 eggs, | tablespoon cocoa, butter size of hickory nut, '4 cup sugar. Let milk and cocoa come to scald.…
- Contributor: Harding, Adelaide May
- Date: 1921
Image 37 of The borrowings, Pas 33 BANANA PIE | FILLING for Crust | egg, 1 cup sugar, 3 tablespoonsful cornstarch, 3 cups water scant. When partly cool, slice in bananas.—Mrs. John Hawke. Ca pees BANANA CREAM…
- Contributor: Harding, Adelaide May
- Date: 1921
Image 38 of The borrowings, 34 PIES CHERRY PIE 2 cups flour, 14% teaspoon salt, '% cup lard. Sift salt with flour, add fat and cut it with a knife. Add water slowly. Mix with a knife.…
- Contributor: Harding, Adelaide May
- Date: 1921
Image 39 of The borrowings, PIES 35 RABBIT PIE This pie can be made the same as “‘game pie,’ excepting you scatter through it four hard boiled eggs cut in slices, cover with puff paste, cut a…
- Contributor: Harding, Adelaide May
- Date: 1921
Image 40 of The borrowings, 36 PIES Ebert's Quality Pharmacy 571 West Broad Elyria, Ohio Home Phone 2458 Bell 231-R We solicit your trade, because our stock is complete, our goods fresh and pure : Walk Further…
- Contributor: Harding, Adelaide May
- Date: 1921