Book/Printed Material The Boston Browning society papers, selected to represent the work of the society from 1886-1897.
Image 1 of The Boston Browning society papers, selected to represent the work of the society …
- Contributor: Boston Browning Society
- Date: 1897
Image 2 of The Boston Browning society papers, selected to represent the work of the society … V a o v \d« ^o ^c? V o V s S. r «fi J
- Contributor: Boston Browning Society
- Date: 1897
Image 3 of The Boston Browning society papers, selected to represent the work of the society … ■S 9* o r ^0* 9* 9* V-tx ?$k:\** M r#
- Contributor: Boston Browning Society
- Date: 1897
Image 4 of The Boston Browning society papers, selected to represent the work of the society …
- Contributor: Boston Browning Society
- Date: 1897
Image 5 of The Boston Browning society papers, selected to represent the work of the society …
- Contributor: Boston Browning Society
- Date: 1897
Image 6 of The Boston Browning society papers, selected to represent the work of the society …
- Contributor: Boston Browning Society
- Date: 1897
Image 7 of The Boston Browning society papers, selected to represent the work of the society … LiMsift^ Drowning sac\e\y THE BOSTON BROWNING SOCIETY PAPERS Selects to reprint tije SHorit of tfjc Soctctg 1886-1897 ^mm.®3fcm, Mk THE MACMILLAN COMPANY LONDON MACMILLAN CO., Ltd. 1897 All riohts n zeroed
- Contributor: Boston Browning Society
- Date: 1897
Image 8 of The Boston Browning society papers, selected to represent the work of the society … COPTRIGHT, 1897, By THE MACMILLAN COMPANY. By Transfer 0. C. Public Library DEC 22 1838 JSntbcrsttg ^xcss: John Wilson and Son, Cambridge, U.S.A.
- Contributor: Boston Browning Society
- Date: 1897
Image 9 of The Boston Browning society papers, selected to represent the work of the society … .vTT Public Libr*rv. PREfWTXSKY NOTE. MAY 7 1901 WASHINGTON, D. C The work of the Boston Browning Society, since its organ- ization in 1885, has been varied and continuous, and neither this…
- Contributor: Boston Browning Society
- Date: 1897
Image 10 of The Boston Browning society papers, selected to represent the work of the society … VI PREFATORY NOTE. ciency and weight that came from the trained eye and practised hand, as well as of a sound and broad culture. To scmie degree, the present volume may make…
- Contributor: Boston Browning Society
- Date: 1897
Image 11 of The Boston Browning society papers, selected to represent the work of the society … CONTENTS. PAGE The Biography of Browning s Fame 1 Thomas Went worth Higginson. Browning s Theism 7 JOSIAH ROYCE. Browning s Art in Monologue 35 Percy Stickney Grant. Caliban upon Setebos 67…
- Contributor: Boston Browning Society
- Date: 1897
Image 12 of The Boston Browning society papers, selected to represent the work of the society … Vlll CONTENTS. PAGE The Problem of Paracelsus 221 JOSIAH ROYCE. Luria 249 John White Chadwick. The Return of the Druses 264 Gamaliel Bradford, Jr. Mr. Sludge, the Medium 289 Francis B. Hoknbrooke.…
- Contributor: Boston Browning Society
- Date: 1897
Image 13 of The Boston Browning society papers, selected to represent the work of the society … THE BOSTON BROWNING SOCIETY PAPERS. THE BIOGRAPHY OF BROWNING S FAME. By THOMAS WENT WORTH HIGGINSON. The remark was once made to me at a dinner party, by an unusually lively English…
- Contributor: Boston Browning Society
- Date: 1897
Image 14 of The Boston Browning society papers, selected to represent the work of the society … 2 BOSTON BROWNING SOCIETY PAPEES. my vivacious little companion on her native heath, there would certainly be a temptation to be as little restrained by courtesy as she was. The interest of…
- Contributor: Boston Browning Society
- Date: 1897
Image 15 of The Boston Browning society papers, selected to represent the work of the society … BIOGRAPHY OF BROWNING S FAME. 3 tardy than that of Tennyson. A few facts will make this very clear. Lady Pollock, writing Macready as I knew him in 1884, describes Macready as…
- Contributor: Boston Browning Society
- Date: 1897
Image 16 of The Boston Browning society papers, selected to represent the work of the society … 4 BOSTON BROWNING SOCIETY PAPERS. tach themselves from the mass. A whole school of poets and poetasters was then coming forward at once, and Browning and Tennyson were both seen amid a…
- Contributor: Boston Browning Society
- Date: 1897
Image 17 of The Boston Browning society papers, selected to represent the work of the society … BIOGRAPHY OF BROWNING S FAME. 5 equal, superiority in expression must tell, and that while Tennyson equalled Browning in thought, he clearly sur- passed him in form. It was Tennyson, not he,…
- Contributor: Boston Browning Society
- Date: 1897
Image 18 of The Boston Browning society papers, selected to represent the work of the society … 6 BOSTON BROWNING SOCIETY PAPERS. gout que vous. Yet a mere comparison such as I have made of the judgment of the same mind at two periods of time, involves no such…
- Contributor: Boston Browning Society
- Date: 1897
Image 19 of The Boston Browning society papers, selected to represent the work of the society … BROWNING S THEISM. By JOSIAH ROYCE. [Read before the Boston Browning Society, March 25, 1896.] A poet s originality may be tested in two ways, first, by observing the novelty of his…
- Contributor: Boston Browning Society
- Date: 1897
Image 20 of The Boston Browning society papers, selected to represent the work of the society … 8 BOSTON BROWNING SOCIETY PAPERS. certain physiological processes of movement go on, than it is a difference in anatomical constitution. Amongst men, a genius may have, for all that we now know,…
- Contributor: Boston Browning Society
- Date: 1897
Image 21 of The Boston Browning society papers, selected to represent the work of the society … browning s theism. 9 Browning as little invented any portion of that concep- tion of God which he possessed as he invented the con- ception itself in its wholeness. Nor could he…
- Contributor: Boston Browning Society
- Date: 1897
Image 22 of The Boston Browning society papers, selected to represent the work of the society … 10 BOSTON BROWNING SOCIETY PAPERS. the elements due to each source but part of the very consciousness of mystery which he feels, when he tries to think what God is, results from…
- Contributor: Boston Browning Society
- Date: 1897
Image 23 of The Boston Browning society papers, selected to represent the work of the society … browning s theism. 11 both the prophets and the earliest teachers of Christianity, in so far as they were free from foreign influences, have comparatively little to say. That little we all…
- Contributor: Boston Browning Society
- Date: 1897
Image 24 of The Boston Browning society papers, selected to represent the work of the society … 12 BOSTON BROWNING SOCIETY PAPERS. whatever is orderly, harmonious, rational and significant in the universe. If God, for Israel, is righteousness, and in the end love, for Greek philosophy he is primarily…
- Contributor: Boston Browning Society
- Date: 1897
Image 25 of The Boston Browning society papers, selected to represent the work of the society … browning s theism. 13 mystery of the new faith. The Greek Gocl of Aristotle is still in one aspect a personal God, for he not only pos- sesses wisdom, but himself knows…
- Contributor: Boston Browning Society
- Date: 1897
Image 26 of The Boston Browning society papers, selected to represent the work of the society … 14 BOSTON BROWNING SOCIETY PAPERS. others may have been independently Grecian, is a well- known and fruitful mother of the pantheistic heresies that the church has opposed. But the Christian faith has…
- Contributor: Boston Browning Society
- Date: 1897
Image 27 of The Boston Browning society papers, selected to represent the work of the society … browning s theism. 15 in the vast and troubled estuary of the faith of the Chris- tian church. It is towards the problems resulting from this mingling of ideas that the individual…
- Contributor: Boston Browning Society
- Date: 1897
Image 28 of The Boston Browning society papers, selected to represent the work of the society … 16 BOSTON BEOWXIXG SOCIETY PAPEES. very characteristically the same, so far as the character in question proceeds to any positive conclusion, and that however various the results reached, or the personalities dramatically…
- Contributor: Boston Browning Society
- Date: 1897
Image 29 of The Boston Browning society papers, selected to represent the work of the society … beowning s theism. 17 that it has either trivial or else, like David s survey of Creation, merely illustrative value. The God of Power is, and he means to work his powerful…
- Contributor: Boston Browning Society
- Date: 1897
Image 30 of The Boston Browning society papers, selected to represent the work of the society … 18 BOSTON BROWNING SOCIETY PAPERS. edge that he is so is direct, is a matter almost of sense, and needs no special proof. Like Xenophanes, the early Greek monist, Browning simply looks…
- Contributor: Boston Browning Society
- Date: 1897
Image 31 of The Boston Browning society papers, selected to represent the work of the society … browning s theism. 19 God; but it is rather thus that we merely exemplify, variegate, and refresh our direct sense that God is almighty. As for the directness of Browning s insight…
- Contributor: Boston Browning Society
- Date: 1897
Image 32 of The Boston Browning society papers, selected to represent the work of the society … 20 BOSTON BROWNING SOCIETY PAPERS. meant to hide God all it can. But even in his case, not natural law, but natural evil, is the veil that hides God. And he too…
- Contributor: Boston Browning Society
- Date: 1897
Image 33 of The Boston Browning society papers, selected to represent the work of the society … browning s theism. 21 existence of what we call the outer world, i. e. the world of nature. The young Browning, for the rest, was partly under Platonic influence in regard to…
- Contributor: Boston Browning Society
- Date: 1897
Image 34 of The Boston Browning society papers, selected to represent the work of the society … 22 BOSTON BROWNING SOCIETY PAPERS. is Love. This latter intuition, taken by itself, Browning can as little prove as the foregoing. What it means, we have yet to see. But its presence…
- Contributor: Boston Browning Society
- Date: 1897
Image 35 of The Boston Browning society papers, selected to represent the work of the society … browning s theism. 23 Struggles for truth, their poorest fallacies, Their prejudice aud fears and cares and douhts All with a touch of nobleness, despite Their error, upward tending all though weak,…
- Contributor: Boston Browning Society
- Date: 1897
Image 36 of The Boston Browning society papers, selected to represent the work of the society … 24 BOSTON BROWNING SOCIETY PAPERS. Thoughts hardly to be packed Into a narrow act, Fancies that broke through language and escaped; All I could never be, All, men ignored in me, This,…
- Contributor: Boston Browning Society
- Date: 1897
Image 37 of The Boston Browning society papers, selected to represent the work of the society … browning s theism. 25 central and original portion of the faith of the church. Yet here, as appears of this central and original portion of Christian faith, only one article immediately and…
- Contributor: Boston Browning Society
- Date: 1897
Image 38 of The Boston Browning society papers, selected to represent the work of the society … 26 BOSTON BROWNING SOCIETY PAPERS. The answer is plain. The truth of the doctrine of the incarnation, if ever it became or becomes true, must lie in its revelation of a universal…
- Contributor: Boston Browning Society
- Date: 1897
Image 39 of The Boston Browning society papers, selected to represent the work of the society … browning s theism. 27 thise with the Greek. Browning prefers Euripides, partly because the latter had gone distinctly beyond what Brown- ing would call mere power in his conception of the moral…
- Contributor: Boston Browning Society
- Date: 1897
Image 40 of The Boston Browning society papers, selected to represent the work of the society … 28 BOSTON BROWNING SOCIETY PAPERS. the mysterious ways of Providence, was one clay shocked by the farmer s outburst Yes, I well know it was Provi- dence spoiled my crops. It was…
- Contributor: Boston Browning Society
- Date: 1897