Book/Printed Material A box of monkeys : a parlor farce in two acts
Image 1 of A box of monkeys : a parlor farce in two acts NO PI^AYS EXCHANGED, Baker s Edition 6T PL7YY.S m A BOX OF MONKEYS Price, 15 Cents ©©PYWlftHT, 1889, BY WALTER H. BAKER G** Monograph
- Contributor: Furniss, Grace Livingston
- Date: 1889
Image 2 of A box of monkeys : a parlor farce in two acts t f A. W. PINERO S PLAYS Uniformly Bound in Stiff Paper Covers, Price, 50 cents each. The publication of the plays of this popular author, made feasible by the new Copyright…
- Contributor: Furniss, Grace Livingston
- Date: 1889
Image 3 of A box of monkeys : a parlor farce in two acts A BOX OF MONKEYS Wzxlov gas** in gwcr cts BY GRACE L. FURNISS Reprinted by permzssion of Messrs. Harper and Brothers and the autkc from Harper s Bazar for December 2/st, 1889.…
- Contributor: Furniss, Grace Livingston
- Date: 1889
Image 4 of A box of monkeys : a parlor farce in two acts CHARACTERS. EDWARD RALSTON A promising yumg American, half owner of the Sierra Gold Mine CHAUNCEY OGLETHORPE His partner, second son oj Lord Doncaster MRS. ONDEGO-JHONES An admirer of ratili SIERRA-BENGALINE Her niece,…
- Contributor: Furniss, Grace Livingston
- Date: 1889
Image 5 of A box of monkeys : a parlor farce in two acts A BOX OF MONKEYS. ACT I. Scene. Drawing-room of Mrs. Ondego-Jhones s resi- dence^ 900 Fifth Avenue. Piano right. Sofa left. Table, with wj iting materials, right centre. Entrances centre, right, left.…
- Contributor: Furniss, Grace Livingston
- Date: 1889
Image 6 of A box of monkeys : a parlor farce in two acts 4 A BOX OF MONKEYS. offer on the steamer that her ladyship would confide h*er daughter to me for the winter. Quite an honor, isn t it, Sierra Sierra. Honor I think…
- Contributor: Furniss, Grace Livingston
- Date: 1889
Image 7 of A box of monkeys : a parlor farce in two acts A BOX OF MONKEYS. what do I see Remove that vile stuff from your mouth, and sit up. Sierra. Yes, aunt. {Sticks the wad of gum on back of chair j sits…
- Contributor: Furniss, Grace Livingston
- Date: 1889
Image 8 of A box of monkeys : a parlor farce in two acts 6 A BOX OF MONKEYS, turns fche corner, and he is coming up the steps. I ll let him in. Isn t he a daisy {Exit c. returns with Edward Ralston muffled…
- Contributor: Furniss, Grace Livingston
- Date: 1889
Image 9 of A box of monkeys : a parlor farce in two acts A BOX OF MONKEYS. 7 —-out (Emphasizes each word with a thump on the sofa.) Ted (springing up). Great Julius Caesar! Sierra, I m not society. Sierra (laughs walks to table). You!…
- Contributor: Furniss, Grace Livingston
- Date: 1889
Image 10 of A box of monkeys : a parlor farce in two acts 5 A BOX OF MONKEYS. Sierra {skipping round the table No, no Please, really, Ted! I m I m busy. {Dips pen in ink, holds it out theatrically. One step nearer, villain,…
- Contributor: Furniss, Grace Livingston
- Date: 1889
Image 11 of A box of monkeys : a parlor farce in two acts A BOX OF MONKEYS, 9 has never seen me. I only figure in her mind as an unde- sirable lover named Edward Ralston. Very good if she returns, we ll brazen it…
- Contributor: Furniss, Grace Livingston
- Date: 1889
Image 12 of A box of monkeys : a parlor farce in two acts IO A BOX OF MONKEYS. {Pillow flies in R. e., lands at her feet. Sierra follows it; stands aghast, staring at Lady G. Cushion flies in l. k., followed by Ted, who…
- Contributor: Furniss, Grace Livingston
- Date: 1889
Image 13 of A box of monkeys : a parlor farce in two acts A BOX OF MONKEYS. II Ted. Thank you, your ladyship. {Aside.) Confound her impudence! (Exit C.) Lady G. Miss Bengaline, is it possible that nice young man is a common butler Sierra.…
- Contributor: Furniss, Grace Livingston
- Date: 1889
Image 14 of A box of monkeys : a parlor farce in two acts 12 A BOX OF MONKEYS. sent me East to be toned down, and aunt is doing her best but there s too much raw material in me to make a good so-…
- Contributor: Furniss, Grace Livingston
- Date: 1889
Image 15 of A box of monkeys : a parlor farce in two acts A BOX OF MONKEYS. 1 3 served half she says of me. Now, if I m only not overtaken by an attack of shyness, all will go well. Very neat scheme. My…
- Contributor: Furniss, Grace Livingston
- Date: 1889
Image 16 of A box of monkeys : a parlor farce in two acts 14 A BOX OF MONKEYS. is he, and what petrified him? Oh, I see! It s the butlet from Mrs. Campell. Well, he sha n t stay and interfere witli Ted. {To…
- Contributor: Furniss, Grace Livingston
- Date: 1889
Image 17 of A box of monkeys : a parlor farce in two acts A BOX OF MONKEYS. 1 5 Sierra. Shy! Ted! Ted! Help! Ted (runs in; pushes Chauncey away). How dare you touch this young lady Sierra, who is this fellow (Chaun- cey crosses…
- Contributor: Furniss, Grace Livingston
- Date: 1889
Image 18 of A box of monkeys : a parlor farce in two acts 1 6 A BOX OF MONKEYS. Chauncey. Here goes, then. {Lights cigarette.) How about you {They sit by tabled) Ted. You don t understand. Mrs. Ondego-Jhones hasn t the pleasure of my…
- Contributor: Furniss, Grace Livingston
- Date: 1889
Image 19 of A box of monkeys : a parlor farce in two acts A BOX OF MONKEYS. 1 7 Chauncey. The— er St. James. Mrs. O. Very good. My man shall go right down and order your luggage sent here for my house must be…
- Contributor: Furniss, Grace Livingston
- Date: 1889
Image 20 of A box of monkeys : a parlor farce in two acts 1 8 A BOX OF MONKEYS. Mrs. O. Then that is settled. {Slips a bill into his hand.) You ll find me practically grateful. Ted (aside). My second tip. Chauncey. He said…
- Contributor: Furniss, Grace Livingston
- Date: 1889
Image 21 of A box of monkeys : a parlor farce in two acts A BOX OF MONKEYS. I9 ACT II. Scene. The same. Enter Mrs. O., Sierra, Lady G., Chauncey, centre. Lady G. and Chauncey come down l., front. Mrs. O. Now I must leave…
- Contributor: Furniss, Grace Livingston
- Date: 1889
Image 22 of A box of monkeys : a parlor farce in two acts 20 A BOX OF MONKEYS. Sierra. Oh, Guinevere, do let me help you unpack your trunk boxes, and show me your London gowns? Mr. Oglethorpe, will you excuse us a few minutes…
- Contributor: Furniss, Grace Livingston
- Date: 1889
Image 23 of A box of monkeys : a parlor farce in two acts A BOX OF MONKEYS. 21 ChaunCEY. Is that how you won Miss Bengaline Ted {meditatively). Well, no. But it s the way she won me, and it is a splendid theory. Poor…
- Contributor: Furniss, Grace Livingston
- Date: 1889
Image 24 of A box of monkeys : a parlor farce in two acts 22 A BOX OF MONKEYS. Ted. Give me the right to. Chauncey {with great artlessness). How Ted (putting arm around Chauncey). Give me your- self. Then your hand is my hand, and…
- Contributor: Furniss, Grace Livingston
- Date: 1889
Image 25 of A box of monkeys : a parlor farce in two acts A BOX OF MONKEYS. 23 Sierra {aside). Now for a circus. (Aloud.) It s very hard to be fascinating in cold blood with a female, but ■I ll do my best, because…
- Contributor: Furniss, Grace Livingston
- Date: 1889
Image 26 of A box of monkeys : a parlor farce in two acts 24 A BOX OF MONKEYS. up.) Like Wagner! Never while there s a cat left to our back fence. I like tunes, with dances in between each verse, and real funny words,…
- Contributor: Furniss, Grace Livingston
- Date: 1889
Image 27 of A box of monkeys : a parlor farce in two acts A BOX OF MONKEYS. 2$ That is the groundwoik of the fascination which makes them (sarcastically) more fun than a box of monkeys. Lady G. (imitates Sierra s pose. Takes up tablets…
- Contributor: Furniss, Grace Livingston
- Date: 1889
Image 28 of A box of monkeys : a parlor farce in two acts 26 A BOX OF MONKEYS. Ted. Pardon Lady G. (confused). I mean, put it there, pard. Ted (amazed). Certainly. (Shakes hands.) Sierra. Ted, I want you one moment. (They retire to piano.…
- Contributor: Furniss, Grace Livingston
- Date: 1889
Image 29 of A box of monkeys : a parlor farce in two acts A BOX OF MONKEYS. 2/ Lady G. {innocently). Yes isn t it Chauncey {taking her hand). Dear little hand. {Bell rings.) Lady G. They re ready. Let go my hand. Ted (entering…
- Contributor: Furniss, Grace Livingston
- Date: 1889
Image 30 of A box of monkeys : a parlor farce in two acts 28 A BOX OF MONKEYS. is not alive to see this day on the other hand, if he were, 1 could not decently inherit the estate. It s a poor heart that…
- Contributor: Furniss, Grace Livingston
- Date: 1889
Image 31 of A box of monkeys : a parlor farce in two acts A BOX OF MONKEYS. 29 Sierra. Now I faint. Ted. Yes, in my arms. And the curtain falls on a grand tableau. {Sierra falls into his arms.) Now, what is the word…
- Contributor: Furniss, Grace Livingston
- Date: 1889
Image 32 of A box of monkeys : a parlor farce in two acts 30 A BOX OF MONKEYS. (Chauncey and Lady G. stand left of Mr O. Ted and Sierra right.) Mrs. O. {opening lette?-). I ve just sold 20,000 head of long-horned No, that…
- Contributor: Furniss, Grace Livingston
- Date: 1889
Image 33 of A box of monkeys : a parlor farce in two acts A BOX OF MONKEYS. 31 you foolish children. Ah! you need not look incredulous. Two can play at deception. Lady G. {to Chauncey). What a tarradiddle She was furious over that charade.…
- Contributor: Furniss, Grace Livingston
- Date: 1889
Image 34 of A box of monkeys : a parlor farce in two acts
- Contributor: Furniss, Grace Livingston
- Date: 1889
Image 35 of A box of monkeys : a parlor farce in two acts w THF TVTAfiTCTP ATF f A Farco in Three Actfl B Arthur w. 1 ITL Es AVl AV JTl^ 1 XVfl. A c» PlNEBO# Tw eive male, four female char- t acters.…
- Contributor: Furniss, Grace Livingston
- Date: 1889
Image 36 of A box of monkeys : a parlor farce in two acts /is to to to to to f y y y y The Plays op Henrik Fbsen. Edited, with Critical and Biographical Introduction, by EDMUND GOSSE. This series is offered to meet a…
- Contributor: Furniss, Grace Livingston
- Date: 1889
Image 37 of A box of monkeys : a parlor farce in two acts
- Contributor: Furniss, Grace Livingston
- Date: 1889
Image 38 of A box of monkeys : a parlor farce in two acts LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 012 402 841 3
- Contributor: Furniss, Grace Livingston
- Date: 1889