Book/Printed Material The boys' and girls' republic; text-book of the art of citizenship,
Image 1 of The boys' and girls' republic; text-book of the art of citizenship, LB 3093 G5 Copy 1 e BOYS And GIRLS REPUBLIC WUton L. Gill
- Contributor: Gill, Wilson L. (Wilson Lindsley)
- Date: 1913
Image 2 of The boys' and girls' republic; text-book of the art of citizenship, (Ins^ lB3Q: Book G,^. CopyiigMil COPYRIGHT DEPOSnV
- Contributor: Gill, Wilson L. (Wilson Lindsley)
- Date: 1913
Image 3 of The boys' and girls' republic; text-book of the art of citizenship,
- Contributor: Gill, Wilson L. (Wilson Lindsley)
- Date: 1913
Image 4 of The boys' and girls' republic; text-book of the art of citizenship,
- Contributor: Gill, Wilson L. (Wilson Lindsley)
- Date: 1913
Image 5 of The boys' and girls' republic; text-book of the art of citizenship,
- Contributor: Gill, Wilson L. (Wilson Lindsley)
- Date: 1913
Image 6 of The boys' and girls' republic; text-book of the art of citizenship,
- Contributor: Gill, Wilson L. (Wilson Lindsley)
- Date: 1913
Image 7 of The boys' and girls' republic; text-book of the art of citizenship, The Boys* and Girls* Republic Text-book of The Art of Citizenship BY WILSON L. GILL, LL.B., President of the American Patriotic League. Formerly, General Supervisor of Moral and Civic Training in Cuba,…
- Contributor: Gill, Wilson L. (Wilson Lindsley)
- Date: 1913
Image 8 of The boys' and girls' republic; text-book of the art of citizenship, On Copyright, 1913, by WILSON L, GILL DEC 27 1913 MONOTYPED BY ANTHONY PRINTING COMPANY HANOVER, HA. (g:i.A361350
- Contributor: Gill, Wilson L. (Wilson Lindsley)
- Date: 1913
Image 9 of The boys' and girls' republic; text-book of the art of citizenship, PREFACE QNE Sunday morning, some years ago, I asked a young man sitting next to me in a trolley car, if he were a graduate of a certain university. He said he…
- Contributor: Gill, Wilson L. (Wilson Lindsley)
- Date: 1913
Image 10 of The boys' and girls' republic; text-book of the art of citizenship, 4 Preface the habit of performing their civic duties. He replied that the matter had been discussed in faculty meet- ings, and the right to govern themselves had been offered to the…
- Contributor: Gill, Wilson L. (Wilson Lindsley)
- Date: 1913
Image 11 of The boys' and girls' republic; text-book of the art of citizenship, Preface 5 Republic method of teaching citizenship, with excel- lent results and constant delight to the little citizens and themselves. Our first systematic experiment with democracy in a public school w^as in…
- Contributor: Gill, Wilson L. (Wilson Lindsley)
- Date: 1913
Image 12 of The boys' and girls' republic; text-book of the art of citizenship, 6 Preface and boys would be, were they born and bred in similar environments. As a rule I found them lovable and loving children, responsive to every kind and good thought. It…
- Contributor: Gill, Wilson L. (Wilson Lindsley)
- Date: 1913
Image 13 of The boys' and girls' republic; text-book of the art of citizenship, Preface 7 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF EDUCATION WASHINGTON ALASKA DIVISION. DECEMBER 9, 1 91 2 THE SCHOOL CITY. To the Teachers in the Alaska School Service The object of the…
- Contributor: Gill, Wilson L. (Wilson Lindsley)
- Date: 1913
Image 14 of The boys' and girls' republic; text-book of the art of citizenship, 8 Preface parliamentary practice, hygiene, the enforcement of law and some other matters related to government and citizenship, which I trust will be found helpful to all who use the School Republic…
- Contributor: Gill, Wilson L. (Wilson Lindsley)
- Date: 1913
Image 15 of The boys' and girls' republic; text-book of the art of citizenship, CONTENTS CHAPTER I. A Talk with Teachers and Older Girls and Boys 11 CHAPTER II. Organizing a School Republic 19 CHAPTER III. Organizing the Federal Government 30 CHAPTER IV. First Session of…
- Contributor: Gill, Wilson L. (Wilson Lindsley)
- Date: 1913
Image 16 of The boys' and girls' republic; text-book of the art of citizenship,
- Contributor: Gill, Wilson L. (Wilson Lindsley)
- Date: 1913
Image 17 of The boys' and girls' republic; text-book of the art of citizenship, CHAPTER I. A TALK WITH TEACHERS AND THE OLDER BOYS AND GIRLS. THE United States Government maintains many schools for the purpose of training Indian children in the art of right living,…
- Contributor: Gill, Wilson L. (Wilson Lindsley)
- Date: 1913
Image 18 of The boys' and girls' republic; text-book of the art of citizenship, 12 Academic versus Laboratory Method. matters we must use a laboratory method, under the guidance of thoroughly practical and enthusiastic teachers. For many years colleges spent much time and energy in a…
- Contributor: Gill, Wilson L. (Wilson Lindsley)
- Date: 1913
Image 19 of The boys' and girls' republic; text-book of the art of citizenship, The Great Law of Citizenship. 13 protection of our property and of our families. By reason of this neglect, chargeable, not on these educated men, but upon the failure of our educational…
- Contributor: Gill, Wilson L. (Wilson Lindsley)
- Date: 1913
Image 20 of The boys' and girls' republic; text-book of the art of citizenship, 14 Character Develops under Responsibility. of this Rule are necessary also to make a live and useful application of the method. Practical Application of the School Republic Method. It is intended that…
- Contributor: Gill, Wilson L. (Wilson Lindsley)
- Date: 1913
Image 21 of The boys' and girls' republic; text-book of the art of citizenship, Method Applied To Teach Teaching. 15 The teacher arranged them in groups of from five to seven pupils. Each group every day elected one of its own number to be the teacher.…
- Contributor: Gill, Wilson L. (Wilson Lindsley)
- Date: 1913
Image 22 of The boys' and girls' republic; text-book of the art of citizenship, 16 The Teacher s Sympathy Necessary. inevitable on the part of children who are normal, be they red or white, yellow, brown or black. Elements of Our Problem. Let us keep in…
- Contributor: Gill, Wilson L. (Wilson Lindsley)
- Date: 1913
Image 23 of The boys' and girls' republic; text-book of the art of citizenship, Children for Order at Home and Peace Abroad. 17 Will Hasten the Coming of Universal Peace and Friendship. As this method, based on the practice of the Golden Rule, has been taken…
- Contributor: Gill, Wilson L. (Wilson Lindsley)
- Date: 1913
Image 24 of The boys' and girls' republic; text-book of the art of citizenship, 18 International Personal Friendship. It seems self-evident, that with such citizenship general, at home and abroad, riots, strikes, anarchy and international war will be rendered impossible. This international work among the children…
- Contributor: Gill, Wilson L. (Wilson Lindsley)
- Date: 1913
Image 25 of The boys' and girls' republic; text-book of the art of citizenship, CHAPTER 11. ORGANIZING AN INDIAN SCHOOL REPUBLIC. QN Tuesday morning at half past eight, all the pupils, teachers and assistants at the Indian School at Rocky River were seated in the assembly…
- Contributor: Gill, Wilson L. (Wilson Lindsley)
- Date: 1913
Image 26 of The boys' and girls' republic; text-book of the art of citizenship, 20 Citizenship an Art, not Academic Theory. ment of good habits, formation of character, and reasonable knowledge of civic rights and duties. Every Indian school in an Indian community is to be…
- Contributor: Gill, Wilson L. (Wilson Lindsley)
- Date: 1913
Image 27 of The boys' and girls' republic; text-book of the art of citizenship,
- Contributor: Gill, Wilson L. (Wilson Lindsley)
- Date: 1913
Image 28 of The boys' and girls' republic; text-book of the art of citizenship, c o
- Contributor: Gill, Wilson L. (Wilson Lindsley)
- Date: 1913
Image 29 of The boys' and girls' republic; text-book of the art of citizenship, Laboratory Method Adopted by Government. 21 Some of us have read in the newspapers and magazines of the school cities established by our War Department in Cuba and of school republics in…
- Contributor: Gill, Wilson L. (Wilson Lindsley)
- Date: 1913
Image 30 of The boys' and girls' republic; text-book of the art of citizenship, 22 Liberty is not License To Do Wrong. Liberty to do Right but not to do Wrong. As long as you are right you are independent. As soon as you make an…
- Contributor: Gill, Wilson L. (Wilson Lindsley)
- Date: 1913
Image 31 of The boys' and girls' republic; text-book of the art of citizenship, The Foundation of Democratic Government. 23 Fundamental Principle of Citizenship and Government. One of the most important facts which you should know is this, that no citizenship or democratic government can be…
- Contributor: Gill, Wilson L. (Wilson Lindsley)
- Date: 1913
Image 32 of The boys' and girls' republic; text-book of the art of citizenship, 24 Citizenship versus Subjection to Monarchy. The Russian government is monarchy and the United States is intended to be democracy, and it is so to a large extent, but it is honey-combed…
- Contributor: Gill, Wilson L. (Wilson Lindsley)
- Date: 1913
Image 33 of The boys' and girls' republic; text-book of the art of citizenship, Responsible Independence and Voluntary Industry. 25 the importance of my mission and that you give your hearts as well as your minds to this matter. Monarchy in School Supplanted by Democracy. This…
- Contributor: Gill, Wilson L. (Wilson Lindsley)
- Date: 1913
Image 34 of The boys' and girls' republic; text-book of the art of citizenship, 26 Responsibility Good for Youngest Pupils. teachers in the shops are generally directly subject to the superintendent or to his orders. There are still other branches of government in the dormitories. The…
- Contributor: Gill, Wilson L. (Wilson Lindsley)
- Date: 1913
Image 35 of The boys' and girls' republic; text-book of the art of citizenship, School and Adult Government. 27 Stupidity, to quote the theories of famous writers to try to discredit the wisdom of teaching little children the principles and practices of doing right because it…
- Contributor: Gill, Wilson L. (Wilson Lindsley)
- Date: 1913
Image 36 of The boys' and girls' republic; text-book of the art of citizenship, 28 Program for Organizing. 1. I will read to you a pledge of loyalty and citizenship. I will then ask you to stand, to raise your right hands and repeat it after…
- Contributor: Gill, Wilson L. (Wilson Lindsley)
- Date: 1913
Image 37 of The boys' and girls' republic; text-book of the art of citizenship, Dormitories and School Rooms. 29 boys. Each State will adopt a Constitution and will elect a Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Chief Justice and Clerk of State Court, Secretary of State, Attorney General and…
- Contributor: Gill, Wilson L. (Wilson Lindsley)
- Date: 1913
Image 38 of The boys' and girls' republic; text-book of the art of citizenship, CHAPTER III. ORGANIZING A GENERAL GOVERNMENT. I will now re-state to you the message I bring to you to-day from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, whom I represent. Grant of Citizenship. The…
- Contributor: Gill, Wilson L. (Wilson Lindsley)
- Date: 1913
Image 39 of The boys' and girls' republic; text-book of the art of citizenship, Conditions of Grant of Citizenship. 31 legislative, executive and judicial officers, and to be instructed how to do these things, and you will be given a constitution and a charter defining these…
- Contributor: Gill, Wilson L. (Wilson Lindsley)
- Date: 1913
Image 40 of The boys' and girls' republic; text-book of the art of citizenship, Recognizing in some measure how great a privilege it is which the United States Government has granted to us, that we shall be trained as responsible citizens of a democratic republic, rather…
- Contributor: Gill, Wilson L. (Wilson Lindsley)
- Date: 1913