Book/Printed Material The boys of Riverton.
Image 2 of The boys of Riverton.
- Contributor: Gilmore, Emily
- Date: 1887
Image 4 of The boys of Riverton.
- Contributor: Gilmore, Emily
- Date: 1887
Image 5 of The boys of Riverton.
- Contributor: Gilmore, Emily
- Date: 1887
- Contributor: Gilmore, Emily
- Date: 1887
Image 8 of The boys of Riverton. A A COPYRIGHT, 1887, BY THE TRUSTEES OF THE PRESBYTERIAN BOARD OF PUBLICATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. iz- 2)ZSh- Westcott Thomson, Stereotypers and Electrotypers, Philada.
- Contributor: Gilmore, Emily
- Date: 1887
Image 9 of The boys of Riverton. TO HER BELOVED MOTHER THIS BOOK IS ^oflt §tffcctiotxat£lg ^tiscribeb, BY THE AUTHOR
- Contributor: Gilmore, Emily
- Date: 1887
Image 10 of The boys of Riverton.
- Contributor: Gilmore, Emily
- Date: 1887
Image 11 of The boys of Riverton. CONTENTS Mildred’s Plan CHAPTER I. PAGE CHAPTER II. A Promising Beginning 25 The Reading-Room CHAPTER HI. The Opening CHAPTER IV. 56 Dick CHAPTER V. Mildred’s Patient CHAPTER VI. 86 5
- Contributor: Gilmore, Emily
- Date: 1887
Image 12 of The boys of Riverton. 6 CONTENTS, CHAPTER VII. PAGE Frank’s Letter 99 CHAPTER VHI. A Disappointment 112 CHAPTER IX. Frank’s Trial 124 CHAPTER X. Fred’s Confession 138 CHAPTER XI. Harvest-Time 149 CHAPTER XII. An Answered Prayer…
- Contributor: Gilmore, Emily
- Date: 1887
Image 13 of The boys of Riverton. CONTENTS, 7 CHAPTER XVI. PAGE New Work 209 CHAPTER XVII. Polly 226 CHAPTER XVIII. Canal-Life 236 CHAPTER XIX. Frank’s Progress 248 CHAPTER XX. The Harvest Garnered 258
- Contributor: Gilmore, Emily
- Date: 1887
Image 14 of The boys of Riverton.
- Contributor: Gilmore, Emily
- Date: 1887
Image 15 of The boys of Riverton. THE BOYS OF RIVERTON. CHAPTER I. MILDRED^ S PLAN. I T was drawing near the close of the short winter afternoon, and, although it was scarcely four o’clock, the twilight was already…
- Contributor: Gilmore, Emily
- Date: 1887
Image 16 of The boys of Riverton. 10 THE BOYS OF RIVERTON. Mildred Lyte stood irresolutely by her window for some time before she resolved to venture out in the storm. She had promised to visit a sick child…
- Contributor: Gilmore, Emily
- Date: 1887
Image 17 of The boys of Riverton. MILDRED PLAN. 1 1 go out and the look of delight that overspread the pale little face and the flash of joy in the sunken eyes made her regret her momentary indecision.…
- Contributor: Gilmore, Emily
- Date: 1887
Image 18 of The boys of Riverton. 12 THE BOYS OF RIVERTON. Give US a hand,” he said at last and as Mildred passed the group at that instant she saw that the boy’s face was flushed and his…
- Contributor: Gilmore, Emily
- Date: 1887
Image 19 of The boys of Riverton. MILDRED’S ELAN. 13 and young men, and they drank the vile stuff which by courtesy was called whisky merely, and wrangled over the pool-tables as if they enjoyed themselves amazingly. Possibly they…
- Contributor: Gilmore, Emily
- Date: 1887
Image 20 of The boys of Riverton. 14 THE BOYS OF FIVE ETON. I don’t deal in that style of literature as a general thing, Mrs. Lyte,” explained Mr. Estabrook, “but, you see, some of these boys here are…
- Contributor: Gilmore, Emily
- Date: 1887
Image 21 of The boys of Riverton. MILDRED’S PLAN. 15 this afternoon it had never occurred to her that she had any personal interest in the matter. Mildred had mourned over the down- ward path which so many of…
- Contributor: Gilmore, Emily
- Date: 1887
Image 22 of The boys of Riverton. 1 6 THE BOYS OF RIVERl ON. would be insensible to better pleasures because they were satisfied with the only amusement they knew anything about. They had miserable homes, with nothing to…
- Contributor: Gilmore, Emily
- Date: 1887
Image 23 of The boys of Riverton. MILDRED^ S PLAN. 17 evening, she confided her new purpose to her husband. It is a work that certainly ought to be done,” he said, but, my dear Mildred, you must take…
- Contributor: Gilmore, Emily
- Date: 1887
Image 24 of The boys of Riverton. 8 THE BOYS OF RIVERTON, Of course^I admit that disastrous failure is one of the possibilities of this work, but I don’t expect it. My first step will be to get acquainted…
- Contributor: Gilmore, Emily
- Date: 1887
Image 25 of The boys of Riverton. MILDRED S PLAN. 19 even the roughest of boys that will re- spond to courteous treatment.” I hope your practical experience will not shake your^theory,” replied Mr. Lyte. But I don’t want…
- Contributor: Gilmore, Emily
- Date: 1887
Image 26 of The boys of Riverton. 20 THE BOYS OF AV FEB TOM be men, and upon the use they make of these years will rest their power for good and for evil in this town. I wish…
- Contributor: Gilmore, Emily
- Date: 1887
Image 27 of The boys of Riverton. MILDRED S PLAN. 21 They were thoroughly surprised when each one of them received a letter ad- dressed in a lady’s handwriting. They suspected a hoax, and no one liked to be…
- Contributor: Gilmore, Emily
- Date: 1887
Image 28 of The boys of Riverton. 22 THE BOYS OF B TVER TON. They paused by the pool-room window, and by the light of the smoky lamps in the window Jimmy Moore tore open his enve- lope and…
- Contributor: Gilmore, Emily
- Date: 1887
Image 29 of The boys of Riverton. MILDRED S PLAN. 23 That’s what all our notes are, I s’pose,” said another, opening his own as he spoke. They had each received an invitation. Now, the next question was. What…
- Contributor: Gilmore, Emily
- Date: 1887
Image 30 of The boys of Riverton. 24 THE BOYS OF RIVERTON. can get us there to his house, and so he got her to invite us.” Several of the boys coincided in this opinion, and agreed that it…
- Contributor: Gilmore, Emily
- Date: 1887
Image 31 of The boys of Riverton. CHAPTER II. A PROMISING BEGINNING. HE next day Mildred spent a busy X morning in the kitchen. She had fully determined that if it were possible the boys should enjoy their evening,…
- Contributor: Gilmore, Emily
- Date: 1887
Image 32 of The boys of Riverton. 26 THE BOYS OF RIVERTON. tive each time, yet a little undercurrent of doubt troubled her. Suppose, notwithstanding her sanguine ex- pectations of success, all her hopes and plans should be defeated…
- Contributor: Gilmore, Emily
- Date: 1887
Image 33 of The boys of Riverton. A PROMISING BEGINNING. 2 bric-a-brac lest some accident should hap- pen to them, she had resolved to leave them all in their places, that the room might be as inviting as possible.…
- Contributor: Gilmore, Emily
- Date: 1887
Image 34 of The boys of Riverton. 28 THE BOYS OF RIVERTON. time for some sound that should apprise her of the arrival of her guests then her quick ears caught a noise that banished all disappointment. They Avere…
- Contributor: Gilmore, Emily
- Date: 1887
Image 35 of The boys of Riverton. A PROMISING BEGINNING. 29 There’s four more coming, Mrs. Lyte,” said Dick as they filed into the parlor and shyly seated themselves in attitudes of un- comfortable stiffness. “They weren’t quite ready,…
- Contributor: Gilmore, Emily
- Date: 1887
Image 36 of The boys of Riverton. 30 THE BOYS OF RIVERTON. them later in the evening, but I want to be sociable and get real well acquainted first, so that they will be inclined to regard it favorably.…
- Contributor: Gilmore, Emily
- Date: 1887
Image 37 of The boys of Riverton. A PROMISING BEGINNING. 31 responsible for their entertainment, yet she must do it, and that soon. Perhaps this may not appear as much of an ordeal to any one else as it…
- Contributor: Gilmore, Emily
- Date: 1887
Image 38 of The boys of Riverton. 32 THE BOYS OF RIVEBTON. As she passed the hall-door a scratching and subdued whining attracted her atten- tion, and her face lighted up as she heard the sound. Here was one…
- Contributor: Gilmore, Emily
- Date: 1887
Image 39 of The boys of Riverton. A PROMISING BEGINNING. 33 anecdotes of their sagacity, and the less fortunate boys had lamented that they hadn’t any, a plan had occurred to Mil- dred which would probably establish as a…
- Contributor: Gilmore, Emily
- Date: 1887
Image 40 of The boys of Riverton. 34 THE BOYS OF FIFE ETON. for an instant, and, taking advantage of this, she began bravely “I am so glad you all came to-night, boys, for I have a plan to…
- Contributor: Gilmore, Emily
- Date: 1887