Book/Printed Material The Brockton hospital cook book
Image 1 of The Brockton hospital cook book Brockton Hospital Cook Book 1910
- Contributor: Brockton Hospital Ladies' Aid Association
- Date: 1910
Image 2 of The Brockton hospital cook book (lass ie —a GopyrightNO. COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT:
- Contributor: Brockton Hospital Ladies' Aid Association
- Date: 1910
Image 3 of The Brockton hospital cook book
- Contributor: Brockton Hospital Ladies' Aid Association
- Date: 1910
Image 4 of The Brockton hospital cook book - “ ° 4 5 rs 4 ; : : P — - . | 4 ‘ - j } oe ; : | ‘ ° ¥ * = ’ . 4…
- Contributor: Brockton Hospital Ladies' Aid Association
- Date: 1910
Image 5 of The Brockton hospital cook book 1910 EDITION The Brockton Hospital COOK BOOK "Better than the Best." CONTAINS OVER SIX HUNDRED VALUABLE LOCAL COOKING RECIPES NOT IN THE 1906 EDITION. EXPN PUBLISHED BY The Brockton Hospital Ladies’ Aid…
- Contributor: Brockton Hospital Ladies' Aid Association
- Date: 1910
Image 6 of The Brockton hospital cook book Copyright, 1909, by Geo. Clarence Holmes. All rights reserved. “ais the many friends of the 'U Brockton Bospital and of the Gospital Ladies’ Aid Assuriation, who have so kindlo respomded to our…
- Contributor: Brockton Hospital Ladies' Aid Association
- Date: 1910
Image 7 of The Brockton hospital cook book Ye EDITOR SAYS oe s SAHE first part of the Brockton Hospital Cook Book, 1906 Edition, we believe, was the best publication of the kind ever issued in New England. The success…
- Contributor: Brockton Hospital Ladies' Aid Association
- Date: 1910
Image 8 of The Brockton hospital cook book a You will find the above label on the outside cover of every new novel as soon as it is published. We buy all the new fiction. All the most popular books…
- Contributor: Brockton Hospital Ladies' Aid Association
- Date: 1910
Image 9 of The Brockton hospital cook book CONTENTS Recipes from the White House, Beacon Hill and the City Hall Bread : ; Breakfast and Tea Cakes Eggs Soups . Fish and Shell Fish Meat Poultry Vegetables Salads Sauces for…
- Contributor: Brockton Hospital Ladies' Aid Association
- Date: 1910
Image 10 of The Brockton hospital cook book CASH ws.) C Rigi EARS ago, when Brockton was a small unpretentious town, when all its merchants knew all of their customers personally, the size of their families, and their financial condition,…
- Contributor: Brockton Hospital Ladies' Aid Association
- Date: 1910
Image 11 of The Brockton hospital cook book WPP3 4 SSE Sn psp sop spss The Brockton Hospital Is not a private institution, but belongs equally to all the people, and it is managed and directed by a band of…
- Contributor: Brockton Hospital Ladies' Aid Association
- Date: 1910
Image 12 of The Brockton hospital cook book LOOKING BACKWARD N page four of the 1906 Cook Book appeared a fairly flattering picture of the man who was the cause of the existence of the Brockton Hospital, as well as…
- Contributor: Brockton Hospital Ladies' Aid Association
- Date: 1910
Image 13 of The Brockton hospital cook book The Brocton Hospital Cook Book. A White House Recipe. GINGERBREAD CAKE. Two and one-half pounds flour; two ounces ground ginger; one-half pound brown sugar; three-fourths pound orange peel, cut small; two pounds…
- Contributor: Brockton Hospital Ladies' Aid Association
- Date: 1910
Image 14 of The Brockton hospital cook book bunch of parsley, one clove of garlic, a sprig of sweet basil and a sprig of thyme, all chopped very fine. When it browns nicely without burning, pour in about two pints…
- Contributor: Brockton Hospital Ladies' Aid Association
- Date: 1910
Image 15 of The Brockton hospital cook book Bread. WHITE BREAD. Grate one medium size raw potato. Pour boiling water over it and stir until thoroughly mixed when it will become thick and starchy. It will be about one pint.…
- Contributor: Brockton Hospital Ladies' Aid Association
- Date: 1910
Image 16 of The Brockton hospital cook book To make one loaf of day bread, mix in the morning same quantities as above, but instead of one-fourth dissolve one whole yeast cake in one-fourth cup lukewarm water, then pro- ceed…
- Contributor: Brockton Hospital Ladies' Aid Association
- Date: 1910
Image 17 of The Brockton hospital cook book GRAHAM BREAD. Two cups scalded milk, one-half cup molasses, two cups white flour, four cups graham flour, one-fourth cup lukewarm water, one-fourth yeast cake, two teaspoons salt. Mix milk, molasses and salt.…
- Contributor: Brockton Hospital Ladies' Aid Association
- Date: 1910
Image 18 of The Brockton hospital cook book BROWN BREAD. Two cupfuls corn meal, one cupful rye meal, three cupfuls sour milk, one-half cupful molasses, one tablespoonful soda, a pinch of salt. Steam four hours, bake ten minutes.—Mrs. Charles Tully.…
- Contributor: Brockton Hospital Ladies' Aid Association
- Date: 1910
Image 19 of The Brockton hospital cook book You Can Cook Best with Holmes’ Peerless Coal. Write Your New Recipes Here. Ley
- Contributor: Brockton Hospital Ladies' Aid Association
- Date: 1910
Image 20 of The Brockton hospital cook book Who Burns HOLMES’ Soft Shamokin Coal? satisfaction for the cook stove as our Special Soft Shamokin does, and a customer who tries it once is usually more enthusiastic over its merits than…
- Contributor: Brockton Hospital Ladies' Aid Association
- Date: 1910
Image 21 of The Brockton hospital cook book Breakfast and Tea Cakes. PARKER HOUSE ROLLS. Two cups scalded milk, three tablespoons butter, two table- spoons sugar, one teaspoon salt, yeast cake dissolved in one and one-fourth cups lukewarm water, use…
- Contributor: Brockton Hospital Ladies' Aid Association
- Date: 1910
Image 22 of The Brockton hospital cook book SALAD ROEES: Dissolve three yeast cakes in one cup lukewarm water, add one pint milk scalded and cooled, one teaspoon salt, one table- spoon butter, two teaspoons sugar. Stir in enough flour…
- Contributor: Brockton Hospital Ladies' Aid Association
- Date: 1910
Image 23 of The Brockton hospital cook book FINE BAKING POWDER BISCUIT. One quart flour, one pint milk, three teaspoonfuls baking powder, three tablespoonfuls lard, even teaspoonful salt.— Mrs. W. F. Hyatt. Bring Your Cash With Your Coal Order and…
- Contributor: Brockton Hospital Ladies' Aid Association
- Date: 1910
Image 24 of The Brockton hospital cook book baking powder and salt together; add milk and one egg well beaten; beat all together until light. Put in muffin pans, bake in a hot oven. This will make twelve muffins—Margaret Lyons.…
- Contributor: Brockton Hospital Ladies' Aid Association
- Date: 1910
Image 25 of The Brockton hospital cook book BREAKFAST CORN CAKE. One cup flour, one-half cup Indian meal, one-fourth cup sugar, one cup milk, one egg, one teaspoon soda, two tea- spoons cream of tartar, one-half teaspoon salt. Bake in…
- Contributor: Brockton Hospital Ladies' Aid Association
- Date: 1910
Image 26 of The Brockton hospital cook book COFFEE CAKES. One-half cup sugar, one-half cup butter, one-half cup mo- lasses, one-half cup strong coffee, one cup raisins (chopped), two cups pastry flour, one egg, one teaspoon soda, one tea- spoon…
- Contributor: Brockton Hospital Ladies' Aid Association
- Date: 1910
Image 27 of The Brockton hospital cook book STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE. One full pint pastry flour, one teaspoonful cream of tartar, one-half teaspoon soda, two tablespoonfuls shortening well rubbed in; mix with milk; pinch of salt. Bake in two cakes, when…
- Contributor: Brockton Hospital Ladies' Aid Association
- Date: 1910
Image 28 of The Brockton hospital cook book You Can Cook Best with Holmes’ P
- Contributor: Brockton Hospital Ladies' Aid Association
- Date: 1910
Image 29 of The Brockton hospital cook book Al these are Kickers! Most hotel patrons. Most school patrons. Most railroad patrons. Most telegraph patrons. All street car patrons. All newspaper patrons and reporters. All base ball cranks and preachers. All…
- Contributor: Brockton Hospital Ladies' Aid Association
- Date: 1910
Image 30 of The Brockton hospital cook book Eggs. OMELET. Beat the yolks of five eggs and the whites of three together with one teaspoon corn starch, a little salt and pepper, one- fourth cup melted butter, one-half cup sweet…
- Contributor: Brockton Hospital Ladies' Aid Association
- Date: 1910
Image 31 of The Brockton hospital cook book EGGS (A) EA) SUISSE. Cover bottom of a baking dish with two ounces fresh butter. Cover with grated cheese. Break eight eggs carefully and put little paprika and salt on each. Add…
- Contributor: Brockton Hospital Ladies' Aid Association
- Date: 1910
Image 32 of The Brockton hospital cook book PRESERVING EGGS. (From the United States Agricultural Department.) Fill an earthern or water-tight wooden vessel with eggs. To one part of water glass, also known as soluble glass, and sili- cate of…
- Contributor: Brockton Hospital Ladies' Aid Association
- Date: 1910
Image 33 of The Brockton hospital cook book You Can Cook Best with Holmes’ Peerless Coal. Write Your New Recipes Here. AS)
- Contributor: Brockton Hospital Ladies' Aid Association
- Date: 1910
Image 34 of The Brockton hospital cook book OAL in Paper Bags with the hod printed on them. HIS is the COAL that costs you nothing if not perfectly satisfactory. Your grocer will take your name and pay you back…
- Contributor: Brockton Hospital Ladies' Aid Association
- Date: 1910
Image 35 of The Brockton hospital cook book Soups. PUREE OF CANNED SALMON. Remove the oil, bones and skin from one-half can salmon; chop the salmon very fine. Boil one quart milk; melt one tablespoonful butter, stir into it two…
- Contributor: Brockton Hospital Ladies' Aid Association
- Date: 1910
Image 36 of The Brockton hospital cook book PEANUT SOUP: Take two tablespoonfuls peanut butter and one tablespoon flour, cream together and pour slowly over this one pint boil- ing water; stir constantly to keep smooth. Season with salt and…
- Contributor: Brockton Hospital Ladies' Aid Association
- Date: 1910
Image 37 of The Brockton hospital cook book PEA) SOUP: One cup dried split peas soaked in cold water three hours ; drain and put on to boil in two and one-half quarts water and one onion and a ham…
- Contributor: Brockton Hospital Ladies' Aid Association
- Date: 1910
Image 38 of The Brockton hospital cook book You Can Cook Best with Holmes’ Peerless Coal. Write Your New Recipes Here. oF
- Contributor: Brockton Hospital Ladies' Aid Association
- Date: 1910
Image 39 of The Brockton hospital cook book ee ——————— Experience has demonstrated that our Special Soft Shamo- kin Coal in the cook stove is not an Experiment. It is a fuel of assured value, and has the endorsement of…
- Contributor: Brockton Hospital Ladies' Aid Association
- Date: 1910
Image 40 of The Brockton hospital cook book Fish and Shell Fish. HADDOCK A LA RAREBIT. One cup milk or thin cream, one-half cup flour, two cups shredded cheese, two teaspoons mustard, pinch salt, one table- spoon butter. Heat the…
- Contributor: Brockton Hospital Ladies' Aid Association
- Date: 1910