Book/Printed Material Calendar of historical manuscripts in the office of the secretary of state, Albany, N.Y.
Image 1 of Calendar of historical manuscripts in the office of the secretary of state, Albany, …
- Contributor: O'Callaghan, E. B. (Edmund Bailey) - New York (State). Secretary's Office
- Date: 1865
Image 2 of Calendar of historical manuscripts in the office of the secretary of state, Albany, … Book ,V^ 2_
- Contributor: O'Callaghan, E. B. (Edmund Bailey) - New York (State). Secretary's Office
- Date: 1865
Image 3 of Calendar of historical manuscripts in the office of the secretary of state, Albany, …
- Contributor: O'Callaghan, E. B. (Edmund Bailey) - New York (State). Secretary's Office
- Date: 1865
Image 4 of Calendar of historical manuscripts in the office of the secretary of state, Albany, …
- Contributor: O'Callaghan, E. B. (Edmund Bailey) - New York (State). Secretary's Office
- Date: 1865
Image 5 of Calendar of historical manuscripts in the office of the secretary of state, Albany, …
- Contributor: O'Callaghan, E. B. (Edmund Bailey) - New York (State). Secretary's Office
- Date: 1865
Image 6 of Calendar of historical manuscripts in the office of the secretary of state, Albany, …
- Contributor: O'Callaghan, E. B. (Edmund Bailey) - New York (State). Secretary's Office
- Date: 1865
Image 7 of Calendar of historical manuscripts in the office of the secretary of state, Albany, …
- Contributor: O'Callaghan, E. B. (Edmund Bailey) - New York (State). Secretary's Office
- Date: 1865
Image 8 of Calendar of historical manuscripts in the office of the secretary of state, Albany, …
- Contributor: O'Callaghan, E. B. (Edmund Bailey) - New York (State). Secretary's Office
- Date: 1865
Image 9 of Calendar of historical manuscripts in the office of the secretary of state, Albany, … 5-t ^11 CALENDAR OF HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Si^ r vs. THE OFFICE OF THE SE CRETARY OF STATE^ ALBAJNY, K. Y. EDITED BY E. B. O CALLAGHAN. ALBANY WEED, PARSONS AND COMPANY, PRINTERS…
- Contributor: O'Callaghan, E. B. (Edmund Bailey) - New York (State). Secretary's Office
- Date: 1865
Image 10 of Calendar of historical manuscripts in the office of the secretary of state, Albany, … STATE OF NEW YORK. IN SENATE. Albaijt, Ajpinl 24, 1863. Eesolvedi That the Clerk of the Senate cause to be printed 500 coi^ies of the Calendar to the Land Papers, from 1643…
- Contributor: O'Callaghan, E. B. (Edmund Bailey) - New York (State). Secretary's Office
- Date: 1865
Image 11 of Calendar of historical manuscripts in the office of the secretary of state, Albany, … P» R T I DUTCH MANTJSCKIPTS 1630-1664.
- Contributor: O'Callaghan, E. B. (Edmund Bailey) - New York (State). Secretary's Office
- Date: 1865
Image 12 of Calendar of historical manuscripts in the office of the secretary of state, Albany, …
- Contributor: O'Callaghan, E. B. (Edmund Bailey) - New York (State). Secretary's Office
- Date: 1865
Image 13 of Calendar of historical manuscripts in the office of the secretary of state, Albany, … CONTENTS. Pagb. Preface, vii Register of the Provincial Secretary, 1 Council Minutes, 61 Correspondence, 269 Ordinances, 309 Fort Orange Records, 312 Writs of Appeal, 325 Cui-agao Papers, 327 Delaware Papers, 335 Patents,…
- Contributor: O'Callaghan, E. B. (Edmund Bailey) - New York (State). Secretary's Office
- Date: 1865
Image 14 of Calendar of historical manuscripts in the office of the secretary of state, Albany, …
- Contributor: O'Callaghan, E. B. (Edmund Bailey) - New York (State). Secretary's Office
- Date: 1865
Image 15 of Calendar of historical manuscripts in the office of the secretary of state, Albany, … PEEFACE. On 24tb April, 1863, on motion of the Hon. John V. L. Pkityn, the Senate of the State of New York Resolved, Tliat tlie Clerk of the Senate cause to be…
- Contributor: O'Callaghan, E. B. (Edmund Bailey) - New York (State). Secretary's Office
- Date: 1865
Image 16 of Calendar of historical manuscripts in the office of the secretary of state, Albany, … PREFACE. parts cannot properly be protected and maintained in tbeir great risk, from pirates, extortion and otherwise, which will happen in so very long a voyage, incorporated it under the name and…
- Contributor: O'Callaghan, E. B. (Edmund Bailey) - New York (State). Secretary's Office
- Date: 1865
Image 17 of Calendar of historical manuscripts in the office of the secretary of state, Albany, … PREFACE. IX Kegister of ProWncial Secretary s Office, 1638 to 1662, Council Minutes, 1638 to 1665, Correspondence, 16-16 to 1661, Ordinances, Writs and Fort Orange Eecords, 1617 to 1661, Curagao papers, 1610…
- Contributor: O'Callaghan, E. B. (Edmund Bailey) - New York (State). Secretary's Office
- Date: 1865
Image 18 of Calendar of historical manuscripts in the office of the secretary of state, Albany, … PREFACE. Tho collection of Dutch MSS., notwitbstauding these drawbacks, is, it -will be seen, quite voluminous and exceediugiy valuable. It is tlie only authentic original record in the department from which we…
- Contributor: O'Callaghan, E. B. (Edmund Bailey) - New York (State). Secretary's Office
- Date: 1865
Image 19 of Calendar of historical manuscripts in the office of the secretary of state, Albany, … PREFACE. xi Mujcshfs Secretary of State for the Colonial Department, London, 18G0. This plan will be continued in the future parts of this work. In order to facilitate references, and to enable…
- Contributor: O'Callaghan, E. B. (Edmund Bailey) - New York (State). Secretary's Office
- Date: 1865
Image 20 of Calendar of historical manuscripts in the office of the secretary of state, Albany, …
- Contributor: O'Callaghan, E. B. (Edmund Bailey) - New York (State). Secretary's Office
- Date: 1865
Image 21 of Calendar of historical manuscripts in the office of the secretary of state, Albany, … DUTCH MANUSCRIPTS. VOLUME I. REGISTER OF PROVINCIAL SECRETARY. [Thus marked are in English,] 1638. PAGE. April 19. Lease. Director Kieft to Jan Damen; two lots iu New Amsterclam, 1 April 19. Declaration.…
- Contributor: O'Callaghan, E. B. (Edmund Bailey) - New York (State). Secretary's Office
- Date: 1865
Image 22 of Calendar of historical manuscripts in the office of the secretary of state, Albany, … 2 DUTCH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol.1. REGISTER OF PEOVINCIAI- SECRETARY. 1638. r-^GE. July 3. Note. Koclant Ilackwacrt to Woutcr van Twilk-r, for 80 lbs. of tobacco, 12 May 1. Note. Dirck Ilolgcrsen to aircctor…
- Contributor: O'Callaghan, E. B. (Edmund Bailey) - New York (State). Secretary's Office
- Date: 1865
Image 23 of Calendar of historical manuscripts in the office of the secretary of state, Albany, … Vol. I.] DUTCH MAISTTISCRIPTS. 3 EEGISTER OF PEOVINCI.ii SECRETARY. 1633. PAGE. July 20. Power of attorney. Jan Jansen Damen to Cornells van Tienlioven, to manage his affiiirs diu ing his absence, 31…
- Contributor: O'Callaghan, E. B. (Edmund Bailey) - New York (State). Secretary's Office
- Date: 1865
Image 24 of Calendar of historical manuscripts in the office of the secretary of state, Albany, … 4 DUTCH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. I. REGISTER OF PROVINCIAL SECRETARY. 1638. PAGE. language of Anthony .Janscn of Salee, when asked to pay money to the rev. Mr. Bogardus, 48 Oct. 6. Declaration. As…
- Contributor: O'Callaghan, E. B. (Edmund Bailey) - New York (State). Secretary's Office
- Date: 1865
Image 25 of Calendar of historical manuscripts in the office of the secretary of state, Albany, … Vol. I.] DUTCH MANUSCRIPTS. 5 REGISTER OF PROVINCIAL SECRETARY 1639. PAGE. Jan. 12. Declaration. Jacob Walingen that David Pietei sen (de Vries) of Hoorn, skipper, had, in the year 16.35, threatened to…
- Contributor: O'Callaghan, E. B. (Edmund Bailey) - New York (State). Secretary's Office
- Date: 1865
Image 26 of Calendar of historical manuscripts in the office of the secretary of state, Albany, … 6 DUTCH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vor. I, HECISTER OF PROVINCIAL SECRETARY. 1639. GE. the time of Wonter \an Twillor, on the isl.ind of Manliattan, .it Pavonia, The Bay, forts Orange, Nassau and Hope, 81…
- Contributor: O'Callaghan, E. B. (Edmund Bailey) - New York (State). Secretary's Office
- Date: 1865
Image 27 of Calendar of historical manuscripts in the office of the secretary of state, Albany, … Vol. I.] DUTCH MANUSCRIPTS. REGISTER OF PROVIKOIAL SECRETARY. 1639. TAGE. Vries and Frederic de Vries, partners, for his passnge to New Netherlaud, and liis release from their service, 98 April 18. Note.…
- Contributor: O'Callaghan, E. B. (Edmund Bailey) - New York (State). Secretary's Office
- Date: 1865
Image 28 of Calendar of historical manuscripts in the office of the secretary of state, Albany, … 8 DUTCH MANUSCRIPTS. Vol.1. REGISTER OF PROVINCIAL SECRETARY. 16.39. PAGE. No diite. Note. George Horns to John Jenny, for sixty carolns guilders, witli recei{5t of Isaac Allcrton, dated 29th December, for said…
- Contributor: O'Callaghan, E. B. (Edmund Bailey) - New York (State). Secretary's Office
- Date: 1865
Image 29 of Calendar of historical manuscripts in the office of the secretary of state, Albany, … Vol. I.] DUTCH MANUSCRIPTS. 9 REGISTER OF PROVINCIAL SECRETARY. 1639. PAGE. June 18. Certificate of Conielis van Tienlioven that he had found 12 apple, 40 peach, 73 cherry trees, 26 sage plants…
- Contributor: O'Callaghan, E. B. (Edmund Bailey) - New York (State). Secretary's Office
- Date: 1865
Image 30 of Calendar of historical manuscripts in the office of the secretary of state, Albany, … 10 DUTCH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. I. REGISTER OF PROVINCIAL SECRETARY. 1639. r.lGE. pcrty, reserving, however, his claim on the half of the bouwery and stock of Achtervelt, 146 Aug. 3. Imlenture of Cornells…
- Contributor: O'Callaghan, E. B. (Edmund Bailey) - New York (State). Secretary's Office
- Date: 1865
Image 31 of Calendar of historical manuscripts in the office of the secretary of state, Albany, … Vol. I.] DUTCH MANUSCRIPTS. H REGISTER OF PROVINCIAL SECRETARY. 1630. PAGE. Sept. 13. Lease to Evert Evertsen Bischop, Sibout Cluesscn and Ilarmau Bastiacnsen of the company s saw mill ou Noten island,…
- Contributor: O'Callaghan, E. B. (Edmund Bailey) - New York (State). Secretary's Office
- Date: 1865
Image 32 of Calendar of historical manuscripts in the office of the secretary of state, Albany, … 12 DUTCH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. I. REGISTER Of PKOVINCIAL SEOEETAKY. 1039. PAGE. Dec. 15. Contract between Cicero Alberto, nn Italian, and Pieter Montfoort, to make a plantation, build a house, c., 177, 191…
- Contributor: O'Callaghan, E. B. (Edmund Bailey) - New York (State). Secretary's Office
- Date: 1865
Image 33 of Calendar of historical manuscripts in the office of the secretary of state, Albany, … Vol. I.] DUTCH MANUSCRIPTS. 13 REGISTER or PROVINCIAL SECRETARY. 1640. PAGE. March 14. Protest. Director Kieft, agent of Ilendrick Hamel, director of the West India Company, against Andrics Uudde for loss in…
- Contributor: O'Callaghan, E. B. (Edmund Bailey) - New York (State). Secretary's Office
- Date: 1865
Image 34 of Calendar of historical manuscripts in the office of the secretary of state, Albany, … 14 DUTCH MANUSCRIPTS. Vol.1. REGISTER OF PROVINCIAL SECRETARY. 1640. July 3. Lease. Juriaen Hendiickscn of Osnabrugh, to Jacob Vernu, of a dwelling and tobacco house and land foi- a tobacco plantation, 208…
- Contributor: O'Callaghan, E. B. (Edmund Bailey) - New York (State). Secretary's Office
- Date: 1865
Image 35 of Calendar of historical manuscripts in the office of the secretary of state, Albany, … Vol. I.] DUTCH MANUSCRIPTS. 15 REGISTER OF PROVINCIAL SECRETARY. 1640. PAGE. Sept. 21. Deed. Thonuas Hall to George Horas, of half tbe house, plantation, c., situate at Deutel bay, Manhattan island, 224…
- Contributor: O'Callaghan, E. B. (Edmund Bailey) - New York (State). Secretary's Office
- Date: 1865
Image 36 of Calendar of historical manuscripts in the office of the secretary of state, Albany, … 16 DUTCH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol.1. REGISTER or PROVINCIAL SECRETARY. 1641. PAGE. July 18. Contract. John Hobsen and John Meris, to build two houses for Isaac de Foreest, 250 July 29. Deed. Cornells Jacobsen…
- Contributor: O'Callaghan, E. B. (Edmund Bailey) - New York (State). Secretary's Office
- Date: 1865
Image 37 of Calendar of historical manuscripts in the office of the secretary of state, Albany, … Vol. n.] DUTCH MANUSCRIPTS. 17 REGISTER OF PROVINCIAL SECRETARY. 1641. p^GK Sept. 28. Discharge from Jan Cornells van Vorst to Jacob Stoflelsen for all demands on account of the estate -of his…
- Contributor: O'Callaghan, E. B. (Edmund Bailey) - New York (State). Secretary's Office
- Date: 1865
Image 38 of Calendar of historical manuscripts in the office of the secretary of state, Albany, … 18 DUTCH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol. II. REGISTER OF PROVINCIAL SECRETARY. 1642. PAGE. Jan. 16. Lease. Andries Hiulde to John Underhill of a house and plantation situate on the Fhithiud, near Keskaechqueren, L. I.,…
- Contributor: O'Callaghan, E. B. (Edmund Bailey) - New York (State). Secretary's Office
- Date: 1865
Image 39 of Calendar of historical manuscripts in the office of the secretary of state, Albany, … Vol, n.] DUTCH MANUSCRIPTS. 19 REGISTER OF PROVINCIAL SECRETARY. 1642. PAGE. June 3. Note. Jacob Bouwcns to Mr. Winckelman for 90 carolus guilders, 20 June 21. Declaration. Annetje Jans, widow of Roelof…
- Contributor: O'Callaghan, E. B. (Edmund Bailey) - New York (State). Secretary's Office
- Date: 1865
Image 40 of Calendar of historical manuscripts in the office of the secretary of state, Albany, … 20 DUTCH MANUSCRIPTS. [Vol.11. REGISTER OF PROVINCIAL SECRETARY. 1642. tained goods from the public store to send to Virginia on his account, 28 Aug. 30. Report of referees as to improvements made…
- Contributor: O'Callaghan, E. B. (Edmund Bailey) - New York (State). Secretary's Office
- Date: 1865