Book/Printed Material California recipe book
Image 1 of California recipe book ~*~ So's 2 CALIFORNIA § : re err ne eS EY oO en eh cet % Ladies of California. = @ Man shall not Lue ly leead alone.” Sin francise : Bruce's…
- Date: 1872
Image 2 of California recipe book HAYNES & LAWTON, IMPORTERS OF £ wey, AMERICAN FINE FRENCH fi ; CHINAEs ee AND . [7 ORENGN iy slass Ware, DINNER cz, 7 FRENCH | = mac 1, OCKS T KH…
- Date: 1872
Image 3 of California recipe book & Ladies of California. & © Man shall not tue ky teead alone.” XO = CS AS ( e COPYRIGH 47 % Ce No. 4/2) 45 / Sin Francisca: Bruce’s Printing House,…
- Date: 1872
Image 4 of California recipe book
- Date: 1872
Image 5 of California recipe book ee eee edad beads abs sds ss sbaddsssssdaabbdrdadsssisbissbsn. ABS abedbbbebdsssedddsedsdaddosectcasccenacccssssncascorees The object in compiling this work, has been to obtain a collection of reliable recipes. The par- ties froni whom they have…
- Date: 1872
Image 6 of California recipe book
- Date: 1872
Image 7 of California recipe book ae eect n eee ren eeneccewe res sess eee ces e eres eenee ss eestans ee ceraseeSe ees Te SSESSOHSSSSSSSSSESEHE EHO SSEEEESeSDETEEe pwn nme n ne eee n een ew eee wee…
- Date: 1872
Image 8 of California recipe book OVS rrr rere rrr rrr rrr errr rrr errr yy Ahm ea babe sas ddentddmanscssdawnbssdssdssdssddddsdbaddscdadddddecsddddhidacededdceos MUFFINS — Mrs. C. 1 cup of sugar, 3 do. butter, 4 do. yeast, 1 quart of…
- Date: 1872
Image 9 of California recipe book BREAKFAST DISHES a BREAKFAST CREAM CAKES. 1 pint of cream, 3 eggs, a little salt, flour (sufficient for a good batter), about 3 cups. Bake the same as the former, in a…
- Date: 1872
Image 10 of California recipe book 8 BREAKFAST DISHES WAFFLES — Mrs. H. 1 pint of milk, 3 eggs, 1 teaspoon of soda, a little salt, flour sufficient for a batter to pour. Bake in waffle- irons or…
- Date: 1872
Image 11 of California recipe book Je) BREAKFAST DISHES salt, a tablespoon of melted butter. Fry in hot butter. Turn only one-half on to the other. HAM TOAST — Nice. 1 tb of lean ham, chopped fine; beat…
- Date: 1872
Image 12 of California recipe book 10 2 BREAKFAST DISHES dry soda, dissolved in a cup of milk, add one quart (beer measure) of cold milk, a little salt. Pour into your steam kettle, and steam 2} hours;…
- Date: 1872
Image 13 of California recipe book eee ee ewe et een ene ne eee ee ee eet ene e semen eben een eee e eet eee ce eh ene teats Pastry should be used as soon as made,…
- Date: 1872
Image 14 of California recipe book GROUND RICE PIE. Soak 4 heaping teaspoonfuls of rice in milk, eook a few minutes in one quart of boiling water; cool, and then add 4 or 5 eggs; bake in a…
- Date: 1872
Image 15 of California recipe book PIES 13 LEMON TARTS. 1 large lemon, two eggs, butter, half an egg in size; 1 coffee-cup of sugar. Squeeze the juice, grate a little of the peel; add the eges and…
- Date: 1872
Image 16 of California recipe book 14 PIES WHORTLEBERRY OR BLACKBERRY PIE. MRS. C., ELLIS ST. Fill the dish not quite even full, and to each pie of the size of a soup-plate, add four tablespoonfuls of sugar.…
- Date: 1872
Image 17 of California recipe book SOSBAAGSOSLASENUSAS ASS aRSSARS SRA ER SESa seb ae bes seacesacscbaaaec aan suecaccuid ~ eb eb dae eemenennenehaswstaneebenstaathnbansdvscahsescabetsetsbacbechstbstabs Pudding Bags should be made of thick, close sheeting to exclude the air. Before using…
- Date: 1872
Image 18 of California recipe book BAKED INDIAN PUDDING — Mrs. T. Cal. St. 2 quarts of milk, 14 tea cups of corn meal. Put 2 of the milk on to boil, when boiling stir in the corn…
- Date: 1872
Image 19 of California recipe book PUDDINGS 17 THE QUEEN OF PUDDINGS—Mrs. 8. Vernon Place. 1 pint of bread crumbs, 1 quart of milk, 1 cup of sugar, yolks of 4 eges, well beaten, grated rind of 1…
- Date: 1872
Image 20 of California recipe book 18 PUDDINGS cool, add the whites of the eggs, beaten to a froth, stirr- ed in and flavored. Eaten cold. CHOCOLATE PUDDING—Mrs. H. Boil 1 quart of milk. While boiling add 2…
- Date: 1872
Image 21 of California recipe book PUDDINGS 19 BAKED INDIAN PUDDING — Mrs. P. 3 tablespoons of Indian meal to 1 quart of milk, sweet- en well with molasses, mix the meal and molasses together and stir it…
- Date: 1872
Image 22 of California recipe book 20 PUDDINGS SPONGE PUDDING—Mrs. D. 1 cup of sifted flour, $ cup of sugar, $ cup of butter, 6 eggs, 1 pint of milk; wet the flour with a little of the…
- Date: 1872
Image 23 of California recipe book PUDDINGS 21 PUFFS — Mrs. W. O'Farrell St. Three tablespoonfuls of flour, three eggs, a little salt, one tumbler of milk, bake three-quarters of an hour. To be eaten with sauce. 7…
- Date: 1872
Image 24 of California recipe book Ama RRR AR dae d dan sama nnn an annnn ann dba sabdbabasee: wbdssacenescncdettoagcceccnscascdscaciccssccsaseiaicads In making cake, accuracy in proportioning the ingredients is necessary. The cake should be put into the oven…
- Date: 1872
Image 25 of California recipe book PrP rerirrrriririir ier iiir rrr riviriiii rir ititiy Ti tert irri ri Deen wean e ence scence eens ees ac ce sen sawn mensaanenaesaseetenseesseseses, POUND CAKE — Mrs. H. 1 fb of…
- Date: 1872
Image 26 of California recipe book 24 PUDDINGS COOKIES — Mrs. C. Ellis St. 3 cups of sugar, 1 of butter, 2 cup of water, 3 eggs, 2 teaspoons of yeast powder. Flour sufficient to roll out, quite…
- Date: 1872
Image 27 of California recipe book PUDDINGS 25 cream of tartar,1 of soda, a piece of butter, the size of a walnut; wet up with sweet milk; put the butter into the warm milk. eee COOKIES — Mrs.…
- Date: 1872
Image 28 of California recipe book 26 | CAKES PLAIN DOUGHNUTS — Mrs. B. Cal. St. 1 cup sugar, 1 cup milk, 1 egg, 1 tablespoon melted butter. Allspice for flavoring. BELMONT CAKE — Mrs. P. Bush St.…
- Date: 1872
Image 29 of California recipe book CAKES 27 LEMON CAKE. 2 cups of sugar, $ do of butter, 3 eggs, beat the yolks separately, 1 cup of milk, 1 teaspoon of soda, 2 of cream tartar, grated rind…
- Date: 1872
Image 30 of California recipe book 28 CAKES froth, then stir in the sugar, gradually, stirring constant- ly 5 minutes, add a teaspoon of lemon juice. Before icing, dredge the cake with flour, and then wipe it off.…
- Date: 1872
Image 31 of California recipe book CAKES 29 3 eggs, 3 cups of flour, 2 teaspoonfuls of yeast powder, cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, 3 cups of raisins, piece of cit- ron and a little brandy. CAKE—Mrs. B. Van Ness…
- Date: 1872
Image 32 of California recipe book 30 CAKES QUEENS’ CAKE—Mrs. M. Mason St. One pound of sugar, one pound of flour, scant; one- half pound of butter, four eggs, two tea-spoons of yeast powder, one-half cup of milk,…
- Date: 1872
Image 33 of California recipe book 31 CAKES MOLASSES CAKE. 3 cups of molasses, 2 teaspoons of soda, 1 cup of butter, 1 do. of water, 4 eges, 6 eups of flour. SALT-PORK CAKE—Mrs. H. 1 pound of…
- Date: 1872
Image 34 of California recipe book 32, FLUMMERY AND PRESERVES. CURRANT JELLY. Pick and wash the currants, drain on a sieve; squeeze out the juice and strain it. Toa quart of juice, add a good quart of sugar;…
- Date: 1872
Image 35 of California recipe book FLUMMERY AND PRESERVES. 30 gelatine, the yolks of 6 eggs and 9 tablespoons of sugar, beaten together, 8 wine-glasses of wine and a little vanilla and the whites of the eggs, beaten…
- Date: 1872
Image 36 of California recipe book 84 FLUMMERY AND PRESERVES sugar, juices of 2 lemons, two glasses of wine, mix, add another pint of cream, stir thoroughly. Boil 2 ounces of isinglass with 4 cups of water, till…
- Date: 1872
Image 37 of California recipe book FLUMMERY AND PRESERVES 35 whites of three eggs, and a little flavoring. Set it away to cool and then it is ready for the table. CORN STARCH MERINGUES — Mrs. T. Cal.…
- Date: 1872
Image 38 of California recipe book 36 FLUMMERY AND PRESERVES into boiling water and cook till tender. In the mena- time prepare the oranges. All you want is the pulp and juice; the cores, seeds and all skinny…
- Date: 1872
Image 39 of California recipe book VALUABLE MISCELLANEOUS RECIPES. 37 skin of the size of a ten cent piece. Pour upon it boil- ing water, and boil it five or six minutes. Then pour a gill from the…
- Date: 1872
Image 40 of California recipe book (MRS. B'S, DIRECTIONS.)—— Three pounds of bass, or any white fish; boil till tender; then remove the bones; mince it fine; season with pepper, salt, juice and part of the rind of…
- Date: 1872