Book/Printed Material Colonial Mobile; an historical study largely from original sources, of the Alabama-Tombigbee basin and the old South West, from the discovery of the Spiritu Santo in 1519 until the demolition of Fort Charlotte in 1821,
Image 1 of Colonial Mobile; an historical study largely from original sources, of the Alabama-Tombigbee basin …
- Contributor: Hamilton, Peter J. (Peter Joseph)
- Date: 1910
Image 2 of Colonial Mobile; an historical study largely from original sources, of the Alabama-Tombigbee basin … Class Z2 GppyrigIitN _ COPYRIGHT DEPOSm
- Contributor: Hamilton, Peter J. (Peter Joseph)
- Date: 1910
Image 3 of Colonial Mobile; an historical study largely from original sources, of the Alabama-Tombigbee basin …
- Contributor: Hamilton, Peter J. (Peter Joseph)
- Date: 1910
Image 4 of Colonial Mobile; an historical study largely from original sources, of the Alabama-Tombigbee basin …
- Contributor: Hamilton, Peter J. (Peter Joseph)
- Date: 1910
Image 5 of Colonial Mobile; an historical study largely from original sources, of the Alabama-Tombigbee basin … 36 f
- Contributor: Hamilton, Peter J. (Peter Joseph)
- Date: 1910
Image 6 of Colonial Mobile; an historical study largely from original sources, of the Alabama-Tombigbee basin …
- Contributor: Hamilton, Peter J. (Peter Joseph)
- Date: 1910
Image 7 of Colonial Mobile; an historical study largely from original sources, of the Alabama-Tombigbee basin …
- Contributor: Hamilton, Peter J. (Peter Joseph)
- Date: 1910
Image 8 of Colonial Mobile; an historical study largely from original sources, of the Alabama-Tombigbee basin … lilENVII-LE (After Margrv)
- Contributor: Hamilton, Peter J. (Peter Joseph)
- Date: 1910
Image 9 of Colonial Mobile; an historical study largely from original sources, of the Alabama-Tombigbee basin … COLONIAL MOBILE AN HISTORICAL STUDY Laro-ely from Original Sources, of the Alabama- ToliBiGBEE Basin and the Old South West from the Discovery of the Spiritu Santo in 15 19 until the Demolition…
- Contributor: Hamilton, Peter J. (Peter Joseph)
- Date: 1910
Image 10 of Colonial Mobile; an historical study largely from original sources, of the Alabama-Tombigbee basin … f 3 ,1^ rOPYRIGIlT, 1S97 AND I910, BY PETER J. HAMILTON ALL RIGHTS RESERVED s (0;ClA26in90
- Contributor: Hamilton, Peter J. (Peter Joseph)
- Date: 1910
Image 11 of Colonial Mobile; an historical study largely from original sources, of the Alabama-Tombigbee basin … TO THE MEMORY OF MY FATHER PETER HAMILTON LAWYER, STUDENT, AND STATESMAN IN EVERY RELATION OF LIFE, WHETHER PUBLIC OR PRIVATE HE WAS ALL THAT A MAN SHOULD BE {QO^ (\T°l^
- Contributor: Hamilton, Peter J. (Peter Joseph)
- Date: 1910
Image 12 of Colonial Mobile; an historical study largely from original sources, of the Alabama-Tombigbee basin …
- Contributor: Hamilton, Peter J. (Peter Joseph)
- Date: 1910
Image 13 of Colonial Mobile; an historical study largely from original sources, of the Alabama-Tombigbee basin … PREFACE. In preparing a new edition of this book opportunity has been taken to emphasize its broader features and at the same time add much new material. The history of a colony…
- Contributor: Hamilton, Peter J. (Peter Joseph)
- Date: 1910
Image 14 of Colonial Mobile; an historical study largely from original sources, of the Alabama-Tombigbee basin … VI PREFACE. theirs. The story of the Creole Gallery is to my mind an epitome of the book, whose theme is the history of the border- land between two civilizations, the original…
- Contributor: Hamilton, Peter J. (Peter Joseph)
- Date: 1910
Image 15 of Colonial Mobile; an historical study largely from original sources, of the Alabama-Tombigbee basin … PREFACE. vii interest. Many of these Lave never before been published, and maps from Spanish, French, and British archives make clear much which has heretofore been dim in the history of the…
- Contributor: Hamilton, Peter J. (Peter Joseph)
- Date: 1910
Image 16 of Colonial Mobile; an historical study largely from original sources, of the Alabama-Tombigbee basin … viii PREFACE. Owen, have proved helpful. The notes show my indebted- ness to my friend Henry S. Halbert in all matters relating to the Choctaw Indians. It cannot be amiss to thank…
- Contributor: Hamilton, Peter J. (Peter Joseph)
- Date: 1910
Image 17 of Colonial Mobile; an historical study largely from original sources, of the Alabama-Tombigbee basin … PREFACE TO FIRST EDITION. I HAVE endeavored in this book to paint the exploration, settlement, and early development of the section of our country which is tributary to the Alabama-Tombigbee river basin.…
- Contributor: Hamilton, Peter J. (Peter Joseph)
- Date: 1910
Image 18 of Colonial Mobile; an historical study largely from original sources, of the Alabama-Tombigbee basin … X PREFACE TO FIRST EDITION. which, near Mobile as elsewhere, far antedate the white man, and make European epochs inappropriate, if not indeed too recent, to mark the divisions of American history.…
- Contributor: Hamilton, Peter J. (Peter Joseph)
- Date: 1910
Image 19 of Colonial Mobile; an historical study largely from original sources, of the Alabama-Tombigbee basin …
- Contributor: Hamilton, Peter J. (Peter Joseph)
- Date: 1910
Image 20 of Colonial Mobile; an historical study largely from original sources, of the Alabama-Tombigbee basin …
- Contributor: Hamilton, Peter J. (Peter Joseph)
- Date: 1910
Image 21 of Colonial Mobile; an historical study largely from original sources, of the Alabama-Tombigbee basin … PREFACE TO FIRST EDITION. xi brought the place Into unnecessary discredit on the score of health. Galvez drove out the English, and for some years Spain seemed about to reestablish her vast…
- Contributor: Hamilton, Peter J. (Peter Joseph)
- Date: 1910
Image 22 of Colonial Mobile; an historical study largely from original sources, of the Alabama-Tombigbee basin … xii PREFACE TO FIRST EDITION. experts in the British colonial offices, throw undreamed-of light on the English times, and reveal that obscure epoch to us in a surprising manner. The land and…
- Contributor: Hamilton, Peter J. (Peter Joseph)
- Date: 1910
Image 23 of Colonial Mobile; an historical study largely from original sources, of the Alabama-Tombigbee basin … CONTENTS. CHAPTBB FAGB Introduction xix PART I. EXPLORATION. (1519-1670.) I. The Country and the Natives 3 II. The Spiritu Santo 9 III. On the Trail of De Soto 14 IV. A Century…
- Contributor: Hamilton, Peter J. (Peter Joseph)
- Date: 1910
Image 24 of Colonial Mobile; an historical study largely from original sources, of the Alabama-Tombigbee basin … XIV CONTENTS. XXI. Faits Accomplis 174 XXII. Fort Toulouse and Fort Tombecbb 188 XXIII. The Charleston Indlan Trade 201 XXIV. The Seven Years War 211 PART IV. BRITISH WEST FLORIDA. (1765-1780.) XXV.…
- Contributor: Hamilton, Peter J. (Peter Joseph)
- Date: 1910
Image 25 of Colonial Mobile; an historical study largely from original sources, of the Alabama-Tombigbee basin … CONTENTS. XV L. A Tale of Thkee Ports 438 LI. Alabajia a Study in Territorial Government 451 LII. The Coming of the Steamboat 468 LIU. The End of Fort Charlotte 476 APPENDIX…
- Contributor: Hamilton, Peter J. (Peter Joseph)
- Date: 1910
Image 26 of Colonial Mobile; an historical study largely from original sources, of the Alabama-Tombigbee basin …
- Contributor: Hamilton, Peter J. (Peter Joseph)
- Date: 1910
Image 27 of Colonial Mobile; an historical study largely from original sources, of the Alabama-Tombigbee basin … ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE Bienville, afteb Maegry (Winsor s The Mississippi Basin Frontispiece The Moundville Vase (C. B. Moore s Report, 1905, to the Philadelphia Academy of Arts and Sciences) x The Gulf Countky…
- Contributor: Hamilton, Peter J. (Peter Joseph)
- Date: 1910
Image 28 of Colonial Mobile; an historical study largely from original sources, of the Alabama-Tombigbee basin … xviii ILL USTRA TIONS. CouNTRT OF THE Choctaws, 1733 (map of De Crenay, D(?pot des Colonies) 196 Okdeks on the Tombecb^ Maoazin, 1759 {from original in possession of P. J. Hamilton) 204…
- Contributor: Hamilton, Peter J. (Peter Joseph)
- Date: 1910
Image 29 of Colonial Mobile; an historical study largely from original sources, of the Alabama-Tombigbee basin … INTRODUCTION. One s earliest historical reading is connected with the struggle of the East and the West, of mass represented by Persia, with energy represented by Greece, and then with organization rep-…
- Contributor: Hamilton, Peter J. (Peter Joseph)
- Date: 1910
Image 30 of Colonial Mobile; an historical study largely from original sources, of the Alabama-Tombigbee basin … XX INTRODUCTION. having flourished under five successive flags. Not taking into account the Indians, the district which we call the Alabama- Tombigbee basin has lived under the pillared arms of Spain, the…
- Contributor: Hamilton, Peter J. (Peter Joseph)
- Date: 1910
Image 31 of Colonial Mobile; an historical study largely from original sources, of the Alabama-Tombigbee basin … INTRODUCTION. xxi and Virginia in the other. Cutting through these first three zones from north to south are the Alabama and Tombisrbee rivers, navigable up to the fall line, and ready to…
- Contributor: Hamilton, Peter J. (Peter Joseph)
- Date: 1910
Image 32 of Colonial Mobile; an historical study largely from original sources, of the Alabama-Tombigbee basin … xxii INTRODUCTION. nizers. They were well acquainted with the coast, and there is an interesting question as to the Bay of Spiritu Santo, which is so prominent in their early maps. Gradually…
- Contributor: Hamilton, Peter J. (Peter Joseph)
- Date: 1910
Image 33 of Colonial Mobile; an historical study largely from original sources, of the Alabama-Tombigbee basin … IN TR OD UCTION. ixiii monarchy and the purchase of Louisiana from Napoleon are turning points in the history of the American Union. The immense immigration to the Southwestern wilds, which developed…
- Contributor: Hamilton, Peter J. (Peter Joseph)
- Date: 1910
Image 34 of Colonial Mobile; an historical study largely from original sources, of the Alabama-Tombigbee basin … xxiv INTRODUCTION. that the advance was mainly through hostile tribes, the chart has the appearance of a progress from the sea instead of an ad- vance of the frontier of Georgia and…
- Contributor: Hamilton, Peter J. (Peter Joseph)
- Date: 1910
Image 35 of Colonial Mobile; an historical study largely from original sources, of the Alabama-Tombigbee basin … INTRODUCTION. xxv the Constitution of the United States, written though it be, was to be the basis of new evolutions through judicial construction of the instrument to meet new conditions. It is…
- Contributor: Hamilton, Peter J. (Peter Joseph)
- Date: 1910
Image 36 of Colonial Mobile; an historical study largely from original sources, of the Alabama-Tombigbee basin … xxvi INTRODUCTION. organizing power of the Roman. The Roman prevailed over the Greek by his greater numbers and better organization, and this was the case as between the Saxon and the Latin…
- Contributor: Hamilton, Peter J. (Peter Joseph)
- Date: 1910
Image 37 of Colonial Mobile; an historical study largely from original sources, of the Alabama-Tombigbee basin … INTRODUCTION. xxvii ments of population, but like the others became something dif- ferent, a Southerner, a Southerner of a new type. And now this new American came in contact with the old…
- Contributor: Hamilton, Peter J. (Peter Joseph)
- Date: 1910
Image 38 of Colonial Mobile; an historical study largely from original sources, of the Alabama-Tombigbee basin … xxviii INTRODUCTION. self over too much territory, while the American, unfriendly to the Indian, was forced to closer settlements and intenser indus- tries. Even among the Americans greater population and wealth were…
- Contributor: Hamilton, Peter J. (Peter Joseph)
- Date: 1910
Image 39 of Colonial Mobile; an historical study largely from original sources, of the Alabama-Tombigbee basin … INTRODUCTION. xxix the Saxon, we find self-governing Saxons, without aid of King or Company, absorbing step by step the Mississippi Valley, the mouth of the Mississippi, the Gulf coast, Florida, and scheming…
- Contributor: Hamilton, Peter J. (Peter Joseph)
- Date: 1910
Image 40 of Colonial Mobile; an historical study largely from original sources, of the Alabama-Tombigbee basin …
- Contributor: Hamilton, Peter J. (Peter Joseph)
- Date: 1910