Book/Printed Material Columbian code ...
Image 1 of Columbian code ...
- Contributor: Steinwender, Stoffregen & Co., New York
- Date: 1894
Image 2 of Columbian code ... LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Kt -u^i ©fpjt-©njajrij^ Ti}o Shelf_:CJeIL S 8 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
- Contributor: Steinwender, Stoffregen & Co., New York
- Date: 1894
Image 4 of Columbian code ...
- Contributor: Steinwender, Stoffregen & Co., New York
- Date: 1894
Image 5 of Columbian code ... f Columbian Code PROPERTY OF y/ Steinwender, Stoffregen Co., I 87 89 Wall Street, New York, AfTvX Q Hf 3 \i 1W-7L Copyright, in 1894 by Steinwender, Stoffregen Co. t Code Press…
- Contributor: Steinwender, Stoffregen & Co., New York
- Date: 1894
Image 6 of Columbian code ...
- Contributor: Steinwender, Stoffregen & Co., New York
- Date: 1894
Image 7 of Columbian code ... |iit£rcar 0f Contents* A. -Prices Page 1-3 B-C.. .Lot Numbers 4-12 D. .Amount in Bags 13-17 E. -Shipping 18-23 F .Selling and Price-Lists 24-27 G. -Miscellaneous 28-34 H. ^Samples 35-37 K. .Terms…
- Contributor: Steinwender, Stoffregen & Co., New York
- Date: 1894
Image 8 of Columbian code ...
- Contributor: Steinwender, Stoffregen & Co., New York
- Date: 1894
Image 9 of Columbian code ... PRICES. 1 Aback Abacus Abaft.... Abase Abash Abatis_ Abbess Abbey_ Abbott_ Abdomen Abed Abettor Abhor_ Abiff Abigail Abject_ Abjure... Ablaze_ Abnegate Abnormal Abode_ Abolish Abolition Abominate Abortion Abound.. Abraham. Abreast.. Abridge Abroach…
- Contributor: Steinwender, Stoffregen & Co., New York
- Date: 1894
Image 10 of Columbian code ... Prices. Ahcty __14)4 Ailment. 14)4 Aim. 14)4 Aimless 14)4 Airgun 14)4 Airhole 14)4 Ajar.14)4 Akin.15 Alabaster 15)4 Aladdin 15)4 Alas.15)4 Albatross .15)4 Albemarle- 15)4 Albino 15)4 Albumen.. 15)4 Alcohol 16 Alcove 16)4…
- Contributor: Steinwender, Stoffregen & Co., New York
- Date: 1894
Image 11 of Columbian code ... Prices Apish. Apollo_ Apostle Applause.. Apron Aptness... Arab Arbor Arboral Arboret,.. Arborist Arbuscle Arbute Arcade Arcanum.. Arch. Archangel. Arch ducal. Archduchy 29/8 Archduke .70 Arethusa.. 29 Arched .80 Argent 29^4 Archery... .85…
- Contributor: Steinwender, Stoffregen & Co., New York
- Date: 1894
Image 12 of Columbian code ... 4 LOT NUMBERS. Babbler_ 1 Babbling.. 2 Babel. 3 Baboon 4 Baby. 5 Babyish 6 Babylon 7 Bachelor 8 Backbite 9 Backbone 10 Backdoor 11 Backing 12 Backslide 13 Backward 14 Baden…
- Contributor: Steinwender, Stoffregen & Co., New York
- Date: 1894
Image 13 of Columbian code ... Lot Numbers. 5 Beecher_121 Beef..122 Beeswax 123 Befall.124 Beget_ 125 Beggar _ 126 Beggarly.. 127 Begird.... 128 Beguile_129 Behalf 130 Behest.... 131 Behind 132 Behold 133 Belfast.... 134 Belfry 135 Belgian 136…
- Contributor: Steinwender, Stoffregen & Co., New York
- Date: 1894
Image 14 of Columbian code ... 6 Lot Numbers Blooming 241 Bloomless 242 Blossom 243 Blow.244 Blower 245 Blouse 246 Blubber... 247 Bludgeon 248 Bluebird 249 Bluff.250 Bluntly 251 Blush.252 Blushing.. 253 Blushless.. 254 Bluster_255 Boarder. 256 Boarding..…
- Contributor: Steinwender, Stoffregen & Co., New York
- Date: 1894
Image 15 of Columbian code ... Lot Numbers 7 Bruno 361 Brunswick 362 Brush 363 Brutal 364 Brutish_36£ Bubble 366 Buchu 367 Bucking 368 Buckle.... 369 Bucklers 370 Buckmast 371 Buckram.. 372 Buckthorn 373 Buckwheat 374 Bucolic 375…
- Contributor: Steinwender, Stoffregen & Co., New York
- Date: 1894
Image 16 of Columbian code ... 8 Lot Numbers. Cajole 481 Cajolery 482 Cajoling 483 Calabash.. 484 Calamity 485 Calash 48G Calceclony. 487 Calcined 488 Calculate.. 489 Calculus 490 Caldron 491 Calefy 492 Calendar _. 493 Calenture 494…
- Contributor: Steinwender, Stoffregen & Co., New York
- Date: 1894
Image 17 of Columbian code ... Lot Numbers 9 Cardialgy 601 Cardinal 602 Car dm alter 603 Cards. 604 Careful 605 Caress _ 606 Caressing 607 Caricature. 608 Carinated 609 Cariole 610 Carmelite .611 Carmine 612 Carnage 613…
- Contributor: Steinwender, Stoffregen & Co., New York
- Date: 1894
Image 18 of Columbian code ... 10 Lot Numbers Caviller Cavity _ Cayenne Cedarn Cedilla Cedrine. Celebrate _ Celerity... Celery Celestial Celibacy Cellar. Cellarage Celsitude.. Cement_ Cemetery Cenob.v i/ Cenotaph Censer Censorial.. Censurable Censured Censuring. Census_ Centaur.._ Centenary.…
- Contributor: Steinwender, Stoffregen & Co., New York
- Date: 1894
Image 19 of Columbian code ... Lot Numbers. 11 Chide.841 Chiding_842 Chief 843 Chiefly.... 844 Chieftain.. 845 Chilblain 846 Child.847 Childhood. 848 Childish 849 Childlike. 850 Chiliad 851 Chilly 852 Chimera 853 Chimerical 854 Chimes 855 Chimney 856…
- Contributor: Steinwender, Stoffregen & Co., New York
- Date: 1894
Image 20 of Columbian code ... 12 Li ot Numbers Cloister 9G1 Closely 962 Closet 963 Clothed 964 Clothing 965 Cloud 966 Cloven ...967 Clownish.. 968 Clubbed 969 Clubs.970 Clumsy 971 Clusters— 972 Clutch 973 Coach 974 Coachman.…
- Contributor: Steinwender, Stoffregen & Co., New York
- Date: 1894
Image 21 of Columbian code ... AMOUNT IN BAGS. 13 Dab. 1 Dabbling 2 Dabchick 3 Dabster... 4 Dactyl _ 5 Daffodil... 6 Dagger 7 Daglock 8 Dahlia 9 Daintily... 10 Dainty.... 11 Dairies 12 Dairymaid 13 Daisy.14…
- Contributor: Steinwender, Stoffregen & Co., New York
- Date: 1894
Image 22 of Columbian code ... 14 Amount in Bags. Deductive. 121 Deeply 122 Deface 123 Defacing.. 124 Defalcate. .125 Detainer 126 Default 127 Defeated 128 Defecate 129 Defection 130 Defence... 131 Defender 132 Defensive 133 Defer.134 Deference.…
- Contributor: Steinwender, Stoffregen & Co., New York
- Date: 1894
Image 23 of Columbian code ... 15 Amount in Bags. Descend 241 Desecrate 242 Desert 243 Deserters 244 Desertion 245 Deserved.. 246 Deserving. 247 j Desiderate 248 Design 249 Designate 250 Designing. 251 Desk.252 Desolate 253 Despair 254…
- Contributor: Steinwender, Stoffregen & Co., New York
- Date: 1894
Image 24 of Columbian code ... 16 Amount in Bags. Dinarchy.. 361 Dine.362 Dingy _363 Dinner 364 Diocese 365 Dioptric 366 Diorama 367 Dipetalous 368 Diploma 369 Diplomacy 370 Diptote 371 Directive.. 372 Direful 373 Direption 374 Dirge__…
- Contributor: Steinwender, Stoffregen & Co., New York
- Date: 1894
Image 25 of Columbian code ... 17 Amount in Bags. Distaste... 481 Distemper. 482 Distended. 483 Distich 484 Distiller... 485 Distort 48G Distortion 487 Distract... 488 Distracted. 489 Distraint.. 490 Distress. 491 Distribute. 492 Districts 493 Distrusted 494…
- Contributor: Steinwender, Stoffregen & Co., New York
- Date: 1894
Image 26 of Columbian code ... 18 Eager Eagerly... Eagerness. Earldom Earmark Earnest... Earnestly Earnings.. Earth. Earwig Easily Easter Easterly Eastward Eatable Ebony Ebriety Ebullient.. Ebullition Eburnean Echinate Eclat __ Eclipse Ecliptic_ Eclogue Economy.. Ecstasy Ecstatic. Ecumenical Edacity…
- Contributor: Steinwender, Stoffregen & Co., New York
- Date: 1894
Image 27 of Columbian code ... Shipping 19 Edge. Edgewise Edging Edible Edict. Edifice Edify. Edifying Ediles Edition Editor Editorial Educate... Education Efface Effacing Effective Effectual Effeminate Effendi Efficacy Efficient _. Effort. Effrontery. Effulgent.. Effusive... Egestion Egg. Eglantine…
- Contributor: Steinwender, Stoffregen & Co., New York
- Date: 1894
Image 28 of Columbian code ... 20 Shipping. Elbow Elderly Eldest Electing Election... Electoral Electric Electuary Elegance.. Elegantfy Elegiac Elegy. Elements.. Elephant.. Elfin. Elicited Eligible Eliminate Elision Elite. Elixir.... Elk. Elms. Elongated. Elope.... Elopement Eloquence. Elvish Elysian Emaciated…
- Contributor: Steinwender, Stoffregen & Co., New York
- Date: 1894
Image 29 of Columbian code ... Shipping. 21 Embers Embitter Emblazon Emblem Embody Embolden _ Embolism Embossed. Embrace Embrasure Embrocate Embroider Embroil... Embryo... Emendator Emerald Emerge... Emergency Emery Emetic Emigrant Eminence Emir Emissary.. Emmet Emolument Emotion Empanel.. Emperor…
- Contributor: Steinwender, Stoffregen & Co., New York
- Date: 1894
Image 30 of Columbian code ... 22 Emphatic Empire Empirics.. Emplastic Employ Employers Emporium Empower Empress Emptiness. Empty.... Empyrean. Emulate Emulative Emulator Emulous Emulsion Enact. Enacting.. Enactment Enamel Enamored Encamped Encaustic Enchain Enchanter. Enchased Encircled Enclitic Encomiast. Encomium…
- Contributor: Steinwender, Stoffregen & Co., New York
- Date: 1894
Image 31 of Columbian code ... Encroach.. Encumber. Encysted.. Endanger Endear_ Endeavor Endemic Endings Endive.... Endogen.. Endow Endurable Endurance Endure Enduring Endwise Enemies Energetic Energized. Energy Enervated. Enfeebled. Enfilade Enforced Enforcing Engender Shipping. 23 We are advised by…
- Contributor: Steinwender, Stoffregen & Co., New York
- Date: 1894
Image 32 of Columbian code ... 24 SELLING PRICE-LISTS. Fabian Fabricate Fabulous.. Facade Facetious Facile Facility Facing Faction Factor Factotum Faculty Facunditv Fade Fagot Faintly Fairest Fairness Fairy. Faitii. Faithful. Fakir. Falcate Falchion Falconry You must answer immediately…
- Contributor: Steinwender, Stoffregen & Co., New York
- Date: 1894
Image 33 of Columbian code ... Selling Price-Lists. £5 Fallacy Fallen Fallible Fallow_ False. Falsely Falsified Faltering Famed Familiar Famine Famished Famous. Famously Fan. Fanatic Fancied... Fancy Fancying Fandango. Fanfaron.. Fangs Fantasia Fantastic.. Fantasy_ Farce_ Fardel. Will shade…
- Contributor: Steinwender, Stoffregen & Co., New York
- Date: 1894
Image 34 of Columbian code ... 2G Selling Price-Lists Farewell Farina Farm Farmers Farming Farrago... Farthest Fascinate Fashion... Fasten Fastening Fatal. Fatalism Fatality... Fatherly Fathom Fatigue Failings... Fattened.. Fatuity Faucet.... Faulty Fauna Favorably Favoring.. Fawning Fealty Fearfully.. Feasible…
- Contributor: Steinwender, Stoffregen & Co., New York
- Date: 1894
Image 35 of Columbian code ... Belling Price-Lists. 27 F easier_ Feather} 7 Feature You have not confirmed sale please do so at once. Rio sevens offered miss no sales. In¬ formation private. Miss no sales. Information private.…
- Contributor: Steinwender, Stoffregen & Co., New York
- Date: 1894
Image 36 of Columbian code ... 28 MISCELLANEOUS Gabardine Gabble Gadabout. Gadfly Gaff. Gaffers Gaily_ G-ainable Gainful Gainsay.. Gairisli Gaiters Gala Galaxy_ Galbanum. Galilean Galiot Gallant Gallantly.. Gallery Galleys Galliard... Gallican... Gallipot... Galloper l Galloway.. Gallows... Gal some…
- Contributor: Steinwender, Stoffregen & Co., New York
- Date: 1894
Image 37 of Columbian code ... Miscellaneous. 29 Gamboge Gamboling Gambols Gambrel Game. Gamesome Gamester Gaming... Gammers Gammon.. Gamut Gander Gang. Ganglion.. Gangrene Gangway Gantlope.. Garbage Garbled... Garden Gardeners. Gardening Gargarize Gargoyles. Garland... Garlic_- Garment Garnered Garnet We…
- Contributor: Steinwender, Stoffregen & Co., New York
- Date: 1894
Image 38 of Columbian code ... so Miscellaneous. Garnish... Garniture Garrison Garrulity.. Garrulous Garter Gasconade Gaskets... Gaskins... Gaslight Gasometer Gasped Gastric Gateway Gather.... Gathering. Gaudiness. Gaudy Gauger Gaulish Gauntlet Gauze Gavel. Gavelkind. Gavelock.. Gavot Gawky Gray. Gayety Gay…
- Contributor: Steinwender, Stoffregen & Co., New York
- Date: 1894
Image 39 of Columbian code ... Miscellaneous, 31 Gazelle_ Gelatine Gelding... Gelid. Gelidity... Gemel Gemini Genealogy. Generally^ Generate.. Generic Generical _ Generosity Generous Genitals Genitive Genius.... Gentian Gentiles Gentility Gentle Gentry.... Genuine Geodesy Geogony.. i 1 Geologist j…
- Contributor: Steinwender, Stoffregen & Co., New York
- Date: 1894
Image 40 of Columbian code ... 32 Miscellaneous Geology -Immediate, reply, by wire necessary-. Geomancy .Just received .your letter of.—. Geometry .Not. equal .quantities.... Geoponic Everybody. gone .home can’t do .any Georgies thing till to-morrow. Geranium Gerfalcon Germs…
- Contributor: Steinwender, Stoffregen & Co., New York
- Date: 1894