Book/Printed Material A comprehensive and popular history of the United States,
Image 1 of A comprehensive and popular history of the United States, oft«^ UNITED States ^^Sr/t^pf^M LIBRARY OF CONGRESS
- Contributor: Stephens, Alexander H. (Alexander Hamilton)
- Date: 1882
Image 2 of A comprehensive and popular history of the United States, *v./ r^f^y V*^\/ v^^^/ .V^^-/
- Contributor: Stephens, Alexander H. (Alexander Hamilton)
- Date: 1882
Image 3 of A comprehensive and popular history of the United States, y^rmkr. a©^
- Contributor: Stephens, Alexander H. (Alexander Hamilton)
- Date: 1882
Image 4 of A comprehensive and popular history of the United States,
- Contributor: Stephens, Alexander H. (Alexander Hamilton)
- Date: 1882
- Contributor: Stephens, Alexander H. (Alexander Hamilton)
- Date: 1882
Image 6 of A comprehensive and popular history of the United States, EZ 7 r Dedication. O the memory of the Patriot-Fathers, to the Senate of Sages, whose vvisdon conceived, and to the Band of Heroes, on flood and field, whose valo J achieved…
- Contributor: Stephens, Alexander H. (Alexander Hamilton)
- Date: 1882
Image 7 of A comprehensive and popular history of the United States, Introduction T is the purpose of the author of this work to give to the pubHc an enlarged and full history of the United States of America, embracing all important facts connected…
- Contributor: Stephens, Alexander H. (Alexander Hamilton)
- Date: 1882
Image 8 of A comprehensive and popular history of the United States, INTR OD UCTION. termination for its own existence. But man, by nature, is less capa- ble of self-preservation singly, than jointly with others. Mutual pro- tection and mutual interests, there- fore, are…
- Contributor: Stephens, Alexander H. (Alexander Hamilton)
- Date: 1882
Image 9 of A comprehensive and popular history of the United States, CONTENTS OF BOOK I. CHAPTER I. THE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA. (1492— 1506.) The Continent unknown to Europeans until 1492 The Norwegian explorations and settlements Eric, the Red, of Norway Lief, the son…
- Contributor: Stephens, Alexander H. (Alexander Hamilton)
- Date: 1882
Image 10 of A comprehensive and popular history of the United States, COA TEA TS. CHAPTER V. THE SETTLEMENT OF MASSACHUSETTS. (1620 163I.) Plymouth, S:ilem, Dorchester, Lynn, Charlestown, I Watertown, Roxbury, and Boston The Puritans —Rev. John Robinson The Edwin Sandys ^John Carver, first…
- Contributor: Stephens, Alexander H. (Alexander Hamilton)
- Date: 1882
Image 11 of A comprehensive and popular history of the United States, CONTENTS. CHAPTER X. SETTLEMENT OF DELAWARE. (1632— 1690.) The Dutch Van Rensellaer Godyer Bloemart De S.iet De Vries Asset as Governor Misun- derstanding with Indians Extermination of the colony Oxenstiern Gustavus Adolphus…
- Contributor: Stephens, Alexander H. (Alexander Hamilton)
- Date: 1882
Image 12 of A comprehensive and popular history of the United States, COXTE.VTS. CHAPTER XVI. SETTLEMENT OF NORTH CAROLINA. {1663— 1670.) Colony first named by the French in honor of Charles IX., of France Early attempts by Raleigh to make English settlements failures Ralph…
- Contributor: Stephens, Alexander H. (Alexander Hamilton)
- Date: 1882
Image 13 of A comprehensive and popular history of the United States, CONTENTS. Massacre at Pocataligo Colonels Makey and Barnwell, and LieutenantGeneral Moore Aid from Virginia Colonel Maurice Moore, from North Carolina Battle of Combahee Yamassees driven from the colony Take refuge in…
- Contributor: Stephens, Alexander H. (Alexander Hamilton)
- Date: 1882
Image 14 of A comprehensive and popular history of the United States, CONTENTS. CHAPTER XXrV. THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR OF 1 754. (1754-1763.) Causes of the war— Major George Washington bears a letter from General Dinwiddie to the French commandant— Narrow escapes— Fort…
- Contributor: Stephens, Alexander H. (Alexander Hamilton)
- Date: 1882
Image 15 of A comprehensive and popular history of the United States, CONTENTS. for their Independence Maryland s instructions Richard Henry Lee s Resolutions for Confederation and Independence Two committees raised one for Declaration of Independence, and one for Con- federation Declaration in the…
- Contributor: Stephens, Alexander H. (Alexander Hamilton)
- Date: 1882
Image 16 of A comprehensive and popular history of the United States, CONTENTS. CHAPTER III. WAR OF THE REVOLUTION Continued. (1780.) The fall of Charleston General Lincoln and the whole Southern army prisoners of war 19th and 20th of May the dark days Colonel…
- Contributor: Stephens, Alexander H. (Alexander Hamilton)
- Date: 1882
Image 17 of A comprehensive and popular history of the United States, CONTEXTS. New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Caro- lina, and Georgia, with credentials of their dele- gates Rhode Island makes no response The importance of these responses…
- Contributor: Stephens, Alexander H. (Alexander Hamilton)
- Date: 1882
Image 18 of A comprehensive and popular history of the United States, CONTENTS. session of Congress convened President author- ized to call out militia Stamp duties imposed Unpopular with the people Pinckney, Gerry, and Marshall sent special envoys to France The X. Y. Z.…
- Contributor: Stephens, Alexander H. (Alexander Hamilton)
- Date: 1882
Image 19 of A comprehensive and popular history of the United States, CONTENTS. pected from the navy Generals Dearborn, Hull, Van Renssalaer Surrender of Detroit by Hull Lewis Cass— Hull court-martialed and sentenced to be shot His life spared General William Henry Harrison succeeds…
- Contributor: Stephens, Alexander H. (Alexander Hamilton)
- Date: 1882
Image 20 of A comprehensive and popular history of the United States, COXTEATS. Troup, of Georgia, carried out General Jackson nominated for the Presidency by the Legislature of Tennessee— He accepts the nomination, and re- tires from the Senate First session of the Nineteenth…
- Contributor: Stephens, Alexander H. (Alexander Hamilton)
- Date: 1882
Image 21 of A comprehensive and popular history of the United States, CONTENTS. the canvass On second session of Twenty-eighth Congress divers plans for the annexation of Texas Milton Brown s resolution Denton s alternate proposition Brown s adopted Tyler s retirement His administration…
- Contributor: Stephens, Alexander H. (Alexander Hamilton)
- Date: 1882
Image 22 of A comprehensive and popular history of the United States, CONTENTS. 14th and 15th of June Action of the Senate, 17th of June Webster s speech on that day in the Senate Clayton-Bulwer treaty Death of Presi- dent Taylor Accession to the…
- Contributor: Stephens, Alexander H. (Alexander Hamilton)
- Date: 1882
Image 23 of A comprehensive and popular history of the United States, COXTE.VTS. ■Conciliatory message of the President While he denied the right of the State to secede, he also de- nied the power of Congress, under the Constitu- tion, to coerce the withdrawing…
- Contributor: Stephens, Alexander H. (Alexander Hamilton)
- Date: 1882
Image 24 of A comprehensive and popular history of the United States, CONTENTS. by cabinet officers Mr. Seward s remark to Lore! Lyons Seat of Confederate government trans- ferred to Richmond Tfie deatli of Stephen A. Douglas— His last words— Opposed to the policy…
- Contributor: Stephens, Alexander H. (Alexander Hamilton)
- Date: 1882
Image 25 of A comprehensive and popular history of the United States, CONTENTS. —Attack unsuccessful The Confederate war-ships FloriJa and Alabama put to sea from English port 631 CHAPTER XXXII. ADMINISTRATION OF LINCOLN Continued. (1st January, 1863 1st January, 1864.) Third Year of the…
- Contributor: Stephens, Alexander H. (Alexander Hamilton)
- Date: 1882
Image 26 of A comprehensive and popular history of the United States, CONTENTS. Sherman-Johnston Convention Assassination of Lincoln Johnson becomes President Capitu- lation of General Johnston s army Surrender of E. Kirby Smith in Texas, on the 26th of May Mr. Davis arrested Arrest…
- Contributor: Stephens, Alexander H. (Alexander Hamilton)
- Date: 1882
Image 27 of A comprehensive and popular history of the United States, COA TENTS. an ovation Great railroad strikes Nez Perces war Extra session of Congress called for October Senate Republican, House Democratic Randall again chosen Speaker Death of Senator Morton Second session of…
- Contributor: Stephens, Alexander H. (Alexander Hamilton)
- Date: 1882
Image 28 of A comprehensive and popular history of the United States,
- Contributor: Stephens, Alexander H. (Alexander Hamilton)
- Date: 1882
Image 29 of A comprehensive and popular history of the United States, A COMPREHENSIVE AND POPULAR History of the United States. BOOK I.-COLONIAL HISTORY. CHAPTER I. THE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA. (1492—1506-) The Continent unknown to Europeans until 1492 The Norwegian explorations and settlements Eric…
- Contributor: Stephens, Alexander H. (Alexander Hamilton)
- Date: 1882
Image 30 of A comprehensive and popular history of the United States, niSTOKY OF THE UNITED S7\-iTES— COLONIAL. (Slateland), supposed to be what is now known as Newfoundland, and advanced further southward as far as the coast of the present States of Massachusetts and…
- Contributor: Stephens, Alexander H. (Alexander Hamilton)
- Date: 1882
Image 31 of A comprehensive and popular history of the United States, DISCOVERY OF AMERICA. stronomy, geography, and naviga- tion. At an early age, he evinced a natural taste and a strong desire for a seafaring life. In 1470 he went to Portugal, spending…
- Contributor: Stephens, Alexander H. (Alexander Hamilton)
- Date: 1882
Image 32 of A comprehensive and popular history of the United States, HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES— COLONIAL. He was received with distinguished con- sideration, and a favorable answer was given to his application. The terms upon which Ferdinand and Isabella agreed to assist…
- Contributor: Stephens, Alexander H. (Alexander Hamilton)
- Date: 1882
Image 33 of A comprehensive and popular history of the United States, DISCOVERY OF AMERICA. 21 saw a light moving as if borne in the hand of some person, which he considered as evidence not only of the nearness of land but also that…
- Contributor: Stephens, Alexander H. (Alexander Hamilton)
- Date: 1882
Image 34 of A comprehensive and popular history of the United States,
- Contributor: Stephens, Alexander H. (Alexander Hamilton)
- Date: 1882
Image 35 of A comprehensive and popular history of the United States, DISCOVERY OF AMERICA. brother, Bartholomew, governor thereof. All these newly discovered islands he considered a part of India, and hence the name given to them was that of West Indies, and the…
- Contributor: Stephens, Alexander H. (Alexander Hamilton)
- Date: 1882
Image 36 of A comprehensive and popular history of the United States, 24 HISTORY OF THE UXITED STATES— COLOA IAL. that there is not an inch of ground un- cultivated. The city of Mexico, which was the capital, exceeded Cholula in size, in population,…
- Contributor: Stephens, Alexander H. (Alexander Hamilton)
- Date: 1882
Image 37 of A comprehensive and popular history of the United States,
- Contributor: Stephens, Alexander H. (Alexander Hamilton)
- Date: 1882
Image 38 of A comprehensive and popular history of the United States,
- Contributor: Stephens, Alexander H. (Alexander Hamilton)
- Date: 1882
Image 39 of A comprehensive and popular history of the United States,
- Contributor: Stephens, Alexander H. (Alexander Hamilton)
- Date: 1882
Image 40 of A comprehensive and popular history of the United States,
- Contributor: Stephens, Alexander H. (Alexander Hamilton)
- Date: 1882