Book/Printed Material The constitutionalist government confronted with the sanitary and educational problems of Mexico. Addressed delivered by Alberto J. Pani to the members of the American Academy of Political and Social Science and of the Pennsylvania Arbitration and Peace Society in ... Philadelphia ... on November 10th, 1916. Copy 2
Image 3 of Copy 2 The Constitutionalist Government Confronted with the Sanitary and Educational Problems of Mexico Address Delivered by ALBERTO J. PANI, C. E. to the members of the American Academy of Political and Social Science…
- Contributor: Pani, Alberto J.
- Date: 1916
Image 4 of Copy 2 Does Mexico Interest You? Then you should read the following pamphlets: What the Catholic Church Has Done for Mexico, by Doctor Paganel J $0.10 The Agrarian Law of Yucatan The Labor Law…
- Contributor: Pani, Alberto J.
- Date: 1916
Image 5 of Copy 2 THE CONSTITUTIONALIST GOVERNMENT CONFRONT- ED WITH THE SANITARY AND EDUCATIONAL PRORLEMS OF MEXICO. Mr. Chairman: Members of the Academy and of the Pennsylvania Arbitra- tion and Peace Society: Ladies and Gentlemen During…
- Contributor: Pani, Alberto J.
- Date: 1916
Image 6 of Copy 2 But it is inconceivable to try to make the present Govern- ment responsible for the transgressions of its predecessors. The Revolution itself is a natural consequence of these faults. Former Governments who…
- Contributor: Pani, Alberto J.
- Date: 1916
Image 7 of Copy 2 clusively to works to gratify the love of ostentation or speculation. Seldom were they devoted to the true needs of the country. There were erected magnificent build- ings. To build the National…
- Contributor: Pani, Alberto J.
- Date: 1916
Image 8 of Copy 2 in showy manifestations of a progress purely material and ficticious, within the inevitable train of vice and corrup- tion. The ostentatious pageant the most shameless lie with which it has ever been…
- Contributor: Pani, Alberto J.
- Date: 1916
Image 9 of Copy 2 in ignorance and hunger. Therefore, the thirty or more years of praetorian peace, but served to deepen still further the secular chasm of hatred and rancor separating the two classes mentioned, and…
- Contributor: Pani, Alberto J.
- Date: 1916
Image 10 of Copy 2 greater than it was before the Revolution: in son: 015 991 300 4 it has been doubled. Besides there have been effected im- portant works of city improvement in Mexico, Saltillo, Queretaro,…
- Contributor: Pani, Alberto J.
- Date: 1916
Image 11 of Copy 2
- Contributor: Pani, Alberto J.
- Date: 1916