Book/Printed Material Cuban independence.
- Contributor: Greene, William L.
- Date: 1898
Image 4 of Cuban independence. J i -si SPEECH OF HON. WILLIAM L. GREENE. The House Leing in Committee of tlio Whole on the state of the Union, and having under consideration the bill (S. 924) to…
- Contributor: Greene, William L.
- Date: 1898
Image 5 of Cuban independence. have no riglit to call in qnestion the patriotism of this side or that side of the Chamber, and I conscientiously believe that there is as much genuine love of America and…
- Contributor: Greene, William L.
- Date: 1898
Image 6 of Cuban independence. I am not here to criticise it cr review it in a partisan spirit. A large part of it is patriotic and statesmanlike and will receive the approval of the American people;…
- Contributor: Greene, William L.
- Date: 1898
Image 7 of Cuban independence. 6 is not a declaration of war. I want to ask this House, if we do intervene and Spain should elect not to treat our intervention as a. cause for her making…
- Contributor: Greene, William L.
- Date: 1898
Image 8 of Cuban independence. effect of it? How would you feel confronting your constit ients when you voted to make such a condition of affairs possible? Ah, but, say gome gentlemen, I am not in favor…
- Contributor: Greene, William L.
- Date: 1898
Image 9 of Cuban independence. 8 I want your careful attention just here. If Spain is a friendly power and we admit her to he when we intervene and say we have no cause for war; we…
- Contributor: Greene, William L.
- Date: 1898
Image 10 of Cuban independence. 9 tory ourselves or take it and turn it over to somebody else. Here lies the danger, and I shall miss my guess if this thing does not rise tip to plague…
- Contributor: Greene, William L.
- Date: 1898
Image 11 of Cuban independence. 10 the people vote in the towns and cities and conntry. The Cuban people throughout the rural districts know nothing about popular government. The bondholders of Spain will be at that election…
- Contributor: Greene, William L.
- Date: 1898
Image 12 of Cuban independence. 11 war is granted to Congress. I have very grave doubts whether we can delegate that granted power if we wanted to do so. 1 am willing to assert my fixed belief…
- Contributor: Greene, William L.
- Date: 1898
Image 13 of Cuban independence. 12 Mr. GREENE. I am coming to that point. The way to stop it, and the only safe way, in my judgment, is, in the first place, to acknowledge the independence of…
- Contributor: Greene, William L.
- Date: 1898
Image 14 of Cuban independence. 13 a great deal said in this country about repudiation and repu- diationists. I heard a great deal said ahout men wanting to scale down the debts of the country, and you…
- Contributor: Greene, William L.
- Date: 1898
Image 15 of Cuban independence. 14 that lamentable autl fatal night of February 15 last we have had just and proper cause for war with that Government. Turn your eyes to the harbor of Havana, and behold…
- Contributor: Greene, William L.
- Date: 1898
Image 16 of Cuban independence. 15 ciless action of the Spanish Government. [Applause.] Call it therefore what j-ou will. The American people will respond to the cause of justice and right. The American people are ready to…
- Contributor: Greene, William L.
- Date: 1898
Image 17 of Cuban independence. LIBKHKY Ul- CUNUKtbb 013 902 137 P I. f
- Contributor: Greene, William L.
- Date: 1898