Book/Printed Material Dedication of Fort Meigs monument, September 1, 1908. Together with brief description of the two sieges of Fort Meigs in 1813.
Image 1 of Dedication of Fort Meigs monument, September 1, 1908. Together with brief description of …
- Contributor: Evers, C. W. (Charles W.)
- Date: 1908
Image 2 of Dedication of Fort Meigs monument, September 1, 1908. Together with brief description of … o ^0^ V
- Contributor: Evers, C. W. (Charles W.)
- Date: 1908
Image 3 of Dedication of Fort Meigs monument, September 1, 1908. Together with brief description of … •fW-y^/--^- V V w. aV *1 Ov. O i V ^bv^ V .i°- ^K^* .4°-^ -1^^! JP--*.. «?;:^isr-- ^1 V*^^ o#. aO- ^0^ ~1 t .,__. .__. ._J q, *.T
- Contributor: Evers, C. W. (Charles W.)
- Date: 1908
Image 4 of Dedication of Fort Meigs monument, September 1, 1908. Together with brief description of …
- Contributor: Evers, C. W. (Charles W.)
- Date: 1908
Image 5 of Dedication of Fort Meigs monument, September 1, 1908. Together with brief description of … FORT MEIGS MONUMENT. Comp It m e n ts of THE MAUfvlEE VAU.EY PIONEEff AND Historical a-^^
- Contributor: Evers, C. W. (Charles W.)
- Date: 1908
Image 6 of Dedication of Fort Meigs monument, September 1, 1908. Together with brief description of …
- Contributor: Evers, C. W. (Charles W.)
- Date: 1908
Image 7 of Dedication of Fort Meigs monument, September 1, 1908. Together with brief description of … DEDICATION OF FORT MEIGS MONUMENT SEPTEMBER 1, 1908. Description of the Monument What It Commemorates Historic Spots to be Seen from the Shaft Treaty of 1817 The Elm Dudley s Disaster- Fort…
- Contributor: Evers, C. W. (Charles W.)
- Date: 1908
Image 8 of Dedication of Fort Meigs monument, September 1, 1908. Together with brief description of … Ci^h. ^^r
- Contributor: Evers, C. W. (Charles W.)
- Date: 1908
Image 9 of Dedication of Fort Meigs monument, September 1, 1908. Together with brief description of … FORT MEIGS AND ITS ENVIRONS. ICxiiIiiiiatiou.s: a, grand battery, commantled by Captain Daniel Gush- ing; b, mo tai battery; e, i, o, minor batteries; g, battery commanded at the second siege by…
- Contributor: Evers, C. W. (Charles W.)
- Date: 1908
Image 10 of Dedication of Fort Meigs monument, September 1, 1908. Together with brief description of … 0: UJ s o t* iX) ■r h rCfQ ^Gt NOrt rt 1 Ora S to O (D 0) 1 2 §S«H c Soh.s 11 3 c^rta) o I mS^ I a~…
- Contributor: Evers, C. W. (Charles W.)
- Date: 1908
Image 11 of Dedication of Fort Meigs monument, September 1, 1908. Together with brief description of … INTRODUCTORY. Yes Stranger, I would like to get a bit of information nboiit tliis monument; why it was placed here; what events it commemorates and such other details of the historic sur-…
- Contributor: Evers, C. W. (Charles W.)
- Date: 1908
Image 12 of Dedication of Fort Meigs monument, September 1, 1908. Together with brief description of … Bi itisli siil)j( t, was full of wrath and angoi-. TTo raved and liiaii(lisli( (l his toiiialiawk over Gen. Cass, who ordered him taken oiil. whicli was done by several othei Indians.…
- Contributor: Evers, C. W. (Charles W.)
- Date: 1908
Image 13 of Dedication of Fort Meigs monument, September 1, 1908. Together with brief description of … and some fatal casualties. Some, bolder than others, climb- ed into the tree tops at a distance and fired into the fort at random. It was told at the time tliat one…
- Contributor: Evers, C. W. (Charles W.)
- Date: 1908
Image 14 of Dedication of Fort Meigs monument, September 1, 1908. Together with brief description of … 8 haiik is the site wliere tlie Britisli batteries wei e i)laeed aud which Colonel Dudley failed to destroy. THE OLD COURT HOUSE. P^iirther to the right across the river is tlie…
- Contributor: Evers, C. W. (Charles W.)
- Date: 1908
Image 15 of Dedication of Fort Meigs monument, September 1, 1908. Together with brief description of … than fifty years ago. Between tlie east end oi tlie fort and the Hayes brick house, np the sloping- hill, on a little grassy platean, is the Kentucky burial gi oiuid. Tliere…
- Contributor: Evers, C. W. (Charles W.)
- Date: 1908
Image 16 of Dedication of Fort Meigs monument, September 1, 1908. Together with brief description of … 10 of Cong-ross in tlie year 1817. Major Spafford was also postmaster when tlie war of 1812 broke up the settlement, lie was the tirst to liold civil office in the whole…
- Contributor: Evers, C. W. (Charles W.)
- Date: 1908
Image 17 of Dedication of Fort Meigs monument, September 1, 1908. Together with brief description of … 11 Tlio second sicoo lK\i;;ni .Inly 2(1, ISl, and lasted five days. Most of the army supjtlies were l)i-oii ^iit to the fort on i)aek liorses, l)eeaiise of the had i-oads. Tlie…
- Contributor: Evers, C. W. (Charles W.)
- Date: 1908
Image 18 of Dedication of Fort Meigs monument, September 1, 1908. Together with brief description of … 12 THE MONUMENT AND ITS HISTORY. The iiionuiiH iit. a modest, well iJi-oportioncd, plain, granite slial t Si* feet liigli, is symbolie of the patriotic spirit of the peoph of today and…
- Contributor: Evers, C. W. (Charles W.)
- Date: 1908
Image 19 of Dedication of Fort Meigs monument, September 1, 1908. Together with brief description of … 13 etc.; also a cottage for the care U\kcv of tlic property, if tlie commission deem it advisable. Governor Harris appointed as merabei s of this per- inaneiit comiuissioii for the first…
- Contributor: Evers, C. W. (Charles W.)
- Date: 1908
Image 20 of Dedication of Fort Meigs monument, September 1, 1908. Together with brief description of … 14 t lKM and |)uf foi lli tlicii l)( s1 ITorts in tliis work, at pe- cuniary loss and ol tcn under llic luosi disc()urai» ini circiun- stanccs. And now. thai tiu…
- Contributor: Evers, C. W. (Charles W.)
- Date: 1908
Image 21 of Dedication of Fort Meigs monument, September 1, 1908. Together with brief description of … 15 services), ])iit to aid in every way ])ossil»le to preserve and mark the liistorie spots in tlie Manniee N .-illcy and to mark the Imrial places of tlie soldiers who laid…
- Contributor: Evers, C. W. (Charles W.)
- Date: 1908
Image 22 of Dedication of Fort Meigs monument, September 1, 1908. Together with brief description of … 16 they veered a little to tlie west, striking tlie ridge on the west side of the Perrysburg- road nearly two miles north of liowliiig (ii-oen. That ridge, near what was then…
- Contributor: Evers, C. W. (Charles W.)
- Date: 1908
Image 23 of Dedication of Fort Meigs monument, September 1, 1908. Together with brief description of …
- Contributor: Evers, C. W. (Charles W.)
- Date: 1908
Image 24 of Dedication of Fort Meigs monument, September 1, 1908. Together with brief description of … 18 I.nrwill s excellent profile of the fort as recently published ill llie Toledo Blade? Mr. Foster Pratt, for more than 80 years a resident loss than three miles distant from the…
- Contributor: Evers, C. W. (Charles W.)
- Date: 1908
Image 25 of Dedication of Fort Meigs monument, September 1, 1908. Together with brief description of … I 1^ cause of lieavv roads and Waterloo was lost. These notes on roads will aid in making more intelligent the campaign of 1813, in whicli the fate of Fort Meigs and…
- Contributor: Evers, C. W. (Charles W.)
- Date: 1908
Image 26 of Dedication of Fort Meigs monument, September 1, 1908. Together with brief description of … 20 liis previous good record, i)ardoiied, dismissed from tke army and died in merited obscurity. That practically ended the campaign of 1812, as the Northwest was affected. Fort Dearborn and Mackinaw fell…
- Contributor: Evers, C. W. (Charles W.)
- Date: 1908
Image 27 of Dedication of Fort Meigs monument, September 1, 1908. Together with brief description of … 21 caiHo and lold us Hull had sold liis army to tlie Englisli and that we would all have to leave. Then all was fright and confusion. We, and most of the…
- Contributor: Evers, C. W. (Charles W.)
- Date: 1908
Image 28 of Dedication of Fort Meigs monument, September 1, 1908. Together with brief description of … 22 and a band of Indians, came to take possession of what i)ul)- lic stores there were at that place. The Indians plundered a few lioiises, took all the horses and mules…
- Contributor: Evers, C. W. (Charles W.)
- Date: 1908
Image 29 of Dedication of Fort Meigs monument, September 1, 1908. Together with brief description of … 23 STORY OF FORT MEIGS. FKOM AN EYE WITNESS. Brevet Jjieut. -Colonel Eleazer D. Wood, Captain of tlie Corps of Engineers, U. hi. Army, and in honor of whom Wood county was…
- Contributor: Evers, C. W. (Charles W.)
- Date: 1908
Image 30 of Dedication of Fort Meigs monument, September 1, 1908. Together with brief description of … 24 t mu tliau iu tlio snimner or middle of winter nrtcr its waters are sunieieiitly frozen to bear the travelei I lie Kapids of llie Maiiiiiee are a])()Ht IS miles from…
- Contributor: Evers, C. W. (Charles W.)
- Date: 1908
Image 31 of Dedication of Fort Meigs monument, September 1, 1908. Together with brief description of … 25 on a beantifnl ridge iioar llic foot of the Rai)i(ls, on tlic riolij hank of the river and a))ont 150 yai ds distant from it. The eamp was situated about two…
- Contributor: Evers, C. W. (Charles W.)
- Date: 1908
Image 32 of Dedication of Fort Meigs monument, September 1, 1908. Together with brief description of … 26 about tlie caiiiii, and all tliis was done, too, when the weather was intense! severe, and the ground so hard frozen, that it required the most strenuous labor to open it…
- Contributor: Evers, C. W. (Charles W.)
- Date: 1908
Image 33 of Dedication of Fort Meigs monument, September 1, 1908. Together with brief description of … 27 batteries niul luountiug- tlic 2,iins lo cannonade iiiid lK)iiil ar l the camp and tliat in a very lew lioiirs after the batteries were opened upon the Aniei icans, tliey would…
- Contributor: Evers, C. W. (Charles W.)
- Date: 1908
Image 34 of Dedication of Fort Meigs monument, September 1, 1908. Together with brief description of … 28 der eoiiimand of Goiieral Proctor, ai i-ivod at tlio montli and landed on the left sliore of the Maiimee, and instantly a party of Indians was thrown across the river to…
- Contributor: Evers, C. W. (Charles W.)
- Date: 1908
Image 35 of Dedication of Fort Meigs monument, September 1, 1908. Together with brief description of … 29 woiiiidcd, iiotwitlislaiidiiig, and rcudci-cd iiicapaWlc of duty for SOUR tiuie. After the first da\ s lalior in the ireuclics, one lliii d of tlie troo])S only were kept iu tlieui eoustautly,…
- Contributor: Evers, C. W. (Charles W.)
- Date: 1908
Image 36 of Dedication of Fort Meigs monument, September 1, 1908. Together with brief description of … 30 )ii the second at dawn, the cannonade commenced again willi ^rcat \i, ;oi-, and the batteries continued to play with nuicli l)riskness tliroiigli the day, and with about the same eifect…
- Contributor: Evers, C. W. (Charles W.)
- Date: 1908
Image 37 of Dedication of Fort Meigs monument, September 1, 1908. Together with brief description of … 31 1,200 militia. General Harrison tlieii planned to Iiavc tlie Itattei ies across tlie river stormed, the i;nns si)iked and the magazine destroyed. Colonel Dudley was j ni-nished with spikes for the…
- Contributor: Evers, C. W. (Charles W.)
- Date: 1908
Image 38 of Dedication of Fort Meigs monument, September 1, 1908. Together with brief description of … 32 oils iiunmci (Ntloiicl Dudley was found on the field scalped, Ills Idcast cut i)( ii and his heart taken ont. Such was the result of a disolx dience of orders. hile…
- Contributor: Evers, C. W. (Charles W.)
- Date: 1908
Image 39 of Dedication of Fort Meigs monument, September 1, 1908. Together with brief description of … Gen. Wm. H. Harrison.
- Contributor: Evers, C. W. (Charles W.)
- Date: 1908
Image 40 of Dedication of Fort Meigs monument, September 1, 1908. Together with brief description of … 34 to restore the army to liealtli and vigor. The block-houses about the lines were cleared of guns and scores and were converted into temporary hospitals. Tents were pitched with arbors about…
- Contributor: Evers, C. W. (Charles W.)
- Date: 1908