Book/Printed Material Defence of the character of Thomas Jefferson, against a writer in the New-York review and quarterly church journal.
Image 1 of Defence of the character of Thomas Jefferson, against a writer in the New-York … Hi 1 ■m \\MMM mmwmmum Hi!i!i;iK;;,;;;i;!i:j LIBRARY OF CONGRESS DODDSOaEDSS
- Contributor: Tucker, George - A Virginian
- Date: 1838
Image 2 of Defence of the character of Thomas Jefferson, against a writer in the New-York … ^^-n^.. i q e^^^t^^**^ O o .0^
- Contributor: Tucker, George - A Virginian
- Date: 1838
Image 3 of Defence of the character of Thomas Jefferson, against a writer in the New-York …
- Contributor: Tucker, George - A Virginian
- Date: 1838
Image 4 of Defence of the character of Thomas Jefferson, against a writer in the New-York …
- Contributor: Tucker, George - A Virginian
- Date: 1838
Image 5 of Defence of the character of Thomas Jefferson, against a writer in the New-York … ^CHARACTER OF THOMAS JEFFERSON. In the work below alluded to, will be found a review of a peculiar character, to say the least of it, upon the re- cently published Biography of…
- Contributor: Tucker, George - A Virginian
- Date: 1838
Image 6 of Defence of the character of Thomas Jefferson, against a writer in the New-York … medium through which oue and the other are submitted to the pubHc. The imagination of a man, hke the present writer, im- pressed with a profound sense of the solemnity and purity…
- Contributor: Tucker, George - A Virginian
- Date: 1838
Image 7 of Defence of the character of Thomas Jefferson, against a writer in the New-York … oiiiy regard the ciiaracter of the pubhshed opinions upon the subjects of ethics and Christianity. These would be the products of mature thought, and thrown upon the world for consideration. They would…
- Contributor: Tucker, George - A Virginian
- Date: 1838
Image 8 of Defence of the character of Thomas Jefferson, against a writer in the New-York … 8 earned laurels to decorate him whose life was under con- sideration, leave no effort unmade which the odium Iheo- logicum could suggest, or critical acumen devise, to destroy his hold upon…
- Contributor: Tucker, George - A Virginian
- Date: 1838
Image 9 of Defence of the character of Thomas Jefferson, against a writer in the New-York … are consecrate When the feelino^s, and thoughts, and dispositions, with which they are expected by their great Master to wahc through hfe, in the performance of their vocation When will they feel…
- Contributor: Tucker, George - A Virginian
- Date: 1838
Image 10 of Defence of the character of Thomas Jefferson, against a writer in the New-York … 10 feelings of unutterable solemnity, whenever the subject of religion is mentioned in our presence. Its consolations are necessary to us all, at some period of our lives. Whether in the palace,…
- Contributor: Tucker, George - A Virginian
- Date: 1838
Image 11 of Defence of the character of Thomas Jefferson, against a writer in the New-York … 11 disciple of Odin, or Manitou. Fighting under the cross of our Saviour, he has manifested a spirit better becoming the crescent of the Mussuhxian. Cold- blooded irony, and cutting taunt, not…
- Contributor: Tucker, George - A Virginian
- Date: 1838
Image 12 of Defence of the character of Thomas Jefferson, against a writer in the New-York … 12 side by side with Lord North,* around the funeral pyre of Ridley, Latimer, and Hawkes.t He would have applied the torch with an iron pulse, and composed an admirable hymn in…
- Contributor: Tucker, George - A Virginian
- Date: 1838
Image 13 of Defence of the character of Thomas Jefferson, against a writer in the New-York … 13 attachment of his friends, and the bitterest liostility of his enemies. George Washington himself, we beg leave, in opposition to our political divine, to say, constituted no exception to this fate…
- Contributor: Tucker, George - A Virginian
- Date: 1838
Image 14 of Defence of the character of Thomas Jefferson, against a writer in the New-York … 14 unaccustomed armor arma din desiieta humeris*) after having enlarged and dwelt upon the question until it assumes a portentous importance in the eyes of the reader after comparing the fate of…
- Contributor: Tucker, George - A Virginian
- Date: 1838
Image 15 of Defence of the character of Thomas Jefferson, against a writer in the New-York … 15 Jefferson with the latter crime, that he deems of no mo- ment his biographer s assertion, that his letters npon this subject were pubHshed contrary to his wishes. Now, we are…
- Contributor: Tucker, George - A Virginian
- Date: 1838
Image 16 of Defence of the character of Thomas Jefferson, against a writer in the New-York … 16 tori and others but his outward observance of the Sab- bath, and his occasional appearance at the church of Mr. Hatch, in the adjoining village of CharlottesviJle, were very far from…
- Contributor: Tucker, George - A Virginian
- Date: 1838
Image 17 of Defence of the character of Thomas Jefferson, against a writer in the New-York … 17 parts may not correspond. But it is of little moment to the holy writer, who, only recollecting the license accorded the poet and the painter, quite forgets the limit which the…
- Contributor: Tucker, George - A Virginian
- Date: 1838
Image 18 of Defence of the character of Thomas Jefferson, against a writer in the New-York … 18 the Unitarian s creed, or that knowing it, he has wilfully misrepresented it. The materialism which Mr. Jefferson professed, it is not difficult to get at. It is the materialism of…
- Contributor: Tucker, George - A Virginian
- Date: 1838
Image 19 of Defence of the character of Thomas Jefferson, against a writer in the New-York … 19 reverend gentleman is, of their precise doctrines, would it not have been more charitable, and equcdly reasonable, to suppose, that in the solitude of old age, he had changed his opinions,…
- Contributor: Tucker, George - A Virginian
- Date: 1838
Image 20 of Defence of the character of Thomas Jefferson, against a writer in the New-York … 20 iliator safe from the world s indignant expression of repro- bation p. 15. What a compHcation of atrocities is here attributed in a single paragraph, to a public benefactor, now in…
- Contributor: Tucker, George - A Virginian
- Date: 1838
Image 21 of Defence of the character of Thomas Jefferson, against a writer in the New-York … 21 atrocious The world has ever admired the lago of Shakspeare, and thought nature could no farther go but the revenge of the Lieutenant is tame when compared with this of the…
- Contributor: Tucker, George - A Virginian
- Date: 1838
Image 22 of Defence of the character of Thomas Jefferson, against a writer in the New-York … 22 gentleman which more clearly show the spirit with which he was actuated toward the memory of Mr. Jefferson, and with which he sat down to write the article upon his life.…
- Contributor: Tucker, George - A Virginian
- Date: 1838
Image 23 of Defence of the character of Thomas Jefferson, against a writer in the New-York … 23 of Dr. Rush, and others. How absurd is all this What responsibility is there in making an explicit declaration which is only to see the light when the author of it…
- Contributor: Tucker, George - A Virginian
- Date: 1838
Image 24 of Defence of the character of Thomas Jefferson, against a writer in the New-York … 24 testimony of Asa Clarke and Gouvemenr Morris. Had they, on the other hand, been such as would have confirmed it notwithstanding the pious gentleman thinks a noble frankness should have prompted…
- Contributor: Tucker, George - A Virginian
- Date: 1838
Image 25 of Defence of the character of Thomas Jefferson, against a writer in the New-York … 25 and indifferent as a faithful chronicler whether it was re- ceived or not, he did not hesitate to express his opinion of the character of the witnesses by w^hich it was…
- Contributor: Tucker, George - A Virginian
- Date: 1838
Image 26 of Defence of the character of Thomas Jefferson, against a writer in the New-York … 26 one syllable is to be found upon the matter. Never in the appointment of professors, was any inquiry made, that we have known, in allusion to their peculiar principles of reli-…
- Contributor: Tucker, George - A Virginian
- Date: 1838
Image 27 of Defence of the character of Thomas Jefferson, against a writer in the New-York … 27 solution of the whole matter, and at the same time the extent of Mr. Jefferson s criminahty upon this subject, will be found in the simple fact, that, from an unwilhngness…
- Contributor: Tucker, George - A Virginian
- Date: 1838
Image 28 of Defence of the character of Thomas Jefferson, against a writer in the New-York … 28 argument can be drawn against the existence of a moral sense from the different estimation of the same act in dif- ferent societies, and represent it as containing a full expo-…
- Contributor: Tucker, George - A Virginian
- Date: 1838
Image 29 of Defence of the character of Thomas Jefferson, against a writer in the New-York … 29 doffs his surplice, and puts on the civil dress of the politi- cian. Here we greet him in a new character, and see his genius under a ditFerent phasis. Here we…
- Contributor: Tucker, George - A Virginian
- Date: 1838
Image 30 of Defence of the character of Thomas Jefferson, against a writer in the New-York … 30 men, will only expose his own simplicity. I had endea- vored, says Mr. Jefferson, to compose an administration whose talent, integrity, names, and dispositions, should at once inspire unbounded confidence in…
- Contributor: Tucker, George - A Virginian
- Date: 1838
Image 31 of Defence of the character of Thomas Jefferson, against a writer in the New-York … 31 he would use his talents for the public good. In the Ana however, we find this observation respecting Colonel Burr 1 had never seen Colonel Burr till he came as a…
- Contributor: Tucker, George - A Virginian
- Date: 1838
Image 32 of Defence of the character of Thomas Jefferson, against a writer in the New-York … 32 there is no necessary incompatibility. We are very far from vindicating the too common crime of desertion of party for the sake of office, but certainly the mere fact is not…
- Contributor: Tucker, George - A Virginian
- Date: 1838
Image 33 of Defence of the character of Thomas Jefferson, against a writer in the New-York … 33 should not have touched the question of courage at all, but for the fact that his biographer repelled the charge of cowardice by the production of what he considered equivocal proof…
- Contributor: Tucker, George - A Virginian
- Date: 1838
Image 34 of Defence of the character of Thomas Jefferson, against a writer in the New-York … 34 of friendship, would be perhaps a coward. But a gentle- man who consults a friend in whom he has confidencCj and is by that friend persuaded that the cause does not…
- Contributor: Tucker, George - A Virginian
- Date: 1838
Image 35 of Defence of the character of Thomas Jefferson, against a writer in the New-York … 35 Livy, who kept back the embattled hosts of Porsena with his single arm, encountered them, he will recollect, upon a bridge, and thus fought to immense advantage. Now there is no…
- Contributor: Tucker, George - A Virginian
- Date: 1838
Image 36 of Defence of the character of Thomas Jefferson, against a writer in the New-York … 36 not likely will be much impaired by the criticisms of the Church Journal clergyman. We shall, for the same rea- son, pass over the remarks upon many of Mr. Jefferson s…
- Contributor: Tucker, George - A Virginian
- Date: 1838
Image 37 of Defence of the character of Thomas Jefferson, against a writer in the New-York … 37 ing of his days, of being publicly branded as a liar, rather than admit a plagiarism of four ordinary phrases in one of his political productions The first of the expressions…
- Contributor: Tucker, George - A Virginian
- Date: 1838
Image 38 of Defence of the character of Thomas Jefferson, against a writer in the New-York … 38 We pledge to each other our Uves, our fortunes, and our sacred honor/ is the last of the celebrated duplicate sentences. It is well enough, but is it not such an…
- Contributor: Tucker, George - A Virginian
- Date: 1838
Image 39 of Defence of the character of Thomas Jefferson, against a writer in the New-York … 39 with the most triumphant satisfaction of having know- ingly uttered an infamous falsehood. This view of the subject is conclusive to us, and renders it unnecessary to examine the evidence upon…
- Contributor: Tucker, George - A Virginian
- Date: 1838
Image 40 of Defence of the character of Thomas Jefferson, against a writer in the New-York … 4U dependence, we should have thought one vjord said, one word too much. His fame in this particular is as little likely to be affected by conviction of having borrowed the four…
- Contributor: Tucker, George - A Virginian
- Date: 1838