Book/Printed Material A description of Louisiana,
Image 1 of A description of Louisiana,
- Contributor: Shea, John Gilmary - Hennepin, Louis
- Date: 1880
Image 2 of A description of Louisiana, Class F V hZ Ronk W^^.
- Contributor: Shea, John Gilmary - Hennepin, Louis
- Date: 1880
Image 3 of A description of Louisiana,
- Contributor: Shea, John Gilmary - Hennepin, Louis
- Date: 1880
Image 4 of A description of Louisiana,
- Contributor: Shea, John Gilmary - Hennepin, Louis
- Date: 1880
Image 5 of A description of Louisiana,
- Contributor: Shea, John Gilmary - Hennepin, Louis
- Date: 1880
Image 6 of A description of Louisiana,
- Contributor: Shea, John Gilmary - Hennepin, Louis
- Date: 1880
Image 7 of A description of Louisiana,
- Contributor: Shea, John Gilmary - Hennepin, Louis
- Date: 1880
Image 8 of A description of Louisiana,
- Contributor: Shea, John Gilmary - Hennepin, Louis
- Date: 1880
- Contributor: Shea, John Gilmary - Hennepin, Louis
- Date: 1880
Image 10 of A description of Louisiana, COPYRIGHT iSSo, JOHN GILMARY CHEA. f^^ ^L .H ^4
- Contributor: Shea, John Gilmary - Hennepin, Louis
- Date: 1880
Image 11 of A description of Louisiana, Rt. Rev. JOHN IRELAND, D.D., J. FLETCHER WILLIAMS, ruEsniEN r anp secretary of the Minnesota historical gociety, t;ii3 workdje to their friendly compulsion is now dedicated.
- Contributor: Shea, John Gilmary - Hennepin, Louis
- Date: 1880
Image 12 of A description of Louisiana,
- Contributor: Shea, John Gilmary - Hennepin, Louis
- Date: 1880
Image 13 of A description of Louisiana, PREFACE. The work of Father Louis Hennepin here given is the most graphic account of La Salle s course of exploration as far as Illinois, and the only detailed narrative of Hennepin…
- Contributor: Shea, John Gilmary - Hennepin, Louis
- Date: 1880
Image 14 of A description of Louisiana, 6 Pi^EFACE. To bring together in English matter scattered in various volumes bearing on the questions in regard to Hennepin, I have added the account of the pretended voyage down the Mississippi…
- Contributor: Shea, John Gilmary - Hennepin, Louis
- Date: 1880
Image 15 of A description of Louisiana, CONTENTS- Notice on Father Louis Hennepin, g On the authenticity of Father Hennepin s works, 31 Hennepin s Description of Louisiana 41 Dedication to Louis XIV, 4-1 Royal Privilege, 48 La Salle…
- Contributor: Shea, John Gilmary - Hennepin, Louis
- Date: 1880
Image 16 of A description of Louisiana, 8 CONTENTS. Reach the Mississippi, 104 Account of the upper Mississippi, 196 Capture by Sioux, 205 Reaches and names Falls of St. Antnony, 220 Found by Du Lhut, 253 Return by way…
- Contributor: Shea, John Gilmary - Hennepin, Louis
- Date: 1880
Image 17 of A description of Louisiana, NOTICE OF FATHER LOUIS HENNEPIN, Recollect Missionary. Father Louis Hennepin was the first popular writer on the French in America. Champlain, Lescarbot, the Jesuits in their Relations had written indeed but their…
- Contributor: Shea, John Gilmary - Hennepin, Louis
- Date: 1880
Image 18 of A description of Louisiana, to SKETCH OP rule of pure strict virtue. With this view, says he, I entered the order of Saint Francis, in order to spend my days there in a life of austerity.…
- Contributor: Shea, John Gilmary - Hennepin, Louis
- Date: 1880
Image 19 of A description of Louisiana, HENNEPIN. 11 Flemish. But I was urged by several of my Amsterdam friends to go to the East Indies, and my natural inclination to travel, supporting their entreaties, shook my resolution greatly,…
- Contributor: Shea, John Gilmary - Hennepin, Louis
- Date: 1880
Image 20 of A description of Louisiana, 1 2 SKETCH OF to Artois, and was thence sent to Calais, during the season for salting herrings. In this place my strongest passion was to listen to the stories which sea…
- Contributor: Shea, John Gilmary - Hennepin, Louis
- Date: 1880
Image 21 of A description of Louisiana, HENNEPIN. 13 of the cities of Holland, and at last halted at Maestricht, where I remained about eight months. There I administered the sacraments to more than three thousand wounded. While there…
- Contributor: Shea, John Gilmary - Hennepin, Louis
- Date: 1880
Image 22 of A description of Louisiana, F4 SKETCH OF self in a condition to satisfy my first inclina- tions. Canada had become for a second time a field of labor for the Recollect missionaries. The Count de Frontenac,…
- Contributor: Shea, John Gilmary - Hennepin, Louis
- Date: 1880
Image 23 of A description of Louisiana, HENNEPIN. 15 I discharged the duties of parish priest two leagues from that city, because I had been requested to do so by the pastor of theplace who was absent. At last,…
- Contributor: Shea, John Gilmary - Hennepin, Louis
- Date: 1880
Image 24 of A description of Louisiana, l6 SKETCH OF The name of the vessel is not given nor the date of sailing.* Hennepin speaks of the perils of the voyage, engagements in the Turkish vessels from Tunis and…
- Contributor: Shea, John Gilmary - Hennepin, Louis
- Date: 1880
Image 25 of A description of Louisiana, HENNEPIN. 17 Besides the sailors he had another Uttle flock. This was a number of girls sent over to settle in Canada. His zeal for their spiritual good led to an angry…
- Contributor: Shea, John Gilmary - Hennepin, Louis
- Date: 1880
Image 26 of A description of Louisiana, I 8 SKETCH OF first Bishop of Quebec, who made the voyage with us, having given me the direction of these girls, I thought I had a right to reply to the…
- Contributor: Shea, John Gilmary - Hennepin, Louis
- Date: 1880
Image 27 of A description of Louisiana, HENNEPIN. 19 the Count de Frontenac, seeing this affair, drew me aside, and told me that I had inadvertently put the Sieur de la Salle in a great passion, when I told…
- Contributor: Shea, John Gilmary - Hennepin, Louis
- Date: 1880
Image 28 of A description of Louisiana, 2G SKETCH OF To this affair Hennepin attributes a life long hostility of La Salle towards him, although we see no traces of it in his Relation of Louisiana. On reaching Canada…
- Contributor: Shea, John Gilmary - Hennepin, Louis
- Date: 1880
Image 29 of A description of Louisiana, HENNEPIN. ^I chapel service and walked with large snow shoes, but for which I should often have fallen into fearful precipices where I should have been lost. Sometimes, in order to relieve…
- Contributor: Shea, John Gilmary - Hennepin, Louis
- Date: 1880
Image 30 of A description of Louisiana, 2± SKETCH Ot^ a canoe to continue my mission, because there are no practicable roads in that country. I was sent as it were to try me, to a mission more than…
- Contributor: Shea, John Gilmary - Hennepin, Louis
- Date: 1880
Image 31 of A description of Louisiana, HENNEPIN. 23 already some little knowledge of the Iroquois language. We thus passed to the Honnehiouts Iroquois and to the Honnontagez,j who received us very well. This nation is the most warlike…
- Contributor: Shea, John Gilmary - Hennepin, Louis
- Date: 1880
Image 32 of A description of Louisiana, 2^ SKETCH OF mounted from their horses to make us get on them and take us with them to New Orange in order to regale me there. When they heard me speak…
- Contributor: Shea, John Gilmary - Hennepin, Louis
- Date: 1880
Image 33 of A description of Louisiana, HENNEPIN. 25 From Fort Catarocouy his subsequent journey- ings are given in the following pages which describe La Salle s expedition to Niagara, Mich- ilimakinac, Green Bay, the Fort of the Miamis,…
- Contributor: Shea, John Gilmary - Hennepin, Louis
- Date: 1880
Image 34 of A description of Louisiana, 26 SKETCH OF at Chateau Cambresis, where he was visited by his old companion Father Zenobius Membre. He was, he tells us in the Nouvelle Decouverte, Guardian of the Recollects at Renti…
- Contributor: Shea, John Gilmary - Hennepin, Louis
- Date: 1880
Image 35 of A description of Louisiana, HENNEPIN. 27 senting a placet to him, detailing his trials, while the king was encamped at the chapel of Harle- mont. Louis XIV, placed it in the hands of the Grand Provost…
- Contributor: Shea, John Gilmary - Hennepin, Louis
- Date: 1880
Image 36 of A description of Louisiana, 28 SKETCH OF Blaithwayt wrote in the name of William III, to the Father Rennere de Payez, Commissary General of the Recollects at Louvain, asking him to send Hennepin to the American…
- Contributor: Shea, John Gilmary - Hennepin, Louis
- Date: 1880
Image 37 of A description of Louisiana, HENNEPIN. 29 Stopped between Antwerp and Mordick by six horsemen who robbed them of all their money. By the help of some friends he managed how- ever to reach Loo, and the…
- Contributor: Shea, John Gilmary - Hennepin, Louis
- Date: 1880
Image 38 of A description of Louisiana, 3C SKETCH OF Willing now to return to America as a mission- ary, he sought the support of William III, not as the overthrower of the Catholic King of England, but as…
- Contributor: Shea, John Gilmary - Hennepin, Louis
- Date: 1880
Image 39 of A description of Louisiana, HENNEPIN. 31 J. B. Foppens, a bibliographer of the last century in his Bibliotheca Belgica, Brussels, 1739 (vol. ii, pp. 832-3) says that Hennepin wrote also La Morale Pratique du Jansenisme avec…
- Contributor: Shea, John Gilmary - Hennepin, Louis
- Date: 1880
Image 40 of A description of Louisiana, 32 SKETCH OF Du Lhut, says It is necessary to know him somewhat, for he will not fail to exaggerate every- thing it is his character yet La Salle else- where appeals…
- Contributor: Shea, John Gilmary - Hennepin, Louis
- Date: 1880