Book/Printed Material A discourse, delivered at New-Haven, Feb. 22, 1800; on the character of George Washington, esq. : at the request of the citizens
Image 1 of A discourse, delivered at New-Haven, Feb. 22, 1800; on the character of George …
- Contributor: Dwight, Timothy
- Date: 1800
Image 2 of A discourse, delivered at New-Haven, Feb. 22, 1800; on the character of George … 011 783 280 6 HoUinger pH8.5 Mill Run F3-1955
- Contributor: Dwight, Timothy
- Date: 1800
Image 3 of A discourse, delivered at New-Haven, Feb. 22, 1800; on the character of George … JE 312 !.17 .098 Copy 2 DISCOURSE. A DELIVERED AT NEW-HAVEN, FEB. 22, l8oo ON THE CHARACTER OF GEORGE WASHINGTON, Efq. AT THE REQUEST OF THE CITIZENS; By TIMOTHY DWIGHT, D.D. PRESIDENT…
- Contributor: Dwight, Timothy
- Date: 1800
Image 4 of A discourse, delivered at New-Haven, Feb. 22, 1800; on the character of George … 182/1 7
- Contributor: Dwight, Timothy
- Date: 1800
Image 5 of A discourse, delivered at New-Haven, Feb. 22, 1800; on the character of George … mmaaxsBEBiamt A PROCLAMATION, BY THE PRESIDENT of the United States of America* WHEREAS the Congrefs of the United States have this day refolved, That it be recowimeiided to the People of the…
- Contributor: Dwight, Timothy
- Date: 1800
Image 6 of A discourse, delivered at New-Haven, Feb. 22, 1800; on the character of George … At two o clock P.M. the citizens affembled, in unufual concourfe, at the brick Meeting-houfe, where were per- formed the following exerciies 1. A F jneral Anthem. 2. An appropriate Prayer, by…
- Contributor: Dwight, Timothy
- Date: 1800
Image 7 of A discourse, delivered at New-Haven, Feb. 22, 1800; on the character of George … swa DEUTERONOMYj XXXIV. lO, II, 12. And there arofe not a prophet, fince in IJraely like un^ to McJeSy whom the Lord knew face to face j In all the figns and…
- Contributor: Dwight, Timothy
- Date: 1800
Image 8 of A discourse, delivered at New-Haven, Feb. 22, 1800; on the character of George … When we remember the numbers, and the charac- ter, of the prophets who followed Moles when we confider that of this number were Samuel, Da- vid, Ifaiah, and Daniel we cannot but…
- Contributor: Dwight, Timothy
- Date: 1800
Image 9 of A discourse, delivered at New-Haven, Feb. 22, 1800; on the character of George … ?iave long pafTed rather for the mere unburdening of an American heart, than for the means of honour- ing his charailer. Where fo much is demanded, and fo little will be accepted,…
- Contributor: Dwight, Timothy
- Date: 1800
Image 10 of A discourse, delivered at New-Haven, Feb. 22, 1800; on the character of George … to fuperior endowments and attainments, be fuper- added, by Providence, a happy field, in which they may be advantageoufly difplayed. Some object feen, and felt, by the mind, to be of fufncient…
- Contributor: Dwight, Timothy
- Date: 1800
Image 11 of A discourse, delivered at New-Haven, Feb. 22, 1800; on the character of George … 9 which force abhorrence. The luftre ITied around them is gloomy and difmal a glare of Avernus a darknefs vifible at which the eye gazes with a mixture of aftonifhment and horror.…
- Contributor: Dwight, Timothy
- Date: 1800
Image 12 of A discourse, delivered at New-Haven, Feb. 22, 1800; on the character of George … 10 may find in fome fingle walk of greatnefs but in the whole progrefs he is hitherto alone. For this preeminence he was plainly fitted by nature, and education, by the manner…
- Contributor: Dwight, Timothy
- Date: 1800
Image 13 of A discourse, delivered at New-Haven, Feb. 22, 1800; on the character of George … II profit to others, and his equally cheerful exclufion of his own defcendants from all places of diftin6lion when we confider his glorious integrity in adhering always to the duties of his…
- Contributor: Dwight, Timothy
- Date: 1800
Image 14 of A discourse, delivered at New-Haven, Feb. 22, 1800; on the character of George … 12 He was not, like Mofes, the emancipator of a na- tion, the head of a new church, or the founder of an empire but he was the mofl illuftrious follower of…
- Contributor: Dwight, Timothy
- Date: 1800
Image 15 of A discourse, delivered at New-Haven, Feb. 22, 1800; on the character of George … eftablilTiment of political freedom and fafety. Illuf-, trioufly defcended, diftinguiflied in early yo^Jth for a feries of honourable aftions, and already the ob- jcft of governmental confidence and public hope, he was…
- Contributor: Dwight, Timothy
- Date: 1800
Image 16 of A discourse, delivered at New-Haven, Feb. 22, 1800; on the character of George … principle of the army, and of the nation and by the unanimous voice of the Eftates was advanced to the throne. In this high ftation, enjoying every teftimony of public refpefl fhort…
- Contributor: Dwight, Timothy
- Date: 1800
Image 17 of A discourse, delivered at New-Haven, Feb. 22, 1800; on the character of George … »5 of a military and political kind. He was a pious Chriftian, a warm friend, a tender hufband, a duti- ful fon, an affeftionate father. The fentiments fuit- ed to all thefe…
- Contributor: Dwight, Timothy
- Date: 1800
Image 18 of A discourse, delivered at New-Haven, Feb. 22, 1800; on the character of George … i6 affability of deportment the highieft capacity and inclination for fcience with the moll fhining talents for action and, let me add, the warmell devo- tion and piety with the utmoft candour…
- Contributor: Dwight, Timothy
- Date: 1800
Image 19 of A discourse, delivered at New-Haven, Feb. 22, 1800; on the character of George … 17 muft in many relpedls be unfairly inftituted. Yef a ftrong refemblance between him and the hero of our own country is fo evident, that the recital of it is become almoft…
- Contributor: Dwight, Timothy
- Date: 1800
Image 20 of A discourse, delivered at New-Haven, Feb. 22, 1800; on the character of George … i8 ed i and that, in a third, total ruin was prevented j is plainly and chiefly to be attributed to the fl^ill and firmnelsofa youth between nineteen and twenty- three,a61:ing in…
- Contributor: Dwight, Timothy
- Date: 1800
Image 21 of A discourse, delivered at New-Haven, Feb. 22, 1800; on the character of George … J9 foul, by which the army was formed, quickened, and actuated. In the midft of the immenfe and mo- mentous concerns, lying alway on his mind, no want, nor its lupply no…
- Contributor: Dwight, Timothy
- Date: 1800
Image 22 of A discourse, delivered at New-Haven, Feb. 22, 1800; on the character of George … 20 A country, an army, fituated as were ours, car- ried misfortune in their face. The country was un- ikilled and unfurniilied and its councils, compofed indeed of great and good men,…
- Contributor: Dwight, Timothy
- Date: 1800
Image 23 of A discourse, delivered at New-Haven, Feb. 22, 1800; on the character of George … 2! his labours in the peace and fafety, the veneration and bleffings, of his countrymen. His political, was not lefs honorable than his mi- litary, career. When, under the weaknefs and in-…
- Contributor: Dwight, Timothy
- Date: 1800
Image 24 of A discourse, delivered at New-Haven, Feb. 22, 1800; on the character of George … S2 fecured a glory, which is fingular. Nothing could have fo difcovered his felfpolTefrion, evinced his f«- periority to ambition, or proved his mind to be the refidence of patriotifm and principle.…
- Contributor: Dwight, Timothy
- Date: 1800
Image 25 of A discourse, delivered at New-Haven, Feb. 22, 1800; on the character of George … ^3 in iininformed and iinpolifhed fociety, gives vent to exceflive paffion. When he had crolFed the creek, lie delayed his progrefs to his beloved abode, to fhake all the adults by the…
- Contributor: Dwight, Timothy
- Date: 1800
Image 26 of A discourse, delivered at New-Haven, Feb. 22, 1800; on the character of George … 24 ori which theoretical fpeculations had lefs influence, and the decifions of common fenfe more. At the fame time, no man ever more earneftly or iiniformly fought advice, or regarded it, when…
- Contributor: Dwight, Timothy
- Date: 1800
Image 27 of A discourse, delivered at New-Haven, Feb. 22, 1800; on the character of George … a5 enemies, and in profperous and adverfe circumftan-^ ces, alike and which, when it has done its duty, isregardlefs of opinions and confequences. Nor was he lefs indebted to his peculiar firm-…
- Contributor: Dwight, Timothy
- Date: 1800
Image 28 of A discourse, delivered at New-Haven, Feb. 22, 1800; on the character of George … 26 yer exculpated hiinfelf from any charge, nof replied to any calumny. His accufers, for fuch he had, had opportunity to make the mod of their accufa- tions his calumniators, if their…
- Contributor: Dwight, Timothy
- Date: 1800
Image 29 of A discourse, delivered at New-Haven, Feb. 22, 1800; on the character of George … familiar converfanon from which bluntncfs, fiatte-i ry, witticifm, indelicacy, negligcnpe,, paflipn,, and overadion, were alike excluded, i. /I From thefe things happily combmed, al ways ftciiy and feen always in their native…
- Contributor: Dwight, Timothy
- Date: 1800
Image 30 of A discourse, delivered at New-Haven, Feb. 22, 1800; on the character of George … a8 perfon, willing to be fatisfied. I fhall only add, that if he was not a Chriftian, he was more like one, than any man of the fame defcription, whofe life has…
- Contributor: Dwight, Timothy
- Date: 1800
Image 31 of A discourse, delivered at New-Haven, Feb. 22, 1800; on the character of George … «9 this audience, the way to become great, refpedablc, and ufeful. Such, my friends and fellow citizens, was the man, whofe death we are aflembled to lament, and. v^hofe worth we commemorate.…
- Contributor: Dwight, Timothy
- Date: 1800
Image 32 of A discourse, delivered at New-Haven, Feb. 22, 1800; on the character of George … 3° to enaft laws when Courts meet to diftribute jiif- tice when Congregations gather to worlhip God they naturally, and almoft neceffarily, fay To Wafhington it is owing, under God, that we…
- Contributor: Dwight, Timothy
- Date: 1800
Image 33 of A discourse, delivered at New-Haven, Feb. 22, 1800; on the character of George … 3 J it would have been t6 have had your armies betray- ed, your lands ravaged, your houTes burnt, your beft citizens brought to the halter, your wives and daughters dillionoured, and…
- Contributor: Dwight, Timothy
- Date: 1800
Image 34 of A discourse, delivered at New-Haven, Feb. 22, 1800; on the character of George … gbry, the fame veneration. To be wife and good j to forget, or reftrain, the dictates of paffion, and o- bey thole of duty to leek fingly the public wel- fare, and…
- Contributor: Dwight, Timothy
- Date: 1800
Image 35 of A discourse, delivered at New-Haven, Feb. 22, 1800; on the character of George … IS not the flafli of brilliancy, nor the defperate fally of ambition that it is, on the contrary, the connbi- ned refult of ilrong mental endowments, vigorous cultivation, honourable defign, and wife…
- Contributor: Dwight, Timothy
- Date: 1800
Image 36 of A discourse, delivered at New-Haven, Feb. 22, 1800; on the character of George … 34 our. union j to defpife trifling difcriminations to reverence our conftitution j to rejeft watchfully all ailbciations and faftions, formed to oppofe it; to preferve a well balanced adminiftration to encou-…
- Contributor: Dwight, Timothy
- Date: 1800
Image 37 of A discourse, delivered at New-Haven, Feb. 22, 1800; on the character of George … JL and Americans find lefs reafon to lament, that Wafhington is dead becaufe they will Hill lee him live in the policy and glory, the fiifety and peace, the vii tue and…
- Contributor: Dwight, Timothy
- Date: 1800
Image 38 of A discourse, delivered at New-Haven, Feb. 22, 1800; on the character of George … ii D. Upwatds of 9000 men, together with the great body of artillery, ammunition, horfcs, carriages, cattle, provilions, Sec. were conveyed from Long-Ifland to New- York, while the Britifh army was fo…
- Contributor: Dwight, Timothy
- Date: 1800
Image 39 of A discourse, delivered at New-Haven, Feb. 22, 1800; on the character of George … 37 that neither myfclf nor my wife are in the way to do thefc good offices. See Dodor Trumbull s Sei-nioa. I\^ote. In a letter from a gentleman in Alexandria to his…
- Contributor: Dwight, Timothy
- Date: 1800
Image 40 of A discourse, delivered at New-Haven, Feb. 22, 1800; on the character of George … in boats down Hudfon s River^ and, landing below the ene- my in the night, was to have made the principal attack on their rear. The American army was at this time…
- Contributor: Dwight, Timothy
- Date: 1800